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Fifth Week


1. The legitimate power to control influence the behavior of another is referred to as ______.
a. Dominion
b. Influence
c. Coercion
d. Authority

2. In the helping process, authorization lies within the relationship when one participant accepts the other as an authority for him.
The social worker authority emanates from ______.
a. The agency
b. The professional code of ethics
c. The client and the agency
d. The client only

3. The holistic approach in social work practice in which the individual, the group, and the community are used as functional points
of entry by the social worker and develop skills based on the generic aspects of the methods used is commonly known as ______.
a. Integrated social work practice
b. System approach
c. Team approach
d. All of the above

4. In the context of the Philippine setting, direct social work practice requires a social worker to be a multi-purpose worker because
a. Social problem are multi-faceted
b. A social worker works with individuals, groups and communities as client systems
c. There are several social welfare programs and services
d. A social worker performs a variety of roles and functions with and in behalf of different client systems

5. A social worker who has developed competence in working with individual, groups and community in any social work practice
setting who has the knowledge and skills necessary and in engaging people in problem-solving, bringing needs and resources
together and in systematically using practice experience to document the level of effectiveness of policies and services is
considered ______.
a. Consultant
b. An expert
c. Generalist
d. A social planner

6. In this approach, the individual, the group and the community are interrelated parts of a larger system and therefore cannot be
taken separately but in the context of the whole in relation to problem-solving.
a. Total family approach
b. Baranganic approach
c. Systems approach
d. Generalist approach

7. If a situation arises wherein a client presents a problem that a social worker knows he or she does not have the training or expertise
to handle, the worker needs to link the person with available services. In this case, the role of the worker ______.
a. A broker
b. A mediator
c. Enabler
d. Facilitator
8. A direct service social worker in a community helps individuals or groups to express their needs, to clarify and identify their
problems to explore solutions and develop the people’s capacities to deal with their own problems, more effectively, the worker
in performing the role of ______.
a. A broker
b. Enabler
c. A community organizer
d. An advocate

9. When a client or citizen’s group is in need of help and existing institutions are uninterested in providing services or negative &
hostile to the client group, the social worker may provide the leadership in gathering data to support the correctness of the client’s
need and request, and influence the institution to change its negative attitude. In this situation, the social worker is exercising her
role as ______.
a. An advocate
b. A mediator
c. An educator
d. An enabler

10. If a social worker practitioner designs/develops a program or promote technologies to meet social needs, the role is that of
a. A social planner
b. A program developer
c. A social work administrator
d. A social welfare supervisor

11. The social work practitioner seeks in this role to provide guidance to agencies and organizations through suggesting ways to
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of services.
a. Social work administrator
b. Social work supervisor
c. Guidance counselor
d. Consultant

12. By overseeing the direct service workers and staff to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the delivery of services to the
different client systems, the social worker plays the role model of ______.
a. Case manager
b. Supervisor
c. Administrator
d. Facilitator

13. The social worker in this role seeks to improve a service delivery systems through increasing communication linkage and
coordination between human service resources ______.
a. Mobilizer of resources
b. Community outreach worker
c. Coordinator
d. Resource provider

14. Performing the activities necessary to plan and implement program and services is the major role of ______.
a. Policy maker
b. Social planner
c. Administrator
d. Human resources developer

15. When a social worker engages persons who have conflict in a process that provides a neutral forum wherein they are encouraged
to find a mutually satisfactory solution to their problems, he/she is modeling the role of ______.
a. Mediator
b. Counselor
c. Advocate
d. Facilitator

16. This is very crucial in the helping process which involves effective communication in reducing the level of threat and gaining the
trust of client ______.
a. Acceptance
b. Interviewing
c. Establishing rapport
d. Intake

17. This is a process whereby the worker explores client’s problems by eliciting facts information about the person, problem and the
environmental factors ______.
a. Data gathering
b. Fact-finding
c. Social investigation
d. Social case study

