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Kevin Lu

André Padilla

Peta Euthanizes Employees After Failing To House Them

Troy, MI—PETA, an animal rights activist group recently made a decision to

euthanize employees they fail to house. According to PETA’s statistics, over 10%
of it’s employees live in homelessness, and euthanasia could be the solution.
“Euthanasia is the only solution. We use the finest killing methods in the country.
Employees can choose from lethal injection to the electric chair, what more could
they ask for?” said Ingrid Newkirk, CEO and cofounder of PETA. 80% of
homeless employees get euthanized.
In a recent interview PETA commented “Homeless people are smelly, and
they probably do drugs”. When asked if the employees consented, they responded
with “They’re stupid and don’t know what’s good for them. I think they’ll be
happier dead than alive”. We asked a few employees what their thoughts were on
this new policy: “What the heck, of course I want to live. Is this even legal?
Besides I only do like 5 different drugs.” said Peter Pan, a 39 year old employee.
Some employees have even tried to escape the facility, but PETA feel that
they will just be a waste of space. We interviewed someone who managed to
escape PETA, and what he said was truly heartbreaking. “they forced us to work all
day with only short 5 minute bathroom breaks. They would feed us very small
amounts of food, and the food wasn’t even nutritious. I would see all my friends go
home, but I was forced to stay because I had nowhere else to go.” said an
employee which his name will not be revealed for his safety. “We must stop
PETA’s actions. I lost many great friends because they couldn’t get them a home.”
these were the words of the man who managed to escape his death.
PETA has received lots of community backlash for their decisions and
actions. Many protesting groups have emerged criticizing PETA for their
hypocritical actions, as PETA would often tweet about their empathy for poorer
employees. PETA denied our requests for an interview.
As PETA’s actions become more and more extreme, should we really allow
this murderous cult continue to be the face of animal care? Instead of helping their
employees, they decide to euthanize them to ignore the issue. By sharing this
article, you can spread awareness of PETA’s horrifying actions.

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