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3rd,4th,5th No Prep Reading

Reading Science

Differentiated Close Reading

Non Fiction Passages


Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain how the
arctic fox adapts to their
surroundings. Use specific examples
from your text to support your

Arctic Fox
Underline the part in the text that
If you have a hard time seeing this arctic animal,
you are not alone. The arctic fox lives in some of the supports your answer.
coldest locations in the world, including Greenland, Iceland 1. What does the word stature mean in
and northern Russia and has made many adaptations to
survive. Because it lives in such cold weather, the arctic fox
this passage?
has been forced to adapt to its surroundings. The first __________________________________
adaptation is its dense, multi-layered fur and thick layer of
body fat. This keeps the fox insulated and warm in the
2. Where does the arctic fox live?
harsh –70 degree Celsius temperatures. The arctic fox __________________________________
also changes the color of its fur from white to grayish
3. Describe the arctic fox’s den.
brown, in order to camouflage with the changing seasons.
Its bushy tail acts much like a cat’s and provides balance to __________________________________
the fox as it runs, but it also can give it a comfortable and
warm place to sleep. The arctic fox likes to dine on almost
any small animal it can find, including rodents, birds, and ————————————————————
fish and is also considered an omnivore because it eats
4. Why can you infer an arctic fox
berries and seaweed. They are relatively small in stature,
or size, and weight about 7 to 10 pounds. The arctic fox needs several entrances and exits to
does not hibernate and is active all year long. They their den?
prepare for the winter by building up their fat reserves in
order to be better insulated for the winter. The arctic fox
lives in a large den that consists of many tunnels with __________________________________
multiple entrances and exits. The same tunnels may be
used for many generations and changed to fit the needs
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of the current fox family. The arctic fox usually has 5 to 8

kits and both the mother and the father work together to
raise them. Thankfully, the arctic fox population is not in
danger. Both their habitat and food sources are plentiful __________________________________
and will hopefully continue to grow! A/1170

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain how the
arctic fox uses their den. Use
specific examples from your text to
support your answer!

Arctic Fox
Underline the part in the text that
The arctic fox lives in Greenland, Iceland and in
supports your answer.
some of the coldest parts of Northern Russia. This arctic
animal is medium in size and weighs 7-10 pounds. They 1. What does the word adapt mean in
are usually white in color in order to camouflage with the
this passage?
snow, but the changing seasons (spring and summer)
bring a darker color to their fur. The arctic fox has __________________________________
been able to live in such cold places because it is able to
2. Why does the artic fox’s fur change
adapt. This means it has special characteristics that help
it to survive in the –70 degree weather. One
characteristic is their multi-layered fur. Their fur helps __________________________________
to keep the wind, rain and snow from chilling their skin. __________________________________
A large layer of fat also helps to insulate, or keep the
fox warm. Small rodents, birds and fish are some of the __________________________________
arctic fox’s favorite foods, but it also likes to eat berries 3. What can the arctic fox eat?
and seaweed. The arctic fox lives in a large den that has
many entrances and exits and dozes of tunnels. This is
helpful when the fox is trying to escape from a predator. __________________________________
They may go quickly into one entrance and leave from
4. What is one special characteristic of
another exit, tricking the predator as it waits where the
the arctic fox?
fox entered the den. Arctic fox dens are also kept for
many generations. A new fox family may add or remove __________________________________
areas of the tunnel that their own parents, or even
grandparents, dug out years before! This is also where a
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mother arctic fox gives birth. She will have 5-8 babies,
called kits. Both the mother and father will work __________________________________
together to help take care of the young foxes. Luckily,
the arctic fox is not in danger of being extinct and we will __________________________________
get to enjoy this animal for years to come. O/1030

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain how the
arctic fox is able to survive in cold
weather. Use specific examples from
your text to support your answer!

