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Bab 1 Industrial Safety

-Ilmu pengetahuan yang mengacu pada safety engineering dan Occupational Health.
-Safety Health and Environment, ISO 9000, ISO 14000 (lingkungan), OSHAS 18000
Kecelakaan Industri
-Human oriented (terjadi akibat interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan teknis)
i. Harus ada Risk-Assessment terhadap individu
ii. Menekan pentingnya peran management dan pengendalian resiko
Kecelakaan Kerja
- Sistem operasi pasti menunjukan potensi bahayanya
-Penanggung Jawab K3
i. Pimpinan
ii. Pekerja tetap
iii. Non tetap (cleaning service)
iv. Eksternal (supplier, manufacturer, installer)
-Pandangan Baru
i. Sebagai kebutuhan untuk memenuhi tuntutan pasar global.
ii. Industri non fasilitasi K3 dapat ditolak di pasar global maupun lokal.
i. UU no 1/70 tentang Keselamatan Kerja
ii. PP no 52 2012
Hukum Internasional yang di Akui Indonesia
-Rio Earth Summit (UN)
-Sustainable Development
-Bergen Conference
-Perjanjian Antartika 1961
-Montreal Protokol 1987
-Klub 30%
-Basel Conference

Bab 2 Safety Risk, Health and Environment Perception, Assessment and Management

Risk Perception
- Incidence Rate = Total Injuries/Total Hours worked
-Acceptability of risk Based on Perception
i. Greater Acceptability: Natural, delayed, common, known, Low Media Coverage, Low
ii. Lower Acceptability: Synthetic, Immediate, rare, unknown, Full Media Coverage,
-The Basis for Negative Risk Perception
i. Involuntary, Uncertain, Undetectable,
-Risk = Probability*Consequences
-Steps in Determining Acceptable Risk
i. Specify, Define Alternatives, Identify Consequences, Quantify, Analyse Results,
Select and Implement, Obtain Feedback,
-Process of Risk Assessment
i. Identify, Measuring, Estimate Prob, Calculate Risk, Sort Risks
-Elements of Risk Management Program
i. Hazards, Risk Assessments, Administrative Controls, Engineering, Emergency
Response and Training, Feedback
- Event Tree Analysis: Inductive logic model identifying possible outcomes. Best
suited for complex process
Environment Risk Assessment (ERA): SHOULD be conducted if there is a consequence to
humans or the enviroment
i. Human Health Risk
ii. Ecological Risk Assessment
- ERA adressings:
i. What could go wrong
ii. The range of Magnitude
iii. What can be done and at what cost
- Purpose of ERA: comprehend and reduce the risk

Bab 3 Keselamatan Konstruksi dan Pemesinan

Construction Safety: Process of adressing construction's safety and maintenance to

protect the safety of public
-Recognised Hazard: Gravity Falls, Slopes-upset, Water Drowing, Walking/Working,
Mechanical Hazard, Chemical, Electric, Allergen, Radiation
-Safety Cycle: Design, Selecting Material, Manufacture, Assembly, Transportation,
Commisioning, Maintenance, Demolition
-Hierarchy Pengendalian Bahaya(Hi to Low): Elimination, Engineering Control, Safety
Device, Warning System, Administrative, Personal Equipment
-Mechanical Danger: Entanglement, Abration, Cut, Shear, Stabbed, Impact, Crushed,
Drawing In
-Machinary Safety Method: Construction, Position, Fixed, Automatic, Locking System,
-Pengamanan tetap: Total enclosure, Limited Access, Adjustable Access

Bab 4 Teknik Analisis

Safety Process: Fokus pada pengendalian Kecelakaan, Pengendalian Resiko

-Bahaya: Menyebabkan kecelakaan, Kerusakan pada lingkungan
-Parameter Probabilitas
i. HIGH: Hampir Setiap kali pekerjaan, tanpa pengalaman, kematian/cacat, kerusakan
besar, spontan
ii. MEDIUM: 1-10%, sedikit pengalaman, Luka menengah, menurunkan produksi, 1-30
iii. LOW: 1%, berpengalaman, luka ringan, kerusakan kecil, 30 menit lebih
-Mechanical Integrity of Process Equipment: Design, Fabrication, Installation,
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA): Analisa aktifitas harian khusus
instalasi industri
i. step sama seperti bab 2
Hazard Identification (HAZID): Analisa pencegahan terjadinya bahaya
i. Data installasi, lokasi, Resiko, Faktor pemicu, Potensi Bahaya
i. Minor: No accidents, loss <$100,000, no environmental impact
ii. Major: Nonfatal Accidents, $100,000<loss<$1,000,000, little environmental
iii. Severe: Fatal Accidents, loss>$1,000,000, big environmental impact
iv. Frequency: Most = >10x in 10 years, Likely = 1>10x in 10 years, Unlikely = less
than 1x in 10 years
Job safety Analysis: Checking, Bagi pekerjaan, identifikasi bahaya, evaluasi
resiko, Nentukan tindakan pencegahan

