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International Review of Psychiatry, April 2013; 25(2): 178–196

Language, executive function and social cognition in the diagnosis

of frontotemporal dementia syndromes


1Divisionof Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology, Institute of Psychology, University of Gdań sk, Poland,
2CognitiveNeuroscience Division, Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center, Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the
Aging Brain, and the Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) represents a spectrum of non-Alzheimer’s degenerative conditions associated with focal
atrophy of the frontal and/or temporal lobes. Frontal and temporal regions of the brain have been shown to be strongly
involved in executive function, social cognition and language processing and, thus, deficits in these domains are frequently
seen in patients with FTD or may even be hallmarks of a specific FTD subtype (i.e. relatively selective and progressive
language impairment in primary progressive aphasia). In this review we have attempted to delineate how language, execu-
tive function, and social cognition may contribute to the diagnosis of FTD syndromes, namely the behavioural variant FTD
as well as the language variants of FTD including the three subtypes of primary progressive aphasia (PPA): non-fluent/
agrammatic, semantic and logopenic. This review also addresses the extent to which deficits in these cognitive areas
contribute to the differential diagnosis of FTD versus Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Finally, early clinical determinants of
pathology are briefly discussed and contemporary challenges to the diagnosis of FTD are presented.

dementia (FTD) has become the preferred umbrella
More than a century ago, Arnold Pick first described term used to describe a spectrum of non-Alzheimer’s
patients presenting with gradual changes in behav- degenerative conditions associated with focal atrophy
iour and personality accompanied by progressive of the frontal lobes and/or temporal lobes (Hodges,
aphasia due to frontotemporal lobar degeneration 2007; Kertesz, 2008). Of note, this and other terms
(Pick, 1892, 1904). Subsequently, cases with a simi- were initially applied mainly to the behavioural pre-
lar clinical picture associated with frontal and/or sentation, whereas the aphasic presentation was
temporal atrophy were reported and referred to as described as primary progressive aphasia (PPA)
Pick’s disease. In the early 1940s, however, Pick’s (Mesulam, 1987).
disease began to be defined on the basis of round Presently, FTD, an acronym recognized also as
silver staining inclusions, and it became evident that frontotemporal disease or frontotemporal degenera-
only a small number of subjects clinically diagnosed tion (for discussion see Kertesz, 2011), is now con-
with Pick’s disease met these neuropathological sidered the second most common cause of young
criteria. This lack of consistency between the clinical onset dementia after Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
and the pathological presentations led to the conclu- (Ratnavalli et al., 2002; Rosso et al., 2003). Clinically,
sion that Pick’s disease is a rare condition diagnosable FTD can be divided into two variants: behavioural
only on autopsy. As a result, over the next few decades, variant and the language variant, the latter also
the differential diagnosis of this unique clinical entity known as PPA (Hodges, 2007). The behavioural vari-
from other dementias received relatively little atten- ant is characterized by progressive deterioration in
tion. In the 1970s and 1980s, however, interest in social function and personality that has been pre-
understanding progressive behavioural and language dominantly associated with increasing atrophy of the
changes as a consequence of circumscribed atrophy frontal lobes, and the mesial frontal surface in par-
was revived. While many labels for the clinical pre- ticular (Harciarek & Jodzio, 2005; Rascovsky et al.,
sentation have been proposed (Brun, 1987; Brun 2011). By comparison, the language variant is sus-
et al., 1994; Neary et al., 1998), frontotemporal pected when there is a gradual language–speech and/

Correspondence: Michał Harciarek, PhD, Institute of Psychology, University of Gdań sk, Baz· yń skiego 4, 80-952 Gdań sk, Poland. Tel: ⫹ 48 604 555 101.
Fax: ⫹ 48 58 557 43 24. E-mail:

(Received 30 September 2012; accepted 30 December 2012)

ISSN 0954–0261 print/ISSN 1369–1627 online © 2013 Institute of Psychiatry
DOI: 10.3109/09540261.2013.763340
Language, executive function and social cognition in FTD 179
or semantic impairment with relative sparing of other both clinical and pathological changes associated
cognitive domains early in the disease course with progressive frontal and/or temporal atrophy,
(Gorno-Tempini et al., 2011; Harciarek & Kertesz, taking into account the extensive overlap with MND,
2011; Mesulam et al., 2009). Based on the constel- CBD and PSP, a new term of ‘Pick complex’ has
lation of symptoms described later in this review, been recently proposed and applied (Kertesz, 2011;
FTD-related PPA is typically classified into a non- Kertesz et al., 1994). Others have used ‘frontotem-
fluent/agrammatic (nfvPPA) and semantic (svPPA) poral lobar degeneration’ (FTLD) (Snowden et al.,
variant, the latter also referred to as semantic demen- 1996) but this term is typically used by pathologists
tia. Although the neuroimaging findings in nfvPPA with qualifier letters to denote the underlying pro-
are heterogeneous, most of these cases are associated teinopathy (Cairns et al., 2007).
with progressive atrophy within the left inferior, Nonetheless, a number of studies have shown that
opercular and insular regions. In contrast, the clinical the clinical syndrome of bvFTD, although patho-
picture of svPPA is typically associated with bilateral logically heterogeneous, is most often related to
atrophy of the anterior temporal lobes, more promi- ubiquitinated frontotemporal lobar degeneration
nent on the left side. Of note, the most recent clas- (FTLD-U) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration
sification of PPA also encompasses the logopenic associated with tau (FTLD-T), excluding AD pathol-
variant PPA (lvPPA), but its inclusion under the ogy (Hodges, 2011; Rohrer et al., 2011). Further,
umbrella of the FTD syndromes is somewhat prob- nfvPPA has been predominantly associated with
lematic. This is mainly due to the fact that most of FTLD-T, whereas svPPA has been almost entirely
these patients have atrophy extending beyond the related to FTLD-U. Also, as already mentioned,
fronto-temporal regions (e.g. parietal lobule), and although about 40% of cases with lvPPA have
about 60% of them have pathological changes char- FTLD-U pathology, in most cases the pathological
acteristic of AD (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2004, 2010; changes are those of AD (Grossman, 2010). Thus, in
Grossman, 2010). Nonetheless, about one third of this light, the early differential diagnosis of FTD syn-
lvPPA cases share both clinical and pathological fea- dromes seems to be particularly important, since it
tures of FTD, often making the differential diagnosis may strongly suggest the pathological basis of each
puzzling. Hence, we include details on lvPPA in the syndrome. An accurate clinical diagnosis may then
various sections below. in turn significantly contribute to the choice of the
Establishing correlations between clinical pheno- most appropriate treatment method, if such a treat-
type and pathology in FTD is challenging, particu- ment is eventually discovered.
larly because the clinical spectrum typically evolves In this review, we have attempted to delineate how
as the disease progresses. Also, some patients com- language, executive function, and social cognition
monly have mixed syndromes even at the initial pre- may contribute to the diagnosis of FTD syndromes
sentation to the clinic. For example, patients with as well as to the differentiation of these syndromes
PPA have been shown to develop early behavioural from AD. The clinical determinants of pathology are
features characteristic of bvFTD (Marczinski et al., problematic, and determining the primary cognitive
2004). Moreover, a relatively homogenous clinical deficit in some FTD syndromes remains a matter of
syndrome like bvFTD has been shown to be associ- debate. However, we believe that a comprehensive
ated with different pathological entities (Rohrer neuropsychological assessment with emphasis on
et al., 2011). To complicate things further, FTD syn- language, social cognition and executive function,
dromes overlap clinically, pathologically and biologi- when combined with neuroimaging, will significantly
cally with motor neuron disease (MND) including increase the specificity of the early differential diag-
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), corticobasal nosis of FTD. For the purpose of this study, we have
degeneration (CBD) and progressive supranuclear discussed language, executive function and social
palsy (PSP) (Bigio et al., 2003; Hodges, 2011; cognition only in the two main FTD syndromes,
Kertesz et al., 2000, 2005, 2007; McMonagle et al., namely bvFTD and PPA, although when appropriate
2006; Neary et al., 1998; Seelaar et al., 2011; we also refer to MND, CBD or PSP.
