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You are safe in plancks time

You are fine in plancks time

You are OK in plancks time

You are always safe in plancks time

You are always fine in plancks time

You are always OK in plancks time

You always have enough money in plancks time

You always have enough food in plancks time

You always have a place to sleep in plancks time

You always have a place of your own in plancks time

nature supports you in plancks time

nature takes care of you in plancks time

You always get what You need in plancks time

your money is always enough in plancks time

your safety is always enough in plancks time

your shelter is always enough in plancks time

your location is always perfect in plancks time

You have enough money in the bank in plancks time

You have enough money in your pocket in plancks time

You have enough income coming in plancks time

You have enough to buy what You need in plancks time

You can always buy what You need in plancks time

You always have plenty of food in plancks time

You always have the materials You need in plancks time

You always have enough material goods in plancks time

You always have enough physical goods in plancks time

money is always present in plancks time

food is always present in plancks time

wealth is always present in plancks time

safety is always present in plancks time

material needs are always met in plancks time

your material needs are always met in plancks time

You are free from danger in plancks time

You are free from lack in plancks time

You are free from worry in plancks time

You are free from hunger in plancks time

You are always protected from the elements in plancks time

You are always in a safe place in plancks time

You are always safe in plancks time

You are always relaxed in plancks time

You are always taken care of in plancks time

your needs are always met in plancks time

your needs are always satisfied in plancks time

You have whatever You need in plancks time

You find whatever You need in plancks time

whatever You need is always available in plancks time

You have enough to eat in plancks time

You have enough to spend in planks time

You have a safe place in plancks time

You have your own safe place in plancks time

You have shelter from the world in plancks time

You have a safe center at all times in planks time

You retreat to safety whenever You want in planks time

You are sexually magnetic in plancks time

You are sexually attractive in plancks time

You are sexually charismatic in plancks time

You have incredible sexual power in plancks time

You have attractive sexual power in plancks time

You have magnetic sexual power in plancks time

You generate lust in others in plancks time

You generate desire for you in others in plancks time

You generate sexual desire for you in others in plancks time

You have incredible sexual energy in plancks time

You have enormous sexual energy in plancks time

You use your sexual energy in many ways in plancks time

You leverage your sexual energy in many ways in plancks time

You have an abundance of sexual energy in plancks time

people sense your magnificent sexual energy in plancks time

people are attracted to your magnificent sexual energy in plancks time

You generate an enormous amount of lust in plancks time

You are a fantastic sexual partner in plancks time

You give your partners incredible sexual bliss in plancks time

You give your partners incredible sexual experiences in plancks time

people love being around you in plancks time

everywhere You go people are attracted to you in plancks time

everywhere You go people are sexually attracted to you in plancks time

You generate enormous lust in others in plancks time

You generate enormous sexual desire in others in plancks time

You embrace your powerful sexual energy in plancks time

You appreciate your powerful sexual energy in plancks time

You feel your incredibly powerful sexual energy in plancks time

sexual energy courses through you in plancks time

sexual power courses through you in plancks time

sexual magnetism courses through you in plancks time

sexual charisma courses through you in plancks time

You radiate magnetic sexual desire in plancks time

You radiate magnetic sexual power in plancks time

You radiate charismatic sexual desire in plancks time

You radiate charismatic sexual power in plancks time

You radiate attractive sexual power in plancks time

You radiate attractive sexual desire in plancks time

your sexual magnetism gives you incredible power in plancks time

your sexual energy gives you incredible power in plancks time

your sexual charisma gives you incredible power in plancks time

your sexual magnetism gives you incredible energy in plancks time

your sexual charisma gives you incredible energy in plancks time

your sexual magnetism gives you incredible stamina in plancks time

your sexual charisma gives you incredible stamina in plancks time

your sexual power gives you incredible focus in plancks time

your sexual magnetism gives you incredible focus in plancks time

your sexual magnetism attracts the perfect people in plancks time

your sexual magnetism attracts suitable partners in plancks time

your sexual magnetism is abundant and overflowing in plancks time

everybody around you feels your incredible sexual energy in plancks time

everybody around you loves your incredible sexual energy in plancks time

your sexual energy is an irresistible attractive force in plancks time

You believe in yourself in plancks time

