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When I went into hypomania, it was just another night of

watching Game of thrones and lying around eating little bits.
Next day when hypomania hit me, I was running around
impatient (in the same clothes from night), I got into out-
patient department voluntarily but I created a huge fuss before,
I was scribbling the song cover of the song I just heard,
I was fighting with my closer friends
(I learnt later that I embarrassed myself and everyone about it
and it all involved a close guy friend)….
My warden was called, my parents were called upon too…I
was blabbering while I was sedated and I ate too less (I was
starving myself since past few days.)
On questioning before my parents.... I was sedated and
scared…I blabbered random shit and dozed off. Next day...I
planned to at least go home from the hospital. At home, I
received major support and care. I missed a month of classes,
semester exams and shifted my room too. My family went
through a lot during my illness. I had a clouded mind for nearly
2 months…before working out of the “Saying sorry” phase.
One day, out of snap I decided that I won’t say sorry to anyone
for anything. I have labored enough by being on meds and
everything. I tried damn hard to be off meds….But I had to row
in the struggle...I took them regularly later… I suffered a mind
block… I was ruminating whole day about what happened
before but as is said “time heals everything” …I started
believing in affirmations , yoga and what not … within few
months I was back with better understanding and empathy
towards others.

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