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Tina Brozell

Service Learning Project

Animal Cruelty
Animals should not be used in trials for human medication surgery because it kills
animals, and it causes animal cruelty Animal testing is a scientific expirement or test that an
animal is forced to undergo something that is most likely to cause them in pain, suffer, distress,
or lasting harm. Currently, there is a great debate that is happening about whether animal testing
is good/bad for animals and their welfare. Some people believe that animals shouldn’t give up
their life for humans being sick. While others believe that, animals should give up their life for
humans because humans get sick and they need to get better faster. After looking at both sides
of the debate, it is evident that animals shouldn’t be killed because of humans becoming sick.
One reason why animals shouldn’t be used in trial medication surgery is because it kills
animals. For en example, in a recent newsela article it states “ Animal research certainly fails
animals, in terms of the distress and suffering caused, and just as importantly, animal research
often fails people, too, in terms of the slow, unproductive route to useful treatments.” This quote
highly explains the fact that animals are getting killed, while that is happening humans aren’t
even getting healed. In addition to what was stated previously, in another recent newsela article it
states "Not only are animals poor models of safety for humans, but they are also unreliable for
demonstrating the effectiveness of treatments too.” This quote also demonstrates that the fact that
they test animals for a long time, humans aten’t getting curec and they just kill a lot of animals
for no reason. Finally, this can be shown ak killings for animals because animals are dying when
humans aren’t getting cured.
Another reason why animals shouldn’t be used in trial medication surgery is because it
causes animal cruelty. For an example, in a recent article it states that “Animals are very
different from human beings.” This quote specifically shows that since animals are different
from human beings, they should stop getting horrible treatment such as getting abused. To add
on what was said, animals should be treaten nicely and not get punched whenever they do
something wrong. Also, in another recent article it states “Unlike violent crimes against people,
cases of animal abuse are not compiled by state or federal agencies, making it difficult to
calculate just how common they are.” This quote explains that human crimes are different from
animal crimes, it is still wrong to hurt an animal based on what you are feeling that day, or if you
are mad about something. To sum of everything, this can summarize as animal cruelty because
people get mad and want to hurt animals everyday to where they die.

On the other hand, some people would argue that Animals should be used in trials for
human medication surgery. Animals that are given to shelters will have a better life then what
they had from when they were getting abused. As surveys explains, “Surveys suggest that those
who intentionally abuse animals are predominantly men under 30, while those involved in
animal hoarding are more likely to be women over 60.”This quote demonstrates that mainly men
abuse dogs because they feel like it is needed, unlike woman they most likely will not abuse
animals when it isn’t needed. However, this does not adres the medication sold at low prices and
shelters you can take your animals to if you no longer want them. Therefore, there is no excuse
for using animal testing to get humans cured because there are stores you can go and buy
medication at, and there is shelters that you can take your animals to if you no longer wan’t
Without a doubt, it is shown that animal tesing for human medication is bad for the
animals because it causes animal cruelty and it kills animals which also leads to injuries As
stated above, animal cruelty has long lasting negative effetcs that harms animals in the long run.
This shows how serious abuse of animals is. Overall, animal cruelty should be taken more
seriously and it should stop.

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