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1. As soon as the game starts, queue up four villagers in your Town centre.

Select your three initial villagers

and build a house with them.
2. Now, we need to find sheep as soon as possible. Use your scout to explore in circles around your Town
centre, If you have nearby berry bushed, send your villagers there temporarily. Otherwise, use your villagers
to explore.
3. As soon as you find sheep, bring them under your Town centre and harvest them. Don’t forget to keep
creating villagers. Your Town centre should ALWAYS be producing villagers or researches.
4. Villagers 1 to 6 should go in to sheep. Once your seventh villager pops out of the Town centre, build three
houses with him. Once he/she’s finished building the houses, send him into wood.
5. The next two villagers should also go into wood. Start by cutting down the trees that are near your Town
centre. We won’t build a lumber camp for quite some time.
6. We now have a population of ten. Once scout, 6 villagers in food and 3 in wood. If you can, create an extra
villager and send him in food, but if you’re short on food, research loom.
7. Keep pumping out villagers and sending them in food until you reach a population of 20, you’ll then have 1
scout, 3 in wood and 16 in food. At some point around the 10th villagers usually, you’ll want to lure two
boars. Also, if you have access to deer or shore fish, use it! Once your boars/sheep/deer are depleted, send
four of your hunters into wood. Your other villagers should go collect food from the berry bushes.
8. Once you reach a population of 20, continue creating villagers, but send them into wood. Create a lumber
camp near the closest forest.
9. As soon as you reach 25 pop, advance to the feudal age.

The Feudal Age

1. While you’re advancing to the feudal age, build a few houses (3-4) and a barracks. If you’ve already found
the enemy town, then you might want to build the barrack near his town.
2. As soon as you reach feudal age, research Double Bit Axe and queue up a villager. This villager will go into
3. Now, create four villagers that you’ll send into gold. We’ll need a decent amount of gold to get to castle age,
and we’ll want to have enough to create knights.
4. If you don’t already have a barracks near the enemy town, build one. Once finished, build an archery range
and a stable.
5. Once you’re at 30 population (1 scout, 4 gold miners, 12 woodcutters 13 in food), create another villager and
send him into food. Then, create four villagers and send them into wood. Next, research wheelbarrow.
6. You’ll also want to build a few houses for your quickly expanding population
7. While this is all happening, you’ll want to start creating a few skirmishers of men-at-arms to harass the
enemy. I recommend you build a tower near his gold mine or lumber camp. Don’t overdo it though, we want
to get to the castle age as quickly as possible.
8. When the wheelbarrow research finishes, you should be able to advance to the Castle age. If you decided to
go really aggressive on the enemy, then you might not have enough resources. If you’re close, simply wait it
out. Otherwise, continue pumping out villagers and sending them to your most needed resources.
9. While advancing to the Castle age, you’ll want to continue harassing the enemy and building houses, but
make sure to keep a good stockpile of wood (around 500). You’re gonna need it!

The Castle Age (and beyond)

1. Once you reach the Castle age, research Bow Saw and queue up some more villagers. Send these into
2. Using a few woodcutters, pop down a new Town centre. This, with knights, is the main reason we advanced
to the castle age so quickly.
3. Create some knights in your stable (which should be near the enemy base) and use these knights to raid the
computer’s lumber and mining camps.
4. Continue harassing and creating villagers (assign them to the most needed resource) and you’re well on the
way to victory! When you think the enemy is weak enough, start creating rams to bring down his
towers/Town centre(s). He should surrender quickly enough

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