Arctic Fox
Underline the part in the text that
The arctic fox is a small mammal that lives
supports your answer.
in Greenland and Russia. Its fur is bright white
1. What do the words bone chilling
during the winter and turns brown during the
mean in this passage?
spring and summer. Their changing color fur
helps them to blend in with their surroundings and __________________________________
keeps them safe from predators. The 2. Where in the world does the arctic
temperature is very cold where the arctic fox fox live?
lives. It’s a good thing the fox is used to this _________________________________
weather! They are covered in a wonderful fur
3. Baby foxes are called __________ .
coat that has many different layers. Each layer
does a good job at keeping the fox warm and
dry. A thick layer of fat also helps keep the fox 4. Based on the text, draw what you
warm on bone chilling days. Food is sometimes think an arctic fox den looks like.
hard to find in the cold weather, but the arctic
fox can still locate mice, birds and even fish to
eat. Baby arctic foxes are called kits. A
female arctic fox can have up to 5 kits at a
time. The whole fox family stays safe inside their
underground den. The den can have many
tunnels. The tunnels in the den may have been
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there for many years and used by many fox

families. The arctic fox is not endangered.
Hopefully, it will be around for many more
years! B/850

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain how you
could identify specific orcas in the
wild. Use specific examples from your
text to support your answer!

Underline the part in the text that
The orca, also known as the killer whale, is the
largest member of the toothed whale family and is found in supports your answer.
all oceans. They are a matriarchal society, which means 1. What does the word matriarchal
they are led by females and are also incredibly smart. The
mean in this passage?
orca typically has a black back, white chest and sides and a
white patch above and behind the eye. Males can be up __________________________________
to 26 feet long and weight 6 tons. When a baby orca is
2. What is an apex predator?
born, it already weighs 400 pounds. That is as much as an
adult male lion! Individual orcas can often be identified by __________________________________
their dorsal fin and saddle patch. A whale will acquire
scratches, nicks and tears on their dorsal fin and the
pattern on their saddle patch (area behind their fin) is as 3. Describe what an orca looks like.
unique as a human’s fingerprint. Wild orcas have a
lifespan of about 50 years, however orcas that are kept in
captivity rarely live past 25. Orcas feed on almost every __________________________________
type of marine life, including birds, fish, seals, sea lions and
even other whales. Killer whales are apex predators,
meaning they have no natural enemies in the wild. They are 4. Why can you infer the lifespan of an
sometimes called the wolves of the sea because they hunt orca in captivity is so much less than a
in groups like wolves. A pod of orcas will usually work wild orca?
together to circle around and beach small mammals, like
penguins and seals, onto land. The small animals are __________________________________
exhausted once they are on land and are an easy meal for __________________________________
the orcas. Killer whales rely on echolocation to
communicate with other whales in their pod. They use a __________________________________
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variation of clicks, whistles, and calls to hunt, talk and __________________________________

navigate their way through the ocean. If you have the
opportunity, you should jump at the chance to see these __________________________________
magnificent creatures!

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain why the
orca pod is important. Use specific
examples from your text to support
your answer!

Underline the part in the text that
The orca whale, or killer whale as it is also known,
supports your answer.
is found in all the oceans around the world. This very
smart mammal can weigh up to 6 tons and can be as 1. What does the word beach mean in
long as 26 feet. They are black and white in color and this passage?
have a large dorsal fin on the top of their backs. The
area behind their dorsal fin is called a saddle patch.
Their saddle patch can be lighter in color and is unique 2. How are orcas and elephants similar?
to each animal. This is one way scientist and biologist
can identify orcas in the wild. Orcas live in family
groups called pods. These pods can have as many as __________________________________
40 whales! The pod is very important to the killer whale 3. How do orcas use echolocation?
because this is how they hunt, protect their babies and
live. Just like elephants, orca pods have female leaders.
Killer whales are at the top of the food chain, without __________________________________
any natural enemies. They are also excellent hunters.
Using the power of the pod, killer whales work together
to circle around prey, like seals and penguins. They use 4. Use inferencing skills to figure out
their large size and strength in numbers to tire their prey why having limited food availability
and eventually beach them on land. This means they might hurt the wild orca population.
force the smaller animal onto land or small piece of ice
where they are usually made into a meal very quickly.
Using the same communication techniques as bats, killer __________________________________
whales use clicks and whistles to “talk” to other whales in
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their pod. This is called echolocation. The killer whale

population is strong, however hunting, limited food __________________________________
availability and pollution are a few problems that they __________________________________
face in their ocean habitat. Killer whales are definitely
a sight to see! O/1060

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain how
killer whales could be similar to
humans. Use specific examples from
your text to support your answer!

