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Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

51. Which is NOT a vector quantity?

A. Displacement
B. Velocity
C. Acceleration
D. Time

52. Which is NOT a fundamental physical quantity of mechanics?

A. Length
B. Mass
C. Volume
D. Time

53. What is an arrowed line whose length is proportional to the magnitude of some
vector quantity and whose direction is that of the quantity?

A. Vector diagram
B. Vector
C. Component
D. Resultant

54. What is scaled drawing of the various forces, velocities or other vector quantities
involved in the motion of a body?

A. Vector diagram
B. Vector
C. Component
D. Resultant

55. The _______ of a moving object is the distance it covers in a time interval divided
by the time interval.

A. acceleration
B. instantaneous speed
C. average speed
D. instantaneous velocity
56. The rate at which velocity changes with time is known as ________.

A. acceleration
B. instantaneous speed
C. average speed
D. instantaneous velocity

57. “The work done by the net force on a particle equals the change in the particle’s
kinetic energy.” This statement is known as _________.

A. Law of conservation of energy

B. Work-energy theorem
C. Law of conservation of work
D. Total work theorem

58. The ________ of a particle is equal to the total work that particle can do in the
process of being brought to rest.

A. kinetic energy
B. potential energy
C. total energy
D. mechanical energy

59. Work is defined as the product of:

A. Force and displacement

B. Force and time
C. Displacement and time
D. Power and time

60. What is defined as the time rate at which work is done?

A. impulse
B. Momentum
C. Power
D. Energy
61. What is defined as any influence that can change the velocity of an object?

A. Impulse
B. Force
C. Energy
D. Work

62. What is a measure of the inertia of an object?

A. Density
B. Weight
C. Mass
D. Force

63. What is the property of matter which is the reluctance to change its state of rest or
of uniform motion?

A. Impulse
B. Momentum
C. Inertia
D. Equilibrium

64. “If no net force acts on it, an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in
motion will remain in motion at constant velocity”. This statement is the _______.

A. first law of motion

B. second law of motion
C. third law of motion
D. d’Alembert’s principle

65. “The net force acting on an object equals the product of the mass and the
acceleration of the object. The direction of the force is the same as that of the
acceleration”. This statement is the _______.

A. first law of motion

B. second law of motion
C. third law of motion
D. d’ Alembert’s principle
66. “When an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts on the
first a force of the same magnitude but in the opposite direction”. This statement is
the _____.

A. first law of motion

B. second law of motion
C. third law of motion
D. d’Alembert’s principle

67. What refers to the force with which the earth attracts an object?

A. Gravitational pull
B. Mass
C. Weight
D. All of the above

68. How many kilograms are there in 1 slug?

A. 11.9
B. 12.5
C. 13.2
D. D.14.6

69. What refers to an actual force that arises to oppose relative motion between
contracting surfaces?

A. Action force
B. Reaction force
C. Friction
D. Drag

70. What refers to the force between two stationary surfaces in contact that prevents
motion between them?

A. kinetic friction
B. sliding friction
C. starting friction
D. static friction
71. What is the maximum value of the static friction?

A. Starting friction
B. Sliding friction
C. Kinetic friction
D. Dynamic friction

72. What is TRUE between kinetic friction and static friction?

A. Kinetic friction is always to static friction

B. Kinetic friction is always less than static friction
C. Kinetic friction is always greater than static friction
D. Kinetic friction is equal to or greater than static friction

73. What is another term for kinetic friction?

A. Dynamic friction
B. Starting friction
C. Sliding friction
D. All of the above

74. For the same materials in contact, what is TRUE between coefficient of static
friction and coefficient of kinetic friction?

A. Coefficient of static friction is always less than the coefficient of kinetic friction
B. Coefficient of static friction is always equal to the coefficient of kinetic friction
C. Coefficient of static friction is always greater than the coefficient of kinetic
D. Coefficient of static friction may be greater than or less than the coefficient of
kinetic friction.

75. Efficiency of a machine is the ratio of:

A. power output to power input

B. power input to power output
C. total work done to total energy
D. total energy to total power
76. What is the energy something possesses by virtue of its motion?