18. Oftentimes, there is a difference between what a client sees a problem and what the worker sees, the definition of the problem
must be based on ______.
a. The nature of the problem itself
b. The client sees and what appears relevant to the client
c. What the worker perceives and believes
d. Theoretical definition of the problem

19. A mother goes to residential facility to seek temporary shelter for her 12 year old daughter who is allegedly abused by her jobless
husband whenever she is out of work. The need for protective service is an example of ______.
a. Psychosocial problem
b. An immediate/presenting problem
c. Underlying problem
d. A working problem

20. Working problems are those contributory factors which stand in the ways of both remedy and prevention and which must be
dealt with if change is to take place. In question no. 19, the working problem is ______.
a. The idleness and unemployment of the husband which keep him at home and in constant company with the daughter
b. The helplessness and fear of the daughter as a result of constant company
c. The intimacy of father and daughter as a result of constant company
d. The lack of maternal guidance and supervision

21. Underlying problems refers to the overall situation that creates and tends to perpetuate to immediate problem. The underlying
problem in no. 19 is ______.
a. The double load of the mother as aspirant, home-maker and income producer
b. The lowering of moral and spiritual values in the social environment
c. Lack of job opportunities which contribute to the unemployment
d. Poverty due to lack of education, ignorance, low level of employable skills

22. Which of the following options does not describe what a voluntary client is ______.
a. Somebody who is committed to an agency by the court, by the police, or by concerned persons
b. A person who is aware of a need for help because of a problem
c. A person who feels who does not have the coping capability and resources in managing his/her problem

23. An example of an involuntary client is ______.

a. A disaster victim who is in need of financial and/or material assistance
b. An unwed mother who surrender her child to a child welfare agency to avoid the social stigma of her situation
c. Street child who has been apprehended roaming around in the red-light district and brought to residential center for
vagrant youth for temporary shelter and rehabilitation service
d. A battered wife who seeks refuge in a crisis-intervention center to escape from the physical abuse of her husband

24. Exploration of client problem often reveals that resources beyond those provided by the agency are needed to ameliorate or
remedy presenting difficulties. The social worker should ______.
a. Refer the client to other resources and service providers
b. Politely dismiss the client because the service needed is not available in the agency
c. Encourage the client to look for other agencies
d. Motivate the client to make use of whatever available service the agency can provide

25. The heart of the problem-solving is ______.

a. Problem identification
b. Data gathering
c. Goal-setting & formulation of contract between worker & client
d. The implementation & goal attainment phase

26. In social work practice, assessment is referred to as the professional judgment of the worker about the client’s situation based on
a. What the client thinks & feels about the difficulties
b. Theoretical knowledge, clinical observation, analytical skills in understanding the client’s personality and factors that
seem to cause the current difficulties
c. Data gathering/gathered from primary and secondary sources
d. Case study report

27. A well-defined assessment of client’s situation is useful to social workers, clients, and agencies in terms of cost-effectiveness of
service delivery because ______.
a. The problem can be partialized and prioritized
b. It is easier to identify the target problem for which specified treatment can be focused
c. The client can experience comfort and relief for knowing what is bothering him/her
d. The agency can have a faster turnover of clients and serve more beneficiaries

28. Therapy, treatment and intervention have some common aspects which cause their usage interchangeably by persons in the
helping profession.
a. Medical doctors, psychologists, guidance counselor, lawyers and social workers use the term in their modalities of helping
persons in their crisis
b. These terms refers to the same processes
c. the processes involved are directed to the same objective; that of ameliorating difficulties of clients and effect desirable
changes in the clients behavior and life situation
d. Interdisciplinary professionals are not particular in the specific differences and nuances of the three terminologies

29. Interdisciplinary emphasis among sectors and professionals in the problem-solving process is important in ______.
a. Case conference
b. Diagnostic formulation of a problem
c. Psycho-social case study
d. Team approach model

