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Theological Discipleship

A training manual for parents and church leaders

Study Notes by: Tammie Friberg

Illustrations by: Beutyani Mimi Cheung
Scripture quotations from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, the New American Standard Bible, and the
New International Version.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg and Beutyani Mimi Cheung. All rights reserved. Permission is freely
granted to copy and use the text of this curriculum or the pictures without alteration for the purpose of
evangelism and discipleship to further the Kingdom of God, as long as any copies are disseminated freely in a
not-for-profit manner and are not part of any endeavor intended for commercial gain.
Table of Contents

How To Use This Manual
Basic Doctrinal Foundation

Discipleship Lessons:
1 God and His Spiritual Creation
2 God and His Physical Creation
3 How God Communicates with People
4 God's Rules For Living: The Ten Commandments
5 The Two Kingdoms
6 Jesus is the Answer
7 Reconciliation to God and People
8 How to Identify False Religions
9 Personal Spiritual Growth and Spiritual Warfare
10 Walking on God’s Path in the Community
11 God’s Grace, Our Stewardship
12 The Future Kingdom
How To Use This Manual
The church needs depth and a strong foundation in order to remain strong and effective in Kingdom growth. Too often our
churches are characterized by people who are blow and tossed by the winds and waves of false teachings and the temptations
of the flesh. People want to know what they believe but sometimes the dire circumstances surrounding their lives keeps them
only seeking something which will help their immediate situation. In our teaching and preaching we need to meet people where
they are emotionally and also teach the depth and scope of the Word of God. As we come to know God better we learn what
is pleasing to Him. We learn how to live in such a way to bring Him glory and expand His Kingdom. And even in the midst of
learning about God, we are strengthened in dealing with our circumstances by learning to trust God and take refuge in Him. So
how can we go about the task of strengthening our churches, and still speak to the needs of the people?

Teachers and ministers sometimes do not spend a lot of time teaching theology because it is difficult to present it in such a
way that it is really meaningful to people. In other words, it can be boring or difficult to understand if it is only a collection of
facts with no application to the hearers. But Theological Discipleship is a method of teaching a Biblical worldview and
theology in such a way that it is meaningful. It presents all of the major theological teachings of the Bible, while speaking also
to the inner felt needs of the people. It is a discipleship tool for understanding the elements of walking in God’s ways and
growing spiritually; and it teaches solid Biblical doctrines to keep people from being tossed about by the waves of false

There are several key elements to successfully teaching theology.

1. We must answer the question, “How can we teach in such a way that people
remember what is taught?”
It is said that people learn the most when they can see something, hear something, write something, and rehearse
something. These materials were made to be used in all of these ways.

 See: the pictures as they are drawn.

 Hear: the teachings represented by the drawings.

 Write: Learn to draw the drawings.

 Rehearse: Practice the drawings, study the material, memorize the presentation, teach it to others.

2. We must answer the question, how can we present our beliefs in such a way, that
they are really meaningful to the people?
To be good and effective teachers we must:
 Be good students of the Word of God: Spend time reading and studying the Bible in depth. Really taking the
time to study the Bible adds depth to your teaching and preaching.

 Be devoted to prayer: We must pray for the spiritual needs of the people. Paul prayed that his people grow in
the love of the Lord Jesus, to grow in all knowledge and discernment, to know the will of God, and many other

 Know and love people: We must know what struggles our people have, how cultural pressures affect them, what
false teachings are going around the town, and where they are at spiritually. We must know what they really need
spiritually, not what is entertaining to them or what is emotionally charging to them. We must teach with the love
and boldness of the Spirit. And we must desire our people to grow into the maturity of Christ, with all patience
and endurance with those who are immature.

 Be men and women of integrity: We must live truthful, worshipful, pure, and upright lives in speech and in
deed. We know God will judge teachers more strictly. So with teaching comes the personal need to examine
ourselves in every area as we prepare to teach others. We must not be living in immorality, abusing others, or
practicing injustice ourselves if we are to teach others not to do these things.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 1

 Listen to the Spirit: We must have an ear to the Spirit of God to know what to emphasize and teach to each

 When all of these things are present, God forms in us a “Teaching Burden.” This teaching burden is what we
have come to know is the message God has for His people at this time. It arises out of Bible study, prayer,
knowing the condition of your flocks, living upright lives, and by listening to the Spirit.

3. We must answer the question, how can we add depth to our teaching and be sure we
are interpreting the Scriptures correctly?

Making Application to Your Students:

As you study the materials, you will need to pray and ask God to give you guidance in your preparation for teaching. Any time the
Scriptures are studied, it is important to know some basic rules of interpretation so that accurate applications can be made to your
students. As you read each passage, ask yourself the following questions:

 Who wrote the book of the Bible where the story or Scripture is found?
 Who was the book written to?
 Who were the characters in the book?
 What was happening in the story, what issue was being addressed, what ch aracters were causing issues?
 Application: What did the passage mean for the original hearers? How can we apply this same truth today? (one to one
 Add depth by asking: What does this passage teach about God, sin, man, living godly, creation, Satan, temptation, our
hearts, the future, etc.
Also ask yourself:
 How does this passage or teaching fit in with the rest of the teachings in the Bible?
 Is this meaning I am giving the text, really what the passage is intending to teach?
 Am I spiritualizing the text to mean something else?
 Are there lots of other Scriptures supporting this same idea?
 If two passages seem to contradict each other, we must accept them both.
 Am I mixing any traditional beliefs in with God’s revelation of Scripture?
 Am I starting with a teaching I have heard when I make applications, or am I starting with the Bible text and searching
out the meaning first?

Putting together the study:

Drawings: Each unit contains a complex drawing and a simple drawing for learning to draw the lessons yourself. The simple drawing
should be taught to your hearers so that these teachings can be remembered and reproduced—shared with others.

General Description of the Picture: This is a brief introduction to and description of how that drawing is used to teach that topic.
You should be very familiar with this description and use it when introducing your lesson to give direction to your teaching.

Approaches to Teaching the Unit: There are several different ways each Unit may be presented or taught. One is the *Simple
Overview Approach- teaching the drawing of the picture and the material presented in the General Overview section of each Unit.
The second is the *Topical Approach- where larger topics included in the Unit are presented. For example, God’s Attributes or the
Trinity might be two larger topics in Unit 1. The third is the *Detail Approach- where the Unit is broken down into even smaller
study units. For example, from Unit 1 we might study the attributes in more detail such as the Faithfulness of God or the Deliverance
of God. Or we might study the role of the Holy Spirit. The *Evangelistic Approach- gives some background information for
presenting the materials to unbelievers. The *Mature Christian Approach- Gives some ideas for presenting the materials to
challenge mature believers.

Teaching Objectives: A list of the doctrines or teachings you want to accomplish for this lesson. It is important that you teach the
whole of these objectives and all the pieces of the picture so that the people have a full understanding of that doctrine. Within the unit
itself there are also teaching points for each part of the picture. The depths at which you teach these depend on the age and spiritual
level of your class.

Related Units: A list of other units in this manual which teach related themes. All of the teachings of the Bible fit together and relate

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 2

to each other. This listing is a suggestion of how you might tie this unit to other units in this study. Reviewing what you have learned
in previous lessons reinforces learning. They say to repeat something five times in a single lesson so that people will remember it.

Study Guide : The study guide is divided into two columns. The column on the left contains a small picture from the Unit Illustration.
Above the picture is the teaching point for that smaller picture. Underneath the picture is a description of the picture, followed by any
other teaching notes included. There are some Hebrew and Greek word studies and some other notes added in this area.

The column on the right contains a list of points you will want to teach concerning that picture. These points are drawn from the
Bible Stories and Scriptures following. It is very important to study the Bible Stories and Scriptures yourself, and draw depth from

Additional Teachings: Some units contain extra topics which have been introduced in some way by the particular unit of study.
These are usually located at the end of each unit.

The Theological Discipleship materials are intended to be used as a reference tool for teachers. While these materials do provide
topics and general descriptions, the work to actually put together Bible studies is left to the individual teacher. However, it is
important to teach all of the elements of the pictures to present a more complete understanding of each Biblical doctrine. One unit
builds upon another and should be taught over time. Teach the overview first, adding in the details of study according to the spiritual
level of your hearers.

Go Disciple!

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 3

Basic Doctrinal Foundation

There is one true God, creator and sustainer of heaven and earth, who has revealed himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
having distinct personal attributes, yet one in nature. God is holy and separate from us, and at the same time loving and pursuing a
personal relationship with us. God is spirit and requires spiritual worship, and he is truth, requiring careful pursuit of truth in worship.

God has revealed himself through his creation, has explicitly spoken to us through holy Scripture, and has supremely revealed himself
to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Scripture stands as the accurate record of God’s work in creation and of Jesus’ work and
ministry, and is the sole objective standard by which we are to measure interpretation in all matters of faith and practice.

God is ultimately king over all, and in the end, every created being will acknowledge his Kingship (Kingdom). In the mean time, Satan
and a fallen angels have rebelled against God and claim to be gods and hold kingship in this world. All people, who have inherited the
sinful, fallen nature of Adam, are born subject to his rebellious kingdom. Yet faithful angels remain under God’s Kingship, and
redeemed people also enter into his Kingdom to honor him and obey his will.

Work of Christ
Our Lord Jesus Christ has always existed as the Word, who is God and was engaged in creation together with the Father. He entered
into history as a man, born of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, performed miraculous signs, and preached the Gospel of the
Kingdom of God. He suffered bodily for our sins and died in our place, and rose again bodily to give us life. He is seated in heaven at
the Father’s right hand and serves as our mediator and advocate. He will return again to judge the living and the dead.

The Church is the assembly of all true believers. These believers are born again by the regenerative washing of the Holy Spirit, who
immerses them with his presence and indwells them. This baptism in the Holy Spirit incorporates every new believer into the living
Body of Christ. The Spirit empowers the believer to live a transformed, sanctified life and gives them spiritual understanding of God’s
truth. The Spirit also imbues each believer with manifestations of grace, also called grace-gifts or spiritual gifts. These grace-gifts are
intended to build up the Body of Christ and to bless others through the work of ministry.

Salvation is the free gift of God, which cannot be earned. Salvation is needed because every person has sinned and is destined for
eternal separation from God in hell. Salvation is based on faith in the all-sufficient atonement wrought by the blood of Christ.
Salvation consists of three aspects: it starts with justification--the point at which one is put right with God and freed from the penalty
of sin; it continues with sanctification--the living-out of a holy lifestyle freed from the power of sin; and it arrives at glorification--the
fulfillment of freedom from the presence of sin in heaven. To be saved, one must acknowledge they are a sinner and turn away from
their sin in repentance. True faith confesses Jesus as Lord in the same movement that it believes God raised Jesus from the dead, and
God saves just such a believer. At this point of justification, one is born again into God's Kingdom of light. This new life in God's
Kingship means a change of lifestyle that demonstrating he is Lord by living an abundant, sanctified life. Ultimately, the believer has
the hope of a glorified, eternal future, living in God’s presence.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 4

Unit 1 Illustration: God and His Spiritual Creation

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 5

Simplified Drawing for Unit 1

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Unit 1: God and His Spiritual Creation

General Description of the Picture

Illustration 1 is a visual outline of the basic doctrines of God, His Creation
and Sovereignty over spiritual beings, and the work of spiritual beings in
the world. The upper part of the picture is used to teach God’s attributes and
His sovereignty over everything He created. The portion of the picture below
the line in the picture is used to teach the activity of spiritual beings in the

At the top of the picture is God’s Throne in Heaven. God’s Throne represents
His sovereignty over all, His worthiness of all praise and worship, and the
administration of His righteous justice through-out history and eternity.

On the Throne are small pictures representing the Triune God: the Father
(the out-stretched arm), the Son (the Lamb), and the Holy Spirit (the
We use the hand representing God to help us remember His personal and
moral attributes. The palm of the hand represents the “three alls.” God is All-
Knowing; All-Present; and All- Powerful. The thumb represents his
righteousness and justice; first finger- His love and grace; second finger- he is
our provider; third finger- He is our refuge; fourth finger- He is our physical and spiritual deliverer.

There is a line beneath the Throne marking a separation between God and His creation. It is important to note that
God is not a being created by human hands or imagination; nor is He anything that is part of nature or creation itself.
He is separate and above His creation. Yet His presence and activity are constant in Heaven and on earth. This is
pictured by the out-stretched arm on the Throne, and the out-stretched arm reaching down to earth.

In the middle of the picture is the world with angels and demons moving about on it. On the left side of the world
is a host of angels. To the right of the page are fallen angels we call demons. This portion of the picture is used to
teach about the creation, activity, and influence of spiritual beings in the world.

The spirit world is pictured below the Throne because God has ultimate power and authority over these created beings.
Note, that the Bible mentions that spiritual beings are also present in Heaven, though not pictured here. He created spirit
beings with a free will. Some of these beings turned away from God (demons), and some continued to worship and
serve God (angels). There are more angels than there are demons. And God has absolute authority over all of them,
whether angels or demons. Note also these spiritual beings are not dead ancestors. They are spiritual beings God

In the picture the demons and angels are ranked in groups. This helps us understand something about the workings of
the spirit world. In Ephesians 6 Paul outlines for us some of the roles of demons. He calls some of them high rulers-we
would identify Satan in this first category. He calls some authorities (2nd category)- not much about them in Scripture.
The third group is called world rulers. These are possibly ones over key areas in the world influencing oppressive,
ungodly governments and false religions (see Dan. 10:13). The Last group is called spiritual forces of darkness-
possibly those most closely working with people. These might include the powers people use in witchcraft or
sorcery/white and black magic. Perhaps they are those which come to people in dreams or who oppress people. We
know of the two top ranking angels by name, Michael and Gabriel. Otherwise, we only know the task of angels- to
worship God, to act as messengers of God, to protect, to be guardians, and sometimes to lead us into witnessing

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 7

Approaches to Teaching this Unit:
1. Simple overview approach. Teach the information found in the general description, drawing the pictures to
represent each corresponding topic.
2. Topical Approach. Take each of the major parts of this study and teach them separately over time. This is
the more in-depth approach to teaching. Topics could include: God’s Sovereignty over the Spirit World;
God’s attributes, the Trinity, and Understanding the Spirit World.
3. Detail Approach. The more in-depth approach. Study the scope of Scriptures from each individual picture
and subject. For example: the righteousness and justice of God. The physical and spiritual deliverances of God
in the Bible. The role of the Father. The role of Jesus. The Role of the Holy Spirit. The work of angels in the
world. The work of demons in the world, to name a few.
4. Evangelistic Approach. Depending on who you are trying to reach, you might chose to do an overview
emphasizing the nature of God and His Sovereignty over all of his creation.
5. Mature Believer Approach. The first 5 Units in this book lay the foundation for the rest of the teachings in
this book. In this unit the Knowledge of God and His power over the spirit world is key to having a firm
foundation for what follows.

Objectives for Unit 1

1. To teach the attributes of God’s being and nature.
2. To teach how we know God’s attributes through His work through-out time and through His creation.
3. To teach God is the creator of the spirit and physical world (see also Unit 2).
4. To teach God is sovereign over the spirit world and the physical world (see also Unit 2).
5. To help us understand the essence of God, the Trinity.
6. To expose the schemes of Satan who desires to lead people away from God.
7. To understand the role of angels, without exalting them.

Related Units
Unit 2: Units one and two both concern God’s creation.
Unit 6: Jesus makes us a New Creation.
Unit 12: New heaven and new earth at the end of time; final destiny of both humans and spirit beings.