Bab 5 Fire and Explotion Safety

Fire: Rapid oxidation process with the evolution of light and heat in varying
- Destructive, uncontrolled burning
Explosion: A reaction of rapid releasing energy, a liberation of heat, a sudden
pressure development
Deflagration: Reaction wave speed < speed of sound
Detonation: Reaction wave speed > speed of sound
Disaster: Unusual or unforeseen occurences that seriously threatens the capability
of health care facility
i. Forces of Nature: Tropical Storm, flood, droughts, Volcano, earthquake, tsunami
ii. Human as a factor: Mudslide of deforestation, famine, desertification
iii. Directly caused by people: Conflict, Explosions, Traffic Accidents
-Household level: Major illness, death, substantial economic misfortune
-Community: Flood, fire, collapse of building, epidemic, displacement through
-District: A large number of people can be affected
Kebakaran: Peristiwa terbakarnya suatu rumah, hutan atau lahan
Bencana: Sesuatu yang menyebabkan kerugian, kesusahan atau penderitaan
Nyala Api: Oxygen, Fuel, Chain Reaction, Heat
-Misi Firefighter: Pencegahan dan pengendalian Kebakaran, Pemadam, Penyelamatan,
Pemberdayaan, Penanganan Bahaya
-UU tentang Kebakaran: UU no 2/2002, UU no 1/2009, UU no 4/2009, UU no 23/2004, UU
no 41/1999, UU no 24/2007, UU no 30/2009
Rencana Induk Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran (RISPK)
i. Pendahuluan
ii. Kondisi Geografis Wilayah
iii. Potensi Bahaya Daerah
iv. Pembuatan WMK
v. Penentuan Pos Pemadam
vi. Rencana induk pencegahan
vii. Rencana induk penanggulangan,
viii. program 5-10 tahun
Program kegiatan pemadam kebakaran
i. Pra-kebakaran: Edukasi, fire drilling, pre fire planning, penyusunan data,
sosialisasi pencegahan, pemeriksaan dan pemeliharaan
ii. Saat Kejadian: Penerapan SOP, Komunikasi darurat, Fire Command Center, Sistem
komunikasi insiden
iii. Pasca-kebakaran: Infrastruktur darurat, Investigasi, evaluasi, rehabilitasi
dan rekonstruksi
Sistem Keselamatan dan Proteksi Kebakaran
-Sarana Penyelamatan Jiwa: penyediaan tanda jalur evakuasi, penyediaan alat
komunikasi internal gedung
-Proteksi Pasif: Rancangan fisik dan material, Prasarana penanggulangan bahaya
-Proteksi Aktif: Sistem deteksi alarm, APAR, Hydrant, Sprinkler, Akses firetruck
yang cukup
-Building Fire Safety Management & Fireman and Fire Engine Access
Klasifikasi Kebakaran: Biasa (kertas kayu), Cairan Mudah Terbakar (bensin, gas),
Kabel Listrik, Logam mudah terbakar, Api Grease
Bahan Pemadam: A: Air, B: Penghambat uap (CO2), C: Non Conductive, D: Harus
menyerap panas (pasir), K: Kimia Cair khusus

Bab 6 Electrical Safety

Safety Work Practices: Know where the hazards are, maintain equipment, no exposed
parts, use barriers, no cable to trip on
Electrical Safety Device: Insulation, Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor, Grounding
and Guarding, Fuses and CB, Personal Protection
DC leakage: R MUST BE more than 1 M OHM
AC leakage: V MOST NOT exceed 0.75 V
Working Safely with cords: ensure no exposed internal cable, never unplug by the
cord, plug and receptable must meet the proper config.
Unsafe Electrical Practice Causes: Shock, Fibrilation, Fire, Death, Inconvenience
Causes of shock: Touching both wires, touching a charged wire and a ground
conductor, touching a short circuited appliance
Determination of electrical shock seriousness: Voltage, amount of current flowing,
body's reaction, duration of shock
Electrocution Assisstency: Do not touch victim, Call Help, Shut off any current,
help with insulations, perform CPR
Symbols: A=Ordinary Combustible, B=Flammable Liquids, C=Electrical Equipment,
D=Combustible Metals

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