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Title | Genre

Created by First name Last name

1. If you have any personal inspirations for writing this story or

can state anything else that immediately shows the executive
that you are going to bring authenticity to the story (i.e.
you're a doctor and your story takes place in a hospital), feel
free to talk about that briefly here, or at the end after the
series overview. (approximately 100 words)

2. Logline. Just a one sentence sum up of your series is all that’s

needed. (approximately 30 words)

3. Setting. Where does your story take place. If it’s in the past,
future, or in a present that we are not used to, take the time
to set up the world. Paint the picture for the executive but
keep it short.

4. A quick sum up of each character would be very helpful to show

the executive who the players are. If you are pitching a comedy,
this is a prime opportunity to show the executive why your
characters are funny. Highlight their quirks here. Don’t worry
about going into too much plot here. Just describe their quirks,
flaws, characteristics, traits, etc. (One sentence for up to
three characters; if you have more, save it for the longer show

5. The pilot. Why are you introducing us to your characters today?

Is it the first day of a marriage, first day of divorce, first
day of new job, etc. Make sure you use the characters described
above and put them in your pilot synopsis. Try not to introduce
too many new characters in your pilot that wasn’t stated above.
Stressing the tone throughout your pilot pitch is going to
really help. (approximately 100 to 200 words)

6. Series overview. After your pilot summary, explain what the

series will look like. This is where you can show the executive
that the series can last for 3-6 years. Keep it short. What is
driving the story forward? What’s the engine of the show?
(approximately 150 words)

Do not number. Write it as one seamless synopsis.



• Who do you see playing the lead characters?
• What inspired you to write this?
• Who do you think the target audience would be for this? Do not
bring up who you think the target audience would be unless asked.
And, then subtly, throw the question back at the executive to answer.

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