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Jose Martinez

Mrs. Devoe

British Lit

October 9

Evolution Anchor Task

I’ve asked myself, “Does my evolution always benefit me?” but it seems like

I can not find an answer.

In middle school, I was shy and quiet. In school, I was always close to my 3

friends and didn’t talk to anyone. If I wanted to go somewhere and someone was in

the way, I always waited for the person to move and didn’t speak up. When I was

in the classroom I was shy and nervous. For example, when the teacher was

searching around to pick someone to answer a question, I was always looking

where the teacher was looking because I survived by the “invisibility rule.” When

they are looking for someone, you DON’T look at them in the eye or they WILL

pick you. Miraculously, I passed middle school like that.

In high school, I quickly found out my technique didn’t work at this level, It

was different; you were more accountable for your actions. For example, if the

teacher asks a question, you raise your hand and they choose, but the teachers

don’t randomly pick on someone, you either participate or don’t. I was relieved

that I could avoid participating, but it didn’t help me when I needed help or had a
question because I was too shy to ask or raise my hand. But as I have gone

through high school, I started to learn to become more confident and football

played a huge role in this evolution.

I had only 3 or 4 friends on the football team but they introduced me to

different people and invited me to do stuff I wouldn’t hang out, go out eating

breakfast, lunch or dinner with a few guys. This helped me be more relaxed and be

able to enjoy the time and let go of my shyness but it didn’t happen overnight it

took a few months to happen and to become more relaxed with them I had to know

what they liked to do but come to my surprise they liked what I like so it was sorta

easier to be more relaxed.

I wouldn’t be the person I am now without football. I became friends with

others (well, we became a family) and that’s what helped me be more confident,

As I met new people it made it easier to make new friends, therefore, helped me

gain more confidence. Once junior year hit I was more confident; I talked more

and I wasn’t as shy.I also failed to mention that my grades have improved since

I’ve become vocal. As a Senior now, I am not as shy anymore and more relaxed

which is a huge shift from freshman Jose that was shy, kinda uptight, and nervous.

As the year goes on I hope I’m 100% not shy and have many more friends in the

future as football comes to an end in a few weeks I hope that I would have more

time to find new friends and spend time with them more.
In conclusion, I’ve always been shy since middle school till my last year of

high school which limited me on a couple of social events like having fun with

friends which I didn’t have many of cause of my shyness, also I wasn’t able to

enjoy middle school and the first 2 years of high school but it wasn’t until I joined

football that helped me in my junior year. It was an important experience because I

was able to shed my shyness and leave it behind, it was an important pivot point in

my life considering that if I was the same shy kid then I wouldn’t be able to enjoy

the rest of high school or even have friends, but the important thing was that I had

to try, because if I didn’t try then I would get nowhere and not succeed. I had to

talk and not be afraid of feedback even if it negative, I had to not mind what people

were saying because it wouldn’t matter in a few hours. Now I’m more talkative

and not shy. Now since I’ve changed it’ll benefit me in college and in the

workforce. In the end, I learned that I shouldn’t have been afraid or shy but I was, Commented [1]: these highlighted bits - I want you to
cut and paste them in little bits to integrate them into
your previous paragraph. Then you have one solid
however, I had a few friends to help me out of my shyness and be able to talk conclusion. Everything else in this paragraph is
repetitive and can be deleted.
Commented [2]: Mrs.devoe, add it to the conclusion
more. paragraph or the paragraph before the conclusion?

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