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Megan McBean
Professor Shane Wood
English 101
28 October 2015
Grant Nathanson
How, when, why, and for what reason Grant Nathanson had been named Grape
Juice remains elusive to even the most committed of Nathansons buddies. However, it is
known, that by no other name could he have rocked the playground of Laguna Beach
with such a distinct presence of personality. He colored our streets with a potent honesty
and creative passion that eluded the financially consumed individuals, who sit atop their
concrete palaces overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Nathanson defined those unshakable
spirits, seeking to resurface every drop of truth, in all its ugliness, with a determination
that is admirable for its enduring nature.
I once heard an endearing story about Grant. He was at a class barbeque just before
the school started, and he had noticed a student loitering in the corner by himself. Grants
instinct was to immediately wander to the lone wolf, spark up a conversation, and maybe
spark a new friendship. Unsurprisingly, Grant befriended this lone wolf, luring him into
Grants circle of friends. Later on that friendship, this once lone wolf opened up to Grant
about how he was thinking about taking his own life up until Grant befriended him at that
class barbeque. This is why Grant was more than special to everyone he knew. He
possessed a passionate, in-depth personality, which allured outsiders to become a part of
his friendship circle. He had a true love for anything out of the ordinary, adding to his
unforgettable personality.

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That is what Grant leaves behind on the physical earth. He leaves behind his
passionate aroma of melodic chaos, completely defying every spectrum of normality in
this coastal beach town. His ability to find joy and beauty in everything around him was
truly unique. He found joy in all things deemed unordinary. He found beauty in making
sculptures out of the litter that was peppered in between the clich coastal community
surf shops and the soft sands of private beaches, calling his art Laguna Beachs True
Gems. With losing such a live soul like his it comes no surprise that Laguna Beachs
diverse community would fall together in this tragic loss of such a loved young soul.
It seems like just yesterday when Grant and I were causing havoc in Mr. Bruskys
first period journalism class. However, Mr. Brusky could never get mad at Grant because
he was the most talented writer on the staff.His talent as a writer far surpassed what is
remotely fair for a man only 19 years of age. In writing, he was long winded, some would
say bedraggled, but brilliant nonetheless. The length of his articles constantly aggravated
our top editors, who would have to cut and shave it down to something that would fit
onto the page. He wrote about anything and everything, from concert reviews to opinions
on bathroom cleanliness. Whatever he wrote, our teacher would always exclaim how one
day he knew Grant would write for Rolling Stone magazine.
Grant did not only write for the school newspaper. He wrote a series of
phenomenal, enchanting, sinister poems. These poems he composed were written about
his fascination with death, the other side, and destruction. His dark poems made the dark
side seem luminous, and felt reminiscent to the writings of Edgar Allen Poe, but not
nearly as depressing. Grants series of poems made death seem beautiful. There are no
magical combination of words that could describe how Grant beautified the aches and

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bruises of touching darkness. There are no reasonable explanations or grand
understandings of how he displayed such talent to make death acceptably glorified. Grant
was a genius. He possessed a gift, which no one I know could ever compare.
Grant had a sentimental love for music. His widely varied vinyl record collection
consisted mostly of classic rock, 70s bands, and Burger Records bands. He even
introduced me to a few of my favorite bands today. He taught his friends a new way to
listen and how to lose their identities in the sea of swirling madness of the magical beats
of the music. He showed everyone how the world shifts gears when you fall in love with
the sound and how you cease to wonder if youre turning the world yourself or if its the
world thats turning you. The music was always playing in Grants life. The world always
felt like it was turning for him, and that is something I will never be able to understand.
Grant made us want to push the boundaries, and made us believe that there were only
possibilities remaining. He helped everyone make that connection of longing for living in
a frantic madness-filled life. He made everything around him extremely special,
seemingly having an infinite love of the details of life.
Being the big brother, Grant was always special to his little sister, Perry. They
fought constantly, despised each other on occasions, but had a special connection that
most brothers and sisters would be fortuitous to have. Losing a brother, especially
someone like Grant, is something that everyone who knew the Nathansons holds with
heavy hearts and open minds. Words cannot describe the sorrow and loss that is visible
through Perrys eyes, but since his death, she has reminded us to remember one thing.
Never take for granted the people you love, in a heartbeat they could be gone. Take a
moment out of your busy day to look up and acknowledge everyone around you, and

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don't be afraid to smile and say hello to complete strangers. These things only take a
second and could make a world of a difference in someones day. She has said that Grant
taught her that the most throughout her lifetime, and following his advice makes her feel
inseparable from her brothers life.
Grant would be proud of Perrys foremost memory of him. Let his soul live on by
following his ability to lure in outsiders, make everyone feel like family, and make
everyone feel important. As he watches us from above, from even higher than the
financially consumed individuals sitting atop their concrete palaces, he dances while we
continue to practice his ability to cherish the abnormal and the unknown. He dances when
we find the beauty in the life he lived, and the meaning of living every moment like its
your last.
He opened the doors to his intelligence of finding the artistry of death, and he
encouraged others to be accepting of the live they live. He once told me his fascination
with death and all dark places came from his emphasis on falling in love with the most
inevitable things in life, making the best of those things because theyre going to happen
whether we like it or not. This shows who Grant was. He was the strangest and somewhat
irrational, but the most loving, and intelligent person I have ever had the pleasure of
knowing. We need not to dwell on his death, but rather dwell on the fulfilling and
inspiring life he lived.
Grant Nathanson, AKA Grape Juice, had the most alive soul that even shined
through his most dark times as well as the most charming persona boldly more
different than anything you will ever encounter. Grant had a deep longing to connect with
people. His soul brought fulfillment to everyone he encountered, and his spirits will live

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on forever.
You were so full of life, Grant. I know you had a lot of pain in you as well, and I
hope you are at peace now. I know you took every moment and lived it to its fullest. You
made your life your own playground, you didn't waste a minute here, and that to me is

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