30. Quick immediate responses to emergencies and to acute, sudden onset of problems resulting from some outside agent such as
suicide attempt, child/wife beating, rape, or natural disasters fall under the general category of ______.
a. Crisis intervention
b. Disaster management
c. Emergency relief assistance
d. Crisis intervention stress debriefing
31. This principle of social work practice meets the client’s need for self-esteem, the recognition of his worth and dignity as a person.
It results in the lowering of client’s anxieties, the facilitation of expression of feelings.
a. Self-determination
b. Non-judgmental attitude
c. Acceptance
d. Individuality

32. This social worker skills refers to an ability to experience someone else’s feelings and perspective as if they were one’s own. This
behavior meets the client needs for understanding belonging and social competence.
a. Empathy
b. Sympathy
c. Identification
d. Transference

33. Which of the following statements does not conform to the body of ethical social work practice and principles?
a. The social worker, by virtue of her competence and position of authority, has the sole decision-making power
b. The group leader and other officers should represent the interest of the group to support and facilitate the attainment
of group decision
c. Decisions should be in accord with the social work value system
d. All persons directly affected by decision should be involved in the making of the decision

34. This is the beginning phase of a helping transaction in which an agreement is made that the applicant is to become a client and
receive some planned service. The purpose is to understand and evaluate the applicant’s problem, personality, and situation so
as to determine need.
a. Assessment
b. Goal formulation
c. Intake
d. Social investigation

35. A person’s effort to deal with a problematic situation/difficulty.

a. Social role
b. Social functioning
c. Coping mechanism
d. Case management

36. In community organization, the CO worker uses the following techniques in identifying leaders, except ______.
a. Directly asking the barrio people
b. Using field & documentary sources
c. Personal observation using some objectives/criteria
d. Good human relations both within & outside the community

37. One of the tool used in data collection is ______.

a. Use of questionnaire
b. Collateral information
c. Use of sociogram
d. All of the above

38. Social workers have contribution to make for development efforts through social planning based on ______.
a. Interest and resources of an agency
b. Social worker’s objective and orientation
c. People’s motivation and participation
d. Social worker’s knowledge of human needs & responses

39. Handling case of street children requires implementation not only of child and youth welfare program but also of:
a. Disabled welfare program
b. Women welfare program
c. Emergency program
d. Family and community welfare

40. Aetas in Central Luzon who are victims of Mt. Pinatubo Volcanic eruption are categorized and counted as ______.
a. Disaster victims
b. Evacuees
c. Strandees
d. Homeless

41. Any person in need of social welfare assistance and services is ______.
a. Victim
b. Client
c. Self-discipline
d. All of the above

42. In the joint involvement of problem-solving processes, the client-worker relationship requires ______.
a. Self-awareness
b. Objectivity
c. Self-discipline
d. All of the above

43. Young people belonging to similar circumstances as age, rank, class and who associate with each other belong to a ______.
a. Peer group
b. Sub group
c. Clique
d. Associates

44. The only way in which the worker can determine stage of group development is to study the behavior responses of members.
a. Individually and collectively
b. Review of members family background
c. Asking friends through collateral interview
d. None of the above

45. Checking with the group to determine how much agreement has been made/reached is referred to as ______.
a. Assessment
b. Evaluation
c. Consensus-seeking
d. Decision-making

46. A facilitator is one who ______.

a. Defines, interprets and evaluate
b. List down expectations and abilities
c. Offers help
d. Discipline

47. It is particularly appropriate when one initially enters a community.

a. Community assemblies
b. Groundworking
c. Formal and informal talks
d. All of the above

48. One of the indicator of successful community organizing is ______.

a. CO worker have been so popular
b. CO worker have increased in the integration of community life
c. CO worker have been always invited to attend social gathering
d. CO worker solved community problems

49. Social problems are generally interrelated and solutions are oftentimes ______.
a. Dependent
b. Interdependent
c. Dynamics
d. Static

50. Organizing evacuees in evacuation centers for self-management is considered ______.

a. Disaster preparedness
b. Social preparation
c. Capability building
d. None of the above


A forty-year old mother was referred to your community-based agency by the barangay chairman for social service intervention. The
woman often ran to the rescue of the latter every time her husband physically attacked her accordingly because of her neglect to
maintain the orderliness of the house and leaving their children unattended most of the time. It was during the last incident that the
husband mauled the woman black and blue upon his discovery of her overdue unpaid debt from a neighbor. She borrowed P2, 000.00
without informing him where she used the money.