Lesson 1 The Characteristics of God

Pictures and Descriptions Teaching Points, Bible Stories, and Supporting Scriptures

Part 1a: God is the Creator of Teaching Points:

everything seen and unseen. He 1. God is the Creator of everything seen and unseen.
is personal, unchanging, eternal, 2. God is a personal God.
and an invisible Spirit. 3. God is unchanging.
4. God is eternal.
5. God is an invisible Spirit.
6. God’s Throne is in Heaven, but He rules in Heaven and on earth.
He has the sole right and authority to rule over His creation.
7. The foundation of God’s Throne is truth, justice, and righteousness.
8. Loving-kindness and Mercy go before Him.
9. God dwells in unapproachable light. His glory fills the heavens and
the earth.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 8

Use the teaching points to the right to God is the Creator of all things seen and unseen.
introduce the basic attributes of God. Stories
Note that not all of these things are *The creation story- Gen. 1-3. Creation Psalm- Psalm 104.
“pictured” in the illustration. Scriptures
*God Created Everything Through The Word- Psa. 33:6, 9; Heb. 11:3; John 1:1-4. *God Created
The Throne- Draw a Throne and explain Everything Seen And Unseen- Gen. 1-3; Col. 1:16. *Who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD,
teaching points 1-9. Explain: God is invisible who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself-
Isa. 44:24. **See also Unit 2 God created everything for more references.
and we do not worship an image of God.
But we will be using the pictures of a hand,
lamb, and dove to represent the essence of God is eternal and unchanging
God. God’s Throne is in Heaven (the 1st Scriptures
heaven is the earth’s atmosphere; the 2 *He has no variation or shifting shadow-James 1:17. *God’s purpose is unchangeable- Heb. 6:17-18.
heaven is the universe above; the 3 *The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms- Deut. 33:27. *God has
heaven is where God’s Throne is (see 2 eternal power- Rom. 1:20. *God gives free gift of eternal life through Jesus - Rom. 6:23.
Cor. 12:2) . God is the creator of all things.
He holds the sole right of authority and rule The Throne
over His creation; He is worthy of all praise God’s authority and right to rule and uphold justice over His creation.
and worship; He is the righteous judge. The Stories
foundation of His Throne is truth and justice. *The Lord is God in heaven above and on earth below; there is no other…”- Deut. 4:39-40.
*Ezekiel’s vision of God- Ezekiel 1 (v.26). *John’s description of God’s Throne and the Lamb.-
Light shining from the Throne - Draw Rev. 4-5. *Rahab hears God dried the waters and defeated kings, so she acknowledges God Is God
lines above the Throne. Explain: the Light In Heaven And On The Earth- Josh. 2:8-11.
shining around the Throne is the glory, Scriptures
majesty, and holiness of God. He alone is *Righteousness And Justice Are The Foundation Of His Throne- Psa. 97:2. *The LORD has
worthy of our worship. established His Throne in Heaven and His Kingdom rules over all.- Psa. 103:19; 47:8; 11:4. *Your
Throne has been established from the beginning; You are from eternity- Psa. 93:2. *But the LORD
sits enthroned forever; He has established His Throne for judgment. He judges the world with
righteousness; He executes judgment on the peoples with fairness.- Psa. 9:7-8; see also Psa. 45:6 and
Heb. 1:8; Matt. 19:28; 25:31; Luke 1:32- Jesus is also on the Throne. God will bring every act to
judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil- Ecc. 12:14.

Light shining from the Throne

God’s glory, majesty, and holiness.
*Moses And The Burning Bush, God’s holiness- Ex. 3 (v.5). *Moses sees God’s glory pass before
him- Ex. 33:18-23. *The appearance of the LORD’s glory to the Israelites was like a consuming fire
on the mountaintop.- Ex. 24:17. *Light shining from the Throne, God’s glory- Ezekiel 1 & 10. *The
tent of meeting was consecrated by the glory of God- Ex. 29:42-43.
*God dwells in unapproachable light.- 1 Tim. 6:16. God is an invisible spirit- Col. 1:15; 1 Tim. 1:17;
John 4:24. *The heavens declare the glory of God- Psa. 19:1. * In His temple everything says,
“Glory”- Psa. 29:9. *The whole earth is full of His glory- Isa. 6:3.

**Scriptures on God’s personal attributes follow in the next section.

Part 1b: God’s Personal and Teaching Points:

Divine Attributes: God is All- 1. God is a Personal God, and has personal attributes.
Powerful; All-Present; and All- 2. God is All-Powerful; All-Present; and All-Knowing.
Knowing; Pure; Holy; Just; 3. God is Pure and Holy; Just and Righteous.
Righteous; Loving; Gracious; 4. God is Loving, Gracious, and Merciful.
Merciful; Faithful; Provider; Our 5. God is our Faithful Provider.
Refuge; Our Strength; Our Guide; 6. God is our Refuge, Strength, and Guide.
and our Physical and Spiritual 7. God is our Physical and Spiritual Deliverer.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 9

Explain: In the Bible, writers refer to God’s
hand or arm to help us understand God’s
powerful work in the world. All of the
following attributes are part of His All-
Powerful Nature. Use the five fingers and
palm of the hand pictured to remember the
attributes of God as listed below.
God’s hand is pictured in Heaven and also God is All-Powerful
pictured in His creation to show that God’s Stories
presence is everywhere. He is transcendent- *God Teaches Job About His Power Over Creation- Job 38-41. *Jonah Testifies God Is Sovereign
that is, He is present in Heaven and is far Over The Sea, The Land, The Heavens, And God’s Call To Service- Jonah 1-4 (1:9). *God Works
away. And He is immanent- that is, a God His Purposes Through a pagan Pharaoh- Ex. 9:13-21 (v.16). *Jonathan’s victory over the Philistines,
who is active in the earth and near us. God The Lord is not restrained to save by few or by many- 1 Sam. 14:6.
is both near and far, He is everywhere. Scriptures
*Nothing Too Difficult For God- Jer. 32 (V.17, 27). *God Causes All Things To Work Together
Palm- God is All-Powerful; All- For Good To Those Who Love God- Rom. 8:28. *God’s weakness is greater than the strength of
Present; and All-Knowing. men- 1 Cor. 1:25. *When we are weak through insults, trials, difficulties, persecutions, and stress, He
is strong through us- 2 Cor. 12:9-10. *God has taken one nation out of another, and did great and
awesome deeds- Deut. 4:32-34. *God will one day raise us from the dead according to His great
power at work within us- Rom. 8:11; Eph. 1:18-20. *God can do anything above what we could ever
ask or think- Eph. 3:20-21.

God is All-Present
*The God who “Sees Me”- Genesis 16:13. *God sees the work of false prophets- Jer. 23 (vs.23-24).
*God Is Near To Us When We Pray to Him- Deut. 4:7.
*There is no where we can go from His presence- Psa. 139:7-12. *There is No Creature Hidden
From His Sight, But All Things Open and Laid Bare to Him- Heb. 4:13. *The eyes of the Lord are in
every place, watching the evil and the good- Prov. 15:3. *God is present to help us in times of
trouble- Psa. 46:1. *Am I a God who is only near, and not a God who is far away? Can a man hide
himself in secret places where I cannot see him? Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?- Jer. 23:23-

God is All-Knowing
*Daniel Interprets and Reveals a king’s dream with God’s help- Dan. 2. *Jesus Knows how regions
of people will respond to the Gospel- Matt.11:21. *For the LORD is a God of knowledge, And with
Him actions are weighed- 1 Sam. 2:3 (Hannah’s prayer).
*God Knows Our Going Out, Coming In, and Our Raging Against Him- 2 Kings 19:27; Isa. 37:28.
*God Rewards Those Who Give, Fast, Pray to Him in Secret- Matt. 6:1-8; 6:17-18. *God Knows
Our Thoughts, Words Before We Speak; Our Paths, Our Sitting Down- Psa. 139:1-4. *His
Understanding No One Can Fathom- Isa. 40:28; Psalm 147:4-5. *The Grave Lies Open Before the
LORD, How Much More the Hearts of Men- Prov. 15:11. *He who formed the ear and the eye, sees
and hears all things- Psa. 94:9. He declares the end from the beginning, from long ago what is yet to
be- Isa. 46:10.

Thumb- God is Pure & Holy; Just & God is Pure& Holy; Righteous & Just
Righteous; Pure: There are many words Stories
translated “pure” in the Bible. Most of them *God’s righteous deliverance (the songs of Moses and Miriam)- Exo. 15:1-21. *God’s holiness
have the meaning of being separate, or to acknowledged in Isaiah’s call to ministry- Isa. 6. *God’s Moral Laws Reflect His Righteous
purge from impure mixtures of all Character- Ex. 20:1-17.
profaneness, immorality, or idolatry. God is Scriptures
the only being who is completely pure. The *There Is No Unrighteousness In Him- Psa. 92:15. *The Lord is Righteous in all of His ways. - Psa.
145:17-20. *We can Entrust Ourselves To Him Who Judges Righteously- 1 Pet. 2:18-25. *God will

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 10

words righteous and just are from one uphold us with His righteous right hand. He will shame and dishonor those who contend with us-
common Hebrew word. Isa. 41:10-13. *He Will Not Judge By What His Eyes See, Nor Make A Decision By What His Ears
Hear; But With Righteousness He Will Judge The Poor, And Decide With Fairness For The
Holy: The word “holy” means to be set Afflicted Of The Earth- Isa. 11:1-5. *God executes justice for the widow, the fatherless, and loves
apart, or pure. God is set apart from His the foreigner.- Deut. 10:17-19. *You Are To Be Holy To Me, For I The Lord Am Holy; And I Have
Creation and He is morally pure. This aspect Set You Apart From The Peoples To Be Mine- Lev. 19:2; 20:22-26.
of God differs from many of the accounts of
false gods people have worshipped, whose
characteristics take on human sinfulness. We
all know that sin defiles holiness. Because
God is holy, He cannot look on sinful
humans. Yet, God desires that we live in a
personal relationship with Him, so He has
made a way for us to come into relationship
with Him through Jesus.

First Finger:
First Finger- God is Loving, Gracious, God is Loving; Gracious; Merciful
and Merciful. Stories
Loving- OT words for love: ahav-used *God's Reveals His Name to Moses, He is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and
generally of God and people; and hesed- abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives
God’s covenantal love consisting of iniquity, transgression and sin- Exo. 34:6. *The Parables of the Lost Sheep; the Lost Coin; and the
faithfulness, loyalty, consistency, Lost Son- Luke 15. Jesus’ incarnation and His death on the cross for our sins shows the greatest act
unconditional love, and mercy. NT words of God’s Love for us- use any of the stories from Matt.; Mark; Luke; or John. *God Choose Israel
are agape-God’s unconditional love; phileo- As His Treasured Possession Not Because They Were Numerous, Or Because They Were Small,
love between friends. The Greek word eros But Because He Loved Them- Deut. 7:6-13.
is sensual love, but it is not found in the NT. Scriptures
*Faithful love surrounds those who trust in the Lord- Psa. 32:10. *Nothing in life or death can
Gracious- undeserved favor; to pardon or separate us from the love of God- Rom. 8:38-39. *God Loves Us- John 3:16; Psa. 103:11, 17; Eph.
show mercy. Grace is a description of 2:4-5; 1 John 4:8- 11.*Lord is Gracious, Compassionate, Slow to Anger, Rich in Love, Loving
God’s gifts to us. God’s pardoning grace Toward All He Has Made- Psa. 145:8, 17. *He saved us, not on the basis of deeds, but according to
is given to us through Jesus: dying for our His mercy, by the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Savior- Titus 3:5-6. *God shows His mercy
sins, forgiving our sins, restoring our by causing His sun and rain to rise on the evil and the good.- Matt. 5:43-48.
relationship to God, freely giving us salvation
when we believe in Him as Lord and Savior,
and preparing a place for us in Heaven when
we die. But God’s grace also extends to us
through all of the gifts God has given us.
God gives us provisional grace including
nature to provide for our needs, a job and a
home, possessions, and a family. He gives
spiritual grace gifts to the church to build
up people for ministry. And He has given us
the gift of the Gospel message to share with
the world. As God has given us grace in all
things, we return our gratitude to Him with a
life of service, purity, responsibility, and
devotion. See Unit 11.

Merciful- an outward manifestation of

compassion or pity. In Greek, one of the
words for mercy is the word, “hilaskomai.”
It is a word used to describe what the
pagans did to appease, conciliate, or cause
their gods to be good to them. It was never
used as an attribute of the gods themselves.
In contrast, Our God Himself is merciful.

Second Finger:
Second Finger- God is our Faithful God is Our Faithful; Provider
Provider. Stories
Faithful- the word means trustworthy, *God provided for Israel in the wilderness- Deut. 2:7. *God provides for His creation- Job 38-39;
reliable, or true. The OT word is the word, Psa. 104; 65; 147. *Jesus teaches on God’s provision- Luke 12:24-31. *Just as God provided manna

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 11

AMEN. for food in the wilderness, God provides Jesus as spiritual food to us- John 6:31-66.
*He is a God of faithfulness and without injustice- Deut. 32:4. *If We Are Faithless, He Remains
Faithful- 2 Tim. 2:13. *The LORD Will Not forsake His People- Psa. 94:14. *All Of His Work And
Words Are done In Faithfulness- Psa. 33:4. *Faithfulness Surrounds God- Psa. 89:8. *His
Faithfulness Is A Shield- Psa. 91:4. *God Is Faithful, Who Has Called Us Into Fellowship With Him-
1 Cor. 1:9. *God Will Not All Us To Be Tempted Above What We Are Able- 1 Cor. 10:13. *Let Us
Hold Fast The Confession Of Our Hope Without Wavering, For He Who Promised Is Faithful- Heb.
10:23. *Those Also Who Suffer According To The Will Of God Shall Entrust Their Souls To A
Faithful Creator In Doing What Is Right- 1 Pet. 4:19. *He is faithful to forgive our sins - 1 John 1:9.
*All that the people provided to build the temple was originally provided by the Lord- 1 Chr. 29:16.
*Through the years, the Psalm writer has not seen the righteous forsaken- Psa. 37:25. *Eye has not
seen, ear has not heard all that God has prepared for those who love Him- 1 Cor. 2:9. *God gives to
us so that we have abundance for every good deed- 2 Cor. 9:8.

Third Finger:
Third Finger- God is our Refuge, God is Our Refuge, Strength, and Guide.
Strength, and Guide. You can remember Stories
these attributes by thinking of the many times *Psalms of Refuge/Strength/Guidance- 5, 7, 11, 16, 18, 31, 46, 57, 71, 91. *God guided Israel in the
David sought refuge in God. As David wilderness by a pillar of fire and a cloud- Neh. 9:19; Ex. 13:21-22.
sought refuge in God, God would strengthen Scriptures
him and then guide, lead, and counsel him. *The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, My God, my mountain where I seek refuge;
OT words used to describe God’s My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.- Psa. 18:2. *Do not trust in the abundance of
protection in times of trouble include: refuge, riches or resort to evil, but take refuge in the Lord- Psa. 52:7. *He is our refuge in the day of
shield, stronghold, mountain, rock, rocky distress - Psa. 59:16.*He is our tower of strength in the face of the enemy- Psa. 61:3. *The Lord is a
crag, fortress, tower, and strength. David stronghold for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble- Psa. 9:9.*God cares for those who take
used these words often in the Psalms as He refuge in Him- Nahum 1:7.*God leads us and guides us because of His Name; He sets us free from
praised God for helping him through the the net and is our refuge- Psa. 31:3-4.*He guides us with His counsel- Psa. 73:24. *When God
military difficulties and the personal restores Israel, He will be their teacher, saying walk this way, do not turn right or left- Isa. 30:19-22.
difficulties he faced. *His Name is Wonderful Counselor- Isa. 9:6.

