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Showaib Sarwary Yr:10

Research Task:
11. Find out more about Antoine-Lavoisier, his work and why he lost his head during the
French revolution.
- Antoine Lavoisier’s full extended name is Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier. Antoine Lavoisier’s was
born August 26, 1743, Paris, France. Antoine Lavoisier’s died May 8th, 1794, in Paris. Antoine
Lavoisier’s nationality is French. Antoine Lavoisier had discovered elements such as Oxygen,
Hydrogen, carbon and silicon. Antione Lavoisier was educated in the University of Paris for
three years (1761-1763), College des Quatre -Nations. Antoine Lavoisier studied chemical
elements, chemical compounds, chemical reactions, combustion and hydrogen.

The outstanding French chemist and well-known figure in the 18th century chemical revolution
who advanced an experimentally occupying theory of the particular chemical reactivity of
oxygen and co-principal authored the modernised structures for identifying chemical
substances. Antoine Lavoisier had also served as a professor of financier and leading the
public authority before the French revolution. Antoine Lavoisier was executed with alternative
financiers, whilst the revolutionary terror was occurring.

Antoine Lavoisier had grown up in a wealthy bourgeois family, which Antoine Lavoisier was
the first child and first son in the bourgeois family. When Antoine Lavoisier was a youth, he
advertised an unusual studiousness and interest for the public superiority. During Antoine
Lavoisier was introduced to the humanities and sciences at the distinguishing College
Mazarin, he studied law. Considering the Paris law capability’s which, had formed with a few
demands on their students, Antoine Lavoisier was capable to allocate much of his three years
as a law student ministering public and private lectures about chemistry and physics and
engaging under the apprenticeship of leading conservationist. Consequent to accomplishing
his legal studies, Antoine Lavoisier was comparable towards his father and his maternal
grandfather before him, was accepted directly to the elite procedure of Barristers, many
representatives commenced cases before the high court which was the parliament of Paris.
Antoine Lavoisier was highly interested in practising law but, Lavoisier commenced to purse
scientific research in which in 1768 Antoine Lavoisier expanded acceptance into France’s
foremost legitimate philosophy society, Paris contained the academy of sciences.

In 1789, the French revolution was commenced, Antoine Lavoisier, comparable to other
philosophically determined administrators, visualised it as a convenience to justify and
enhance the nations politics and economy.

12. Alfred Nobel, the Swedish chemist, made the explosive nitro glycerine much safer.
A. Use the internet to find out how he did this.
B. Why did he have to move his laboratory?
C. What did Alfred Nobel do with his fortune? Why?

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