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Jon Lyon Job History

By Zach Lyon
High School Aspirations
In high school, Jon had no idea what he wanted to do career wise. But he tried
some jobs, learned some skills, and got to where he is today.
Jon’s first job as a lifeguard, taught him to be responsible, and to speak with
authority. When you have a job where people can die, it teaches you a lot.
Car Salesman
Jon’s next job as a car salesman taught him that wasn’t the right job for him, he
wanted a different job, some good that came out of it, was it taught him people
This Job taught Jon time management, because you have people constantly
needing you for things, and even more people skills, because you have to deal with
people a lot.
Current Job
He is now a remodel contractor, and he owns his own construction company. This
job taught him to work hard, sell, and be more organized.

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