Fourth Finger- God is our Physical Fourth Finger:

and Spiritual Deliverer. God is Our Physical and Spiritual Deliverer
We learn in the Bible, God is our deliverer Stories
both physically and spiritually. In the Old *Yet God is my king from of old, Who works deeds of deliverance in the midst of the earth- Psa.
Testament most of the instances of 74:12. *It was not your children who saw the discipline of the Lord: His greatness, strong hand, and
deliverance were physical. The greatest outstretched arm; His signs and the works He did in Egypt to Pharaoh…what He did in the
example of this type of deliverance was the wilderness, etc. Deut. 11:2-6. *Israel's Deliverance from Egypt- Exo. 1-14. *The Lord Brings
Exodus - when God delivered His people Deliverers to Israel- Judges 3:9, 15; 2 Kings 13:5; Neh. 9:27. *The Sun Stands Still- Josh. 10:1-15.
from slavery in Egypt with an outstretched *Moses tells Jethro how God delivered Israel from the hand of the Wicked- Exo. 18:8-10.*God
arm. Understanding God’s physical Delivers David From Saul- 2 Sam. 22, God has not allowed his feet to slip.*God Helps David When
deliverance from slavery helps us to His Son, Absalom, Rises Up Against Him For The Kingdom- 2 Sam. 15-18. *Psalm of David’s
understand spiritual deliverance from the Deliverance From Absalom- Psa. 3.*David Acts Insane In Front Of King Achish- 1 Sam. 21.*Psalm
slavery of sin. Of Deliverance When David Appeared To Be Insane In The Presence Of King Achish and
As we read the New Testament, we learn that Abimelech- Psa. 34. *Ezra Trusts The Hand Of God To Keep Him Safe On A Journey- Ezra 8:16-
the events surrounding the Exodus are in fact 36. *Personal Prayer For Deliverance- Psa. 35. *God Deliverers Daniel From Lions- Dan. 6.
a picture of spiritual deliverance we find *Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego - Dan. 3. *Mary's Song, God is Savior- Luke 2. *Zacharias’
through Jesus Christ. Jesus is symbolically prophecy about the coming Messiah, delivering from enemies - Luke 1:67-80. *John the Baptist’s
the Passover Lamb. The deliverance from testimony- Luke 3:4-6. *Paul’s mission- Acts 13:47.
physical slavery becomes a picture of a Scriptures
spiritual deliverance from sin. And the *God brought Israel out of Egypt with an out-stretched arm- Deut. 9:29. *God comforts us. We
entrance to the Promised Land becomes a should not be afraid of man who dies. He sets the exile free- Isa. 51:12-16. *There is no one who can
reference to entering Heaven, or God’s rest. deliver out of His hand, When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the
As the Exodus from Egypt was the central rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will
focus of God’s deliverance in the OT, the the flame burn you.- Isa. 43:1-13. *God is a God of Escapes from Death- Psa. 68:20.*God Rescues
central NT act of God’s power was the Us From Enemies - Psa. 18:48. *God delivers the righteous from troubles, is near them in broken
resurrection, which brought to us freedom heartedness, saves those crushed in spirit. He delivers us from adversaries - Psa. 34:17-19. *Delivers
from death. We know that in the The Afflicted From Him Who Is Too Strong For Him, And The Afflicted And The Needy From
resurrection of Jesus, sin, death and the Him Who Robs Him- Psa. 35:10. *He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you
power of Satan were defeated. God extends may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. You will not be afraid of the terror by
this salvation/deliverance to all who believe in night, Or of the arrow that flies by day; Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, Or of the
Jesus as Lord and Savior. destruction that lays waste at noon. A thousand may fall at your side And ten thousand at your right
hand, But it shall not approach you. You will only look on with your eyes And see the recompense

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 12

of the wicked. For you have made the LORD your refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place.
No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge
concerning you, To guard you in all your ways…- Psa. 91. *Delivered Us From So Great A Peril Of
Line under Throne- Draw a line below Death, And Will Deliver Us- 2 Cor. 1:10. *Our Inheritance and Salvation Revealed In The Last Time-
1 PET. 1:3-12. *Jesus Will Appear A Second Time For Salvation Without Reference To Sin, To
the Throne. Explain God is separate from
Those Who Eagerly Await Him-Heb. 9:28. *The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation- Rom.
His creation. But He is active in the heavens
1:16. *Confessing Jesus as Lord, resulting in salvation- Rom. 10:9-10; Heb. 5:9; Eph. 2:8-9.
and on the earth, indicated by His hand on
*Salvation belongs to our God- Rev. 19:1.
the Throne and extending below the line. The
theological terms are transcendent-God is
active in heaven and imminent-God is
active in the world. (*God is active in the
earth- Psa. 147)

Lesson 2 The Essence of God- the Trinity

Part 2: The Trinity Teaching Points:

1. God is One, but reveals Himself in three ways.
2. God the Father.
3. God the Son.
4. God the Holy Spirit.

*All three members of the Trinity may be seen in the following Bible Stories: *Baptism Of Jesus
(Father, Son, Spirit Together)- Matt. 3. * The Last Words Of David- 2 Sam. 23 (v.2-3). *Now man
has become like us- Gen. 3:22; Tower of Babel-Let us confuse their language- Gen. 11:7.
God the Father- Hand, Jesus the Son- Scriptures
*The confession of Ancient Israel-Hear Oh Israel, Yahweh is Elohim (plural of majesty). Our
Lamb, and the Holy Spirit-Dove on the Yahweh is One- Deut. 6:4.
Throne- God is One, and reveals Himself
to us as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We call this revelation of God, the Trinity. Scripture Notes:
While each maintains separate roles, they are *New Testament indications of a belief in the Oneness of God: *There is One God, the Father,
sometimes interconnected. from whom are all things. One Lord, Jesus Christ, we exist through Him- 1 Cor. 8:4-6. *Now A
Mediator Is Not For One Party Only; Whereas God Is Only One- Gal. 3:20. *One Lord, One Faith,
Salvation History: We might understand One Baptism; One God And Father Over All- Eph. 4:5-6. see also Rom. 3:30; 1 Tim. 2:5; James
the working of the Trinity in terms of how 2:19; Rev. 11:17).
God was prominently at work in the world at
different times. It was the Father who was The interconnectedness and Separateness of the Trinity:
most prevalent in the Old Testament. It was While each member of the Trinity is revealed separately, there is also some interconnectedness
the Son who was prevalent in the Gospels. between them. For example, Isaiah 9:6 refers to the coming Messiah (Jesus) as, “The Everlasting
And it is the Holy Spirit who becomes Father.” And 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “The Lord is the Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:3 refers to the
prevalent after Jesus’ resurrection. Many “Spirit of God.” And in the opening chapters of the Gospel of John, we learn that it was “The
scholars have explained this in terms of a Word” who created the world, as compared to Genesis 1 and 2, where God created the world. John
picture of the whole of salvation history. It 1:14 identifies this Word with Jesus when it says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among
is not to say that the Father becomes the us.” Jesus said, If you have seen me, you have seen the Father, and “I and the Father are One,” and
Son, and then the Son becomes the Spirit. yet He also prayed to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, and in the Lord’s Prayer- Matt. 6:9.
But rather the three work together in history
with one being more prominent than another The Name of God and the Trinity:
at different times. *God’s Name, Elohim, may be used to teach about the Trinity. The name, Elohim is actually in the
plural in Hebrew. When translated in the context of many gods it is translated, “gods.” When used
Our conclusion is that God has revealed His to name our God, it is translated, “Elohim, or God.” The name is plural to reflect the majesty of God
essence to us through history and in human which cannot be fully expressed in the singular. Some Scriptures where this name is found are: Gen.
terms. We cannot fully grasp or understand 1:26 (Let Us Make Man In Our Image); Deut. 6:4 ,”Hear Oh Israel, Our Yahweh [the Covenant
the essence of God, because we are merely Name Of God, We Translate, Lord] Is Elohim [plural Of Majesty]. Our Yahweh Is One (Singular-
human. So we must take what has been we Worship Him As One).” And Again In Giving The Commandments, Exo. 20:2-4a (“I Am
revealed and realize the full understanding is Yahweh, Your Elohim. I Brought You Out Of Slavery. Do Not Worship Any Other God. Do Not
beyond the scope of human explanation. Make Idols”).
And we can meditate on the awesomeness of
His being.
The Creation of Male and Female in the marriage relationship:
God’s image consists of both the moral and the personal characteristics of God. The image of God
You can also use the following
consists of all goodness, righteousness, justice, purity, love, grace, mercy, kindness, compassion,
illustrations to teach the Trinity: an nurture, strength, leadership, care, and providence. The ability of humans to truly reflect God’s

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 13

egg (the shell, the white, the yolk); image diminished when Adam and Eve sinned, but it is renewed in the life of believers as they are
water (water, steam, ice); or a person’s obedient to God- Rom. 8:29. The marriage relationship reflects the unity and oneness of God when
roles (mother, wife, nurse). both marriage partners are living in ways that please God and reflect His nature (“Let us make man in
Our Image, male and female He made them”- Gen. 1:26; Gen. 2:24-They shall be one). This
relationship has great potential to bear witness to our God. When a married couple is not living in
ways that please God, they are not reflecting God’s Image to the world. Remember God is an
invisible spirit. Because He is spirit, He is neither male nor female. He has both male and female
personal characteristics, but we usually refer to Him in the masculine (See example Scriptures
reflecting female characteristics- Isa. 46:3; 49:15).

Part 2a: God the Father Teaching Points:

*See Teachings, Stories, and Scriptures above on the Characteristics of

Hand- God the Father

Part 2b: God the Son Teaching Points:

1. Jesus is the image of the Invisible God.
2. Jesus is the Lamb of God.
(Note there are many other teachings concerning Jesus in the Bible. These will be covered in a later
Lamb- Jesus is pictured here as a lamb unit on Jesus. Below are a few references to Jesus and the Trinity, and Jesus as the Lamb of God.)
according to the Biblical imagery found in
the Book of Revelation; in Isaiah 53; in Stories
references to the Passover Lamb; and in the Teachings on the divine nature of Jesus *Jesus, If You've Seen Me, You've Seen The Father- John
sacrificial lambs used in OT sacrifices. Jesus 14:6-11. * Jesus And The Father Are One- John 10:24-42. *Jesus Existed Before His Earthly Birth-
was symbolically the Lamb of God who was John 8:58; 16:28.
slain for the sins of the world. Teachings on Jesus as the Lamb of God- *First Passover- Exo. 12. *John the Baptist testifies,
“’Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”-John 1:29. *Jesus as the Lamb of
The lamp of the glory of God is the Lamb- God - Rev. 5:6-14; 7:9-14, 17; 12:11: 13:8; 14:1-4, 10; 17:14; 19:7; 21:23; 22:1-3. *God provides a
Rev. 21.23. lamb for Abraham- Gen. 22.
The incarnation- God in the flesh. The Teachings on the divine nature of Jesus- *Of the Son it is said, “Your Throne, Oh God, Is Forever”-
action of God coming to earth in the form of Psa. 45:6-7; Heb. 1:8-9. *In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was
man. God. All things were created by Him and for Him. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us -
John 1:1-14. *Jesus’ Eternal Power- Rom. 1:20. *Jesus Is The Exact Representation Of His Being;
*There are many other teachings Let the angels worship Him; He laid the foundation of the earth, heavens are the works of His hands-
concerning Jesus in the Bible. Many of Heb.1:3-13; Psa. 110:1. *He Is The True God And Eternal Life- 1 John 5:20. *He Is The Image Of
them are outlined in Unit 6: Jesus as the The Invisible God, The Firstborn Of All Creation- Col. 1:15. *Who existing in the form of God, did
Answer. not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. Instead He emptied
himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men…Philp. 2:5-11. *For in Him,
the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily- Col. 2:9. *One Mediator Also Between God And
Men, The Man Christ Jesus- 1 Tim. 2:5-6; Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25.
Teachings on Jesus as the Lamb of God-
*Jesus is the Passover Lamb- 1 Cor. 5:7; Isaiah 53:7.*Lamb offered as an atoning burnt offering
daily- Exo. 29:38-42; Lev. 3:7 (peace offering); sin offering- Lev. 4:32; guilt offering- Lev. 5:6-7; 9:3;
Num. 7:15,21,27,33,39, etc.; 15:5; 28:6-14. Jesus as the sacrifice for our sins- Heb. 9-10.

Part 2c- God the Holy Spirit Teaching Points:

1. The Holy Spirit (Greek word is, Paraklete-one who walks beside us).
2. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Counselor.
3. He teaches us and brings Scripture to our memory.
4. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
5. He does several things when we become followers of Jesus: He
Dove - The Holy Spirit regenerates (renews, cleanses) us; indwells us, baptizes us in Jesus,
We use the picture of a dove to represent the and seals us in relationship to God.
Holy Spirit. This picture comes from the 6. The Holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts to use in service to God.
story of Jesus’ baptism, when the Holy 7. The Holy Spirit gives us boldness and power in taking the Gospel to
Spirit descended on Him as a dove. the world.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 14

There are many other teachings concerning 8. He intercedes for us in prayer.
the Holy Spirit in the Bible. We have 9. He gives us guidance in living a godly life in service to God.
included some of them here. Many other
teachings will be through-out the various
10. He gives us the words to say when we are brought before others to
units to follow. testify about Jesus.

*Jesus tells of the Coming of the Holy Spirit/Comforter- John 14:26. *Day Of Pentecost- John 16:7-
14; Acts 2. *Church Grows Through Comfort Of Holy Spirit- Acts 9:31. *Holy Spirit Is Our Guide
For Ministry Direction- Acts 16:6-7. *Spirit's Help In Opposition- Luke 12:11-12.
*Some Old Testament References To The Spirit- Gen. 1:2; Deut. 6:4. *Convicts Of Sin,
Righteousness, Judgment- John 16:8. *Spirit Testifies To Truth In Our Hearts- Rom. 9:1. *Holy
Spirit Sanctifies Us- 1 Cor. 6:11. *Holy Spirit Gives Gifts- Exodus 31:3; 1 Cor. 12:7-11. *Holy Spirit
Places Seal Of Ownership On Us- 2 Cor. 1:22; Eph. 1:13-14; Eph. 4:30. *Holy Spirit Indwells Us- 1
Cor. 3:16; Rom. 8:9-11; Gal. 4:6; 1 John 3:24. * Holy Spirit Washes And Renews Us - Titus 3:5;
John 3:5-6. *You Will Receive Power to tell others about Jesus- Acts 1:8. *Empowers Us For
Ministry- 1 Cor. 2:4; Rom. 8:13; Gal. 5:17-18, 22-23. *Teaches Us- John 16:12-14; 1 Cor. 2:13.
*Holy Spirit Intercedes For Us- Rom. 8:26. *Taught Paul What To Teach- 1 Cor. 2:6-16.

Lesson 3 God Created the Spirit World

Part 3 Teaching Points

God Created the Spirit World 1. God Created spiritual beings.
2. God is Sovereign over the spiritual beings.
3. The spiritual beings have limited power and a will of their own.
4. We can divide the spiritual beings into two main groups: angels-those
who serve God; and demons- those who have rebelled against God.

*God Created the Hosts of Heaven- Neh. 9:6.

Angels and demons at work in the world-

Angels work as God’s messengers to
people, as guides in ministry, and as
protectors of people. Demons are working
to blind peo ple to the Truth of the Gospel
and to bring destruction to people and
society through false religions, destructive
lifestyles, godless philosophies, and satanic
practices and doctrines woven into human
culture and traditions. Note that our job is to
identify the threads of teachings Satan has
put into the cultural fabric, and replace them
with traditions and celebrations which honor

Part 3a The Fallen Spiritual Teaching Points:

Beings 1. The most beautiful angel, named Satan, wanted to be on God’s
Throne of authority and worship.
2. God threw him out of Heaven.
3. Satan took one-third of the angels with him (now called demons).
4. Satan and his demons are now at work in the world to blind the
eyes of unbelievers from the Truth and bring destruction to people

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 15

through harmful life-styles and false religions.
5. Paul presents a hierarchy of demons in Ephesians 6:12 (These are
outlined below).

Hierarchy Of Spiritual Powers (Eph. 6:12):

High Rulers
Hierarchy Of Spiritual Powers Stories
(Eph. 6:12) *Satan tempts Adam and Eve to disobey God- Gen. 3. *Satan exalted himself, was thrown out of
Heaven- Ezekiel 28:11-19; Isaiah 14:12-15; Luke 10:18. *Satan took a third of the angels with him-
High Rulers (Ephesians 6:12). Satan is Rev. 12:4. *Satan comes up against the righteous- Job 1-3. Satan tempts Jesus- Matt. 4:1-11. Satan
known by many names in the Bible. His hinders Paul from coming to visit the church at Thessalonica- 1 Thess. 2:18. Satan appeals to
names describe his character and deeds. He David’s pride in inspiring him to take a census, and many people die- 1 Chr. 21:1-30. Satan accuses
is known as the Father of Lies, the Joshua the high priest before God- Zech. 3:1-10. Satan influences Peter’s heart by having him look at
Adversary, the Prince of the Power of the things from man’s perspective instead of God’s- Matt. 16:23; Satan enters Judas Iscariot and
Air, the Great Dragon, the Serpent, and the influences him to betray Jesus for money- Luke 22:3-6. Satan fills Ananais’ heart and influences him
one Jesus calls a murderer. He appears to be greedy and lie- Acts 5. The Anti-Christ will work in accord with the activity of Satan- 2 Thess.
sometimes as an angel of light (a good 2:9. There are those who have known the deep things of Satan- Rev. 2:24.
angel). He is at work in the disobedient. His Scriptures
power is limited and under God’s ultimate *Satan Is The Ruler Or Prince- Eph. 2:2; John 12:31. *Satan is god of This World (Satan) Blinds
authority. Eyes of Unbelievers- 2 Cor. 4:4. *Reference to Satan’s throne.- Rev. 2:13. *Satan is a murderer and
the Father of Lies- John 8:44. *Satan Is Our Adversary- 1 Pet. 5:8. *Satan Is The Tempter- Matt. 4:3;
Demonic figures are pictured with horns 1 Thess. 3:5. *Satan Disguises Himself As An Angel Of Light- 2 Cor. 11:13-14. *At Work in Those
because of the scapegoat sacrifice in the Who are Disobedient- Eph. 2:2. * Satan Has Limited Power- 2 Thess. 2:9-12. *Satan Will One Day
OT- where people symbolically transferred Be Thrown Into Lake of Fire- Matt. 25:41; John 12:31; John 16:11; Col. 2:15; Rev. 20:10. *The God
their sins to a goat (with horns) and then sent of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet - Rom. 16:20. * For if God did not spare angels when
him out in the wilderness to die. The goat they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment- 2
was seen as the embodiment of sin. The Pet. 2:4. *"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the
goat’s head was used to represent Satan in eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels- Matt. 25:41.
art and in pagan religions. The picture is
intended to be a simple way to draw Satan
and not a true to life representation.