A. Kinetic energy
B. Potential energy
C. Rest energy
D. Mechanical energy

77. What is the energy something possesses by virtue of its mass?

A. Kinetic energy
B. Potential energy
C. Rest energy
D. Mechanical energy

78. What is the energy something possesses by virtue of its position?

A. Kinetic energy
B. Potential energy
C. Rest energy
D. Mechanical energy

79. When the vector sum of the external forces acting on the system of particles
equals zero, the total linear momentum of the system __________.

A. becomes zero
B. maximizes
C. changes abruptly
D. remains constant

80. What is conserved in an elastic collision?

A. Kinetic energy
B. Potential energy
C. Rest energy
D. Mechanical energy

81. In elastic collision, kinetic energy is conserved. This statement is:

A. true
B. false
C. is either true or false, depending upon the colliding bodies
D. is either true or false, depending on the impact of two colliding bodies

82. When can we say that a collision is a completely inelastic collision?

A. When the kinetic energy lost is minimum.

B. When the kinetic energy is conserved.
C. When the two colliding objects stick together after impact.
D. When the two colliding objects will separate after impact.

83. What will happen to the kinetic energy if it is a completely inelastic collision?

A. It is conserved.
B. It is lost to maximum value.
C. It is gained from the loss of potential energy.
D. It is lost to minimum value.

84. Coefficient of restitution is the ratio of:

A. relative speed after collision to relative speed before collision

B. relative speed before collision to relative speed after collision
C. relative speed to absolute speed
D. absolute speed to relative speed

85. What is the coefficient of restitution for a perfectly elastic collision?

A. 0
B. 1
C. Less than 1
D. Greater than 1

86. What is the coefficient of restitution for a perfectly inelastic collision?

A. 0
B. 1
C. Less than 1
D. Greater than 1
87. The coefficient of restitution always applies _______.

A. to only one of the colliding objects

B. to neither of the colliding objects
C. jointly to the colliding objects
D. to the bigger colliding object

88. “When the vector sum of the external forces acting on a system of particles equals
zero, the total linear momentum of the system remaining constant.” This statement is
known as:

A. Law of universal gravitation

B. Law of conservation of impulse
C. Law of conservation of momentum
D. Law of conservation of energy

89. What refers to the product of the force and the time during which a force acts?

A. Impulse
B. Momentum
C. Power
D. Energy

90. Momentum is the product of:

A. mass and time

B. velocity and mass
C. force and time
D. force and mass

91. The coefficient of restitution always applies _________.

A. to only one of the colliding objects

B. to neither of the colliding
C. jointly to the colliding objects
D. to the bigger colliding object

92. What refers to the force perpendicular to the velocity of an object moving along a
curve path?

A. Centrifugal force
B. Centripetal force
C. Reverse-effective force
D. Gravitational force

93. The centripetal force is:

A. directed away from the center of the curvature of the path

B. directed toward the center of curvature of the path
C. tangent to the curvature of the path
D. either directed away or toward the center of curvature of the path

94. What refers to the time needed by an object in uniform circular motion to
complete an orbit?

A. path time
B. orbit time
C. revolution
D. period

95. The centripetal acceleration of a particle in uniform motion is _______ to the radius
of its path.

A. directly proportional
B. inversely proportional
C. equal
D. not related in any way

96. Gravitation occurs between all objects in the universe by virtue of their ________.

A. mass
B. density
C. weight
D. volume

97. “Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force directly
proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance separating them”. This statement is known as:

A. Law of conservation of energy

B. Law of universal gravitation
C. Law of conservation of momentum
D. Law of conservation of impulse

98. The gravitational force of the earth on an object varies of the ______ the distance of
the object from the center of the earth.

A. inversely as
B. inversely as the square of
C. directly as
D. directly as the square of

99. A rotating body has kinetic energy. This statement is ________.

A. sometimes true
B. sometimes false
C. always true
D. always false

100. What type of energy is usually transmitted by rotary motion?

A. Kinetic energy
B. Potential energy
C. Mechanical energy
D. Rest energy

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