The mother reasoned out that her husband was more irresponsible that to teach him a lesson, she tried to make even with him b eing
irresponsible herself. This was to show him the effects of his irresponsibility toward his family.

On the other hand, the social worker coming from a family whose orientation about motherhood is typically conservative and
traditional, advised the mother to be more submissive to her husband so as to avoid quarrel and conflict in their marital relationship.

Consequently, the mother was firm on her opinion that her husband must be taught a lesson and felt that she was right in her approach
toward her husband.


51. Which conflict in value systems are depicted in the situation?

a. Conflict within the client’s value system vs. conflicts within social worker’s value system
b. Conflict between worker’s professional value system and her own personal value system
c. Conflict within the worker’s value system
d. Conflict within the client’s value system

52. This type of value system is more dominant in the worker when she strongly sustains and upholds the belief system and tradition
of her family.
a. Personal values
b. Cultural values
c. Professional values

53. Which social work principle should be best applied in this situation?
a. Confidentiality
b. Worker’s self-awareness
c. Client participation

54. The worker in her disappointment toward the mother’s “stubborn attitude” sought the opinion of the barangay chairman in her
favor during her collateral interview with him. Which social work principle is violated here?
a. Confidentiality
b. Self-awareness
c. Client participation

55. When the social worker is confronted with a decision whether to tell the mother of her plan to home visit her or just give her a
surprise visit, so as to see for “real” the truthfulness of mother’s allegations against her husband, she is undergoing ______.
a. Ethical dilemma
b. Planning for intervention
c. Conflicting personal values

56. In situation where there is a clash between worker’s values and mother’s (client’s) values, one of the following is called for on the
part of the helping person.
a. Sincerity
b. Non-judgmental attitude
c. Openness
d. Self-awareness

57. It is this principle that guides the worker to regard the mother as a person with inherent worth and dignity that she is endowed
with a reason and a will.
a. Non-judgmental attitude
b. Self-determination
c. Acceptance

58. It is usually the first principle applied by the worker that guides the client-worker relationship wherein she extends unconditional
love toward her client.
a. Confidentiality
b. Acceptance
c. Individualization

59. The implication of this principle is that help is differentiated to meet the particular needs of our clients, in our case, the mother
and her situation as we allow her own abilities and resources to work with her problem.
a. Acceptance
b. Individualization
c. Self-determination
d. Client participation

60. This is one of the core conditions of the helping relationship which supports the belief that all clients are persons of value and
treating them with dignity regardless of appearance, behavior or life circumstances.
a. Warmth
b. Empathy
c. Positive regard

61. This facilitating condition of the helping relationship which is the ability to understand accurately the experiences and feelings of
another person.
a. Geniuses
b. Empathy
c. Positive regard

62. Active listening is a skill of the worker which facilitates a communication by using the techniques of ______.
a. Clarification, reflection, paraphrase and summarization
b. Clarification, eye contact, tone of voice
c. Reflection, body language, facial expression

63. This type of recording is a very detailed form of case recording often used to assist students and new workers in learning basic
a. Process recording
b. Narrative recording
c. Case recording

64. In the case cited, the choice on problem focus must be determined by ______.
a. The agency
b. The client
c. The worker
d. A & C
e. B & C

65. To further understand the mother’s situation the worker uses this skill to elicit facts, ideas and feelings concerning the person,
her problem, the situation, and potential means for solving the problem.
a. Probing
b. Listening
c. Empathy

66. This aspect of interviewing technique attempts to elicit more complete expression of the meaning of previous words or gestures
by asking the client to elaborate on and be more specific about something she just said.
a. Probing
b. Clarification
c. Reflection