Snowden et al., 2006, 2007). For example, although
PPA is considered when there is isolated progressive
Language in the diagnosis of FTD syndromes
language impairment with a relative preservation of
non-verbal cognition in the first two years of the dis- One of the main goals of clinical neuroscience is to
ease (Mesulam et al., 2009; Gorno-Tempini et al., differentiate between the early stages of neurodegen-
2011), many cases with nfvPPA have extrapyramidal erative conditions caused by different underlying
features of CBD and PSP, which appear within two pathologies. Although both FTD and AD may start
years of the language symptoms (Kertesz et al., 2000, with progressive aphasia, the language profile of
2005, 2007; Rohrer et al., 2010b). Hence, although FTD-related and AD-related PPA has often been
FTD remains the most widely applied term to denote shown to be dissociable. Therefore, a comprehensive
180 M. Harciarek & S. Cosentino
language assessment may significantly contribute to Specifically, in a case study of bvFTD, a dispropor-
the correct diagnosis of these two dementing dis- tionate verb naming deficit was seen only when static
eases. Further, for natural reasons, language testing pictures were used to probe verb naming, and not
is crucial in the early differentiation between the when verbal descriptions of videotaped actions were
behavioural and language variants of FTD, although used as probes. The authors argue that this dissocia-
at later stages of the disease some overlap may be tion reflects the greater demands on executive
present, especially between bvFTD and svPPA resources for naming verbs rather than nouns based
(Kertesz et al., 2007). on static pictures, as such pictures are missing crucial
PPA is characterized by isolated speech and temporal and spatial information inherent to verbs.
language impairment during the first two years of Nonetheless, as the disease progresses, many
the disease course (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2011; patients develop semantic problems typical for svPPA
Mesulam, 2001, 2003). However, later in the disease, (Kertesz et al., 2007), reflecting the significant over-
aphasia in FTD and AD is typically accompanied by lap in the distribution of neuropathology across these
a specific neuropsychological profile (for review see two FTD syndromes. Similarly to svPPA, subjects
Harciarek & Jodzio, 2005). Thus, to diagnose PPA with bvFTD frequently present with severe prag-
and its specific variant, a neuropsychological assess- matic disturbance, disinhibited output, and stereo-
ment should involve administration of a number of typic thematic perseverations. Alternatively, in
tests that, apart from examining patient deficits relation to their frontal lesions and apathy, patients
within and across language domains, could help to with bvFTD may not participate in communication
characterize patient behaviour, overall cognitive sta- and, thus, may be perceived as logopenic. Finally,
tus, as well as performance in specific non-language due to an overlap with nfvPPA, a subset of patients
domains (e.g. memory and visuo-perceptual abili- with bvFTD may become non-fluent or even mute,
ties). This could be best achieved by using a compre- especially at the late stages of the disease.
hensive language battery such as the Western Aphasia
Battery – Revised (Kertesz, 2007) or Boston Diag-
Language profiles of the language variant FTD (PPA)
nostic Aphasia Examination (Goodglass et al., 2001),
together with some experimental tasks of speech pro- Non-fluent/agrammatic variant PPA
cessing. Once the diagnosis of PPA is established, a The earliest language problems seen in nfvPPA
clinician should use the speech and language profile encompass rather non-specific anomia and word
to identify a certain subtype of PPA that could poten- finding difficulties (Ash et al., 2010; Blair et al.,
tially point to the underlying pathology of this syn- 2007; Clark et al., 2005; Harciarek & Kertesz, 2009;
drome (Hu et al., 2010; for review see Harciarek & Kertesz & Munoz, 2002; Kertesz et al., 2003a; Knibb
Kertesz, 2011). Of note, there may be no clear cut et al., 2009). Initially, patients with nfvPPA may still
between the progressive aphasia subtypes, as a subset seem to have fluent speech, although their output
of cases present with mixed or possible PPA (Kertesz typically becomes effortful and halting due to articu-
et al., 2005, 2007, 2010; Mesulam et al., 2008). latory problems. Importantly, however, most subjects
with nfvPPA begin to experience progressive prob-
lems with sentence construction and syntax relatively
Language profile of the behavioural variant FTD
early (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2011; Gunawardena
Language in bvFTD is initially spared, with behav- et al., 2010; Kertesz, 2008; Mesulam et al., 2009;
ioural and personality changes being the diagnostic Rohrer et al., 2010b). Therefore, speech becomes
features (Rascovsky et al., 2011). While some patients agrammatic and difficult to comprehend, often due
with bvFTD demonstrate difficulty naming action to a significant shortage of verbs and phonological
words, this deficit has been shown to be associated errors in conversational speech (Hillis et al., 2002,
with executive abilities, and may not reflect defective 2004). Additionally, agrammatism in nfvPPA may
verb processing (i.e. retrieving the lexical features of include omitting required determiners, and failure to
verbs) per se (d’Honincthun & Pillon, 2008; Rhee produce appropriate subject–verb agreement (Ash
et al., 2001; Silveri et al., 2003). One possibility is et al., 2009). Moreover, apraxia of speech, a phenom-
that verb naming requires access to a more elaborate enon characterized by impaired motor planning and
set of linguistic and semantic information than nam- sequencing of the movements required for correct
ing nouns, and thus places greater demands on exec- speech production, is also among the initial signs of
utive resources including working memory and nfvPPA (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2004; Josephs et al.,
selective attention (Silveri et al., 2003). However, 2006). These patients may predominantly present
d’Honincthun and Pillon (2008) have demonstrated with stuttering, severe difficulties repeating strings of
that differential difficulty with action versus object syllables, as well as defective prosody, slow rate and
words in an individual with bvFTD may be a product reduced complexity of speech (Budd et al., 2010;
of the manner in which verb naming is assessed. Ogar et al., 2005, 2006, 2007; Wilson et al., 2010).
