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From this project I have truly looked at my meal plan objectively and have seen it for

what it is. I have come to realize that my meals are more than 80% fast food based, unhealthy

large meals that have low nutritional values. Not eating breakfast is a norm for me due to my

lifestyle of not having the time to wake up and make a proper breakfast or grabbing a simple

snack in the morning. This is also caused by years of not having breakfast or waking up early

enough to eat breakfast from middle school all the way into college years. A short term goal I

hope to set for myself is making a proper low calorie, high nutrition valued meal that can be

eaten throughout the whole day. Grilled zucchini (120 calories) or eggplant (35calories), chicken

breasts (100 calories) over a salad with a simple asian dressing (100 calories). I could also

substitute sugary beverages that range from (100-200calories) for water (0 calories). Its cheaper,

healthier and can counteract thirst more effectively when compared to drinks with high sugar

count. Instead of late night snacks I could substitute Pocky Chocolate Pretzel sticks for Quest

protein bars (190calories) that are packed with high protein value. By changing “fast” foods for

another “fast” food with better nutritional value I am able to gain better nutritional values such as

higher protein consumption or even swapping out sugar entirely to decrease risk for diabetes in

the future. My last goal is to drink about 5 water bottles a day because it will keep my mind off

of buying iced coffee, vending machine beverages and even keep my mind clear instead of jittery

and having sweaty palms from caffeine. Water is also beneficial due to its hydrating properties it

can do to the body, I find that once I feel thirsty I am already dehydrated at that point and need

more water.

In the end this project was extremely beneficial due to the fact it has helped me reflect on

changes I need to incorporate into my life. Changing eating habits early can be hard but once the

ball starts spinning it will only get easier. It will also be beneficial for my future health because I
am in my “prime” according to society. Better food means decreased health risks, learning how

to make food for myself will only make it easier in the future when I would have to make dinner

or meals for my family.

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