Underline the part in the text that
The orca (killer whale) is found in every
supports your answer.
ocean on Earth. Orcas are black and white and
weigh as much as 3 elephants! They have special Fill in the blank:
markings on their body called saddle patches. This 1. Killer whales have a great sense of
is one thing that makes each orca different, just ____________________________ .
like every human’s fingerprint is different. Orcas 2. What body marking makes each
can live in the wild about 50 years, but in zoos and orca different?
aquariums they are lucky to live for 25 years.
Living in pods, or family groups, orcas hunt and live
together. They develop deep friendships and __________________________________
bonds with their pod mates. The pods are lead by 3. What is a new fact you learned
female whales and they communicate with each about the orca?
other by using clicks, whistles, and other calls. The
killer whale’s sense of hearing is great. They can
hear the sounds of other whales from miles away. __________________________________

Killer whales eat different kinds of food, including ————————————————————

birds, seals, sea lions and fish. Female orcas can 4. Do you think there will still be killer
have a baby every three to five years called a whales in the wild in 10 years.? Why
calf. It takes about 17 months for the calf to or why not?
grow and develop and only one calf is born at a
time. Newborn whales can weigh up to 400
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pounds! We are very lucky that there are still __________________________________

many killer whales left in the wild. If we continue to __________________________________
take care of the Earth, they will be with us for
many more years to come. B/930

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain why the
narwhal is a unique mammal. Use
specific examples from your text to
support your answer!

Underline the part in the text that
Nicknamed the unicorn of the sea because their
large protruding “tusk”, the narwhal is an magnificent supports your answer.
creature. The prominent “tusk” at the front of the head is 1. What is the average size and weight
actually not a tusk at all. It is a long tooth that is only
of a narwhal?
preset in male narwhals and can grow to almost 10 feet
long! All narwhals are born with 2 teeth, but they grow and __________________________________
change over time. Males have one tooth that grows longer
2. How do narwhals communicate?
and females lose both of their teeth. Narwhals are closely
related to the beluga whale and are between 13-18 feet __________________________________
long. They have blackish brown markings over a white
skinned body and can weigh up to 3,500 pounds. These
porpoises live in the frigid Arctic waters and live in groups, 3. Why is the narwhal called the unicorn
or pods, of between 5-10 narwhals. They have a specific of the sea?
diet of shrimp and also eat different kinds of fish and squid.
Since narwhals do not have a set of teeth to catch their
prey, they swim up closely and suck with great force until __________________________________
they catch something in their mouths. These toothed whales
also use echolocation to communicate with one another, just
like orcas. The clicks, whistles, and knocks, help the narwhals 4. What are some dangers that
stay in touch with each other, hunt prey and swim through narwhals are facing today?
the icy arctic waters together. Narwhals can live to be over
50 years old and often die when openings in the ice freeze __________________________________
over and they are unable to come up to get air. There are __________________________________
only about 50,000 narwhals left in the wild, which puts them
on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s __________________________________
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threatened animal list. Humans are threatening the narwhal __________________________________

population due to hunting and climate change is also
making it difficult for narwhals to find places to live. One __________________________________
thing is certain, we don’t ever want these unicorns of the
sea to disappear!

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain at least
2 special characteristics that help the
narwhal survive in the ocean. Use
specific examples from your text to
support your answer!

Underline the part in the text that
The narwhal is a special underwater mammal that
lives in the Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway
supports your answer.
and Russia. This sea animal is related to the orca and 1. Where do narwhals live?
bottlenose dolphin and can grow to be over 10 feet long.
Narwhals are often called the “unicorns of the sea”
because of the large horn on the front of their head. 2. What do scientists believe is the
However, this horn isn’t a horn at all. It’s a tooth! purpose of their long tooth?
Scientist’s are not 100% sure of the long tooth’s purpose,
but since it is usually found in males, they believe it has
something to do with attracting female narwhals. __________________________________
Narwhals use clicks and whistles called echolocation to
3. Why is the narwhal a threatened
“talk” with members of their pod. This sound system also
allows them to hunt for food more easily. Sound waves species?
bounce off prey nearby and alert the narwhals to where __________________________________
they need to swim to eat. Narwhals are usually slow
moving animals, but they can move quickly when they are
being chased by predators. These predators include polar ————————————————————
bears, killer whales and walruses. Narwhals can also
4. How does echolocation help the
escape these predators by diving deep into the water.
They normally stay near the surface of the water, but can narwhal?
dive up to 5,000 feet if needed! Narwhals are migratory __________________________________
animals. This means they stay closer to the shore during
the summer months and travel farther out to sea to live
under the ice during the winter. The narwhal is a __________________________________
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threatened species. Their habitat is being threatened by

warmer weather and the food they eat is also impacted
by this climate change. Humans need to do everything __________________________________
they can so this amazing animal is around for a long time!