Language, executive function and social cognition in FTD 181
It is important to note that apraxia of speech is often irrelevant to the questions being asked or the topic
present with CBD (Josephs & Duffy, 2008) and may discussed (Kertesz et al., 1998, 2010). In fact,
be a good marker of tau pathology (Josephs et al., profound pragmatic disturbance, including garru-
2006). Individuals with progressive apraxia of speech lous, excessive and frequently disinhibited output,
may also sometimes present with dysarthria with sys- stereotypic thematic perseverations, and not stop-
tematic distortion of speech that mirrors articulatory ping to listen, are commonly considered the hallmark
problems seen MND (Duffy et al., 2007). features of svPPA (Ash et al., 2006; Kertesz et al.,
As the disease progresses, language impairment 2010). Later, as a result of lexical-semantic impair-
becomes more prominent and speech fluency ment, the length of patients’ connected speech
decreases. Further, many subjects experience reading becomes constantly shorter, resulting in mutism.
and writing difficulties, although reading problems Importantly, as svPPA progresses, problems with
are typically mild and phonemic in nature (Graham single-word comprehension also become evident for
et al., 2004; Patterson et al., 2006; Rohrer et al., more typical words, with patients themselves fre-
2010b). As a point of comparison, semantic deficits quently asking the meaning of words, typically nouns.
are not observed in nfvPPA (Kertesz et al., 2005, Importantly, the ‘What is…?’ questioning in conver-
2007). Also, patients have preserved comprehension sation and also while asked to define words, has
(Hodges et al., 2008; Kertesz et al., 2010; Weintraub recently been shown to be the primary diagnostic
et al., 1990), although agrammatism often impairs feature of svPPA (Kertesz et al., 2010).
comprehension of sentences with complex syntactic Although naming and semantic fluency are
constructions as well as multi-part sequential com- impaired in AD, they are typically more severely
mands (Blair et al., 2007; Grossman et al., 1996; impaired in svPPA (Blair et al., 2007; Marczinski &
Hodges & Patterson, 1996; Peelle et al., 2008; Rohrer Kertesz, 2006). Moreover, patients with svPPA are
et al., 2010b). unlikely to benefit from cuing to the same extent as
AD patients (Gregory & Hodges, 1996). This is
because the brain networks that support word and
Language profile of semantic variant PPA
object knowledge have been directly affected in
The language profile of semantic variant PPA, also svPPA, resulting in an entire loss of knowledge for a
recognized as ‘fluent PPA’ (Adlam et al., 2006; Clark word, rather than difficulty accessing the word which
et al., 2005), ‘temporal variant FTD’ (Bozeat et al., we often see in AD. For example, when shown a pic-
2000), ‘semantic dementia’ (Hodges et al., 1992; ture of a comb, a patient with AD may describe it as
Snowden et al., 1989) or, in Japanese literature, something that is used to brush hair, and with pho-
‘Gogi (word meaning) aphasia’ (Tanabe et al., 1992), nemic cuing (the word begins with ‘co’) can often
is probably the most homogeneous among all PPA pull up the correct name. In contrast, a patient with
syndromes associated with FTLD. Overall, this vari- svPPA may not recognize the picture, and may be
ant of PPA is characterized by a progressive loss of unassisted by cuing.
semantic knowledge (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2011;
Hodges et al., 1992; Julien et al., 2008; Kashibayashi
Language profile of logopenic variant PPA
et al., 2010; Mayberry et al., 2011; Snowden et al.,
1989). Thus, patients with svPPA lose the meaning Logopenic variant PPA has only been recently
of words, seen particularly in the context of naming described (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2004, 2011). Sim-
and single-word comprehension (Adlam et al., 2006; ilar to nfvPPA, its initial clinical picture encompasses
Hodges et al., 1992; Kertesz et al., 1998, 2010). slowed speech output with frequent word-finding
Despite circumlocutions and overuse of closed class pauses and phonemic paraphasias. Nonetheless, in
words, pronouns, verbs, and high frequency nouns, lvPPA, there is no agrammatism, impaired motor
however, the speech of patients with svPPA remains control of speech, or expressive aprosodia, although
fluent, so they are typically able to carry out a con- in lvPPA expressive aprosodia may be sometimes also
versation. As a result of well-preserved phonology, present due to word-finding pauses that disrupt the
subjects with svPPA can also flawlessly repeat words, rhythm and intonation of speech. Further, patients
even when multisyllabic, such as ‘hippopotamus’ with lvPPA do not produce telegraphic speech with
(Hodges et al., 2008). Hence, svPPA somewhat missing function words and morphemes (Wilson
resembles ‘transcortical sensory aphasia’ in which et al., 2010). Additionally, in contrast to svPPA, con-
articulation, phonology and syntax are preserved but frontation naming is typically only moderately
the patient does not comprehend well and has severe affected and single word comprehension is preserved.
anomia. However, patients with lvPPA usually have severe dif-
As the disease progresses, the speech of patients ficulty repeating and/or comprehending sentences
with svPPA may still be considered fluent. Nonethe- and longer phrases, while reproduction of short,
less, it becomes semantically jargonic, frequently single words remains spared. Thus, a phonological
182 M. Harciarek & S. Cosentino
short-term memory deficit has been suggested to be Specific language assessment in the differential
the core impairment that underlies most language diagnosis of PPA subtypes
deficits in lvPPA (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2008).
A problem with identifying a specific subtype of
Nonetheless, since logopenia is also a feature of
PPA is that a comprehensive neuropsychological
nfvPPA and deficits in single-word comprehension
assessment might be very time consuming and tir-
and sentence-level grammar emerge later in the
ing for a patient as well as for a clinician, especially
course of lvPPA, individuals with lvPPA might some-
if the entire language battery is used. Some stan-
times be better referred to as ‘progressive mixed
dardized, validated, and practical-length batteries
aphasia’ (Grossman, 2010; Mesulam et al., 2008,
such as the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) –
2009). Importantly, in addition to the defective pho-
Revised, however, enable testing of both language
nological loop of working memory, subjects with
and non-language cognitive domains. The WAB is
lvPPA often present with episodic memory impair-
composed of several subtests that assess different
ment (Mesulam et al., 2008) as well as acalculia
aspects of language, including spontaneous speech
(Rohrer et al., 2010a), bringing their clinical picture
(information content and fluency), comprehension,
closer to AD rather than to FTD.
repetition, and naming. Based on a specific combi-
nation of these features, the classification of aphasic
Contribution of cognitive assessment to the diagnosis
subtypes can be accomplished. The supplementary
of language impairment in FTD
measures consist of reading, writing, and non-
Many widely used cognitive measures (e.g. memory verbal tests that include measures of praxis, draw-
tests) are language-based. Thus, individuals with ing, block design, calculation, and Raven’s
PPA may obtain lower scores due to their language Progressive Matrices. Importantly, although this
impairment. For example, patients with svPPA may battery was initially designed to diagnose and clas-
fail on verbal memory tasks such as the Rey Auditory sify aphasia due to stroke, it has been subsequently
Verbal Learning Test or the Hopkins Verbal Learning shown to have a high accuracy in differentiating
Test because they may not understand the instruc- progressive aphasias (Blair et al., 2007; Kertesz
tions or may try to remember a word by its phonol- et al., 2005, 2007, 2010). Also, significant differ-
ogy rather than its meaning. As a point of comparison, ences across PPA subtypes may be seen even within
some subjects with logopenic or non-fluent variant some single subtests such as the auditory recogni-
PPA may have severe problems memorizing a list of tion subtest. For example, it has been shown that
words owing to defective phonological processing although correct auditory recognition depends on
and/or may not be able to provide an answer due to aphasia severity and might be modified by word fre-
distorted speech output or mutism. The same issue quency, only patients with svPPA appear to develop
seems to also be true for the interpretation of scores impaired comprehension of words depicting body
obtained on general cognitive function scales such as parts, and these deficits are seen relatively early in
the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) the course of the disease (Harciarek & Kertesz,
(Kertesz et al., 2003b). Hence, at least some patients 2009). In contrast, impaired repetition of single
with PPA could potentially be misdiagnosed as hav- words and short sentences is typically only seen in
ing a more generalized dementia. It is worth mention- nfvPPA (Hodges et al., 2008).