Authorities (Ephesians 6:12) Not much *Not much is said about this group. Here are some references in the Bible to Authorities- Eph. 6:12;
stated about them in the Bible. They are part 1 Cor. 15:24; Col. 2:15; 1 Pet. 3:22.
of the hierarchy of demonic beings
influencing and working in the world.

World Rulers
World Rulers (Ephesians 6:12) Demonic
beings ruling over parts of the world,
*World Powers Of This Darkness- Dan. 10:12-13, 20; Rom. 8:38; 1 Cor. 15:24; Col. 2:15; 1 Pet.
influencing oppressive governments, false
religion, and destructive lifestyles. Example-
Prince of Persia in Daniel 10:13.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 16

S piritual Forces of Darkness (Ephesians Spiritual Forces of Darkness
6:12) Possibly the powers shamans, Scriptures
witchdoctors, sorcerers, witches, and *Our struggles are against the spiritual powers of darkness - Eph. 6:12-13. *Demons Teach False
mediums tap into to use for good or ill. It is Doctrines- 1 Tim. 4:1-3. *Angels Abandoned Their Proper Abode- Jude 1:6-7. *God causes the
sometimes referred to as white or black power of shamans to fail- Isa. 44:25; Demons are behind idol worship- 1 Cor. 10:20-21.
magic. It is the power of demonic spirits
who work most closely with people. These
may include the ones who appear to people
in dreams as someone who has died-such as
an ancestor.
Part 3b God’s Angels Teaching Points:
1. Angels are created spiritual beings with limited power.
2. There are twice as many angels as demons.
3. Angels are messengers of God.
4. They minister to believers.
5. Children have guardian angels beholding God’s face.
6. Angels protect believers.
7. They are not to be our object of worship or prayer.
8. Israel received the Law under the direction of angels.
9. At the end of time we will judge the angels.
10. Angels will gather up the believers at Jesus’ return.
T wo Angels- Michael, the arc angel; and
Gabriel, a special messenger of God. These
11. They are created spiritual beings and not dead ancestors.
two angels are mentioned by name in
Scripture. God’s Angels
Two Leading Angels- Michael and Gabriel
Michael *Michael holds off the Prince of Persia- Daniel 10:13, 21. *Michael stands guard over
people- Dan. 12:1. *Michael disputes with the devil, but asks the Lord to rebuke him- Jude 1:9.
*Michael fights a war against the devil in heaven- Rev. 12:7. Gabriel *Gabriel interprets a vision for
Daniel- Daniel 8:16. *Gabriel speaks to Daniel about the vision- Dan. 9:21-27. *Gabriel appears to
Zacharias- Luke 1:19. *Gabriel appears to Mary- Luke 1:26-38.

Host of Angels
*Angels Protect Israel in Battle with Syrians- 2 Kings 6:8-23. *An Angel Warns Joseph to Flee to
Egypt- Matt. 2:3-15. *Angels Help Believers Escape From Danger- Acts 12:6-11. *Angels Carry Out
Judgments, Sodom and Gomorrah- Gen. 19:1-29. *An Angel Gives Mary and Joseph Messages-
Luke 1-2; Matt. 2:19-20. *Angels Announce Jesus' Birth- Luke 2:8-15. *An Angel Strengthens Jesus
Before His Arrest- Luke 22:39-43. *Angels Announce Jesus' Resurrection From the Dead- Matt.
28:1-7; Mark 16:2-7; Luke 24:1-7; John 20:10-11; Acts 1:10-11. *Angels minister to Jesus after his
Host of Angels- The angels that serve God temptation in the wilderness by Satan- Matt. 4:11.
as messengers, protectors, and instigators of
God’s work in the world. Scriptures
*Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit
salvation? Heb. 1:14. *Angels Not To Be Worshiped- Col. 2:18. *Wisdom of God Made Known to
Angels Through the Church- Eph. 3:8-12. *The angels perform His Word, and obey God. They
serve Him in all places of His dominion- Psa. 103:20-22. *He gives His angels charge concerning us
and they guard us in all our ways- Psa. 91:11. *Angels Keep Special Watch Over Children- Matt.
18:10. *Angels without number will be around the Throne in Heaven, glorifying God and the Lamb
(Jesus)- Rev. 5:11-14. *Angels Will Gather Up Believers At the End of Time- Matt. 24:31. *We Will
Judge the Angels- 1 Cor. 6:3. *Israel received the Law at the direction of angels- Acts 7:53.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 17

Unit 2 Illustration: God and His Physical Creation

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 18

Simplified Drawing for Unit 2

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 19

Unit 2: God and His Physical Creation

General Description

Illustration 2 is a visual picture of God’s physical creation, the purposes

of God in creation, and the purposes of the family.
1. Review: At the top of the picture is the Heavenly Throne as pictured in
Unit 1, representing God’s sovereign reign, justice, and holiness. The
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are pictured on the Throne above creation.
There is a line separating God from His creation. This line is not intended to
suggest God is far away, but only to represent the difference between the
Creator and the created.
2. God’s Physical Creation: Pictured on the right side of the globe
are the six days of creation, the seventh day of rest is not pictured.
(Unit2, Lesson 1)
3. God places people in the world where He wants them. On the
left side of the globe is a representation of places in the world where
people live. The Bible says that God placed people in the world
where He wanted them so that they might seek Him. (Lesson 1)
4. The creation of man and woman. In the center of the picture is
pictured a husband, wife, and their children. The man and the
woman are pictured here because they are the peak of God’s
creation. The husband and wife bear witness of God as they live
together according to His ways. The circle around the family shows the exclusive relational nature of the
individual family. In addition, it shows that the husband, wife, and their children are a family unit, and
therefore the central decision makers for that family. Many family units together make up a community. A
Bible is surrounding the family. With this picture we teach both the responsibility of the family to live
according to God’s ways and for both parents to teach the children God’s ways. (Lesson 2)
Approaches to Teaching this Unit:
1. Simple overview approach. Teach from the general description above.
2. Topical Approach. Take each of the major parts of this study and teach them separately over time. Topics
could include: Purpose in God’s Creation of the world; the Family Unit and God’s Desire for the Family; the
specific roles of the husband, wife, and children.
3. Detail Approach. The more in-depth approach. Study the scope of Scriptures from each individual picture
and subject.
4. Evangelistic Approach. Focus on Part 3, God created the world with depth of purpose and great
understanding, emphasizing where God has placed people so that they might seek Him. Or focus on the role of
the family and each family member.
5. Mature Believer Approach. Study in detail the lessons on the role of the parents, and how God made the
Husband and wife in His Image to glorify and bear witness of Him.

Objectives for Unit 2

1. To establish that God created the physical world with understanding, order, and purpose.
2. To teach that God placed people in the world as He desired so that they would seek Him.
3. To teach that both man and woman are made in the Image of God, and what it means to reflect the Image of
God (living holy, righteous, morally good lives).
4. To define the family unit as one husband, one wife, and their offspring (including adopted kids).
5. To establish as the central role of the family: to raise up children in the fear and ways of the Lord.
6. To define the roles of the husband, wife, and the children according to the Bible.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 20

Related Units
Unit 1: Units one and two are inter-related as they both concern God’s creation and purpose.
Unit 10: The believer’s family and community life should be based on the Word of God.
Unit 11: We should take care to be good stewards of God’s provisions to our family.

Lesson 1: The Days of God’s Physical Creation

Part 1: Review Unit 1 Review Points:

1. God is the Creator and Sustainer of Creation.
Thr 2. He is Sovereign over all of His Creation.
d is
ereign, Just, Holy,
Teaching Points:
1. God created everything by the Words of His mouth.
2. Day 1-God Created the light and the darkness.
3. Day 2-God created the world with clouds in the sky.
Day 2: World with clouds in
sky- God created the sky above. 4. Day 3-God created land and vegetation.
5. Day 4-God created the sun, moon, day, and night, to mark seasons, festivals,
and years.
6. Day 5-God created sea creatures and birds.
7. Day 6-God created the animals, and man and woman last.
8. Day 7-God rested from his work, created the Sabbath day of rest.
Day 3: World with land and 9. God saw that His creation was good.
tree- God created the land and 10. God sustains and holds creation together.
the vegetation.
The Seven Days of Creation
*The Creation account- Genesis 1-2.
*God gives life to the dead and calls into existence things which do not exist- Rom. 4:17. *God Created
Everything Through The Word…He spoke and it came into being; He commanded, and it came into
Day 4: World with existence- Psa. 33:6, 9. *By faith we understand the universe was created by the Word of God, so that what
night/moon and stars and is seen has been made from things that are not visible- Heb. 11:3; John 1:1-4. *God Created Everything Seen
day/sun- God created the sun And Unseen- Gen. 1-3. *He holds all things together- Col. 1:16-17. *God Made Day And Night, Summer And
and moon, day and night. Winter, And Boundaries Of The Earth- Psa. 74:16-17. *God established the earth’s foundations, and the laws
of nature. And He will not do away with His people- Jer. 31:35-40. *God Made The Depths Of Earth and The
Tops Of Mountains- Psa. 95:4-5. *While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And cold and heat, And
summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease- Gen. 8:22. *Who formed you in the womb: I am the
LORD, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself-
Isa. 44:24.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 21

Day 5: World with fish and
Day 6: World with animals, bugs, and people- God created the livestock, creeping creatures on the
birds- God created the birds of earth, and people.
the sky and the fish of the sea.

Day 7: Not pictured. God rested on day seven.

Teaching Points:
Part 3: God created the 1. God did not randomly create things, He created the world with
world with great depth of understanding and great purpose.
purpose and with great 2. God purposely placed people in the world as He desired (based on Acts
understanding. 17:26-27).
*God created the world with 3. God has a plan for our lives (Psalm 139:13-16).
wisdom and understanding. There 4. God placed information about Himself in His creation.
is a depth to God’s creation as
evidenced by the following truths: Stories
people are made in God’s Image *God Placed People On The Earth As He Desired, So They Would Seek Him- Acts 17:26-27. *God Formed
with depth of character and Us, Saw Us At The Time Of Creation; Has a Purpose For Our Lives- Psa. 139:13-16. *Jesus Teaches Us
morals. He established the About God’s Mercy Shown Through His Creation- Matt. 5:45; God tells Job about His creation- Job 38-41.
husband and wife relationship and Scriptures
designed great purpose for the *God Created People, Saw Their Unformed Body In The Depths Of The Earth At Creation- Psalm 139:14-
family. God made the seasons and 15. *God Reveals Himself Through Creation- Rom. 1:20-21. *God Reveals Himself To Human Hearts- 2
established festivals celebrating Cor. 4:6. *By God's Will All Things Were Created -Rev. 4:11. *God Established The World By Wisdom
God’s work and providence in the And Understanding- Jer. 51:15-16. *God Established The Force Of The Wind, Established The Waters,
world. He not only created the Made A Path For The Thunderstorm, And Appraised Wisdom In Creation- Job 28:24-27. *By Wisdom God
birds, but taught them how to Laid The Earth's Foundation, By Understanding Set The Heavens In Place, And By Knowledge The Deeps
build nests (same for all animals). Were Divided And The Clouds Gave Forth Dew - Pro. 3:19-20. *Creation Reveals God's Glory- Psa. 19:1-4.
He placed skills and talents in *God Is Continually Active In His Creation- Psa. 145; John 5:17; Heb. 1:2-3.*Creation Psalms Written As A
people as He desired, and has Witness To Other Nations That God Is The One True God- Psa. 104. *God Made The Rich And The Poor
caused people to develop skills to Alike- Prov. 22:2. *God Is The Potter, We Are The Clay, His Purposes May Change For Us As We Obey Or
greater extents through the course Disobey Him- Isa. 64:8; Jer. 18:1-11. *God is active in creation- The afflicted and needy are seeking water,
of history. He not only set the but there is none, And their tongue is parched with thirst; I, the LORD, will answer them Myself, As the God
world and nature in motion, but of Israel I will not forsake them.” I will open rivers on the bare heights And springs in the midst of the valleys;
also interacts in His creation on I will make the wilderness a pool of water And the dry land fountains of water. "I will put the cedar in the
behalf of His people. wilderness, The acacia and the myrtle and the olive tree; I will place the juniper in the desert Together with the
box tree and the cypress, That they may see and recognize, And consider and gain insight as well, That the
hand of the LORD has done this, And the Holy One of Israel has created it- Isa. 41:17-20. *God’s Future
Creative Acts: He Will Create A New Heaven And New Earth- Isa. 65:17-25. *New heavens and a new earth,
in which righteousness dwells- 2Pet. 3:13; 2 Pet. 3:7. *God uses people and even animals for his purposes-
Isa. 46:11 (recall how God used Moses, the plagues, the ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead of Isaac, how
Jesus used the fish with the coin in his mouth to teach about giving to God and Ceasar, Balaam and the
donkey who spoke, the ravens to feed Elijah, and others).

Village: The pictures following God’s witness through creation: How the Israelites used a pagan song to testify to
down the left side of the page are God’s superiority over false gods.
all related to the teachings in Acts
17. God says that He has placed Study Psalm 104 (a Creation Psalm) in comparison to Ugaritic pagan songs of the time period. The writer of
us in the world where He wants us the Psalm takes phrases from the Baal Epic to show how Israel's God is the true great God. You will notice
so that we might seek Him. that the writer of the Psalm replaces Baal’s name with El (God). The statements made about God are greater
Some people are placed in and move beyond the statements about Baal.
Psa. 104:3- God is one who makes the clouds his chariot.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 22

Ugaritic- Baal is the rider of the clouds.

Psa. 104:4- fire and flame are personifications of the ministers or angels of the Lord.

Ugaritic- fire and flame used in preparation for the silver and gold of Baal's temple.

Psa. 104:7- thunder is the voice of the Lord.

Desert: God placed some people Ugaritic- thunder is the voice of Baal.
in the deserts.
Psa. 104:16- God planted the cedars of Lebanon.

Ugaritic- Wood from Lebanon used for Baal's temple.

Psa. 104:13- Lord waters the mountains from his upper chambers.

Ugaritic- Opening Of Baal's Window To Water The Earth.

Psa. 104- In Addition, God Is The One Who Gives Water And Food To All Of Creation. He Makes The
Seasons. He Cares For Every Detail Concerning The Earth.

Rainforest: God placed some

people in the Rainforest.

Mountains and lake regions:

God placed some people in the
mountains and lake regions.

Lesson 2: The Family is God’s Design

Part 2a: God created Male Teaching Points:

and Female Humans to reflect 1. Humans were made at the peak of God’s creation for God’s glory.
His Image. 2. God made man and woman in His Image (moral and personal image).
This includes all people.
3. God desires we reflect the Oneness of His Image in the marriage
relationship (“They shall become One flesh”- Gen. 2:24).
4. God desires that we reflect His Image in righteous and holiness of the
5. We are not to curse or kill people because they are made in God’s
Family on Bible- Man and woman are
both made in God's Personal Moral
Image. So when the image of God is
mentioned in Scripture it is not referring God Made Male and Female in His Image
to a physical image, but a moral/personal Stories

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 23

one, i.e. love, justice, mercy, kindness, *Creation Story: People Are Made In God's Image- Gen. 1:26-28; 5:1-2. *Do Not Kill, Man Made In
goodness, faithfulness, etc. In addition, God's Image- Gen. 9:6; Exo. 20:13. *Humans Are Superior To Animals- Gen. 1:28; 2:19-20.
the relationship between the husband and
a wife is to reflect the unity and oneness Scriptures
of God’s Image. Remember in Genesis *We Are Created To Be Like God’s Image In Righteousness and Holiness of the Truth- Eph. 4:22-32.
1:26-27, God says, “Let US make man *We Are Being Renewed In Knowledge According To The Image of God- Col. 3:9-11. *We Should
in OUR Image…then male and female Not Curse People Because They Are Made In The Image of God- James 3:8-18. *We Reflect The
He made Them.” Then, the two became Glory and Image of God- 2 Cor. 3:18. *Women Are Equal To Men In God's Eyes- Gal. 3:28. *The
one flesh. So two men, or two women, Marriage Relationship Is One Flesh Relationship- Gen. 2:21-25; Matt. 19:5-6; Mark 10:8-9; 1 Cor. 6:15-
or multiple spouses, extra-marital 20; Eph. 5:21-33.
relations, physical, spiritual, or emotional
abuse, or any form of sin, does not
reflect God’s Image, or represent His
moral character.

