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Dinacharya: The Daily Routine

1. Wake up at or before sunrise. The rising sun has fresh, new energy that will nourish
you for the whole day.

2. Give thanks for the day. For example, “I am grateful for this beautiful day before me.
May peace, love, joy, and compassion be with me and with all those around me on
this day. I am healing and I am healed”.

3. Clean your face, mouth, eyes. This will bring a sense of freshness.

4. Drink a glass of room-temperature water. This washes the GI track, flushes the
kidneys, and stimulates peristalsis.

5. Use the restroom. The body will become used to doing this at the same time every
morning. Use Triphala at night, if needed.

6. Scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper, brush and floss your teeth. Scraping your
tongue will stimulate the digestive system and remove ama (toxins).

7. Use a Neti Pot to clean your sinuses. This will become easier in time. Be sure to mix
in a little salt to make it more comfortable.

8. Do a self-massage (abhyanga) with warm oil. The benefits of massage are numerous
including deep sleep, soft skin, prevention of headaches, and overall happiness.

9. Take a warm bath or shower. This helps the oil permeate more deeply, washes off
fatigue, brings energy to the body and clarity to the mind.

10. Take time for personal practice. This may include breathing, yoga, meditation,
journaling or simply sitting quietly. This will help you face any challenge the day has
in store.

11. Enjoy your breakfast. Eating meals at the same time every day will help balance your
constitution. Ideally, the largest meal should be eaten at mid-day when digestion is
strongest. Favor whole foods that are freshly cooked and balance your dosha. Avoid
eating after 7:00 pm.

12. Try to be in bed by 10 pm every night. If you go to bed later, it may be difficult to get to
sleep. Your body will also miss the best time for regeneration, between 10 pm and 2 am.

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