ing, however, that although a total score on such Despite the fact that all patients with PPA per-
scales may be unreliable in many cases, the profile of form poorly on verbal fluency tasks, the profile of
the performance as well as the qualitative analysis of performance across phonemic (letter) and seman-
subscales may inform the diagnosis of PPA, or even tic (category) fluency tasks is often dissociable
its specific subtype. For example, since phonological, across PPA subtypes (Hodges & Patterson, 2007;
motor and visuo-perceptual abilities are generally Kertesz et al., 1998, 2010). Category fluency (e.g.
preserved in svPPA, these subjects may be the only generating as many names of animals within 1 min)
individuals with PPA who are able to accurately repeat is typically differentially impaired as compared to
words and sentences or copy a design. In contrast, letter fluency (e.g. generating words beginning
such patients typically have severe anomia and may with F, A, or S) in svPPA, likely owing to lexico-
frequently ask the meaning of the ‘to be remembered’ semantic dysfunction, whereas the reverse pattern
words (Kertesz et al., 2010). Similar dissociations in appears to characterize nfvPPA and lvPPA groups,
performance may be seen on the clock drawing test, likely due to impaired fluency and phonology
a sensitive and multidimensional cognitive screen (Laisney et al., 2009). Also, Ringman and co-workers
with a strong semantic component (Blair et al., 2006; (2010) have recently found that, while performing a
Cahn-Weiner et al., 1999). While patients with svPPA phonemic fluency task, patients with FTD, regard-
may obtain a perfect score in the copy condition, less of its variant, tend to generate the word ‘f*ck’
drawing to command might be severely impaired, for during the ‘F’ trial, whereas such use of profanity
example, they may not know what a ‘clock’ is. is not seen in patients with AD.
Language, executive function and social cognition in FTD 183
Naming impairment is seen in all individuals with tasks provide a very rich source of data; however, it
PPA, although it has been shown to be the most is very difficult to control the topic, the rate, and
severely affected in the svPPA subtype. While phono- length of the interchange during testing. A recently
logical paraphasias and semantic impairment also developed test, the Northwestern Anagram Test
develop in AD (Appell et al., 1982; Chertkow & Bub, (NAT) (Weintraub et al., 2009), addresses these
1990; Chertkow et al., 2008), these deficits are typi- limitations by evaluating the accuracy of word order
cally accompanied or preceded by a prominent epi- under controlled sentence production conditions. In
sodic memory deficit. Single word comprehension the NAT, a picture stimulus depicting two actors
problems characteristic of svPPA are less frequent in (e.g. ‘a man’ and ‘a woman’) and an action (e.g.
AD, where comprehension deficits are more likely to ‘kiss’) is shown to a subject. Each drawing has printed
resemble Wernicke’s aphasia (Kertesz et al., 2010). words and arrows labelling each actor and action.
With regard to reading, patients with svPPA have The subject is provided with individual word cards
preserved phonology and therefore correctly relate presented in a scrambled order and is asked to
letters to sounds while reading regular words, unlike assemble these cards into a meaningful sentence based
patients with nfvPPA. However, the sound of an on the picture. Additional advantages of this task
irregular word is not related to its spelling, and must include its utility for patients with word finding diffi-
be learnt separately for each word. Patients with culties or working memory problems as well as in those
svPPA who have lost the lexical representation of this who have speech production and word comprehension
word read only by phonology and in turn, pronounce deficits. Also, in addition to providing few clues as to
irregular words as if they were regular (e.g. ‘yakt’ for permissible word combinations, the NAT examines
‘yacht’, ‘dufnut’ for ‘doughnut’); a phenomenon several canonical and non-canonical errors.
known as surface dyslexia (Fushimi et al., 2009; Jef- Although rarely done, the analysis of non-verbal
feries et al., 2004; Kertesz et al., 1998, 2010; Wilson sound processing may also be helpful in differentiat-
et al., 2009). In svPPA patients, this may also apply ing between PPA variants. Evidence for this comes
to writing (surface dysgraphia) (Caine et al., 2009). from a study by Goll and colleagues (2010) who
As a part of the diagnostic criteria, patients with investigated the processing of complex non-verbal
nfvPPA often present with agrammatism (Gorno- sounds in a consecutive series of 20 patients with
Tempini et al., 2011). Thus, written production tests PPA. Their results indicate that deficits of early audi-
(such as a written description of a picture) or syntax tory perceptual analysis may be characteristic for
comprehension tasks are useful in the differential nfvPPA, whereas deficits of representational process-
diagnosis of PPA, since they can reveal even mild ing may occur in both non-fluent and semantic vari-
grammatical errors in nfvPPA (Weintraub et al., ant PPA. Also, defective semantic processing tends
1990, 2009). Also, Mesulam and co-workers (2008) to be modality-specific in nfvPPA, whereas this
have recently indicated that the presence of syntactic impairment is more severe and generic in svPPA.
impairment may reliably predict tauopathy at autopsy. Importantly, in this study the diagnosis of PPA was
However, whereas evaluating lexical-semantic pro- based on Neary et al.’s criteria and, thus, at least a
cessing may be relatively easily done with a combina- subset of the non-fluent patients could have poten-
tion of the measures described above plus some tially had lvPPA if the most recent criteria of PPA
word–picture-matching tests such as the Pyramids had been applied.
and Palm Trees Test (Howard & Patterson, 1992),
assessment of syntax seems to be much more chal-
lenging. To test grammatical comprehension, some Executive functioning in the diagnosis of FTD
experimental sentence-matching tasks are typically syndromes
applied. Grammatical comprehension may also be The executive abilities, such as abstract reasoning,
tested by providing the patient with a sentence and concept formation, mental set shifting, problem solv-
asking questions that probe understanding of gram- ing, working memory, and inhibition of a prepotent
matical relations between sentence components response, are a group of high level cognitive functions
(Grossman et al., 2005). Such tasks, however, require united by their role in the control and direction of
well-preserved single word comprehension and work- lower level functions (Stuss & Levine, 2002). An in-
ing memory and, thus, their diagnostic utility in PPA depth discussion of executive abilities is beyond the
may be limited, especially at the later stages of the scope of this review; however, it should be noted that
disease. these heterogeneous abilities appear to share an
The ability to produce grammatically correct underlying commonality as well as to separate into
sentences has frequently been examined using pic- discrete processes. For example, while mental set-
ture description tasks as well as through linguistic shifting, monitoring/updating, and inhibiting a pre-
analysis of spontaneous speech (Beeke et al., 2003; potent response are correlated, they can also be
Gorno-Tempini et al., 2004; Kertesz, 2007). Such distinguished from each other on the basis of latent
184 M. Harciarek & S. Cosentino
variable analysis, and contribute differentially to per- time to completion, number of moves, and total rule
formance on specific neuropsychological tasks (Miyake violations on tasks such as the Tower of London.
et al., 2000). The majority of work in FTD, and thus Moreover, studies using experimental tasks to isolate
this review, will evaluate the integrity of executive specific elements of executive functioning including
functioning via standard neuropsychological tests that planning and decision-making support the idea that
generally place demands on a combination of more fundamental deficits in these abilities are present in
specific executive abilities. bvFTD (Krueger et al., 2007; Strenziok et al., 2011).