Part 2b: God told the Teaching Points:

husband (male) and wife 1. God established the exclusive union of one male and one female in
(female) to rule over creation marriage as the model for the family unit.
and to be fruitful and multiply. 2. Any other exclusive union or immoral lifestyle is a perversion of God’s
ways and design (i.e. male and male; female and female; male with multiple
Same Picture wives; female with multiple husbands; incest, or sexual relations with animals;
sex outside of marriage; and pornography).
(Note: this is not to say that single
parents and their children are not seen as Scriptures
a family in God’s eyes. The point is that *God is the witness if we act treacherously against our wife, He desires for us to have godly offspring-
there is no perversion of marital union Mal. 2:14-16; see also 1 Cor. 7:14. *God said, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth- Gen. 9:1. God’s
concerning marriage partners). ideal is that the two remain one flesh- see Gen. 1:27; 5:2; Mark 10: 2-9. *Jesus teaches whoever marries
another person after divorcing their spouse commits adultery, for both the male and the female- Mark
10:10-12. (In Relation To Marriage); Matt. 19:3-9; Mark 10:1-12 (Jesus Answers Question About
Divorce); 1 Cor. 6:12-20 (Paul Talks About Prostitution).
Point 2c: God’s Purpose for
families is for the parents to Teaching Points:
teach their children the ways 1. Husband and wife are to teach their children God’s ways.
of God. 2. God desires for us to have godly offspring.

Same Picture *Families come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior- Philippian jailer’s family- Acts 16:31-34. *Each
family was to sacrifice a lamb and put the blood on the doorpost to escape the angel of death just
Bible in the picture- Both the before the exodus from Egypt- Ex. 12:3-15. *Rahab and her family were saved because they helped the
husband and the wife teach children spies- Josh. 6:23. *Those who come to faith through Jesus Christ, become part of Abraham’s family-
God's ways. The meaning of the words Gal. 3:7-8. *Joshua States The Intention Of His Family To Serve The Lord, and Not The gods of the
for teach in the Bible include, teaching Land- Joshua 24:15. *Abraham Kept His Household In The Way of the Lord- Gen. 18:19.
what was pleasing to God, teaching what
brought people to a maturity of Scriptures
understanding, and teaching what *We Should Teach Our Children When We Lie Down, Rise Up, Sit, Stand, Walk, and ON The Door
sharpens someone’s wisdom. Since Posts of the Home- Deut. 6:6-9. *God is the witness if we act treacherously against our wife, He
parents should be the ones closest to desires for us to have godly offspring- Mal. 2:14-16; see also 1 Cor. 7:14. *God appointed a law in
their children, authentic faith can better Israel that a father should teach his children to put their confidence in God, and not follow rebellion-
be taught in the home because children Psa. 78:5-8. *Children Are A Gift And Blessing From God- Psa. 127:3-5. *Children Learn From
experience how parents handle the good Infancy About The Lord- 2 Tim. 3:14-15. *We Must Not Love Family Members More Than God-
times and the bad times. They see how Matt. 10:37. *Mother And Father Responsible To Raise Children In God's Ways- Deut. 31:12-13;
parents live their lives of faith in the Prov. 1:8; 6:20-23. *Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart
midst of various circumstances all from it.- Pro. 22:6. *Sincere Faith Passed on From Grandmother To Children- 1 Tim. 1:5.
through the day and night (Deut. 6
instructs us to teach God’s ways when
we lie down, sit, stand and walk-
meaning all the time). The church also
plays a great role in teaching children,
but does not have as great of a potential
impact as parents do. Parents should be
reading the Bible with, teaching, and
praying with their children daily.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 24

God wants us to have godly offspring.
So we are to teach our children about
God’s ways at all times.

Point 2d: The Role of the Teaching Points:

1. Jesus is Lord of the home.
2. Men should have a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus
nurtured through prayer, Bible study, worship, and service to God.
Same Picture 3. Husbands are to live under the Lordship of Christ, exhibiting
godliness in the home and in the community.
4. Husbands are to love their wives as themselves, reflecting the
Saviorship/husband redeemer role of Christ.
5. Husbands are head (source/type of leader) of the home, giving godly
direction, a godly name/reputation, and physical, moral, and
emotional strength to the family.
6. Husbands and wives are to submit to one another (Eph. 5:21).
7. Husbands are to provide for their families.
8. Husbands are to live in the sexually exclusive one-flesh relationship
with their wives.
9. Husbands are to live with their wives in an understanding way.
10. Fathers are not to exasperate their children.
11. Husbands are to participate with their wives in the training of their
children in the ways of the Lord.
12. Husbands should serve God with and develop the gifts He has given
them, but not neglect their family.
13. Decisions in the home should be based on holiness, wisdom, and
mutual, prayerful agreement.
14. Men (and women) will reign with Christ and be joint heirs with Him
at the end of time.

Scripture Study on the Role of the Husband

*Adam declares the woman to be bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh- Gen. 2:23. *Job Is A Good Father- Job 1:1-5. *Unfaithful Fathers - Jer. 7:17-
20. *Eli Did Not Correct His Children- 1 Sam. 2:12-4:11. *A Father’s Foolish Vow- Judges 11:30-40. *The Parable of the Gracious Father- Luke
15:11-32. *Father Gives Good Gifts- Matt. 7:9-11. *Abraham Intercedes For Ishmael- Gen. 17:18-20.
*Husbands, Love Your Wives As Yourself, And Reflecting The Saviorship Of Christ- Eph. 5:25-31. *Husbands are the head of the home- Eph.
5:23. *Husband reflect the role of husband/redeemer as God is the spiritual husband/redeemer of Israel- (Husbands love your wives as Christ
loved the church and gave Himself for her…-Eph. 5:25-33; Isaiah 54:4-8; Hosea; Jer. 31:32-34. *Live In The One Flesh Relationship - Eph. 5:31;
Gen. 2:21-25. *Husbands Do Not Be Harsh With Your Wives- Col. 3:19. *Live With Your Wives in an understanding way, and consider them
equal heirs in Heaven, or your prayers will be hindered- 1 Pet. 2:7. *(overseer qualifications, but show good family life of a husband) husband of
one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of
money. He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how
to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?)- 1 Tim. 3:2-5.

Point 2e: The Role of the Wife Teaching Points:

1. Jesus is Lord of the home.
Same Picture 2. Women should have a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus
nurtured through prayer, Bible study, worship, and service to God.
Scriptural Study: Living with 3. Wives are to live under the Lordship of Christ, exhibiting godliness in
unbelieving husbands--1 Peter the home and the community.
2:13-3:7 4. Wives are to submit to their husbands out of reverence for Christ.
5. Husbands and wives are to submit to one another (Eph. 5:21 Note: the
*Believers are a royal priesthood, a verb for submit in verse 22 has to be brought down from verse 21, since the verb submit is
chosen race to be witnesses of the not actually in verse 22 in the Greek text. This grammatical structure links the two sections of
Gospel. The way we sometimes bear
Scripture together thememactically).

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 25

witness of Jesus is in our behavior in 6. Wives are to respect their husbands.
established institutions. Peter gives 7. Wives are to do good for their families (Proverbs 31).
Jesus’ laying down of his life as an
example of how we are to conduct
8. Wives are to live in a sexually exclusive relationship with their
ourselves in the places and institutions in husbands.
which we live and minister. 1 Peter 2:9- 9. Wives are to participate with their husbands in training up their
10; 21-25. Note the contexts of this children in God’s ways.
passage of Scripture below: 10. Older women should teach younger women how to love their
*1 Pet. 2:11-12: instructs us to live husbands.
honorably among the Gentiles 11. Women should not be gossips.
(unbelievers). 12. Women are to manage their household well.
*1 Pet. 2:13-17: Peter instructs us to 13. Women should be mindful of living their freedom in Christ in a way
submit to every human institution to bear that is suitable in their particular culture for the sake of the Gospel
witness of the Lord. This includes: To (see submitting to human institutions and instructions about living
rulers, governors, police, marriage, with an unbelieving husband in 1 Pet. Notes in the column to the left).
honor everyone.
14. Women should serve God with and develop the gifts He gives them,
*1 Pet. 2:18: Instructions to slaves to but not neglect their family.
submit to and respect their masters. 15. Decisions in the home should be based on holiness, wisdom, and
*1 Pet. 3:1: Wives, IN THE SAME mutual, prayerful agreement.
WAY, submit to unbelieving husbands 16. Women (and men) will reign with Christ, and be joint heirs with Him
to win them. This may also apply to at the end of time.
some cultures where you are ministering,
as in the case of Abraham and Sarah-
when she called Abraham, “lord.” Stories
*Traits Of A Godly Woman- Prov. 31. *Sapphira submits to her husband instead of the Lord and dies-
Acts 5:1-11. *James And John’s Mother Wants Honored Positions For Her Sons- Matt. 20:21-22.
*Summary: The subject of 1 Peter 2-3 is
*Hannah Prays For A Son- 1 Sam. 1. *Samuel’s Mother Makes Him A Coat Every Year- 1 Sam. 2:18-
how to conduct ourselves in human
19. *Hagar Cares For Her Son In The Desert- Gen. 21:15-21. *Moses’ Mother Puts Him in a Basket In
institutions—whether it is a government
The River To Save His Life- Exo. 2:3-10. *Rachel Participates In Deceiving Her Husband- Gen. 27:1-
institution, a job or slave role, or in the 29. *Wise Woman At Abel Saves A City- 2 Sam. 20:15-22. *Abigail Acts Wisely- 1 Sam. 25. *Jesus’
way marriage is seen in a particular
Mother Was At The Cross When He Died- John 19:26-27.
culture. We need to behave in a
culturally sensitive way so as not to ruin Scriptures
*Submit To One Another In Fear Of Christ- Eph. 5:21. *Wives Submit As To The Lord- Eph. 5:22-24.
our witness for Christ. In some cultures
it may be harmful to a wife’s witness if *Older Women Teach Younger Women How To Love Husbands And Children, And Not To Slander-
she fully carries out her freedom in Titus 2:3-5. *Special Instructions For Those With Unbelieving Husband- 1 Pet. 3:1-6. *Train Up
Christ publically. But the Scripture Children In The Way They Should Go- Prov. 22:6. *Correct Your Children- Prov. 29:15, 17.
reminds the husbands to live with their
wives – by understanding their needs
(not according to the culture-where
women may be abused or considered as
property). It also says husbands need to
remember that their wives are joint heirs
with Christ. If they do not treat them
appropriately, their prayers will be
hindered. So we must be culturally
sensitive in order to witness for Christ,
but we must also treat each other as joint
heirs with Christ.

Point 2f: The Role of the Teaching Points:

Children 1. Jesus is Lord in the home.
2. Children should have a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus
nurtured through prayer, Bible study, worship, and service to God.
3. Children are to live under the Lordship of Christ, and exhibit
Same Picture godliness in the home and in the community.
4. Children are to honor and obey their parents.
A note about honoring ancestors: 5. Children should respect the elderly.
Family members who have died are not 6. Recognize God has made you and has a plan for your life.
spirits who must be appeased; they are 7. Youth are to be an example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and
not entities to give offerings to; we are purity.
not to set up shrines or altars for them; 8. Youth should not be despised.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 26

we are not to serve the spirits; we are not 9. Children should use and develop their God-given talents to serve God
to worship them; and we are not to pray and the community.
to them for intercession. Keep in mind
that demons may take on the appearance
10. Children should repay their parents later in life, this honors the Lord.
of dead ancestors in dreams or in visions
in order to keep people serving them
instead of God. When people die, they
are either with Jesus, or they are in a
place of torment called, Hell. Jesus said
to the thief on the cross, “Today you
will be with me in paradise.” Any spirits
roaming the earth are in fact demons
seeking to be worshipped.
Scripture for the Role of Children
*Jesus Reaches Out To Children, the Kingship of God belongs to children- Luke 18:15-16. Negative Examples: *Kings Who Walked In The Sins
of Their Fathers - 1 Kings 15:25-32. *Jewish Leaders Walked In The Sins of Their Fathers- Matt. 23:30-38. *Hophni and Phinehas Had No Regard
For the Lord, Made A Strange Offering To The Lord; Did Not Listen To Father- 1 Sam. 2:12-4:11.
*Listen To your Father, Do Not Despise Mother- Prov. 1:8; 3:1-2; 4:1-4, 10, 20-22; 5:1; 6:20-23; 13:1; 23:22. *Children Are Known By Their
Actions If They Are Pure And Right- Prov. 20:11. *Children Obey Your Parents, Fathers Do Not Provoke Children To Anger- Exo. 20:12; Eph.
6:1-4; Col. 3:20-21; Luke 18:20. *Children Who Reject God, Are Also Disobedient To Parents- Rom. 1:28-32; 2 Tim. 3:2-5. *Youth Are To Be An
Example To Older Believers In Speech, Conduct, Love, Faith, And Purity- 1 Tim. 4:12. *Youth Should Not Be Despised - 1 Tim. 4:12. *If Father
or Mother Forsake Us, The Lord Takes Us Up- Psa. 27:10. *Wise Son Brings Joy; Foolish Brings Grief- Prov. 10:1; 27:11. *A Wise Son Accepts
His Father's Discipline, But A Scoffer Does Not Listen To Rebuke- Prov. 13:1. *Honor The Grandparents- Lev. 19:32. *Children Should Repay
Their Parents, This Pleases The Lord- 1 Tim. 5:4, 8. *God Made Us In Our Mother's Womb- Psa. 139:13-14. *The Glory Of Children Is Their
Fathers- Prov. 17:6. *God Punishes Sins Of Fathers Upon Children, But Shows Love To Those Devoted To Him- Exo. 20:5-6.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 27

Unit 3 Illustration: How God Communicates With People

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 28

Simplified Drawing for Unit 3

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 29

Unit 3 How God Communicates With People

General Description

Illustration 3 is a visual picture of how God communicates with

God communicates to people on three different levels, as
pictured in the three levels of this building. The upper level is
what we call “Special Revelation.” Special Revelation is the
revelation of God’s Truth and Will through the Bible, through the
Holy Spirit, and through Jesus. The Second level is God’s Personal
Communication Level. The Bibles gives examples of God’s
personal communications with people in the following areas:
prayer, dreams and visions (and angels), signs and wonders, and
through the fellowship with other believers. The bottom story
represents God’s General Revelation through nature. Through
nature we can learn something about the attributes of God and His
care for us.

Important Considerations in teaching this Unit:

The upper level of the house contains the most important ways God
communicates with us (Special Revelation). Every other level must
be tested with it. Jesus came to earth to tell us about the Father,
about godly living, about sharing the Gospel; and he came to bring in the New Covenant through His death and
resurrection. The Holy Spirit guides us into Truth and knowledge of God. The Word of God is the one source we have
of objective Truth, by which to test the teachings we hear from others. Special Revelation is the most reliable way to
receive communication from God. We need to encourage our families, communities, and congregations to seek to
establish this level as the most important, particularly by spending time reading and studying the Word of God. If we
emphasize the second level of Personal Communication as most important, we are likely to be placing the wrong
emphasis on certain people, on leaders, or on some spiritual experience which we may think exalts us over everyone
else. In doing so, we may even diminish the importance of each person’s own relationship and communication with
God and have them going to leaders who claim some kind of “special revelation” through dreams.

God does communicate on these levels, but each believer needs to learn how to seek the Truth from the Bible and how
to listen to the Holy Spirit for themselves. The Bible is our one objectiv e source of Truth. When we read the Bible,
God speaks to us directly and works in our hearts.

Approaches to Teaching this Unit:

1. Simple overview approach. Teach the general description above using pictures for each part.
2. Topical Approach. Divide the lesson up into at least three areas, Special Revelation, Personal
Communication, and General Revelation. Then teach the components of each level on separate occasions using
the notes and Scripture guide.
a. Special Revelation: the Bible, the Holy Spirit, Jesus.
b. Personal Communication: Prayer, Dreams and Visions, signs and wonders, other people.
c. General Revelation: What God has revealed about Himself through His Creation
3. Detail Approach. The more in-depth approach. Study the scope of Scriptures from each individu al picture
and subject listed under a, b, c directly above.
4. Evangelistic Approach. Use the whole of this Unit to encourage unbelievers to seek God’s Truth through
these three types of communication.
5. Mature Believer Approach. Focus on the upper two levels, drawing believers to spend more time in the
Word of God and in testing all things with the Word of God.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 30

Objectives for Unit 3
1. To help people know and discern the various ways God communicates with them.
2. To establish God’s Word, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as the standard and objective source of Truth, by which all
other areas of communication and teachings are to be tested.
3. To strengthen one’s personal time and relationship with God.
4. To provide Biblical examples of the ways God personally communicates to us so that we will know the proper
place or use of these things.