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain
echolocation and how this helps
narwhals. Use specific examples from
your text to support your answer!

Underline the part in the text that
I bet you can figure out why people call the
supports your answer.
narwhal the unicorn of the sea. If you guessed it is
because of the large “horn” on the front of the 1. What does the narwhal eat?
narwhal’s head, you are correct! What’s interesting is
that this “horn” is actually not a horn at all. It’s a tooth!
Male and female narwhals are born with 2 teeth. The 2. How much can a narwhal weigh?
female narwhals lose both of their teeth and the males
have one tooth that grows longer than other one. This
one tooth can grow to be as long as 10 feet! This is just 3. What is a difference between male
one characteristic that makes the narwhal unique. and female narwhals?
Narwhals are related to the beluga whale and can weigh
almost 3,500 pounds. They live in pods like killer whales,
but their pods are much smaller. They only have 5-10 __________________________________
narwhals in each pod. Narwhals like to eat shrimp and ————————————————————
other fish and they have a unique way of catching them.
Instead of using their teeth to catch food, they use a __________________________________
sucking motion to suck the prey towards them, much like a 4. Explain why someone might say a
vacuum cleaner. Like killer whales, narwhals also use narwhal is similar to a vacuum
echolocation to “talk” to other members of their pod.
They use clicking and whistling sounds to communicate with
one another. They also use echolocation to find food. __________________________________
Narwhals make a clicking noise and wait for the sound to __________________________________
“bounce” off of a fish or shrimp. The sound comes back
towards the narwhal and directs the whale in the right __________________________________
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direction to find the food. This way of finding food helps __________________________________
the animal be more efficient and waste less time
swimming around the ocean! Narwhals are a threatened
species, with only about 50,000 left in the wild. B/910

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain why a
walrus could be considered an
intelligent animal. Use specific
examples from your text to support
your answer!
The walrus is a fascinating marine mammal that lives
Underline the part in the text that
in the arctic regions of the world. When you look at a
supports your answer.
walrus, there’s no question one of the first things you see is
their beautiful long tusks. These tusks help the walrus do 1. What does the word herd mean in
many things. Their tusks can be used for digging for food this passage?
on the ocean floor, fighting with other walruses and they can
even be used to help pull themselves up out of the water. __________________________________
The walrus’ sheer size of 1,800 to 3,700 pounds, makes this 2. How does the walrus use its tusks?
task seem unbelievable! A walrus is covered by thick skin
and a layer of blubber to help keep it warm in the icy arctic __________________________________
waters. The walrus social structure is very complex and they __________________________________
have a high level of communication. Walruses also have a
desire for physical contact so they establish large herds 3. What predators does the walrus
where every walrus has a place. In the wild, this is the have?
reason you may see groups of thousands of walruses laying
together on ocean rocks. Each walrus can move up or down
in the herd and they all seem to know where their place is __________________________________
within the herd. For example, males and females are
grouped in different herds, as well as females that have just
had offspring. The females are very protective of their 4. Explain how the mother walrus takes
young and will raise and care for them for about 2 years care of her baby.
before they are ready to be on their own. The mother will
feed her baby milk and it will pack on at least a pound and __________________________________
a half of blubber each day! A walrus has a limited amount __________________________________
of natural predators in the wild. The killer whale and the
polar bear may attack a walrus for a meal, but humans used __________________________________
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to be the walrus’ number one enemy. The walrus was __________________________________

frequently hunted for their tusks, blubber and skin. Luckily,
this typed of hunting was outlawed and the walrus population __________________________________
has recovered nicely.

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain some of
the walrus’ special characteristics.
Use specific examples from your text
to support your answer!