Executive dysfunction is often assumed to be a Although executive dysfunction is not specific to
hallmark feature of FTD given the well-established bvFTD, studies based on both clinical diagnoses
and robust association between executive abilities (Hodges et al., 1999; Libon et al., 2007a,b; Lindau
and frontal lobe integrity (Gazzaley et al., 2007; et al., 2000; Mathuranath et al., 2000; Walker et al.,
Royall et al., 2002). Indeed, executive deficits are 2005) and pathological confirmation (Grossman
often present in bvFTD, can be seen in the language et al., 2007; Rascovsky et al., 2002, 2008) have gen-
variants of FTD, and have even been detected as erally reported it to be more pronounced than in AD.
early features of FTD in ‘pre-symptomatic’ tau muta- Performance on tasks of verbal fluency is one of the
tion carriers (Alberici et al., 2004; Ferman et al., most frequently noted means of discriminating
2003). Interestingly, however, executive deficits are between AD and FTD clinically, and even among
not necessarily the primary features of FTD and may FTD subtypes as discussed earlier (Marczinski &
even be absent on formal neuropsychological testing, Kertesz, 2006). Imaging and autopsy-confirmed
particularly when examining total quantitative score studies have reported distinct patterns of perfor-
rather than using a qualitative approach to examine mance across phonemic versus semantic fluency
errors. As we have seen above, the PPA variants of tasks that are characteristic of bvFTD, svPPA, and
FTD are characterized predominantly by language AD. Identifiable patterns of performance across these
symptoms and, as we will see in the following section, groups derive from the differential demands of each
social cognitive deficits may be more salient than type of fluency task on frontal versus temporal regions
executive dysfunction in the behavioural variant of (Harciarek et al., 2012; Laisney et al., 2009). While
FTD. In this section, we review the literature on exec- both tasks require executive resources for the effi-
utive disturbances in FTD, and highlight results that cient organization and production of novel informa-
have been produced from autopsy-proven studies. tion, semantic tasks such as animal naming also rely
heavily on access to temporal lobe networks that sup-
port categorical knowledge. Thus, a significant
Executive profile of the behavioural variant FTD
advantage of phonemic over category fluency is
thought to reflect relatively preserved prefrontal ver-
As the primary neuropathologic changes in bvFTD sus temporal networks (Baldo et al., 2006; Lopez
occur in the prefrontal cortex, it is to be expected et al., 2000), and is considered to be a characteristic
that executive deficits would be a major component (but not universal) feature of the early AD cognitive
of the clinical presentation. In fact, a full range of profile. The reverse pattern has been reported sec-
executive deficits has been reported in clinically ondary to primarily prefrontal compromise in bvFTD
defined bvFTD (Carlin et al., 2000; Cosentino, and equally impaired performance has been shown
et al., 2006; Huey et al., 2009; Johns et al., 2009; in svFTD (Laisney et al., 2009). Rascovsky and col-
Krueger et al., 2007; Strenziok et al., 2011) as well leagues (2007) calculated a semantic index represent-
as pathologically confirmed bvFTD (Grossman ing the relative integrity of semantic fluency in relation
et al., 2007; Rascovsky et al., 2002, 2008). For exam- to overall fluency in pathologically confirmed cases of
ple, Johns and colleagues (2009) reported deficits in AD and FTD. Scores on this index discriminated
bvFTD across four domains of executive functioning between AD and bvFTD with 90% correct classifica-
including working memory (e.g. Brown-Peterson tion. As may have been expected, the svFTD cases
dual task paradigm), inhibitory control (e.g. Stroop performed more comparably to patients with AD.
test), planning (e.g. Tower of London), and genera- Importantly, however, measures of executive func-
tive behaviours (e.g. verbal fluency). Huey and col- tioning do not always distinguish between bvFTD
leagues (2009) also demonstrated a range of executive and AD (Collette et al., 2007; Diehl & Kurz, 2002;
deficits in bvFTD on subtests of the Delis-Kaplan Kertesz et al., 2003b; Piquard et al., 2004; Wicklund
Executive Function Systems battery (DKEF-S) et al., 2004), and this is particularly the case when
including sorting, verbal fluency and abstract reason- groups are compared on overall accuracy scores rather
ing, the latter of which was severe enough to distin- than on qualitative aspects of performance. For exam-
guish bvFTD patients from a group with CBD. ple, Kertesz and colleagues (2003b) found that a
Deficits have been reported not just for total score, behavioural measure (i.e. the Frontal Behaviour
but for numerous subscores within a task, such as Inventory) was more accurate in cognitive measures
Language, executive function and social cognition in FTD 185
for discriminating between 52 individuals with imaging work examining the neuroanatomic basis of
bvFTD (a portion of which were autopsy confirmed) rule violations has confirmed that the integrity of
and 52 individuals with AD. Frequently comparable bilateral PFC regions, rather than posterior regions of
performance across these groups reflects not only the the cortex, contributes to the frequency of rule viola-
fact that areas of the prefrontal cortex are compro- tions (Possin et al., 2009). Qualitative error analysis
mised in AD, but the fact that complex executive is critical in identifying these informative errors.
tasks place demands on working memory capacity It should be noted that several studies have reported
supported by posterior regions of the brain (Stopford certain executive abilities in the normal range in
et al., 2012). However, there is growing recognition patients with FTD (Gregory & Hodges, 1996; Lough
that differences in executive abilities across bvFTD et al., 2001; Rahman et al., 1999). This likely reflects
and AD may be evident in qualitative aspects of per- the early compromise of orbitofrontal, ventromedial
formance rather than the overall quantitative scores. PFC and anterior temporal lobe areas as opposed to
Possin and colleagues (2012) recently examined the regions in the dorsolateral PFC (Seeley et al., 2008),
neuroanatomic basis of repetitions versus total cor- resulting in relatively preserved executive abilities in
rect on a design fluency task in patients with various the context of impaired behaviour and social cogni-
forms of dementia. While overall number of correct tion (discussed later in this review). In general, how-
designs was associated with the integrity of frontal, ever, performance is generally impaired in patients
parietal and temporal regions bilaterally, repetitions with bvFTD on at least one measure of executive
were uniquely predicted by right and left lateral PFC functioning. For example, Lough and colleagues
volumes. Accordingly, patients with bvFTD made (2001) described the case of an individual with
significantly more design repetitions than the other bvFTD who had significant personality and behav-
dementia groups despite comparable scores for over- ioural changes as well as impaired performance on a
all number of designs correct. Similarly, Thompson task of verbal fluency, yet intact performance on the
and colleagues (2005) found that characterizing WCST. The authors demonstrated that the most
errors across a range of cognitive tests to capture the notable deficit on formal testing was evident on an
presence of concrete thought, perseveration, organi- experimental theory of mind task which examined
zational approach, and confabulation was more use- the patient’s ability to take the perspective of another
ful in distinguishing between AD and FTD than the person, a skill which falls into the increasingly rec-
traditional scores on the individual tests, and ognized and researched domain of social cognition
increased classification accuracy from 71% to 96% that will be discussed in the next section. Rahman
(Thompson et al., 2005). Carey and colleagues and colleagues (1999) also found a dissociation in
(2008) explored rule violation errors on a tower task executive abilities among patients with mild bvFTD
that required complex planning in patients with AD such that performance on spatial working memory
and FTD (Carey et al., 2008). They hypothesized and planning tasks was preserved, whereas a
that such errors would be more specific to the FTD decision-making task revealed risk-taking behaviour
group than the overall accuracy scores which likely and increased deliberation time.
