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Carter Schade

Miss Skirtich

English 10: World Literature

3 October 2018

Hamlet and Ophelia’s Troubled Love Affair

Relationships are not easy to be in and it is demanding to keep up with the significant

other in life. This undoubtedly applies to Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship in Hamlet, written

by one of the greatest authors ever, William Shakespeare. Hamlet and Ophelia’s troubled love

affair is driven by abnormal family dynamics, appearance vs. reality and lying.

Firstly, Hamlet and Ophelia’s troubled love affair is driven by abnormal family dynamics.

One occurrence in which abnormal family dynamics portrays in the play when Polonius tells

Ophelia that she is not good enough and un-worthy, “His greatness weighed, his will is not his

own, He may not, as un-valued persons do” (I.ii.21-23). In this quote Polonius tells Ophelia that

she is not worthy to anyone and she does not mean anything to anyone which is something harsh

to say to your daughter. Also, telling Ophelia this drives her crazy and leads her to have a

terrible relationship with Hamlet. Another example of abnormal family dynamic, when Polonius

tells Ophelia that she cannot talk to or interact with Hamlet anymore as said by Polonius, “I

would not, in plain forms, from this moment leisure. As to give words or take with the Lord

Hamlet” (I.iii.141-143). This quote from the play shows Polonius basically forbidding Ophelia

to talk to Hamlet which is not right to control your daughter. Ophelia should have the freedom

that she wants to have. Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship plummets due to abnormal family


Additionally, Hamlet and Ophelia’s troubled love affair is driven by appearance versus

reality. This example is seen in the play when Polonius is totally convinced that Hamlet is

lovesick for Ophelia and does not think that Hamlet is doing this to Ophelia for a reason, “If he

love her not, and be not from his reason fall ‘n thereon” (II.ii.178-179). The quote states how

Polonius obsesses with the fact that Hamlet is lovesick for Ophelia. This ends up being Hamlet

acting and trying to figure out things after his father passed away. Another example that pops up

in the book when Ophelia acts like she does not love Hamlet since she denies seeing him, but she

really does love him, “My Lord, I have remembrance of yours that I have longed to redeliver, I

pray you know receive them” (III.i.102-104). In this instance Ophelia giving all of Hamlet’s

love letters back that he had once sent her while in love. She fakes not loving Hamlet, but she

really does and just does not want to admit it because of Polonius. Appearance versus Reality

makes Hamlet and Ophelia’s troubled love affair to spiral downwards quickly.

Furthermore, Hamlet and Ophelia’s troubled love affair is driven by the lying that goes

on. For instance, when Hamlet lies to Ophelia about being crazy, “I am but mad north-north-

west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw” (II.ii.402-403). In this

example Hamlet is just telling Ophelia that he is going crazy, but he acts like this for a reason.

The actor Hamlet becomes, realizes that him going crazy could lead to better things to help him

avenge his father, but Hamlet just acts crazy for a reason. Another occasion of lying arises when

Ophelia lies to hamlet about where her dad lurks. As Hamlet says, “Where’s your father? At

home, my lord” (III.i.141-142). This quote determines that Hamlet figures out that eyes are

always watching. He asks Ophelia where her father stands at and she says that he confines at

home, but Hamlet knows that he watches his every move with Ophelia. Lying makes Hamlet and

Ophelia’s troubled love affair to completely fall apart like the last string on a guitar.

Overall, Hamlet and Ophelia’s troubled love affair is driven by abnormal family

dynamics, appearance vs. reality, and lying. Shakespeare’s ability to be able to interact with the

audience and connect his literature works to today’s world, all age groups, and the struggles that

come along with it makes him one of the best writers of all time.

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