Underline the part in the text that
What animal has two large tusks, a mustache and
barks? If you said a walrus, you’re correct! This large supports your answer.
mammal weighs between 1,800 to 3,700 pounds and 1. What does the word migrate mean in
maintains a high body weight because of the blubber stored
this passage?
underneath its skin. This blubber, or layer of fat, helps to
keep the walrus warm in the artic temperatures of Alaska __________________________________
and the Bering Sea. The walrus’ tusks are used for many
2. What does the word blubber mean
things. They are used for forming and maintaining holes in
the ice. They are also used for digging, climbing and in this passage?
fighting. The walrus’ skin is mostly bald and can be varying
shades of brown, depending on the age of the walrus.
Young walruses are a deep brown color, while older ones 3. How does the walrus use its tusks?
appear almost pink. The walrus has an air sac located under
its throat that acts like a life jacket. This sac can fill up with
air and allow the walrus to float in the water to sleep! The __________________________________
walrus is not a particularly good diver, but they can remain
submerged for over a half an hour. This helps them to
gather clams, mollusks, crabs and shrimp to eat. Walruses 4. Explain how the walrus uses the air
migrate, or move, to warmer locations during the spring and sac under its throat.
summer months. For example, several hundred thousand
Pacific Walruses can be seen grouped together on rocky __________________________________
beaches near the Bering Strait. Since the walrus is so large, __________________________________
it only has two natural predators: the killer whale and polar
bear. But humans used to also pose a major threat to the __________________________________
walrus. During the late 19th century and early 20th __________________________________
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century, walruses were widely hunted by Americans and

Europeans for their meat, blubber, skin and ivory tusks. This __________________________________
type of hunting is now outlawed and the population has __________________________________
recovered. The walrus is no longer in danger of being a
threatened population. O/1050

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain why the
walrus is a unique mammal. Use
specific examples from your text to
support your answer!

Even though many walruses may tip the scales Underline the part in the text that
at over 2,000 pounds, they are gentle giants. Their supports your answer.
size is big, but they are not mean! The walrus is a
1. What do the words gentle giants
flabby marine mammal that is covered by brown or
mean in this passage?
pink skin. They have two small eyes, a moustache and
two large tusks. Their tusks can grow to be over 3 __________________________________
feet long and may use them to break through the ice
or to protect themselves from other walruses or
predators. Walruses are considered carnivores (meat 2. How long does a baby walrus stay
eaters), but they are not bold hunters. Their favorite with their mother?
food is shellfish. They dive down under the water and __________________________________
use their whiskers to feel for shellfish. It has even
3. How does blubber help a baby
been reported that a walrus can eat almost 4,000
clams in one feeding! Most walruses live in the cold
Artic waters and belong to a large group called a __________________________________
herd. During the day, you may see a large herd of
walruses sunbathing on the ice or land together.
Usually the males have a herd together and the ————————————————————
females have a separate herd. Females give birth to 4. Describe what a walrus looks like.
their babies in spring. After 15-16 months of waiting,
their calf is born. It stays with its mother for up to 2
years! The female walrus nurses its baby with milk and __________________________________
the milk helps the baby grow more and more blubber. __________________________________
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Blubber helps to protect the baby walrus from the

freezing temperatures. In the 1950’s, the whole
walrus population was almost wiped out due to hunting. __________________________________
Now, the population is high and the walrus is safe!

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain how a
polar bear uses still-hunting. Use
specific examples from your text to
support your answer!

Polar Bear
Underline the part in the text that
The polar bear is considered a marine mammal
because it spends many months of the year at sea, but it is supports your answer.
also the only marine mammal to have powerful limbs and feet
1. What do the words guard hair mean
that allow it to go across land on foot. A male polar bear can
in this passage?
weigh up to 1,500 pounds and can stand up to 9 feet tall!
Polar bears have incredibly warm fur and can actually __________________________________
overheat at 50 degrees Celsius. Their fur consists of an
underfur that is covered by guard hairs. Guard hairs are 2. What is a seal breathing hole?
longer coarser hair that stick out of an animal’s fur. The polar __________________________________
bear’s coat is white, but usually starts to look yellow as it ages.
Polar bears that are raised in captivity in warmer climates may 3. Why would a polar bear’s fur look
actually have a greenish tint to their fur. This is because algae green?
starts to grow inside the guard hairs because of the heat and
humidity! The polar bear is a carnivore and primarily eats seals __________________________________
in the wild. Their preferred way of hunting is called __________________________________
still-hunting. They use their excellent sense of smell to find a
seal breathing hole and then they wait. A seal breathing hole ————————————————————
is an opening in the ice where a seal can come up for a breath
4. Explain the challenges the polar bear
of air. A hungry bear can wait for hours in silence for a seal
to appear and then swipe it up on land with a powerful thrust faces.
of its paw. Taking the seal’s head in its mouth, the polar bear __________________________________
crushes the seal’s skull and enjoys a tasty meal. Polar bears
rarely live past the age of 25 in the wild and their species may __________________________________
have challenges as the Earth changes. In 2008, the polar
bear was placed on the Endangered Species List in North
America. Although the hunting of polar bears has been __________________________________
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banned for many years, the climate of their habitat continues

to get warmer and the icy environment where they live is
diminishing. Hopefully, the polar bear will be able to adapt __________________________________
and we will not lose this beautiful creature forever!