reflect a multitude of cognitive processes including In summary, the majority of studies demonstrate
processing speed and spatial organization. Indeed, at least some disruption of executive abilities in
while the two groups were similarly impaired for the bvFTD, but it appears to be critical to assess a
overall accuracy score, the FTD group was more range of executive abilities, with particular attention
likely to violate task rules either by moving two discs paid to the qualitative aspects of performance than
at once or by placing a large disc on top of a small the total scores. Individuals who do not present with
disc. Such rule violations in FTD or the tendency to any executive dysfunction may either have relatively
make ‘out of set’ errors is characteristic of prefrontal circumscribed atrophy, or may be part of a non-
compromise seen in other degenerative diseases progressive FTD phenocopy group (Hornberger
(Giovannetti et al., 2001; Lamar et al., 2010a). For et al., 2008). Hornberger and colleagues (2008)
example, when compared to patients with AD, studied a group of individuals longitudinally to
patients with Vascular Dementia (VaD) compromis- determine the features which best discriminated
ing frontal subcortical networks make more out of between individuals who progressed over time (i.e.
set errors when asked to identify similarities between true FTD) versus those whose clinical symptoms
two things (e.g. a dog and a lion). An out of set error remained stable (i.e. phenocopy group) (Hornberger
would be ‘a lion can eat a dog’, whereas an in-set et al., 2008). While both groups shared similar
error would be ‘they both have legs’. That is, prefron- behavioural features at baseline, individuals who
tal compromise appears to influence the extent to progressed over time typically demonstrated execu-
which an individual can maintain the appropriate tive deficits on tests including digit span, verbal
mental set, or operate within the specified parame- fluency, the Trail Making Test, and the Hayling Test
ters of the task (Lamar et al., 2010b). Indeed, of Inhibitory Control.
186 M. Harciarek & S. Cosentino
Executive profiles of the language variant FTD (PPA) are impaired in comparison to healthy controls as
measured by number of lines per minute on a modi-
As would be expected, executive dysfunction has been
fied Trail Making Test (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2004).
documented as the various PPAs progress and patho-
To our knowledge, executive function has not been
logical changes become more widespread (Hsiung
studied specifically in lvPPA, given its relatively
et al., 2012; Mesulam, 2003; Wicklund et al., 2007).
recent categorization as a PPA subtype. However, as
The extent to which executive dysfunction is present
a phonological short-term memory deficit has been
early in the course of PPA is less clear, however. By
suggested to be the core impairment that underlies
definition, the language variants of FTD present with
most language deficits in lvPPA (Gorno-Tempini
disproportionate and relatively isolated deficits in the
et al., 2008), this group may be expected to perform
expression and/or comprehension of language as dis-
poorly on higher-level executive tasks that place
cussed earlier. As such, deficits on executive and other
demands on verbal working memory. In contrast,
verbally mediated cognitive measures early in the
non-verbal executive tasks such as design fluency or
disease course may simply reflect these language defi-
tests of concept formation might be expected to be
cits. Indeed, in a recent study examining cognitive
relatively preserved. Future work in this area is
predictors of spontaneous speech, executive abilities
needed to address these diagnostic issues.
predicted words per minute in bvFTD, whereas gram-
matical measures predicted this ability in patients with
nfvPPA (Gunawardena et al., 2010).
Social cognition in the diagnosis of FTD
It is therefore not surprising that studies applying
language-based measures such as letter fluency report
executive deficits in nfvPPA and svPPA. Interest- Impairment in social cognition is a hallmark feature
ingly, an early meta-analysis showed that executive of bvFTD. Consider the pathologically confirmed
measures such as FAS and similarities that are heav- case of Dr A, described by Narvid and colleagues
ily mediated by verbal functions tended to be (2009), who began to evidence remarkable changes
impaired, whereas cognitive flexibility as measured in interpersonal conduct and personality around the
by the Card Sort Test (WCST) was comparable age of 62 in the context of relatively preserved per-
across nfvPPA and healthy controls (Zakzanis, 1999). formance on classic tests of executive functioning
The integrity of non-verbal executive abilities was (Narvid et al., 2009). Once a successful surgeon, Dr
supported in the first relatively large study of PPA A was forced to retire due to a lack of responsiveness
(primarily nfvPPA) versus bvFTD and AD in to the requests of colleagues in his practice. He
which subjects with PPA performed comparably to became more aloof in his personal life, and demon-
healthy controls and better than patients with AD or strated strange behaviours such as leaving his three-
bvFTD on a non-verbal test of sorting and shifting year-old grandchildren unattended at night, walking
(Wicklund et al., 2004). In contrast, a number of out of his son’s wedding without clear reason or
other studies have reported severe executive deficits explanation, and making inappropriate sexual
in nfvPPA as measured by the WCST or Trail Making advances to women on multiple occasions. These
Test Part B (Knibb et al., 2009; Nestor et al., 2003). changes in interpersonal behaviour and personality
Further, the executive problems in subjects with are a core aspect of bvFTD, are commonly seen in
nfvPPA have sometimes been shown to be of a greater svPPA, and have come to be conceptualized as fun-
magnitude than in bvFTD (Heidler-Gary et al., 2007). damental deficits in social cognition.
Variable disease severity is certain to contribute to the Social cognition has been described as the means by
discrepancy across studies, and it is also likely that cogni- which we make sense of ourselves in relation to others
tive profiles differ on a case by case basis. and the environment in which we live (Fiske, 1993),
While many studies have examined neuropsycho- or more broadly, as any cognitive process that is
logical functioning (Hodges et al., 1999) and corre- engaged to understand or interpret the self in relation
lates of executive abilities in svPPA (Kramer et al., to others (Forbes & Grafman, 2010). While an in-
2007; Marra et al., 2007), very few studies have depth discussion of the construct of social cognition
directly examined executive functioning in svPPA (Sollberger et al., 2010) is beyond the scope of this
compared to healthy controls using non-verbal tasks, paper, it is important to note that social cognitive abil-
and those that have, demonstrate mixed results. For ities consist of a number of converging implicit and
example, patients with svPPA have been shown to explicit processes that form the basis of the complex
have normal performance on multiple measures of and dynamic set of behaviours and mutually shared
executive functioning including the WCST and tasks expectations that enable individuals to successfully
of divided attention, whereas Stroop interference has interact with one another across a range of different
been shown to be impaired (Perry & Hodges, 2000). scenarios and environments. Social cognition is thus
Separate work has documented that all PPA subtypes generally studied in terms of a number of component
Language, executive function and social cognition in FTD 187
processes that are associated with each other and in described social cognitive deficits in bvFTD includ-
some cases influence one another (Eslinger et al., ing impaired ability to process facial emotions
2011). These processes can be broken down and con- (Cavallo et al., 2011; Miller et al., 2012; Torralva
ceptualized as functions pertaining to the perception et al., 2009), detect socially inappropriate speech
of social and emotional signals (e.g. emotion recogni- (Gleichgerrcht et al., 2010; C. Gregory et al., 2002;
tion through facial and vocal stimuli, comprehension Torralva et al., 2009), adopt the perspective of another
of sarcasm), the evaluation of personal relevance of person (Adenzato et al., 2010; Eslinger et al., 2011;
social and emotional signals (e.g. sensitivity to negative Gregory et al., 2002; Lough & Hodges, 2002; Lough
consequences of social decisions), social knowledge et al., 2001), solve social dilemmas (Eslinger et al.,
awareness (e.g. semantic knowledge for social norms), 2007), perceive sarcasm (Kosmidis et al., 2008), or
behaviour/personality (e.g. empathy), and higher order react to fearful or sad stimuli (Sturm et al., 2006;
social information processing (e.g. theory of mind Werner et al., 2007).
