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The Unresolved Resolution!

The year 2018 has just begun. With every new year, comes a popularly known phenomenon called a
“New Year Resolution”. New Year Resolutions are promises made to self to achieve some goals. Some
people make one resolution while most, make multiple.

How it all started?

If you are wondering how the whole concept of New Year Resolutions started, it has a history to it. It
was started by the Babylonians. They made promises to their god, Janus, in the beginning of each year
to return any borrowed objects and pay off all their debts. The month January is named after the
Romanian God, Janus.

What are the top resolutions that are made across the world?
If focusing on fitness, saving more, having more experiences are your New Year Resolutions, you have
a lot of people following your path!

These are the top resolutions made every year:

1. Fitness – Losing weight, eating healthy, Dieting etc.

2. Enjoying Life to the fullest – Adventure Sports, Travelling, New experiences etc.
3. Saving More – Lower Expenditure, Better Investments, Shop Less etc.
4. More Family and Friends time
5. Reading more books, Learn new things.

How many people actually stick to their New Year Resolutions?

It should not come as a surprise to you when I say that the number of people who keep their
resolutions is amusing. With so many resolutions and so little time for self, only about 8% of the people
who take a resolution end up following through. So, if you can’t follow through your resolutions, Good
News! You have a lot of company!

Why should you keep a New Year Resolution anyway?

Here’s why:

1. Every time you take up a resolution, you at least follow through to it for a few months or
weeks, which is better than not doing it at all.
2. It gives you a direction of how you want the year to look like. This might not actually help you
get your life together, but at least sparks a sense of positivity, even if it is short lived.
3. If you end up telling your family and friends about your resolutions, they will (time and again)
remind you of it, which might help you in following it time to time.

A ‘New Year Resolution’ is just a way of starting your year with a positive thought which makes you
want to become a better person than you are in terms of health, career, experiences, savings and
what not. If you look back at the last year, you get a sense of what you did not achieve which you can
aim for in the coming year and work towards it.

Even though a new year is just a change of a calendar page, it is up to you what you make of it. Nothing
can motivate you more than your past mistakes, regrets and all the things you want in life. Work on
yourself and everything will fall through. Keep it simple but make it count!

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