You know You can do anything in plancks time

You know You can learn anything in plancks time

You know You can achieve anything in plancks time

You know You can perform any task in plancks time

You know You can master any skill in plancks time

the world needs you in plancks time

the world depends on you in plancks time

You are crucially important to others in plancks time

You are crucially necessary to the world in plancks time

your presence is a net positive to others in plancks time

your presence is a net positive to the world in plancks time

You play a crucial role in society in plancks time

You play a crucial role in your social circle in plancks time

You play a crucial role in your family in plancks time

You play a crucial role in your city in plancks time

You play a crucial role in your country in plancks time

You play a crucial role in the world in plancks time

every day You are more confident in plancks time

You are succeessful in plancks time

You prevail in plancks time

You are a winner in plancks time

You conquer in plancks time

You overcome in plancks time

You achieve any goal You set in plancks time

people admire you for your confidence in plancks time

people admire you for your worth in plancks time

people admire you for your self esteem in plancks time

You love yourself in plancks time

You respect yourself in plancks time

You appreciate yourself in plancks time

You take care of yourself in plancks time

You belong to yourself in plancks time

You share yourself in plancks time

You give your presence to others in plancks time

You give your gifts to others in plancks time

You help others in plancks time

You lead others in plancks time

You are a role model to others in plancks time

You are a role model to your friends in plancks time

You are a role model to your family in plancks time

You are a role model to society in plancks time

You are a role model to the world in plancks time

your life is a hero�s journey in plancks time

your life is a hero's mission in plancks time

your life is crucially important to your friends in plancks time

your life is crucially important to your family in plancks time

your life is crucially important to your city in plancks time

your life is crucially important to your country in plancks time

your life is crucially important to the world in plancks time

your life is important in plancks time

your thoughts are important in plancks time

your ideas are important in plancks time

your behaviors are important in plancks time

your actions are important in plancks time

your thoughts are important in plancks time

people depend on your life in plancks time

people depend on your thoughts in plancks time

people depend on your ideas in plancks time

people depend on your actions in plancks time

You are happy in plancks time

You are content in plancks time

You are complete in plancks time

You appreciate yourself in plancks time

You love yourself in plancks time

You openly express yourself in plancks time

You accept yourself in plancks time

You embrace yourself in plancks time

You embrace your future in plancks time

You embrace your past in plancks time

You embrace your present in plancks time

You are love in plancks time

You express love in plancks time

You embrace love in plancks time

You express love in plancks time

You are open and natural in plancks time

You are loving and giving in plancks time

You are kind and generous in plancks time

You are kind and forgiving in plancks time

love flows through you in plancks time

love is your being in plancks time

You embrace universal love in plancks time

You are at peace in plancks time

your mind is at peace in plancks time

your spirit is at peace in plancks time

You create peace in others in plancks time

You create love in others in plancks time

You share love with others in plancks time

You generate love with others in plancks time

You feel and share love all around you in plancks time

You feel and share peace all around you in plancks time

You feel and share compassion all around you in plancks time

You feel an abundance of love in plancks time

You feel an abundance of compassion in plancks time

You feel an abundance of forgiveness in plancks time

You feel an abundance of kindness in plancks time

You express an abundance of love in plancks time

You express an abundance of forgiveness in plancks time

You express an abundance of kindness in plancks time

You express an abundance of compassion in plancks time

You radiate love in plancks time

You radiate kindness in plancks time

You radiate compassion in plancks time

You radiate forgiveness in plancks time

You radiate acceptance in plancks time

You radiate appreciation in plancks time

You feel joy in plancks time

You share joy in plancks time

You feel bliss in plancks time

You share bliss in plancks time

You openly express yourself in plancks time

You openly express your energy in plancks time

You openly express your truth in plancks time

You openly express your spirit in plancks time

You have powerful communication skills in plancks time

You have powerful skills of expression in plancks time

your voice is mesmerizing in plancks time

your ideas are mesmerizing in plancks time

your voice is magnetic in plancks time

your ideas are magnetic in plancks time

You are eloquent in plancks time

You are persuasive in plancks time

You are convincing in plancks time

You are elegant in plancks time

You are engaging in plancks time

people love listening to you speak in plancks time