(TOM, moral reasoning) (Shany-Ur & Rankin, 2011). There is some evidence that social cognitive defi-
TOM, the ability to attribute independent mental and cits may in part reflect executive dysfunction more
emotional states to another individual, is perhaps the generally (Eslinger et al., 2011; Ybarra & Winkiel-
social cognitive ability examined most frequently man, 2012). For example, Eslinger and colleagues
through formal testing, and can be broken down into (2011) examined several aspects of social cognition
cognitive and affective components (Baron-Cohen in bvFTD including the ability to solve social dilem-
et al., 1999). Cognitive TOM, assessed with false belief mas by completing a cartoon story with a socially
tasks, examines one’s ability to appreciate the difference appropriate ending, as well as empathy, TOM, and
between his or her knowledge and the knowledge of mental flexibility. The latter construct, conceived of
another individual. This form of cognitive understand- as a classic executive function, has been posited to
ing is thought to be a prerequisite for affective TOM, be an important component of the ‘social executor
or the ability to empathize with another’s mental state, framework’ model of social cognition. Indeed, the
typically measured with a faux pas task. ability to solve social dilemmas, while correlated with
Compromise to any number of component abili- empathy and TOM, was best predicted by cognitive
ties may alter the way in which an individual per- flexibility.
ceives or engages in social interactions, producing However, there is also evidence that changes in
behaviour that is judged to be abnormal, eccentric, social cognition precede and outweigh executive dys-
inappropriate, or offensive. BvFTD is characterized function (Eslinger et al., 2007; Libon et al., 2007a,b)
by early and pervasive changes in brain regions that corresponding to the early compromise of orbitof-
have been shown to be critical for social cognitive rontal, ventromedial PFC and anterior temporal lobe
processes including the orbitofrontal cortex (Forbes areas prior to changes in dorsolateral PFC (Seeley
& Grafman, 2010), ventromedial PFC (Lewis et al., et al., 2008). This dissociation has been highlighted
2011), insular cortex (Bernhardt & Singer, 2012) in multiple case studies (Lough & Hodges, 2002;
and anterior temporal lobes (Ross & Olson, 2010; Lough et al., 2001) in which cognitive deficits appear
Wong et al., 2012; Zahn et al., 2007). Right-sided to be subtle on intellectual testing and classic execu-
networks that are especially vulnerable in bvFTD, tive measures, yet severely impaired performance
appear to be particularly important for social cogni- arises on tests of social cognition such as TOM and
tion (Eslinger et al., 2011). Moreover, it has been detection of faux pas, arguing for inclusion of such
suggested that von Economo neurons, specific neu- measures in a diagnostic assessment of bvFTD. In
rons that are over-represented in the right anterior fact, recent recommendations for diagnostic batteries
cingulate and frontoinsular cortex, and that are emphasize formal evaluation of social cognition via
severely and selectively damaged in FTD, may be brief batteries that include assessment of abilities
specialized for social cognition (Seeley et al., 2005). such as emotion recognition and TOM (Sarazin
These morphologically unique and phylogenetically et al., 2012). For example, the Social Cognition and
recent neurons offer an explanation as to why highly Emotional Assessment (SEA) and the mini-SEA
evolved capacities such as self-awareness and social have been shown to have good discriminability
cognition deteriorate early in FTD with the compro- between bvFTD and other conditions such as AD
mise of brain regions traditionally considered to be and major depressive disorder (Bertoux et al., 2011),
more primitive (Seeley et al., 2012). and the Executive and Social Cognition Battery
(ESCB) detected early deficits in mild bvFTD as
compared to healthy controls when performance on
Social cognitive profile of the behavioural
classic executive tests was normal (Gleichgerrcht et al.,
variant FTD (bvFTD)
2010; Torralva et al., 2009). Thus, while correlated
Dozens of case studies and between group compari- with executive deficits, social cognitive impairments
sons have provided empirical support for the clinically appear to be independent of executive deficits to
188 M. Harciarek & S. Cosentino
some extent (Torralva et al., 2007), and frequent in possibility that non-social processes underlie social
the early stages of bvFTD. cognitive deficits (Fernandez-Duque et al., 2009).
Like deficits in executive functioning, social cogni- Moreover, it is important to emphasize that few if
tive impairment is not specific to bvFTD, however. any autopsy-confirmed studies have directly com-
Multiple studies have demonstrated impaired social pared social cognitive abilities in bvFTD versus AD.
cognition in AD, including deficits in moral judge- Thus, individuals with relatively intact social cogni-
ments and decision-making (Torralva et al., 2000) and tion may have been misdiagnosed as AD and vice
deficient reasoning regarding psychological versus versa. While the majority of cases with early social
physical causation (Verdon et al., 2007). Addition- cognitive deficits are likely to have bvFTD given the
ally, other patient populations including PSP, VaD selective vulnerabliity of the OFC, vmPFC, and ante-
and Parkinson’s disease (PD) have been reported to rior temporal lobes in this disease and their impor-
have social cognitive changes to varying degrees tance for social cognition, individual cases of atypical
(Allain et al., 2011; Bodden et al., 2010; Ghosh AD can certainly present in this fashion, and even
et al., 2012; Kawamura et al., 2007; Roca et al., cases of typical AD may perform poorly on social
2010; Yu et al., 2012). However, a recent study cognitive tasks secondary to more global cognitive
directly comparing dementia groups revealed more deficits.
severe social cognitive deficits in bvFTD as com-
pared to non-FTD groups. Specifically, while indi-
Social cognitive profile of the language variant
viduals with PSP and VaD evidenced TOM deficits
comparable to those with bvFTD, the latter group
had greater difficulty detecting insincere speech Although social cognitive features are the core of the
(Shany-Ur et al., 2012). bvFTD presentation, there is growing evidence that
Moreover, studies of emotion recognition, an certain aspects of social cognition, emotional func-
ability that has been posited to contribute to social tioning and behaviour are quite frequently impaired
cognition more broadly (Petroni et al., 2011; Rosen early in the course of the svPPA (Kumfor & Piguet,
et al., 2002, 2004) have generally, but not always, 2012). In fact, similar deficits in social awareness
supported a distinction between AD and bvFTD in have been reported across bvFTD and svPPA with
this regard. While patients with bvFTD have intact regard to empathy, social withdrawal, and interest in
recognition of familiar faces and preserved ability to family that set these groups apart from patients with
match unfamiliar faces, they have been reported to AD (Bozeat et al., 2000). Even if such symptoms are
be more impaired than patients with AD in detecting not part of the initial presentation in PPA, they often
emotions through both facial expressions and voices arise over time. For example, in a group of individu-
(Keane et al., 2002; Kipps et al., 2009; Lavenu et al., als with mixed PPA subtypes, scores on the Frontal
1999), with some evidence that recognition of nega- Behaviour Inventory were in the normal range at
tive emotions is most impaired (Kumfor et al., 2011; baseline evaluation, but were comparable to a group
Werner et al., 2007). of bvFTD after three years. Among other symptoms,
Case studies underscore the presence of deficits in there was an increase in socially undesirable behav-
bvFTD and a relative preservation of social function- iours including personal neglect, inappropriateness,
ing into the moderate stages of the AD (Lough et al., and aggression (Marczinski et al., 2004).
