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15 Fiscavaig Rurat DesiGn Locanon / Locauzac:Careos, St oF Se, Score Provos © Auan Dcxsou “THI UTTLEWOODEN HOUSE ACHEVE FULLY INTEGRATION THE ATLANTIC. LANOSCAPE OF THE LE OF SKYE “Thssmal hola hut, eatin the township of Fai onthe western sé ofthe of Skye celbeately eschews convention du tos unas ste. nded on fist visting the st it was cit ta see haw any proposal ‘ouldsuceed if tcsuptedaanssae at ited sl to erent, ‘The decison the butang ofthe ground on smal lot released the 4esgn tom crwention and allowed tt reat to the wider contest ~ {he ews tothe rerthand the sun fromthe south The frm of thehousede- Uberatty marows tothe north reducing Is stae area and east the ‘wea: The entrance bridge soe of thease andi upon «tering one isconnected tthe vew trough the fly-pazed eevatonto ‘enor The the windowsaresecondany and craw Uti the wostaey \elume Single tinberconsructionreinfces the character ofthehouse asa Vitor inthe anclent andsape ESTA CASA OE MADERA LOGRA INTEGRARSE TOTALMENTE EN EL PISKIE ATLANTICODE LALA DE SKE. Estapaquacsa ce vacacones stuns ena pti de Fcnalgenel ac cestacela la deStye eta 2 prepéstolos lamertas comerciales cctido ‘las craters sles dl emolzaientoEectament, ano se vita el slo por primera ver es dict imagina au una ropuesta cue petende ater unpasajequenasepretzal rterencn puedasal aro Landed de elevarel etc seta ann pequeto pn petite serio do converenaly socal a ontentomis ampli: asitas al rote ye sl dt sur La forma ce ace shace seta hacia enote ‘eberadumete educendo su supertice.y aved exouest alasncleme as el era. lente de eda eleva pr eri dl patajee me datarmente después ce entrar en le conetta conlas vistas wats dela ‘evaintoaknent vind aca etna Lasts vertanassensecund sy Uaen zal ylumen de os pisos. La consti simple de madre refuraet carder aca cr vistas dl pie arti,

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