Related Units
Unit 1 and 2: God is the creator of all things and sovereign over His creation. God is a personal God who communicates with us.
God has revealed His attributes through nature.
Unit 4: God has communicated His Laws to people. These Laws are in the Bible, God’s Special Revelation.
Unit 6: God has communicated with us through Jesus’ life and teachings. Prayer and time in the Word of God are some of the ways
how we abide in Jesus.
Unit 9: Prayer, Reading the Word of God, and following the Spirit are all an important part of spiritual growth and warfare.
Unit 10: All things must be tested with God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus.

Lesson 1 God Communicates Through Special Revelation

Point 1: The Most Important Teaching Points:

way God Communicates with 1. The most important way God communicates with us is through Special
us is through Special Revelation (His Word, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit).
Revelation. 2. All of the content from any other level of communication has to be
tested with this level.

Upper story of the building with

Bible, Jesus, and Holy Spirit-
Represents the means through which we
receive Special Revelation from God.
These three things are at the top because
it is the level by which we can see
everything else more clearly. Every level
of communication below this one must
be tested against this one in order to
keep the purity of the Faith, and the
purity of doctrines in the church.

Point 1a: God’s Word is our Teaching Points:

standard and source of Truth. 1. All Scripture is God-inspired.
2. God’s Word is useful for teaching, reproving, correcting, and training
in righteousness.
3. God’s Word is our standard of Truth and for godly living.
4. God’s Word is living and active in our lives, able to judge our
Bible - The Bible is the inspired Word of innermost thoughts and intentions.
God. It is the one objective source of
Truth by which we measure our lives,
5. God’s Word does not return to Him without accomplishing His

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 31

our traditions, our culture, and our purposes.
doctrines. 6. There is a limit to all human wisdom and perfection. But no limit to
*God revealed His ways to Israel, and
God’s Word.
not to any other nation- Psa. 147:19-20. 7. God has given us what we need to know in the Scriptures.
8. We must not add to the Scriptures.

*The Word of God and people’s hearts: The Parable of the Sower- Matt. 13:1-43; Luke 8:4-15. *Jesus
uses Scripture to fight the temptations of Satan in the wilderness- Matt. 4:1-11. *The Prophets were
inspired by God- 2 Pet. 1:19-21. *Paul says if anyone preaches a different gospel, let him be cursed-
Gal. 1:6-10.

*The entirety of God’s Word is Truth- Psa. 119:160. *God’s Word will never pass away- Isa. 40:8;
Matt. 24:35. *All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting,
for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.-
2 Tim. 3:16-17. *God’s Word Does Not Return To Him Empty, But Accomplishes His Purposes - Isa.
55:10-11. *Word Of God Is Living, Active, Sharper Than Two-edged Sword, Pierces Our Soul And
Spirit- Heb. 4:12. *Be Diligent To Correctly Use And Interpret The Word Of God- 2 Tim. 2:15. *He
declares His words to Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances to Israel, and not to any other nation- Psa.
147:19-20. *We are Born Again through the Word of God- 1 Pet. 1:23. *Make Sure the Word Of God
Abides In Us- 1 John 2:14. *Although We May Be Imprisoned, The Word Of God Is Not- 2 Tim. 2:8-
10. *Word Of God Works In Our Lives- 1 Thess. 2:13-16. *Let The Word Dwell In You Richly With
Psalms, Hymns, Spiritual Songs- Col. 3:16. *Word Is Part Of The Spiritual Armor (see Lesson 9)- 2
Cor. 6:7; Eph. 6:17. *Word Is Foolish To The World, But It Is The Power Of God- 1 Cor. 1:18-31.
*Commands Of The Lord Enlighten The Eyes- Psa. 19: 7-8. *We are Warned By The Word- Psa.
19:11. *We Must Not Add To The Scriptures- Prov. 30:6. *God Has Fully Taught Us What We Need
In Them- 2 Pet. 1:2-8. *Psalm about the attributes of the Word of God- Psa. 119. *There is a limit to all
human perfection- Psa. 119:96. *The Scriptures Are Our Guide To Salvation- 1 Tim. 3:15. *God’s
Word is a lamp unto our feet- Psa. 119:105. *We Are To Obey The Scriptures- Luke 11:28; John 14:23.
*After hearing the Word, and believe in Him, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit- Eph. 1:13. *Every Word
of God is pure- Prov. 30:5.

Point 1b: Long ago God Teaching Points:

communicated through 1. God once spoke through prophets in various ways, but has now
prophets in various ways, but spoken to us through Jesus.
in these days He has 2. Jesus taught us many things about God and His Kingship while He
communicated through Jesus. was here on the earth.
3. No one has seen God, but Jesus has explained Him.
4. Jesus came to bring in a New Covenant.

*Paul did not receive the Gospel from humans, but from a revelation of Jesus Christ- Gal. 1:11-12. *No
Jesus- The Bible says that God once One Has Seen God, But Jesus Has Explained Him; The Word of God Became Flesh and Dwelt Among
spoke through prophets, but in these last us- John 1:14-18; 15:1-16. *Mt. Of Transfiguration, Listen To Jesus- Matt. 17:1-13 (v.5); Mark 9:1-8.
days has spoken to us through His Son, *Parable Of The Vine-growers- Mark 12:1-12 (v. 6). *Jesus came to mature the Law- Matt. 5:17. *Jesus
Jesus. Jesus came to earth and taught us came preaching the Gospel of the Kingship of God- Matt. 4:23; 8:1, 12; 28:31; Mark 10:7. *All Authority
many things about God, godly living, and Given To Jesus in Heaven and on the Earth- Matt. 28: 18-20; see also Eph. 1:20-23.
sharing the Gospel. Jesus also brought in
a New Covenant by His death and
resurrection. So we no longer practice Scriptures
the sacrifices and civil laws of the OT. *Last Days God Spoke Through Jesus- Heb. 1:1-2. *No one has ever seen God; the only Son, who is in
The OT is still very vital to knowing God the bosom of the Father; He has made Him known- John 1:18. *He who has seen me has seen the
and what is pleasing to Him. And we are Father- John 14:9. *Believers Take Thoughts Captive To Christ- 2 Cor. 10:5. *Anyone who does not
remain in the teachings about Jesus, but goes beyond them, does not have God- 2 John 7-10.
to follow the examples of faith and
obedience to God it contains. We also
continue to follow the moral Law and the
teachings of Jesus. We can study the
things He taught us by reading the Bible.
For believers, Jesus lives within us and is
active in our lives.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 32

Point 1c: God Communicates Teaching Points:
with us through the Holy 1. The Spirit guides us into all Truth.
Spirit. 2. The Spirit reveals the deep things of God.
3. The Spirit is known as the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel,
strength, knowledge, and fear of the Lord.
4. The Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
The Holy Spirit- The Holy Spirit 5. The Spirit is given to all believers.
convicts the world of sin, righteousness, 6. The Spirit identifies Jesus as the Messiah.
and judgment. The Holy Spirit also
guides us in witnessing, and brings Stories
Scripture teachings to our minds when *The Spirit’s Job is to Guide Us Into All Truth- John 16:5-15. *In Old Testament Days, the Spirit of
we need them. The Holy Spirit indwells God only came to prophets, priests, and kings (See for example 1 Sam. 16:14-23; Josh. 1; Deut. 34:9-
us , teaches us, and gives us counsel and 12; *Daniel Has an Extraordinary Spirit of Knowledge; Perception; and the Ability to Interpret Dreams-
wisdom. We need to test everything we Dan. 5 (v.12). *Day Of Pentecost; The Spirit comes to all believers- Acts 1:4-7; 2:1-47; Joel 2:28. *Jesus
hear and believe with the Spirit who lives Teaches That The Spirit Teaches Us All Things- John 14:26; 16:13; 1 John 2:20, 27.
within us.

*Spirit Gives Revelation, Knowledge Of Him, Eyes Enlightened, Hope Of Calling, Riches Of Glory-
Eph. 1:17-19. *The Spirit’s Role in Revealing the Deep Things of God - 1 Cor. 2:1-16; 1 Cor. 12:8.
*Jesus Filled With Spirit Of Wisdom; Understanding; Counsel; Strength; Knowledge; and Fear of the
Lord- Isa. 11:2-5. *The Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.- John 16:7-12.

Lesson 2 God Communicates With Us Personally

Point 2: God Communicates Teaching Points:

With Us Personally 1. God communicates with us in a variety of personal ways.
2. All of the information we learn from God’s personal communication
with us must be tested through His Special Revelation for Truth and

Second Story of the building - This

level of communication is secondary to
S pecial Revelation and must always be
tested with the Bible, Jesus, and the Holy

Point 2a: God Communicates Teaching Points:

with us personally through 1. God communicates with us when we pray.
prayer. 2. Prayer reflects our relationship to God.
3. Prayer is praising God, thanking God, making requests to God, and
listening to God.
4. We need to pray in Jesus’ Name- that is in accordance with His
character and will.
5. We should pray for one another’s spiritual growth and one another’s
physical needs.
People praying- God communicates 6. We should be devoted to prayer.
to us when we pray. 7. As we pray we need to trust God with the answer, which may be yes,
The Bible gives us instructions for how
no, later, or in a different way than we imagined.
we are to pray. 8. Praying for each other is a way we can show care to others.
9. Both our requests and the answers we feel we receive must be tested
We should pray for people’s physical with the Word of God. Remember that God caused the predictions of
and spiritual needs. false prophets to come true to test believers’ loyalty to God’s ways.
Be careful to listen in prayer and not just
10. See also Scriptures in Unit 9 on prayer.
make requests.

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What we pray for should be in line with *Hannah's Prayer For A Child- 1 Sam. 1. *Jesus sometimes prayed by himself- Matt. 14:23; Mark 6:46;
the character and will of God (the will of Luke 5:16. *Jesus teaches on praying and not losing heart- Luke 18:1-8. *The Parable of the Pharisee
God is what is pleasing to Him). and the Sinner praying- Luke 18:10-14. *Elijah and the Prophets of Baal- 1 Kings 18. *God Speaks To
Elijah In Gentle Breeze- 1 Kings 19. *David Prays That God Confirm His Word To Him- 1 Kings 8.
[Note: Asking in Jesus name means to *God Will Hide His Eyes From Those Who's Hands Are Covered In Blood- Isa. 1:15-17. *God Hears
make requests according to the nature The Prayers Of The Afflicted- Psa. 102. *Interceding For Others May Be Blocked Because Of Their
and character of Jesus. It does not mean Involvement In False Religions- Jer. 7:16-20. *Ezra returns from exile- Ezra 7-8. *Jesus Prays All Night
that by saying, “In Jesus Name,” at the About Who To Choose As His Disciples- Luke 6:12-16. *Jesus' Submission In Prayer, Pray That You
end of a prayer that God will guarantee a Do Not Fall Into Temptation- Luke 22:39-46. *Believers Pray For Peter To Escape Prison- Acts 12.
certain result. There is a difference *God Answers Cornelius' Prayer- Acts 10. *Early Church Prays For Leadership- Acts 6. *Early Church
between magical incantations which use Devoted Themselves To The Breaking Of Bread And Prayer, Many Were Saved- Acts 2:42-47. *Psalm
the names of gods/demons to manipulate Writer Asks For An Acceptable Time For God To Answer- Psa. 69:13. *God Hears Daniel's Prayer-
the spirits to answer someone, and Dan. 9. *Epaphras labors in prayer for believers- Col. 4:12. *The Lord’s Prayer- Matt. 6:9-15. *Jesus
making requests which are tested up prays in the Garden of Gethsemane- Matt. 26:36-46.
against the nature and attributes of God.
The former is a pagan practice, the latter Scriptures
a Christian one.]
Instructions Concerning Prayer
*We Can Come Straight To God With Our Requests- Heb. 4:15-16. *Confess Sins And Pray For One
In addition, the Bible should not be used Another To Heal From Effects Of Sin- James 5:15-20. *Be Sober And Pray- 1 Pet. 4:7. *Devote
as a magic book, with the attitude that Yourselves To Prayer- Col. 4:2 Rom. 12:12; 1 Thess. 5:17. *Pray About Everything, Peace Of God
God must do what it says. God’s Name Rule Your Hearts- Phil. 4:6. *We Do Not Receive An Answer When We Pray With Wrong Motives-
is “I AM.” He does as He desires. And James 4:3. *Pray According To God's Will (What Is Pleasing To God)- 1 John 5:14. *Do not pray as
we may not understand His answers. the pagans using many words- Matt. 6:7-8. *Do not show off how spiritual you are by publically
But in these things we learn to trust Him displaying your ability to pray- Matt. 6:5-6. *Do not be anxious, pray about everything. God’s peace
no matter what. Prayer is dependence on will guard your heart and mind- Philip. 4:6-7. *Paul exhorts Christians to intercede for one another- Eph.
God. We serve God, He does not serve 6:18. *Pray together without dissentions among you- 1 Tim. 2:8. *Ask in His Name, and He will grant it-
us. John 14:13-14. *God’s ears are open to the righteous person’s prayers - 1 Pet. 3:12. *Husband’s prayers
might be hindered if they do not treat their wives as equal heirs of the Kingdom of God- 1 Pet. 3:7.
Note: In many pagan beliefs, ritual and
incantation are used together to Praying Spiritually for One Another: *Pray for those who persecute you or mistreat you- Matt. 5:44;
manipulate the spirits to act behalf of the
Luke 6:28. *Pray For Will Of God To Be Known- Eph. 1:18-23; Col. 1:9. *Pray That The Word
people. By contrast, Hannah set a good Spreads Rapidly- 2 Thess. 3:1-2. *Paul prays for believers love to abound more in real knowledge and
example for us when she prayed for a
discernment, in order to approve of godly things and be blameless; to walk in a manner worthy of the
child and the Lord granted her request. Gospel- Phil. 1:9-11; Col. 1:9-10. *Paul prays for their love to grow toward one another and all people-
She did not go consult witchdoctors or
1 Thess. 3:12. *Paul prayed for their eyes to be enlightened to know the hope of His calling, the riches of
use incantations and rituals. His glory, and the greatness of power toward those who believe in Him- Eph. 1:18-19. *Paul prayed for
the believers to be made complete, even through the apostle’s weakness- 2 Cor. 13:9. *Paul prays for
Some cultures/religions teach that spirits boldness in preaching the Gospel- Eph. 6:19. *Paul prayed that God would count believers worthy of
need to be manipulated in order for their calling so that Jesus would be glorified in them- 2 Thess. 1:11-12. *Prayer that believers would be
someone to receive protection or help in
active in sharing their faith- Philemon 1:6. *John prays for their good health- 3 John 1:2.
some way. In contrast, the Bible says to
make our requests known to God and He
will answer us based on His will, His
character, and His timing.

Point 2b: God Communicates Teaching Points:

With Us Personally Through 1. God communicates with us personally through dreams and visions.
Dreams and Visions 2. Dreams could be simply from one’s own daily experiences or worries.
3. Dreams could be from Satan, who wants to reveal strange teachings,
rituals, or practices which are not in line with God’s Word.
4. Dreams could be from God to give us wisdom and direction in life and
5. Dreams must be tested with God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus.
Someone dreaming- God may
communicate with us through dreams Stories
and visions. But we must be careful *Joseph And His Dreams- Gen. 37:1-10; 41-46. *Joseph Interprets Dreams Gen. 41. *God Fulfills
because Satan can also send dreams. Dreams Genesis 41:37-46:34. *God Appears To Jacob in a Vision- Gen. 46:2-7. *Rebellious People
Dreams may also simply be from one’s Want To Hear Pleasant Words- Isa. 30:9-17; Lam. 2:14. *God Condemns Prophets Who Are Drunk,
own experiences and not from God or And Relating Visions Of Deception- Isa. 30:7-8. *God Does Not Answer King Saul- 1 Sam. 28.
Satan. Communication received through *Women, Visions, Magic Bands, Divination- Ez. 13:17-23; Men- Ez. 13:9-16; Zech. 10:2. *Vision Of
dreams must not conflict with the God's Glory- Eze. 1. *Ezekiel's Jerusalem Temple Vision- Eze. 8-9. *Vision Of Corrupt Leaders- Eze.
teachings in the Bible. 11. *Valley Of Dry Bones- Eze. 37:1-14. *New Temple Vision- Eze. 40-44. *Daniel Helps King
Nebuchadnezzar Interpret A Dream- Dan. 2; 4. *Angel Comes to Joseph In Dreams- Matt. 1:20-25; 2:13-

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 34

One must be careful about placing too 15; Hosea 11:1. *God Speaks To Peter And Cornelius- Acts 10. *Peter’s Vision- Acts 10:9:16; 28-29.
much emphasis on dreams. False *Paul's Macedonian Vision- Acts 16. *Paul's Vision- 2 Cor. 12:1-10. *The Book Of Revelations- Rev.
teachers at times tell their dreams as a 1-22.
way to elevate themselves for some
personal gain or personal following. Scriptures
Remember dreams are secondary to the *Test For Dreams- Deut. 13:1-5. *For In Many Dreams And In Many Words There Is Emptiness.
most important forms of God’s Rather, Fear God- Ecc. 5:7. .*The prophet who has only a dream should recount the dream, but the one
communication. who has My word should speak My word truthfully, for what is straw compared to grain?- Jer. 23:28.
But in many places all over the world,
God is using dreams to tell people about
salvation through Jesus and to warn them
about following false religions.