2001; Sabat & Gladstone, 2010; Sabat & Lee, 2010). While few studies have formally evaluated social
Most studies that have documented similar social cognition through experimental paradigms in PPA, a
cognitive abilities in FTD and AD, including facial series of case studies exist and several larger studies
emotion processing (Bediou et al., 2009; Cavallo based on retrospective chart reviews document nota-
et al., 2011), down-regulating emotion following ble early deficits in social cognition in svPPA, par-
exposure to an aversive acoustic stimulus (Goodkind ticularly in cases with primarily right hemisphere
et al., 2010), and completion of stories that have atrophy (Edwards-Lee et al., 1997; Gorno-Tempini
socially dependent endings (Cavallo et al., 2011) et al., 2004; Perry et al., 2001; Sollberger et al., 2010;
have included multiple FTD subtypes in the sample Thompson et al., 2003). For example, Sollberger
and/or have had very small sample sizes, limiting et al. (2010) described a case of right-sided temporal
their ability to detect differences between these lobe atrophy who presented with changes in inter-
groups. Moreover, social cognitive deficits in AD are personal behaviours including reduced eye contact
generally accounted for by global cognitive decline and poor respect for personal boundaries that
(Shany-Ur & Rankin, 2011). occurred at approximately the same time as changes
However, recent work continues to challenge the in non-verbal semantic knowledge. Similarly, Gorno-
idea that specific aspects of social cognition are Tempini and colleagues (2004) described another
impaired in bvFTD as opposed to AD (Freedman case with markedly decreased empathy and a loss of
et al., 2012; Miller et al., 2012), and has raised the social graces. Formal testing demonstrated mildly
Language, executive function and social cognition in FTD 189
impaired ability to recognize negative emotions with While nfvPPA and lvPPA may be accompanied by
preserved recognition of happiness; and severely behavioural symptoms such as apathy, agitation,
impaired perspective taking and empathic concern. depression, or anxiety (Rohrer & Warren, 2010),
These reports are consistent with that of Perry and individuals with these forms of PPA have been
colleagues (2001), who demonstrated severely impaired reported to have fewer socio-emotional symptoms
recognition of emotions based on facial expression than those with svPPA (Rosen et al., 2006). How-
and voices, and reduced empathy and interpersonal ever, the literature on social cognitive changes in
skills in another case of primarily right-sided temporal nvPPA and lvPPA subtypes is scarce (Kumfor &
lobe atrophy. Moreover, in a retrospective review of Piguet, 2012). Recently, Kumfor and colleagues
47 patients, 11 with right-sided temporal atrophy and (2011) conducted the first study of facial emotion
36 with left-sided atrophy, Thompson and colleagues processing specifically in individuals with nfvPPA,
(2003) found that change in social behaviour was the finding that this group along with bvFTD and svFTD
most common behavioural symptom at presentation had deficits in identifying negative emotions. How-
in the right-sided group, with 64% of patients display- ever, both the bvFTD and nfvFTD groups improved
ing instances of rude, tactless, awkward, uncomfort- performance when the intensity of emotional expres-
able, or disinhibited behaviour. In contrast, depression sion was increased, suggesting that inattention may
was the most common affective or social symptom in underlie deficits in emotion recognition. No such
patients with left sided temporal atrophy, or svPPA. improvement was seen in svPPA, again suggesting a
However, it has also been shown that after approxi- primary deficit in emotion processing. Additional
mately 3–4 years, individuals with left-sided atrophy work using non-verbal methodologies is required to
develop social and behavioural abnormalities that are more fully characterize the integrity of social cognition
comparable to those seen early in right-sided cases in nfvPPA and lvPPA.
(Seeley et al., 2005).
Several studies have directly examined social cog-
Challenges to the diagnosis of FTD
nitive abilities in PPA (Eslinger et al., 2007; Rosen
et al., 2002, 2004). Eslinger and colleagues (2007) FTD and other degenerative diseases such as AD are
found mild social cognitive deficits in a mixed group characterized by progressive cognitive and behav-
of aphasia cases in areas including empathy based on ioural changes that begin relatively focally and even-
informant report, as well as TOM, and the ability to tually become more global in nature. As such,
resolve social dilemmas in a series of cartoon stories. individuals who present in the moderate stages of
While these abilities were impaired in comparison to disease are often difficult to differentially diagnose.
healthy controls, they were less impaired than in the Moreover, despite the prototypical presentations of
bvFTD group. Rosen and colleagues (2002) have these diseases, there are atypical presentations of
shown in two separate studies that both bvFTD and each disease that can obscure differential diagnosis.
svPPA are impaired at recognizing facial emotions, Performance profiles, rather than absolute levels of
with the svPPA group displaying difficulty with neg- performance, provide information regarding the
ative emotions including sadness, anger and fear, in underlying distribution of neuropathology, and thus
contrast to the bvFTD group who had difficulty with the likely aetiology of cognitive and functional
both negative and positive emotions. Primary deficits changes (Libon et al., 2007b; Pachana et al., 1996).
in emotion processing in svPPA have been supported Moreover, pathologically or genetically confirmed
by recent work that accounts for language and per- cases of FTD and AD are critical in determining the
ceptual impairments (Miller et al., 2012) and other extent to which specific cognitive profiles are char-
work that has documented deficits in the perception acteristic or predictive of a specific disease. For
of emotion in unfamiliar music (Hsieh et al., 2012). example, we know that there is a subset of patients
Moreover, while both bvFTD and svPPA demon- with pathologically verified AD who present primar-
strate more severe personality changes than patients ily with behavioural changes and/or a pattern of
with AD, svPPA has been associated with a marked executive dysfunction on neuropsychological testing
increase in coldness with loss of social affiliation and (Johnson et al., 1999; Mez et al., in press; Woodward
nurturance as compared to bvFTD which has been et al., 2010). An early study by Johnson and col-
associated with an increase in submissiveness (Rankin leagues demonstrated that this subgroup has dispro-
et al., 2003). This discrepancy was interpreted to be portionate involvement of the prefrontal cortex at
consistent with patterns of animal behaviour in autopsy as compared to patients presenting with the
lesion-based studies ablating frontal versus anterior classic amnestic profile (Johnson et al., 1999).
temporal regions, with the former lesions resulting in Such cases of ‘frontal variant’ AD can be difficult to
passive behaviour and the latter in more forceful distinguish from FTD (Woodward et al., 2010).
rejection of maternal roles and sometimes aggressive Conversely, individuals with the progranulin (PGRN)
behaviour (Franzen & Myers, 1973). mutation for FTD can present with early memory
190 M. Harciarek & S. Cosentino
problems, extrapyramidal signs, or visual hallucina- intelligence in the normal and autistic brain: An fMRI study.
tions that point clinicians to diagnoses of AD or other European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 1891–1898.
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