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Jonathan Perez

Ms. Carroll/ Mr. Kelly/ Ms. Wilczynski

American Literature

7 April 2019

10 Rules to Live By

The way of thinking of ethics is by looking at how someone behaves or acts by seeing

their moral principles. Justice in my own words is having fair behavior and fair treatment. Ethics

and justice are both related to each other because they both line up to make you a better

person by your actions and treatment My 10 rules to live by are guided by the Virtue framework,

Duty framework, and consequentialist framework.

The first framework that I put these three rules in is called Virtue framework. The rules

that I chose for this framework is to comfort people when they are feeling down, Be nice to

others, and forgiveness. Comforting someone when they are down can be the best thing that

person will encounter because one day they will become sad and that one person who was

down would help him up and bring them back up just as you did when they were down. Being

nice to people will show that you have respect for them and then they will respect you to

because you are being nice to them. Practicing forgiveness can actually bring in peace and

more beautiful things to live by and that can help you go on with life.

The second framework that I used was the duty framework. The rules that I used for this

framework was be respectful to everyone, be honest, and treat everyone equally. These three

rules relate to the duty framework because this is something that you in a daily basis. Treating

everyone with respect shows that you are a good person. Being honest is way more better than

lying because if you lie you will be going in to bad things. If you treat everyone equally then they

will treat you the way you treat them so treat them with respect.
The third framework that I used was the consequentialist. The rules that I used for this

framework was make the right choice, give back, and help others in need. These three rules

relate back to the consequentialist framework because if you were to make the right choice you

will be going in the right path and if you don’t something bad can happen. Giving back to people

can lead into good things but if someone gives to you and you don’t give back, consequences

may happen. Helping others in need can lead into greater things because once you’re down and

need something someone will do that good deed and help you out.

The process of making this rule list took some time and effort and I made major revisions

because I didn’t have a complete list at the beginning and some of my rules were redundant.

Some of those changes were changing rules that made you happy but not others and also trying

to relate them back to the frameworks.

I think if I were to live by these rules my life would be different because some of the rules

I hardly follow and iI think these rules would make me be a better person. If we were to live in a

world where they would follow these rules then there will be less hate between people and more

people would get along.

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