Point 2c: God Communicates Teaching Points:

with us personally through 1. God communicates with us through signs and wonders.
signs and wonders. 2. Signs and wonders in the Bible accompanied or announced God’s
great acts of deliverance or salvation. Sometimes these signs were
announced by angels.
3. However, Seeking signs ourselves can be an indication of a lack of
faith. Note the Israelites kept turning away from God to follow false
gods even after all the great signs of deliverance from Egypt.
4. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed.”
The Baby in the Manger- God 5. Jesus said the wicked seek signs.
sometimes communicates with us 6. Paul said the Jews seek signs, but he preaches Jesus.
through signs and wonders, as He did
when he told the shepherds that the
7. Jesus said the only sign He would give the Pharisees was his death and
manger would be a sign to them that they resurrection- the sign of Jonah.
had found the Messiah. Signs often 8. Be aware that the Antichrist will come with many signs and wonders
accompanied God’s great acts of to deceived even believers.
deliverance or salvation, and were 9. Note that the majority of signs we read about in the Bible are initiated
initiated by God Himself. Seeking after
signs ourselves can be an indicator of
by God, not by man’s request.
poor faith in God on our part. God 10. Signs must be tested with the Word of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
wants us to trust Him and exhibit faith
beyond the ability to see things. Stories
Remember Jesus said to Thomas, *Gideon and the fleece sign- Judges 6:33-40. *Moses performs signs- Exodus 4-10. *God is angry at
“Blessed are those who do not see and Israel for not believing Him after all His signs and wonders, they will not enter the Promised Land- Num.
yet believe.” 14:11-29; Neh. 9; Psa. 78. *Jesus Was Tempted To Show A Sign to Satan- Matt. 4:1-11. *People in
Jesus’ day did not believe signs- John 12:37-41. *God used signs and wonders to show the world He
was the One True God- Deut. 4:34; Psa. 135. *God used signs and wonders to bring the people into the
Promised Land- Deut. 11:3; 26:8. *Samuel tells Saul signs that he will be king- 1 Sam. 10. *Zacharias
receives signs concerning the name of his son- Lk. 1. *Sign to Shepherds, baby in manger- Luke 2:8-20.
*Jesus appears to Thomas after His resurrection- John 20:24-31. *Peter’s sermon- Acts 2. *Tongues
were a sign that Gentiles had come into the faith- Acts 8-10; 15. *Apostles were performing signs and
wonders through Jesus- Acts 5:12; 6:8; 8:6; 15:12. *Sign of the end times, Jesus’ return- Luke 17:20-37.
*John gives 7 signs that Jesus is the Messiah- 1. John 2:1-11 (the water turned into wine); 2. John 4:46-
54 (the healing of the official’s son); 3. John 5:1-14 (the healing of the sick, man at the pool of
Bethesda); 4. John 6:1-15 (the feeding of the 5,000); 5. John 6:16-21 (walking on water); 6. John 9:1-12
(healing of a man born blind); 7. John 11:1-44; 12:17-18 (the raising of Lazarus from the dead).
*Tongues Were A Sign To Jews That Gentiles Had Come Into the Kingdom- Acts 3:8-10. *Sign of
Jesus’ first coming- Rev. 12. *Sign of God’s wrath coming to earth- Rev. 15.12 *Paul and Barnabas
heal a man, but when the crowds follow them as gods, they point to God as the creator, giver of all good
things rather than point to power signs- Acts 14:8-18.

*Jesus says the wicked desire signs; the only sign given to them would be the sign of Jonah (Jesus’
death, burial, and resurrection!)- Matt. 12:38-42; 16:1-4; see also John 2:13-25 for an interesting
comparison. *False prophets show signs and wonders- Matt. 24:24; Mark 13:22. *Jesus said the
Kingdom of God is not coming with signs, the Kingdom was in their midst-that is Jesus’ presence- Lk.
17:20-24. *Signs of judgment- Luke 21. *End Times Will Be Like the Days of Noah- Luke 17:20-37.
*Jews look for signs, Paul preaches Jesus and him crucified- 1 Cor. 1:22-31. *Anti-Christ coming with
false signs- 2 Thess. 2:9-12; Rev. 13:13-18; 19:20. *Demons giving signs to the kings of the world- Rev.
16:14. *God confirmed the message spoken through Jesus, through those who heard, and through signs

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 35

and wonders- Heb. 2:1-11. *Abraham’s Circumcision was a sign of the righteousness God had credited
to him through his faith- Rom. 4:9-12.

Point 2d: God Communicates Teaching Points:

with us personally through 1. God communicates with us through fellow believers.
fellow believers. 2. Other believers may encourage us, comfort us, walk beside us through
difficult times, or exhort us to keep walking on God’s path and look
3. If other believers incite us to do strange practices or rituals not found
in the Bible, to disobey God’s commands, or to follow false gods, we
should not listen to them.
4. God does not desire for us to take advantage of other’s struggles as a
means of gaining wealth for ourselves.
5. All things others tell us should be tested with the Word of God, Jesus,
and the Holy Spirit.
Two People Talking- God sometimes
communicates to us through other
*The Old Prophet Tests The Man of God From Judah- 1 Kings 13:11-34. *God Sends Lying Spirits To
There are several words for encourage in
Give Wrong Advice To Ahab, But Micaiah Speaks Truth From God- 1 Kings 22. *Paul Confronts
the New Testament. One of the words
Cephus- Gal. 2:11-21.
has a backward view to it. That is, it is
*The Jerusalem Council- Acts 15. *Barnabas Gave Good Counsel- Acts 11:22-24. *The Ephesian
often translated, “comfort” because we
Believers Gave Good Counsel- Acts 18:24-27. *Judas And Silas Gave Good Counsel- Acts 15:32. *Paul
usually comfort each other in light of
Gave Good Counsel- Acts 16:40, 20:1-2; 2 Cor. 13:2-12; Col. 1:28; 1 Thess. 2:11-12; 4:3-6. *Timothy
something that has already happened.
Gave Good Counsel- 1 Thess. 3:2-3. *Tychicus Gave Good Counsel- Eph. 6:21-22; Col. 4:7-9.
Another word for encourage is a word
*Onesiphorus Refreshes Others- 2 Tim. 1:16-18. *John Confronts Diotrephes- 3 John. *Rehoboam
meaning to “propel forward.” So this
forsook the counsel of the old men and consulted with the young men among his peers- 1 Kings 12:8-13.
word has a forward meaning to it. When
this word is used, it is usually in the
context of urging believers to keep on Scriptures
*When Other Believers Sin- Matt. 18:15-17; Luke 17:3-4; Gal. 6:1-2; James 5:16. *The Test Of Mutual
going in the midst of difficulty or fear. It
may also be used to mean to exhort, or Edification- Rom. 14:19. *Leaders And Laity Mutually Encourage One Another- Rom. 1:11-12. *Warn
to challenge someone to follow God’s The Idle, Encourage The Timid, Help The Weak, Be Patient- 1 Thess. 5:14. *Preach The Word,
ways. But perhaps one of the best words Correct, Rebuke, Encourage Carefully With Great Instruction- 2 Tim. 4:2. *Maintain same pattern of
for encourage is the word used for the doctrine, keep sound doctrine- 2 Tim. 1:13; Titus 2:1. *God Is Against Those Who Declare “Thus Says
The Lord,” When He Did Not Really Speak- Jer. 23:25-32 *It is good to turn sinners from their ways -
Holy Spirit (paraclette-one who comes
alongside). Believers are to “come James 5:19-20. *Imitate Leaders Who Speak The Word Of God, The Bible, To People- Heb. 13:7.
*Strive For The Purity Of The Message Of The Word Of God- 1 Thess. 1:8-10. *Do Not Adulterate
alongside of each other” to help out in
times of difficulty. So looking at all the The Word Of God, But Manifest The Truth- 2 Cor. 4:2. *Do Not Use The Word Of God For Personal
Profit- 2 Cor. 2:17. *Encourage Each Other so that we are not hardened by sin’s deceit – Heb. 3:13.
different types of words used for
encouragement in the Bible, we can learn
to encourage others by sometimes having
a backward comforting ministry; a
forward urging challenge; and walking
alongside of each other through good
times and hard times.

Lesson 3 God Communicates Through General Revelation

Point 3: God Communicates Teaching Points:

with us through General 1. God Communicates through General Revelation.
Revelation. 2. The Bible says God reveals His character through His creation so that
we are without excuse when we create and worship idols instead of
3. Since God reveals Himself generally through this type of revelation,
any teachings we might learn on this level must be confirmed with
God’s Word, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Picture of nature and people - The Stories

Bible says that God has revealed his *God Reveals Himself Through His Good Deeds, Provision of Rain and Crops, and Through the Joy in
attributes through His creation. We call Man’s Heart- Acts 14: 15-17. *Pagan Poet Receives Spiritual Knowledge, But Not Unto Salvation- Acts

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 36

this revelation, “General Revelation” 17:22-31.
because it is to all people. We also call it
“General” because it does not reveal Scriptures
specifics about God’s salvation through *Heavens Are Telling The Glory of God - Psa. 19:1-6. *God Has Revealed Himself Through Nature-
a belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Rom. 1:18-22. *God’s Righteousness is Like the Mountains; His Justice like the Great Deep- Psa. 36:6.
Some examples of this kind of revelation *God Reveals His Care and Provision For Nature Through The Seasons, Through Rain, Water, Springs,
include: Mountains- God’s refuge and Feeding the Animals, Sun and Moon, Day and Night, Cycles of Nature, Reveals God’s Wisdom and
strength, R ain- His mercy on the good Design- Psa. 104. *As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His People- Psa. 125:2.
and the evil, and the rising and setting of *See also unit 11 on Stewardship of God’s Creation.
the Sun- His faithfulness.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 37

Unit 4 Illustration: God’s Rules for Living: The Ten

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 38

Simplified Drawing for Unit 4

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 39

Unit 4 God’s Rules for Living: The Ten Commandments

General Description
Illustration 4 is a visual picture of God’s commandments to His

Creation and the Laws of Nature: From the beginning of time

God has established different types of laws. He began with the laws
of nature in the first chapter of Genesis. These laws govern the
times, seasons, life cycles, and the general workings of nature in the
world. The One who holds all nature together, with all of the laws
of nature is Jesus (John 1).

God is Sovereign. From the beginning of time God established

Himself as the sole ruler and authority over His creation. And as
such, He gave the first command to Adam and Eve not to eat from
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He also told them to
be fruitful and multiply. He set the man and woman as the rulers
over His creation.

The Ten Commandments. But as time went on, He also gave

some very specific laws concerning relationships. God gave these
laws to His people after He brought them out of slavery in Egypt. It is important to understand that the people were
brought out of slavery first, and then God gave them the commandments on how to live in ways that were pleasing to
Him. In the same way, Jesus first brought us out of the slavery of sin, and in response we make Him Lord of our lives.
He does not save us according to our good deeds, but rather His grace has provided a way for all people to come to
Him through faith. Once we have come to know Him as Savior, we follow Him as Lord. The Law was not given as a
means of salvation or deliverance. Instead, the law was given to show the people how they were to live in relationship
to God and people, and it revealed to everyone that they are sinners. The giving of the Law was an agreement or
covenant God made with His redeemed people after He delivered them from slavery.

Three types of Laws. There are three types of Laws as indicated by the box at the top of the page, Moral Laws, Civil
Laws, and Sacrificial or Religious Laws.
A. The Moral Laws are called the Ten Commandments—pictured above as a tablet with little pictures on it. These
Moral Laws may be broken down into two sections: laws pertaining to our relationship to God; and laws pertaining to
our relationship to other people. So the whole of the moral law may be summed up in two commands: love God and
love your neighbor. As these laws were given as a continual standard for how we are to please God, the moral laws
are still to be followed by God’s people.

B. The Civil Laws served as a standard of justice for people who had broken the Moral Laws. While we can learn
fairness and justice from these laws, they were not intended to be the standard of law for all people everywhere. Local
governments and courts are the ones who make civil laws and define how they will administer justice.

C. Sacrificial Laws were given by God as a means of bringing people back into fellowship with God and with one
another when God’s moral laws were violated. The Sacrificial Laws may be divided into three sections, Consecratory,
Communal, and Expiatory. The Consecratory Offerings (the Burnt Offering; the Grain/Meal Offering or Drink
Offering) were voluntary offerings intended to set apart people for a total surrender and devotion to God. Communal
Offerings (fellowship offering, peace offering, thank offering, vow offering, free-will offering) were also voluntary.
They brought people together in unity with one another and in relationship before God. The Expiratory Offerings (The
Sin Offering, and the Guilt/Restitution Offering) were Mandatory offerings to bring forgiveness, restitution, and
restoration to people for all sins committed against God and people. In the New Testament we find these physical

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 40

offerings being manifested spiritually. The Consecratory and the Communal offerings are fulfilled in our service to
God and one another in the church. The Expiratory offerings are fulfilled in Jesus’ sacrifice.

Approaches to Teaching this Unit:

1. Simple overview approach. Teach the general description above using pictures.
2. Topical Approach. Teach a thorough study of the types of laws God gave Israel. Begin with the three types of
laws. Teach how the laws are fulfilled through Jesus and in the life of believers.
a. The Moral Law-two areas: those concerning our relationship to God; those concerning our
relationship to people.
b. The Civil Law.
c. The Religious Law.
3. Detail Approach. The more in-depth approach. Study the scope of Scriptures from each individual picture
and subject listed under a, b, c directly above. This would include Scriptures and stories related to the
individual commandments and how these laws are fulfilled in through the life of a believer and through Jesus’
4. Evangelistic Approach. Focus on the purpose of God’s laws- to reveal what is pleasing to God and to show
us we are sinners. God’s Laws were not intended to make us righteous. Cater the lesson to fit the specific
unbelievers you are trying to reach. This requires a good knowledge of the purpose of the Law and the
fulfillment of the Law through Jesus. It is also important to note the time at which the law was given, after the
children of Israel were delivered from slavery.
5. Mature Believer Approach.
a. Remaining Steadfast Approach: God told Israel some very good advice as they were preparing to
enter the Promised Land. He said not do what was practiced in Egypt where they had been, and not to
do what was practiced in Canaan where they were going (Lev 18:3). We can learn a good principle
from this command. There are things in the culture where we live, and in every other culture on earth
that are not pleasing to God. So wherever we have been, and wherever we may be going, we must take
hold of God’s Laws and obey them. God’s Laws are the same for us wherever we go. They do not
change. These laws are the standard for our behavior. By obeying these laws we testify of our
faithfulness to God.
b. New Testament Fulfillments of the Law: One may teach on the fulfillment of the laws through the
life of the believer and through Jesus.
c. Focus on Individual Laws: In-depth study of the individual moral laws is a good way of teaching the
depth and scope of the laws. As we understand what is pleasing to God, we are better able to serve
Him and bear witness of Him in the world.

Objectives for Unit 4

1. To teach us more about the righteousness and justice of God.
2. To teach how Jesus came to fulfill the Law both by His death and through His teachings.
3. To provide a teaching basis for families to train their children about the basic moral laws of God.
4. To help us understand the purpose of the Law was not to make us righteous, but to reveal that we are sinners
in need of Jesus’ forgiveness and salvation.
5. To teach us how to live in a right relationship with God and with people.
6. To teach us the basic summaries of the Law which are: to love God with all of our hearts, souls, and mind, and
to love our neighbor as ourselves; and if we have broken one of God’s laws we have broken them all.
7. To teach us if we love God, we will obey Him.
8. To teach us our service to God is our spiritual offering to Him.