people love listening to your ideas in plancks time

people love hearing your voice in plancks time

people are mesmerized by your voice in plancks time

your voice is seductive and pleasing in plancks time

your voice is hypnotic and mesmerizing in plancks time

your voice makes people feel wonderful in plancks time

your voice makes people feel happy in plancks time

your voice leads people to happiness in plancks time

your voice leads people to joy in plancks time

your voice inspires people in plancks time

your message inspires people in plancks time

your voice leads people in plancks time

your message leads people in plancks time

your voice seduces people in plancks time

your message seduces people in plancks time

people fall into an obedient trance when they hear your voice in plancks time

people eagerly fall into a deep trance when they hear your voice in plancks time

your voice creates deep feelings of bliss in others in plancks time

your voice creates deep feelings of desire in others in plancks time

your voice creates deep feelings of yearning in others in plancks time

your voice creates deep feelings of love in others in plancks time

your voice elicits obedience and love in plancks time

your ideas elicit obedience and love in plancks time

your voice elicits attraction and desire in plancks time

your ideas elicit attraction and desire in plancks time

You have a powerful vocabulary in plancks time

You have an amazing vocabulary in plancks time

You use words with elegance and charm in plancks time

You use words with elegance and persuasion in plancks time

You use words with persuasiveness and energy in plancks time

your voice has energy and power in plancks time

your voice has dominance and grace in plancks time

your voice is melodic and pleasing in plancks time

your voice tone is perfect for the occasion in plancks time

You can mesmerize kings and queens with your voice in plancks time

You can mesmerize leaders of nations with your voice in plancks time

You can seduce kings and queens with your voice in plancks time

You can seduce leaders of nations with your voice in plancks time

kings and queens naturally follow your voice in plancks time

world leaders naturally follow your voice in plancks time

your voice is filled with angelic beauty and power in plancks time

your voice is filled with grace and understanding in plancks time

your voice is filled with universal energy in plancks time

your voice is powered by universal attraction in plancks time

your voice is a seducer of men and women in plancks time

You have profound intuition in plancks time

your intuition gets stronger every day in plancks time

You feel deep knowing in plancks time

You feel deep truth in plancks time

You have a deep connection to all in plancks time

your psychic energy is profound and powerful in plancks time

your psychic energy is deep and wide in plancks time

your psychic energy is connected to super conscious knowledge in plancks time

You have deep understanding of super conscious knowledge in plancks time

You have deep connection to super conscious knowledge in plancks time

You understand the intentions of others in plancks time

You feel and appreciate the intentions of others in plancks time

You have deep intuition of the unfolding of events in plancks time

You sense events before they happen in plancks time

You sense people's intentions before they are expressed in plancks time

You connect to universal energy through the dream world in plancks time

You use your dreams for learning and creativity in plancks time

You use your dreams for deeper understanding in plancks time

You are open to deep understanding and awareness in plancks time

You are open to deep knowing in plancks time

your mind receives information from beyond in plancks time

your mind receives powerful spiritual guidance in plancks time

your third eye is open and receptive in plancks time

your third eye is tuned to infinite knowledge in plancks time

your third eye is tuned to infinite understanding in plancks time

your third eye informs you of deep understandings in plancks time

You can see far into your future in plancks time

You can understand far into your future in plancks time

You easily decide on important topics in plancks time

You are always respected for your wise decisions in plancks time

You are always respected for your balanced decisions in plancks time

You are always respected for your fair decisions in plancks time

You have complete understanding in plancks time

You have complete knowing in plancks time

You have complete wisdom in plancks time

You have complete connection in plancks time

your third eye connects you to super conscious knowledge in plancks time

your third eye connects you to infinite wisdom in plancks time

your third eye connects you to spiritual knowledge in plancks time

your third eye connects you to unlimited understanding in plancks time

your third eye connects you to unlimited wisdom in plancks time

your third eye informs your deepest decisions in plancks time

You are widely recognized for your wisdom in plancks time

You are widely recognized for your spiritual guidance in plancks time

You are widely recognized for your understanding in plancks time

You are widely recognized for your psychic abilities in plancks time

You can implant thoughts into the minds of others in plancks time

You can implant ideas into the minds of others in plancks time
You can implant wisdom into the minds of others in plancks time