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain special
characteristics that help the polar
bear survive in its habitat. Use
specific examples from your text to
support your answer!

Polar Bear
The polar bear is surely a majestic creature. Underline the part in the text that
Weighing in at up to 1,500 pounds, it’s hard to believe it supports your answer.
spends most of its life on delicate pieces of floating ice in the
1. What does the word traction mean
Arctic. The polar bear has many unique features that help it
to survive in their habitat. Two of these characteristics are in this passage?
found on the bottom of their large feet. Small bumps are __________________________________
located here to help add traction for the bear to grip onto
the slippery ice when they walk. Using traction, they don’t fall 2. When do polar bears give birth?
down. They also have slightly webbed feet that allow them to
swim through the water more easily. The polar bear’s fur is
also very unique. Although their fur appears to be white in __________________________________
color, it is actually made up of many clear hollow tubes that
3. Is the polar bear’s fur white? Why
are filled with air. Residue left on the polar bear’s black skin
can make their “white” fur appear cream colored or white to or why not?
the human eye. This fur is very important because it keeps __________________________________
the polar bear extremely warm. They have several layers of
fur that helps them keep their body temperature high. The __________________________________
polar bear’s main source of food is the seal. They can spend
up to 50% of their time hunting this animal for food, but are
only successful at getting a meal 2% of the time. This makes __________________________________
the polar bear a very patient hunter! Just like bears that live
4. Why could the polar bear be
in the forest, pregnant polar bears look for a den to have
their cubs. They retreat to the den in October or November considered a patient hunter?
and give birth shortly after. They stay inside with their one or __________________________________
two cubs until March or April. Cubs spend about 2 years with
their mothers until they are ready to be on their own. The __________________________________
N. Zimmerman 2016

polar bear is currently in danger. There are about 20,000

polar bears left in the wild. They are mostly dying because
their icy homes are disappearing because the Earth is getting __________________________________
warmer. Hopefully the polar bear will be able to adapt and
will be around for many more years. O/1010

Writing About Reading

On the back, write to explain special
characteristics that help the polar
bear survive in its habitat. Use
specific examples from your text to
support your answer!

Polar Bear
The polar bear is a large mammal that lives in the Underline the part in the text that
cold Arctic areas of the world. They are very large supports your answer.
(1,500 pounds) and can be as tall as 9 feet when they
1. What color is a polar bear’s skin?
stand on their back legs. Polar bears have thick fur that
keeps them very warm in the cold weather. They have fur __________________________________
that is close to their body called underfur. They also 2. About how many polar bears are left
have another layer of fur on top of their underfur. It is
in the wild?
called guard hair. Dogs and cats also have guard hair.
This hair is longer and rougher than the underfur and it __________________________________
can help prevent freezing water from touching the polar 3. Describe the polar bear’s fur?
bear’s black skin. Their black skin is just another way to
stay warm. The sun is attracted to the color black and it __________________________________
allows the bears soak up the warm rays! Polar bear __________________________________
mothers are very protective of their young cubs. Most
polar bears will have one or two cubs during the winter
months. The cubs will stay with their mother for over 2 __________________________________
years. During this time, their mom will teach them how to
4. Why do polar bears spend over 2
hunt to prepare them for the time when they will be on
their own. Polar bears mostly hunt for seals. These two years with their mother?
animals share the same Arctic home. A polar bear __________________________________
spends almost 50% of its time hunting for food to eat.
This takes up a lot of energy and does not always pro-
duce food. A polar bear only comes home with a meal __________________________________
2% of the time it spends hunting! Sadly, the polar bear
N. Zimmerman 2016

population is facing a huge problem. The Earth is getting

warmer and their icy home is getting smaller. There are __________________________________
only about 20,000 polar bears left in the world today.

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