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2. Married couples were so unhappy that they hadn’t any money. So they decided to
suicide from the sky scrapers from jumping .They will jump in 3.2.1… the husband
jumped but the wife didn’t jump after a second the husband opened a parachute and
saves his life. Who is the betrayer and why.
3. What is the mistake

Can you spot

Spot the mistake

4. A jail person was trapped in the jail. He will die if he stayed there for 3 days.
[Hint: there is a plough and a high window. The floor is of soil]

5. one day jenny was driving a car. Her cars tyre got she replaced the tyre
but it’s nuts got lost in a canal. She needed to buy 4 nuts from a workshop. How will she
go in the car?

6. A kidnapper kidnapped a boy and said “there are 2 pills one is poisoned but other is
not. Always the kidnapped person will die. How is that possible?
7.A married couples went to a hotel. The husband ordered a lemon juice with ice in it and
drunk slowly .the wife ordered 3 lemon juice with ice in it and drunk fast .the husband
died . when the police inspected that lemon juice was poisoned. How did the wife
escaped? day a man called a police and told his house was robbed. The police went to his
house . he said he had taken a cup of coke and started to watch TV suddenly 2 men came
and hit him and got unconscious and when he woke up the house was robbed. Saying
that he took the ice from the coke and keep it in his eye. the police asked when did it
happen he said I hrs ago. Your telling lie. how did they it .

9. Which is the most preferred game by humans?

10.who is the captain of the Argentina team?

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