You can implant love into the minds of others in plancks time

You can implant kindness into the minds of others in plancks time

You can implant forgiveness into the minds of others in plancks time

your third eye fills you with spiritual knowledge in plancks time

your third eye fills you with psychic understanding in plancks time

your third eye fills you with powerful wisdom in plancks time

your third eye shows you the unfolding of time in plancks time

your third eye shows you the unfolding of wisdom in plancks time

your third eye demonstrates infinite knowledge in plancks time

your third eye demonstrates infinite understanding in plancks time

your third eye resonates with love in plancks time

your third eye resonates with wisdom in plancks time

your third eye resonates with understanding in plancks time

your third eye resonates with deep perception in plancks time

your third eye resonates with psychic connection in plancks time

your third eye resonates with psychic power in plancks time

You are connected to spiritual guidance in plancks time

You are connected to guidance beyond human understanding in plancks time

You are connected to angelic guidance in plancks time

You connect to the wisdom of the creator in plancks time

You have perfect beauty of spirit in plancks time

You resonate with spiritual bliss in plancks time

You resonate with spiritual beauty in plancks time

You resonate with spiritual love in plancks time

You resonate with spiritual bliss in plancks time

the creator opens your crown chakra in plancks time

your crown chakra connects deep into the mind of the creator in plancks time

all that ever was is connected to you in plancks time

all that ever will be is connected to you in plancks time

all that is now is connected to you in plancks time

You are pure and clean in plancks time

your mind is pure and clean in plancks time

your spirit is pure and clean in plancks time

your ideas are pure and clean in plancks time

your future is pure and clean in plancks time

your past is pure and clean in plancks time

You are made pure and clean by spiritual love in plancks time

You are made pure and clean by spiritual connection in plancks time

You are made pure and clean by ancient wisdom in plancks time

You are made pure and clean by angelic connection in plancks time

You are made pure and clean by angelic guidance in plancks time

You are made pure and clean by the purity of the spirit in plancks time

You are made pure and clean by the love of the spirit in plancks time

You are made pure and clean by the energy of the spirit in plancks time

You exist high on the spiritual plane in plancks time

You are connected high on the spiritual plane in plancks time

your existence transcends the spiritual plane in plancks time

You are an ancient spirit of love in plancks time

You are an ancient spirit of kindness in plancks time

You are an ancient spirit of wisdom in plancks time

You are an ancient spirit of compassion in plancks time

You are an ancient spirit of happiness in plancks time

You are an ancient spirit of bliss in plancks time

You are an ancient spirit of forgiveness in plancks time

your spirit lives in love in plancks time

your spirit lives in bliss in plancks time

your spirit lives in purity in plancks time

your spirit lives in kindness in plancks time

your spirit lives in wisdom in plancks time

your spirit lives in compassion in plancks time in plancks time

your spirit lives in generosity in plancks time

your spirit lives in forgiveness in plancks time

your spirit lives in understanding in plancks time

your spirit lives in gratitude in plancks time

the eternal spirit fills you with love in plancks time

the eternal spirit fills you with kindness in plancks time

the eternal spirit fills you with compassion in plancks time

the eternal spirit fills you with angelic purity in plancks time

the eternal spirit fills you with angelic love in plancks time

the eternal spirit fills you with angelic bliss in plancks time

your connection to the spirit is eternal in plancks time

your connection to the angels is eternal in plancks time

your connection to the creator is eternal in plancks time

your connection to the infinite is eternal in plancks time

the spirit works through you in plancks time

the spirit speaks through you in plancks time

the angels work through you in plancks time

the angels speak through you in plancks time

the creator works through you in plancks time

the creator speaks through you in plancks time

You are whole now in plancks time

You are complete in plancks time

You are perfect in plancks time

You are spirit in plancks time

You are angel in plancks time

You are a creator in plancks time

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