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It doesn't matter what I do it will never turn down

Issue it is you my god there's a lot to explain attention I get your attention what is this place I
think you know where we are you belong come on Sophie we got a lot of work to do emerald
is turned upside down when everything we thought to be true his ripped away a new reality
Sophia girl sent has just a walking to the fact that women put away childish things we may be
closing our eyes instead of opening streets of London to the truth night final Harry Enfield
dominant x beyond imagination bracelet nothing But A New Beginning for the Twilight song

It's ready now so I'm going to do my world is turned upside down when everything we
thought to be truly is rid of way sophie girlfriend has just walking to the fact that will be put
away childish things we may be closing her eyes instead of them and then we'll have so who
is difference among the multitude of truths natural tanzanite final hearing in family tax benefit
additional bracing themselves to be honest but
What do we do with our world is turned upside down when everything we thought to be true
is rid of wearing Emerald face to face a new reality Sophie girls and has just a walking to the
fact that woman put away childish things we may be closing her eyes instead of my mouth
and then perhaps her only hope is to face reality a multitude of truths naturally for men final
hearing Enfield Dominic X, Metal bracing themselves to be
Not the end of the story but A New Beginning for The Twilight Zone what
did I do what did I do i did everything right
Get your attention it's a lot to explain
What is this place
I think you know where we are
It's where we been you belong
We got a lot of work to do

Can I have your attention to ? Where we are

What do we do when I world is turned upside down when everything we thought to be true
his ripped away and was forced to face a new reality cousin has just a walking to the fact that
women put away childish things we maybe closing her eyes instead of opening mouth
stuffings or reality a multitude of truths natural infinite vinyl Harry Enfield aminex beyond
National dex beyond imagination new Beginning for The Twilight Zone just walking to the

The world is turned upside down when everything we thought to be true his ripped away and
was forced to face a new reality cousin has just a walking to the fact that women put away
childish things we may be closing our eyes instead of opening them and then perhaps her
only for business I want to do the truth management infinite final Harry Enfield Eminem x
Rihanna medley selston Nottingham

B&Q I think I'll get your attention it's a lot to explain wait where what is this place where we
are do beagle we belong we've got a lot of work to do
What we do when the world is upside down

And we are forced to face our own new reality.

A multitude of Truths not shrinking for that final fatal arrogant dominant x
The world turned upside down

When we walk away and

we put away childish things

we are closing our eyes instead of opening them

And probably our only hope is to face reality

When we do with world is turned upside down when everything reality Gilson has just
walking to the fact that women put away childish things we may be closing our eyes instead
of opening perhaps only form is to face reality a multitude of Truth natural infinite final
hearing Enfield Eminem x Rihanna medication but you embrace it nothing but the movie The
Twilight Saga

*Fata asta despre care va spun era secretara si visa cu ochii deschisi. Pentru ca facea asta nu
prea reusea sa fie o buna secretara. Totusi, avea ceva la care tinea foarte mult: personajele din
povestile ei. Mai intai s-a dus la o editura apoi la alta si la alta... si la alta si tot asa. A fost data
afara, respinsa de 12 edituri.
Doare! Si totusi...
*Baiatul acesta s-a prezentat la o proba artistica la Metro Golwin Mayer. A plecat cu cateva
cuvinte de la directorul care se ocupa de probe: nu stie sa joace, nu stie sa cante, stie sa
danseze un pic. Respins!
Doare! Si totusi...
*Directorul care sustinea probele i-a spus acestui om : De ce nu te opresti ca sa nu mai irosesti
timpul oamenilor? Pleaca si fa-te spalator de vase sau ceva...!
Doare! Si totusi....
*S-a prezentat la examen la University of Southern California School of Theater, Film and
Television. O data.... inca o data si inca odata. A fost respins. S-a dus la o alta scoala si a
Doare! Si totusi...

*Un mare manager in domeniul musical ameriacan i-a spus: N-ai sa ajungi nicaieri baiete! Ar
fi mai bine sa te intorci la condus camioane!
Si totusi...
Editorul sau l-a dat afara pentru ca ”n-ai imaginatie si ideile tale nu sunt bune”. A dat faliment
de patru ori.
Doare! Si totusi...

doar cateva nume...

J K Rowling
Fred Astaire
Syndey Poitier
Steven Spielberg
Walt Disney
..... eu aș spune...
Am înțeles.
Acesta este sfârșitul!
.., acestui episod, acestui moment, acestui timp!
O întorsătură crudă, nemiloasă.
Soarta ironică.
ce fac eu...
Nimic nu este deajuns.
Esti tu?!
... Cred că am reușit să-ți atrag atenția...
Sunt multe de explicat.
Unde este...?
Ce este locul acesta?
Cred că știi unde te afli.
Este locul căruia îi aparții , de unde vii, de unde ești!
Acum ești pregătit...
Avem o gramadă de lucruri de făcut!
Ce facem cand lumea nostra este rasturnata cu susul in jos?
Cand tot ce a am gandit sau crezut ca este adevarat a fost sfasiat in mii de bucati si suntem
fortati sa facem fata unei noi realitati?
Poate ne-am trezit in fata faptului ca atunci cand alegem sa nu lasam la o parte copilarii,
naivitati, imaturitati s-ar putea sa inchidem ochii in loc sa-i deschidem.
Ce este realitatea? O multitudine de adevaruri care nu se ingusteaza, nu se contracta, nu se
retrag in fata acelei vitale, arogante si fatale necunoscute "X" dincolo de orice imaginatie.
Si, poate, singura speranta sa facem fata intregii realitati este sa o imbratisam.
Să îmbrățișăm realitatea!
Să ne deschidem necunoscutului, nu sfârșitului poveștii ci unui nou început pentru fiecare!

Să fiți iubiți și sănătoși și bine,

Oriunde v-ați afla și cu oricine!

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