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Ja’niyah Blanton-Carter

Argumentative Analysis

In the debate against gun control, Richard Rowe draws a list of reasons claiming how gun

control isn’t necessary. One of the many claims made on this side of the debate is that gun

control leads to more violence. The ground for this claim would be that “gun-free zones can

facilitate gun violence by leaving law-abiding citizens exposed.” The backing for this claim

would be the article referenced by the author. The article discusses how the Sandy Hook

shooting was a result of a gun-free zone, where the students and faculty were left exposed,

vulnerable and “soft-targets.”

The rebuttal for this argument would be, “it is true that gun-free zones can keep law-

abiding citizens from overreacting and turning simple altercations into lethal shootouts.” The

author of this article posed a rebuttal to further defend their argument. The ground for the

rebuttal is no guns would be allowed. The backing to the rebuttal would be the Sandy Hook

article referenced by the author.

The logical fallacy used for this side of the argument is pathos. Rowe uses this article to

evoke emotions within the community debating against gun control. His argument is used to

make those citizens pushing against gun laws feel as though they would be vulnerable to

violence if there were gun control laws.

In the debate for gun control, Richard Rowe draws a list of reasons claiming how gun

control is necessary in society. One of the many claims made on this side of the debate is that

mental health screenings are rare. The ground for this claim would be that, “there are few

effective ways to screen and prevent individuals with mental illness from owning firearms.” The

backing for this claim would be the Second Amendment referenced in the article by the author.

The second amendment does not allow federal and state to screen individuals who desires to bear


The rebuttal for this argument would be that individuals can still purchase firearms

illegally if there were screenings. The ground for this claim would be that the Second

Amendment and other laws prevent denying anyone from obtaining weapons to defend

themselves. There wasn’t a backing for the rebuttal.

The logical fallacy used for this side of the argument is pathos. The article evokes

emotions for gun control by discussing how mentally ill individuals obtain firearms and commit

horrific crimes.

Rowe, Richard. “Here's Why Gun Control Doesn't Make Sense Right Now.” Ranker,


Rowe, Richard. “Here's Why We Need Gun Control Right Now.” Ranker, Ranker, -gun-control/richard-rowe.

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