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Summary of topics to be covered for Power Generation 22nd Century for 2018-2019

1. Introduction:
a. General energy landscape (resources,reserves of hydrocarbons,)
b. Promise from renewables
2. Heat Engines:
a. generic physics, types (external/internal), efficiency,
b. combined heat and power, examples
a. Solar thermal (heat harvesters, heat harvesting and power generation)
b. Solar photovoltaic (basic physics, types, sums, efficiency, production)
c. Wind (turbines, Betz, aerodynamics, commercial units, sums)
d. Bio (types, conversion rates, sums)
e. Wave (theory, possible machines, sums)
f. Tidal (theory, types, sums)
g. Hydro (theory, machines, sums)
h. Geothermal (availability and renewability)
4. Nuclear
a. Fission (radiation, physics, four factor formula, control, commercial reactors)
b. Fusion (physics, future?)
5. Economics (accountant’s methods for value, price and cost setting)
6. Tidy up:
a. Fracking,
b. Energy storage,
c. Levelized costs of electricity
d. Overview of course,
e. Exams

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