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Progressive Discipline Policy

Edison Elementary believes that all students deserve and have the right to learn
here in Detroit Public Schools Community District. Therefore, due to a high rate of
suspensions in our building, staff members must do everything they can to
maximize student learning.

Edison staff shall go through the proper procedures of the chain of command
before ultimately suspending a student from school. Once, the teacher has reached
the administrative peak of the progressive discipline model, administration will
then handle the student accordingly (i.e. suspension, expulsion). The progressive
discipline model is as follows:

1. Warning
2. Cool Down Spot (place child in PBIS Cool Down Spot within classroom)
3. Buddy System (send child to fellow teacher for reflection)
4. Parent Contact
5. Administration

Majority of suspensions have been reported after lunch during fourth and fifth
period. It is important that staff members must use the recommended Positive
Behavior Intervention System (PBIS), which includes a cool down period after
Lunch/Recess (i.e. calm music, teacher read aloud, yoga/stretching, quiet time).

Teachers are required to record behavior on Class Dojo and must turn in
behavior logs at the end of each month to keep record of our behavior in the
building. Staff members shall work together to reinforce our PBIS expectations (i.e.
in the classroom, hallway, bathroom, lunchroom, playground, etc.).

Notices of this policy must be included in all monthly newsletters to ensure our
parents are made aware of this change within our building. The School Intervention
Team (SIT) and PBIS Team are responsible for analyzing Class Dojo and
suspension rates in order to assess student behavior needs within the building. Our
goal is to lower the suspension rate 50% by the end of the 2017-18 school year. The
SIT and PBIS Team will share progress with the staff on the Last Wednesday of
each month during the staff meetings.

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