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Name: Heather Suarez

Student Number: AC1900356

I want to become a neuropsychologist.

Why did you decide to enroll at Ashworth? Write your primary goal above,
and fill in the graphic organizer below to help you make a plan .

I want to accomplish this goal because… I want to help people have a understanding of the brain and how it works

List the possible benefits here:

Advancements in dementia studies to prolong the life span
The MOST important benefit to me of
achieving this goal is… To make a difference in the study of neuropsychology
Short Term/ Supporting Goals:
1. A BS in Psychology

What smaller goals do you need to

accomplish in order to achieve your long 2. A Master in neuropsychology
term goal? Organize and prioritize your
supporting goals. 3. A Doctorate in Neuropsychology

What resources are available to help you
meet your goal? Support of my Family and online schooling
What resources do you need to help you
meet your goal? A network outside of just my family
Not having enough time to do school work
What are some potential obstacles?

How will you prepare to tackle them?

Doing school work while I am at work
What will you need to change or do to
accomplish your goal?
Accomplishing worthwhile goals often requires us
to make some personal changes.
In order to achieve this goal I will START…
Working hard to get class work done
In order to achieve this goal I will STOP…
Playing around on social media
In order to achieve this goal I will BE…
Dedicated to my studies
Take Action! (Make
these things easily achievable so that you feel
motivated to take action!)
1. cutting back on working so much

In the next week I will complete these

2. Having a sitter watch my kids occasionally
three things to help me begin to achieve
my goal(s).
3. Reach out to others who are in my program for support

1. Have a bigger support network

In the next 1 to 3 months I will complete

2. More time dedicated to studying
these three things to help me begin to
achieve my goal(s).
3. Aim to get lessons done quickly

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