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24. What do World-Class companies do regarding automation?


a. design products to be automation friendly

b. use CAD/CAM for designing products and introducing products into
c. selectively adopt automated production systems as soon as automation
projects can be carefully planned and carried out
d. convert to more flexible automation
e. challenge the long-held belief that high volume runs of identical products are
needed to achieve low costs
f. adopt a comprehensive CIM system
g. enjoy many of the performance characteristics of the factory of the future
h. improve computerized production control systems
i. operate from a plan for automation
j. justify automation projects based on multiple factors
k. train and build teams of people of conceptualizing, designing, and using new
production technology

1. Define "quality."

The quality of a product or service is a customer's perception of the degree to which the
product or service meets his or her expectations.

2. List the five determinants of quality.


a. quality of design
b. quality capability of production processes
c. quality of conformance
d. quality of customer service
e. organization quality culture

3. Describe the seven dimensions of product quality.


a. performance -- how well the product performs the customer's intended use
b. features -- the special characteristics that appeal to customers
c. reliability -- the likelihood of breakdowns, malfunctions, or the need for repairs
d. serviceability -- the speed, costs, and convenience of repairs and maintenance
e. durability -- the length of time or amount of use before needing to be repaired or
f. appearance -- the effects on the human senses
g. customer service -- the treatment received by customers before, during, and after the

4. What are the four types of quality costs?


a. scrap and rework -- all costs caused by products found to be defective while in
b. defective products in the hands of customers -- costs of warranty, product liability
suits, returns or recall, lost business and goodwill after products are shipped to
c. detecting defects -- all costs of activities aimed at finding products that do not
conform to specifications before they are shipped to customers
d. preventing defects -- all costs of activities aimed at improving quality and preventing

9. Describe the four groups of ISO 9000 standards.


a. ISO 9000 – fundamentals and vocabulary

b. ISO 9001 -- requirements
c. ISO 9004 -- guidelines for performance improvements

10. List the nine elements of TQM.


a. top management commitment and involvement

b. customer involvement
c. design products for quality
d. design production processes for quality
e. control production processes for quality
f. developing supplier partnerships
g. customer service, distribution, and installation
h. building teams of empowered employees
i. benchmarking and continuous improvement

12. Describe three aspects of designing products for quality.


a. designing for robustness -- robust designs are ones that will perform as intended even
if undesirable conditions occur either in production or in the field
b. designing for production -- products are assembled with fewer parts quicker and
c. designing for reliability -- the idea that a component or system will not fail in a given
time period or number of trials under ordinary conditions of use

17. Describe four aspects of team building and empowerment.


a. employee training programs -- all employees, suppliers, and customers should

participate in a comprehensive training program
b. work teams and empowerment -- draw out and apply all of the ability and energy of
c. quality at the source -- each worker produces parts that are of perfect quality
d. quality circles -- a small group of employees who volunteer to meet regularly to
undertake work related projects designed to advance the company, improve working
conditions, and spur mutual self development, all by using quality control concepts.

a. they improve the likelihood of the workers cooperating in the implementation of

programs to improve product quality

21. Describe benchmarking.


It is the practice of establishing internal standards of performance by looking to how

world-class companies run their businesses.

22. List three ways quality in a service organization can be monitored.


a. customer surveys
b. mystery shoppers
c. statistical control charts

23. Describe five dimensions of service quality.


a. tangibles -- appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and

communication materials
b. reliability -- ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately
a. responsiveness -- willingness to help customers and provide prompt service
b. assurance -- knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust
and confidence
c. empathy -- caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers
Describe the Japanese term "Kaizen."

It is the goal of continuous improvement in every phase of manufacturing.
Short Answer
1. What is a random sample?

It is one in which each unit in the lot has an equal chance of being included in the sample.

2. Describe the difference between attributes and variables.

a. attributes -- characteristics that are classified into one of two categories, such as
defective or nondefective
b. variables -- characteristics that can be measured on a continuous scale, such as
weight and length

3. What are the general principles of when to inspect during the production process?

a. after operations that are likely to produce faulty items
b. before costly operations
c. before operations that cover up defects
d. before assembly operations that cannot be undone
e. on automatic machines, first and last pieces of production runs but few in-between
f. finished products

6. What is the primary purpose of control charts?

To indicate when production processes may have changed sufficiently to affect product
quality; an investigation would then be conducted into the causes of the change.

7. Describe three types of control charts.

a. p chart -- used to monitor the percent defectives in samples
b. X-bar chart -- used to monitor the average value of the variable being measured
c. R chart -- used to monitor the variation among the items within samples (range)

a. sequential sampling plan -- units are selected randomly from a lot and tested one by
one, after each test an accept, reject or continue sampling decision is made, this
continues until the lot is either rejected or accepted

13. Describe two things operations managers must know to make accept-or-reject
decisions about attributes.

a. the sample size (n)
b. the maximum number of defectives in a sample to accept the lot (c)

14.Write short notes on

1.Lean and Agile manufacturing

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