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A: Thanks for bring me up for lunch on such short notice.

B: No worries. I was already in the area. So what's up?

A: Well, I was kind of nervous so I thought it'd be good to talk to you. Almost I give up.

B: Oh, thanks! So what's going on?

A: Well, let me turn my cellphone off. You know how I've been studying Japanese and business, right?

B: Yeah...

A: Well, I've finally ended up my business degree...

B: Hey, that's awesome. Congrats. Did you grow up since the last time I saw you?

A: You're right. Plus, I bet you pay your debts back to the bank, right?

B: That's true. But you seem being a little tired Would you like to lie down?

A: Yeah, It’s a good idea.

B: You can tell me what about your trip to Spain while I fill my documents up.

A: Hmm... nice one. I've been watching out to call my wife up when I need some assistance if I have problems in the trip.

B: Good idea. Also, remember she never stops caring about you.

A: Thanks for your support. I feel a lot better now. Well, I need to get going.

B: Yeah, me too. Feel free to call me up anytime and bounce some ideas off me if you want.

A: Ok. Maybe I will.



1. bring it up 1. come away

2. call them up 2. come out
3. take off 3. end up
4. try on 4. get into
5. give it up 5. go out
6. wear out 6. grow up
7. pay it back 7. lie down
8. throw it away 8. wear out
9. turn it off 9. look for
10. turn it on 10. watch out
III. worksheet:

I. Circle the phrasal verbs in the following sentences:
1. I think I need to go on a diet. I can’t get into my jeans.
2. These jeans are too small for me. I’ll give them away to my friend.
3. Do these shoes go with this dress?
4. I’m looking for my slippers. Do you know where they are?
5. It’s really difficult to pick out a dress. They’re all so beautiful.
6. I need to pick up my suit from the dry cleaners today.
7. Teenagers never put away their clothes.
8. Put on a coat. It’s cold.
9. Take off that hat. It looks ridiculous.
10. Don’t throw away clothes. Recycle them instead.
11. I always try on shoes before I buy them.
12. Children wear out their clothes quickly because they play so much.

II. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions:


A. To remove an item of clothing.
1. Take off___
B. To choose something.
2. Throw away___
C. To put something in your wardrobe or drawer.
3. Try on ____
D. To coordinate with another item.
4. Put on____
E. To search for something.
5. Put away____
F. To collect something.
6. Wear out____
G. To place an item of clothing on your body.
7. Give away____
H. To ruin an item of clothing through repeated use.
8. Get into____
I. To donate clothes to another person.
9. Pick up____
J. To fit your body in an item of clothing.
10. Pick out____
K. To check an item of clothing fits you.
11. Look for____
L. To dispose of an item of clothing.
12. Go with____

III. Work through these conversation questions with a partner:

1. Have you ever found it difficult to take something off in a changing room?
2. When you put away your clothes in a neat and orderly fashion or throw them in your wardrobe?
3. Do spend a long time picking out clothes when you go shopping?
4. Have you ever bought clothes without trying them on first?
5. How do you choose what to put on in the morning?
6. Do you ever wear clothes until they wear out?
7. How often do you throw away clothes?
8. Do you ever give away your clothes?
9. Of all the items in your wardrobe, what’s the most difficult to get into?
10. Do you have anything in your wardrobe that won’t go with anything else?

I. Contextos:
1. Salí a pasear al parque y en el camino se me cayó mis llaves.
2. Compré algunas camisas en la tienda de ropa pero no quería probármelos.
3. Hoy tengo clases de matemáticas y no me olvide traer mis libros.
4. Apenas llegué a la playa me recosté en la arena.
5. Anoche tuve que buscar a mis sobrinos porque son muy traviesos.

II. Quiz:
Complete the sentences using phrasal verbs.

1. I have to take our new TV __________ because it doesn’t work.

2. My plane takes __________ in five minutes.

3. Take __________ your socks and shoes and come in the water.

4. Can you take the garbage__________ to the street for me?

5. My grandparents took us __________ for dinner and then to the theatre.

6. I tore __________ my ex-boyfriend’s letters and gave them back to him.

7. When I think __________ on my youth, I wish I had studied harder.

8. I’ll have to think this job offer ____________ before I make my final decision.

9. We threw our old furniture ____________ when we won the lottery.

10. Please turn the TV___________ while the guests are here.

11. I turned the job___________ because I don’t want to move.

12. Your mother wants you to turn the TV __________ and come and have dinner.

13. It’s too dark in here. Let’s turn some lights__________,

14. Let’s __________ for dinner tonight.

15. Maria ___________ of the room.

16. People need to __________ and say what they think about it.

17. We __________ because we felt tired.

18. He saw a coin on the ground and ________it________.

19. We’ve got and important meeting ___________ in a couple of weeks.

20. The party ___________ much longer than I expected.

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