67. Going back to the case, the worker at first felt overwhelmed by the nature of the problem seemed so complicated and
unsurpassed that even the mother felt she is not capable of resolving it. Thus, the worker must be able to perform task to help
the mother break down several problems, issues or concerns into a more manageable units in order to address these problems
more easily.
a. Partializing
b. Going beyond what is said
c. Exploration

68. To be able to arrive at a full understanding of the mother’s problem situation, this part of the helping process must be carefully
studied and worked out. It involves the definition of the problem and determining who the primary client system/s, and the
identification of other people or systems that may be involved in the intervention process. This leads the worker and the client to
an understanding of the factors that gave rise to the problem.
a. Exploration
b. Planning
c. Assessment

69. In the above stated phase of the helping process, it must also include other tasks of the social worker.
a. Partializing goals into sub-goals and tasks
b. Planning tasks implementation
c. Responding to the mother’s initial emotional reactions

70. In this phase of the helping process, the worker must be able to negotiate goals and rank them by priority (choose the nearest
a. Exploration and implementation of plans
b. Exploration and assessment
c. Planning and evaluation

71. Assessment yields a processed information which you and the client have generated as a result of analysis and synthesis
concerning the information and data gathered. The product of this process usually appears in the form of ______.
a. Process recording
b. Case study recording
c. Statement of the problem
72. The beginning phase of the helping process is conducted by an agreement between the worker and the client which yields clearly
the identified problems, specific goals for work, a change program for pursuing goals.
a. Definition of the problem
b. Formulation of contract
c. Formulation of treatment plans and goals

73. This skill is used to direct or maintain attention to work at hand redirecting attention to relevant topics.
a. Rehearsing
b. Clarifying
c. Focusing

74. This role of the worker is apparent when she provides certain information or competency that might aid in the achievement of
the agreed-upon goals for work. The worker shares knowledge and educated opinion.
a. Educator
b. Locator of resources
c. Broker

75. This task involves use of other resources of other agencies. This happens when the services of needed by the client are not
available in your agency. The social worker must be knowledgeable of the existing resources so as to effectively carry out this
task. This worker’s effort to link the client with an agency program, or professional person that can provide the service needed by
the client.
a. Coordination
b. Networking
c. Referral

76. When the social worker performs this role, she speaks, argue, manipulates, bargains, and negotiates on behalf of the client.
a. Resource provider
b. Client advocate
c. Counselor

77. In her assessment, the social worker has identified some factors that relate to mother’s personality which aggravate their marital
conduct. This model of intervention is used by the social worker to help/assist mother in restoring, maintaining her capacity to
adapt or adjust to her reality situation. The change effort of the worker is focused on the client though there may be indications
for change in the client’s situation.
a. Clinical or remedial model
b. Developmental model
c. Task-centered model
d. Crisis intervention

78. While the social worker is interviewing the mother she is employing this skill as she take notes of the mother’s body language,
shifts in conversation, inconsistencies and gaps.
a. Observation
b. Questioning
c. Listening

79. The worker asked the mother “Why did you think your husband hit you?” This type of question is ______.
a. Open-ended question
b. Open-and-close ended question
c. Responding question

80. The worker in her effort to look for appropriate resources in the community for the particular needs which her agency cannot
provide, she is performing the role of a ______.
a. Social broker
b. Enabler
c. Mediator
Answer Key:

(Field Practice – Fifth Week)

1. D 21. D 41. B 61. B

2. C 22. A 42. D 62. A
3. A 23. C 43. A 63. A
4. A 24. A 44. A 64. E
5. C 25. C 45. B 65. A
6. C 26. B 46. A 66. B
7. A 27. B 47. C 67. A
8. B 28. C 48. B 68. C
9. A 29. D 49. B 69. A
10. B 30. A 50. C 70. B
11. D 31. C 51. A 71. C
12. B 32. A 52. A 72. B
13. C 33. A 53. B 73. C
14. B 34. C 54. A 74. A
15. D 35. C 55. A 75. C
16. C 36. D 56. D 76. B
17. A 37. D 57. B 77. A
18. A 38. C 58. B 78. A
19. B 39. D 59. B 79. A
20. A 40. A 60. C 80. C

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