Related Units
Unit 6: The Law acts as our tutor to help us realize we are sinners and need Jesus.
Unit 7: We grow spiritually as we follow God’s two greatest commands: to love God and to love our neighbor.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 41

Unit 9: We are to put on the breastplate of righteousness which helps us in spiritual battles. Wearing this spiritual breastplate is living
in ways that are pleasing to God.
Unit 10: Following God’s Moral Laws can help us avoid going down destructive paths.
Unit 12: We are to continue in God’s ways until Jesus returns.

Lesson 1 The Three Types of Laws God Gave To Israel

Pictures and Description Teaching Points, Bible Stories, and Scriptures

Point 1: God gave three types of Teaching Points:

Law to Ancient Israel. 1. God gave three types of Law to Israel: the Moral Laws, the Civil
Laws, and the Religious Laws.
2. The Moral Laws are included in Jesus’ teachings except for the
Sabbath Day Law.
3. The Civil Law was for our instruction. It was made for leaders
to know how to deal with those who had broken God’s moral
laws. Today the leaders of each country establish laws to govern
the people.
4. The Religious Laws were fulfilled through Jesus’ sacrifice and
some are fulfilled in our ministry and service to God.
In the box: The Three Types of Old Testament
5. There are several types of religious Laws. They are outlined in
the side column to the left: Consecratory Offerings; Fellowship
or Communal offerings; and Expiratory Offerings.
6. At the beginning of creation God put certain natural laws in
motion (Laws of Nature); and gave some laws to Adam and Eve
(Not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil;
and to rule over the earth and be fruitful and multiply-
establishing God as sovereign over human life).
7. The Law was given to Israel on Mt. Sinai, written by the finger
1. Ten Commandment Tablets- of God.
the Moral Law. 8. Angels played a part in giving the Law to Israel. (Acts 7:53).

1. The Moral Law

2. Judge with people standing around- the
For Scriptures and Stories, see below.
Civil Law.

2. The Civil Law

*Listing of civil laws- Lev. 20-22; Deut. 19-25.
3. Altar- Scriptures
the Sacrificial/Religious Laws *We are to submit to the governing laws of our country- Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-14.
(3 types)
*Consecratory Offerings (burnt offerings, 3. The Sacrificial/Religious Laws (Three types)
grain/meal and drink offerings). To set apart to
God. These offerings are voluntary.
Consecratory Offerings:
*Burnt offering- Given most frequently of all the sacrifices. Centered around festivals, some
*Fellowship/Communal Offering; Peace purification rituals, and daily life. This offering signified the complete giving of oneself to God.
Lev. 1:3-17; 6:8-13. *Cereal offering- This offering accompanied the animal sacrifices. Lev. 2;
Offering (includes thank offering, vow offering, 6:14-23. *Drink offering, libation- Accompanied burnt and peace offerings. Considered an
freewill offering, festival offerings) Related to extra gift to God. Num. 15:1-10.
community and God. These offerings are

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 42

voluntary. Fellowship/Communal Offerings:
*Peace offering- voluntary offering. Every peace offering included a communal meal at the end
of the offering where the sacrificial food was shared with family, and the Levite in their
community. This offering only mentioned in Feast of Weeks, Nazirite vow, and installation of
priests. Lev. 3; 7:11-36.
*Wave offering- voluntary offering. Part of the peace offering. It was the part given to the
priest. But it was waved before the Lord because ultimately it was His. Isa. 10:15; Exo. 35:22;
38:29; Lev. 14:12, 21, 24; 23:15; Num. 8:11, 13, 15, 21.
*Thank offering- voluntary offering. Lev. 7:12, 13, 15; 22:29; Psa. 56:12, 13; 107:22: 116:17; Jer.
*Votive offering- voluntary offering. This offering was made in relation to vows, but could be
any offering or dedication to the Lord. Lev. 7:16-17; 22:17-20; Num. 6:17-20.
*Freewill offering- voluntary offering. This was the smallest offering which could be brought to
any celebration or holy ritual. Exo. 23:16; 34:20; Deut. 16:10, 16, 17. 2 Chr. 35:8; Ezra 3:5; Lev.
7:16; 22:18, 21, 23; 23:28; Eze. 4:12.
*Ordination offering- voluntary offering. Related to consecrating someone to the Lord’s
service. The person was to place their hands on the animal being sacrifice. Then the priest
would put the blood on the tip of the person’s right ear; on the right thumb, and on the big toe.
Exo. 25:7; 28:41; 29:19-34; 35:9, 27; Lev. 8:22-32; 1 Chr. 29:2.

New Testament Fulfillment of the Consecratory and Communal Offerings in our

service to God.
*Paul considered his service to the Philippians as a drink offering poured out- Philip. 2:17. *Paul
considered the gifts to him as sacrifices with pleasing aroma to God- Philip. 4:18. *We are to
present our bodies as a living sacrifice spiritually- Rom. 12:1. *Do not neglect doing good and
sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased- Heb. 13:16. *Obedience is better than sacrifice-
*Expiratory Offerings (sin offering, purification 1 Sam. 15:22. *Our service to God in the church is a spiritual sacrifice acceptable to God
offering, and guilt offerings). Related to sin, through Jesus Christ- 1 Pet. 2:5.
forgiveness, cleansing, and restitution. These
offerings are mandatory. Expiatory Offerings
*Sin Offering- Person was to lay their hand on the animal, symbolically transferring their sin to
it. Lev. 1-7 (4:1-35; 6:24-30); Num. 15:24-27; Num. 28:15-30; Heb. 9:27-28.
*Guilt Offering- Made when someone had been defrauded or denied their due. Guilty person
must confess, make an offering, and give restitution plus a percentage more. Lev. 5:14-6:7; Lev.
7:2-5; Num. 6:12; Num. 5:5-10.
*Efficacy- sin and guilt offerings made for violations of ritual performance. They were also for
less serious violations of the moral laws, particularly the 8th and 9th commandments. Lev. 4:2,
13, 22, 27, 5:14; Lev. 5:17; 14:23, 28; Lev. 20:2-10; Deut. 13:6; 17:2-7; Lev. 20:3; Exo. 22:18;
Exo. 21:15; Lev. 12:6, 27; Deut. 13:5; 18:20; 1 Sam. 28:9; Lev. 23:29-30; Exo. 20:8-11; Deut.

Jesus’ fulfillment of the expiatory sacrifices: *Jesus told of his death as a sacrifice-
Mark 10:45; Matt. 20:28 Luke 22:20; Mark 14:24; Matt. 26:28; John 12:20-35. Jesus died on the
cross for our sins, and raised from the dead to give us new life- Matt. 26-28; Mark 15-16; Luke
22-24; John 19-21. *Jesus the Lamb of God- John 1:29, 36; Rev. 5; 7; 13:8. *Jesus is the
Suffering Servant of Isaiah- Isa. 53; Acts 8:32. *Jesus and the Passover, the Last Supper- Mark
14. *Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead- John 11. *The Parable of the Vineyard Owner- Luke
20. *Paul teaches Jesus’ death as an expiatory sacrifice- Rom. 3:25; 5:9; 1 Cor. 10:16; Eph. 1:7;
2:13; Eph. 5:2; Col. 1:20. *Paul identified Jesus with the sin offering- Rom. 8:3; 2 Cor. 5:21.
*Jesus is the Passover- 1 Cor. 5:7. *Jesus’ death was redemptive- 1 Pet. 1:18, 19; 1:2; 3:18.
*Jesus’ death was our propitiation and cleansing from sin- 1 John 1:7; 2:2; 5:6, 8; Rev. 1:5. *The
Old Testament sacrifices were a picture or shadow of the spiritual reality fulfilled in Jesus’ death.
See especially Heb. 8-10.

Lesson 2 The Moral Law: Commands Pertaining to Our Relationship To God

Point 2: Commands Pertaining to

Our Relationship to God. **See individual Command Studies Below.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 43

Left side of tablet-
Hand at the top represents commands concerning
our relationship to God.

Point 2a: There is One God, Worship Teaching Points:

Him. 1. There is One God, worship Him.
*The Command: God Says There Is One God Worship Him- Exo. 20:3; Deut. 5:7. *Do not
worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God- Exo. 34:14.
*Joshua, Choose This Day Who You Will Serve- Josh. 24. *Hear, O Israel: The LORD our
God, the LORD is one.- Deut. 6:4, 3-14. *Israel’s exile predicted for participating in idolatry-
Jer. 25:6-12. *Prophets sent to warn Israel of exile for worshipping other gods- Jer. 35:15.
*I Am The LORD, I Will Not Give My Glory To Another, Nor My Praise To Graven Images-
Isa. 42:8; 46:9. *No god Formed Before Him or After Him, No Other Savior- Isa. 43:10-13. I am
the first and the last, there is no God but Me.- Isa. 44:6-8. *When God Appeared To Moses,
Hand- There is one God , worship Him. Moses Did Not See A Form, So Be Careful Not To Make Images of God - Deut. 4:15-20.
*Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and
serve him only- Matt. 4:10. *Paul’s writing on the subject, Meat Sacrificed to Idols- 1 Cor. 8:4-
6; 10:14-22. *God made us and carries us. people make idols and carry them- Isa. 46:3-4, 7.
*No one can be measured alongside of God. there are none like Him- Isa. 46:5, 9.

Point 2b: Do Not Worship or Serve Teaching Points:

Any Other gods 1. Do not worship or serve any other gods.

*The Command: Do not Worship or Serve any other god- Ex. 20:4-6; Deut. 5:8-10. *Do not
make any gods to be alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold-
Exo. 20:23. *Do not make cast idols- Exo. 34:17. *You Shall Not Follow Other Gods, Any Of
The Gods Of The Peoples Who Surround You- Deut. 6:14. *Do Not Make Any Idols After
Any Likeness, Of People, Animals, Bird, Insect, Fish, Heavens, Sun And Moon- Ex. 34:15-17;
Lev. 19:4; 26:1; Deut. 4:15-20. *The images of their gods you are to burn in the fire. Do not
covet the silver and gold on them, or you will be ensnared by it, it is detestable to the LORD
your God. Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for
destruction. Utterly abhor and detest it, for it is set apart for destruction- Deut. 7:25-26. *Idol
Idols with line through them- Do not worship identified with the worship of demons- Deut. 31:15-21. *The People Make A Golden
worship or serve any other god. Calf- Exo. 32. *Stephen Recounts Israel's History of following false gods - Acts 7. *Jeroboam
Sets Up Two Calves To Worship- 1 Kings 12-13. *King Ahaziah Inquires Of Baal-zebub, god
of Ekron, and He Dies- 2 Kings 1. *People fashion gods after people and put them in a shrine-
Isa. 44:13. *The people living in Jerusalem during the exile disobey God’s command and
Idols made by human hands resemble things God worship both Him and other gods- 2 Kings 17:22-41. *Manasseh Sets Up Idols In The Temple-
has created. Some look like people, some like 2 Chr. 33. *King Josiah Gets Rid Of Idols- 2 Chr. 34-35. *The People Who Live In Israel while
animals, insects, birds, sea creatures, and some most are away in exile, Serve Other gods along with The One True God- 2 Kings 17:29-35.
like demons or half-demon/half animal idols. *Crowds Get Mad At Paul For Saying That gods Made With Hands Are No gods At All- Acts
These three types of idols are pictured above. 19:22-41.
*Even though God brought Israel out of Egypt, they did not remove their idols. God could
have acted out of His wrath and destroyed them. But, instead, He delivered them so that they
might know God is the one who sanctifies them. And His name would not be profaned among
the nations- Eze. 20:6-14. *The people failed to see or know The Falsehood Of Idols- Isa. 44:9;
Isa. 45:16. *No One Who Worships Other Gods Has An Inheritance In God's Kingdom- Eph.
5:5-12. *A love of food can be idolatry- Phil. 3:19. *Guard Yourselves From Idols- 1 John 5:21.
*People Who Want To Serve Their Own Pleasures Turn To Idols- Rom. 1:18-32. *Plagues
Sent To Those Who Worship Demons- Rev. 9:20-21. *Paul describes idols as made by man's
design and skill, calls on people to repent- Acts 17. *Paul discusses participation in idol
ceremonies and festivals with believers- 1 Cor. 8-10. *Do not bring idols into your house. They
are set apart for destruction. You will be set apart for destruction like them- Deut. 7:26. *God
Hates Idols- Deut. 16:21-22. *Idols are man's creation- Psa. 115; Isa. 44:12-20. *Judicial
Procedure for those who worship idols- Deut. 17:2-7.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 44

Point 2c: Do Not Use God’s Name in Teaching Points:
Vain. 1. Do not use God’s Name in vain.
2. God’s Name may be profaned by both our words and our

*The command: Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God- Ex. 20:7; Ex. 5:11. *A Son Is
Stoned For Blaspheming God's Name- Lev. 24:11-23. *Jesus teaches on swearing- Matt. 5:34-
37; see also James 5:12. *Jesus condemns those who swear for their own profit- Matt. 23:16-22.
*Do Not Profane God's Name; Do Not Swear Falsely- Lev. 19:12. *God Will Not Leave Those
Unpunished For Profaning His Name- Deut. 5:11.*A Prayer Not To Be Rich Or Poor So As To
Profane The Lord- Prov. 30:7-9. *Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people-
Exo. 22:28. *Sacrificing to idols profanes God's name- Lev. 18:21. *Treat the offerings to God
respectfully, or you will profane God's name- Lev. 22:2. *Those who blasphemed God's Name
were to be put to death- Lev. 24:16. *For I will restore pure speech (language) to the peoples so
that all of them may call on the name of YHWH and serve Him with a single purpose (literally
Person speaking bad words- Do not verbally one shoulder)- Zeph. 3:9. *You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the
or in your minds use God’s name in a bad or
law? As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you- Rom. 2:2-
empty way. Sinful actions also profane God’s 24. *Do not swear by Heaven, it is God’s Throne, let your yes be yes, and your no, no- Matt.
5:33-37; James 5:12.

Point 2d: Remember the Sabbath. Teaching Points:

1. Remember the Sabbath Day, keep it holy.
2. This command is not repeated in the New Testament. But we
are not to forsake the assembling together with believers in
3. All of our work is to be unto the Lord rather than men.
People worshipping- Remember the 4. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. God is always working, even on
Sabbath, to keep it holy. Commandment four is a the Sabbath.
picture of people worshiping God. The Law 5. Believers moved the Sabbath Day to Sunday instead of Saturday
states that we are to keep the Sabbath day holy. to remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
The word, “holy” means to “set apart,” or “to
dedicate.” This command is not repeated in the
New Testament, except that we not to forsake Stories
our assembling together as believers. While in *The Command: Remember the Sabbath day, keep it holy- Ex. 20:7; Deut. 5:12-15. *God
Old Testament days God’s people worshipped Declares The Sabbath A Day Of Rest According To The Days Of Creation- Gen. 2:1-3; Lev.
on Saturday, believers moved the day of worship 19:3; 23:3. *Israel Is Given Directions For Eating Manna On The Sabbath- Exo. 16:23-30.
to Sunday during New Testament days to *Laws concerning doing work on the Sabbath- Jer. 17:21-27. *Jesus' disciples pick and eat
commemorate Jesus’ resurrection (John 20:19- heads of grain on the Sabbath- Matt. 12:1-13; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-11. *Jesus healed on the
22). There is some evidence that Paul also Sabbath- Mark 3:1-6. *Jesus heals at the pool of Bethesda- John 5:1-18. *Jesus appears to the
worked on Sunday as collections were taken at disciples on the first day of the week- John 20:19-22. *Paul took up collections/offerings on the
that time in the churches (1 Cor. 16:2). In the 1st day of the week- 1 Cor. 16:2.
NT, Jesus states that He is Lord of the Sabbath. Scriptures
Jesus also teaches us that God is always *Sabbaths Are A Sign Between Me And You Throughout Your Generations That You May
working—even on the Sabbath (John 5:16-17).” Know That I Am The LORD Who Sanctifies You- Exo. 31:13-17. *Instructions For Foreigners
Paul expands or matures the “Sabbath And The Sabbath- Isa. 56:2, 4-7.*Do not forsake your gathering together with believers - Heb.
command” by exhorting us to do all of our work 10:25. *The spiritual Sabbatical rest- Heb. 4:1-11. *Do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather
everyday as unto the Lord rather than men. than for men- Col. 3:23-24. *Overworking- Psa. 127:1-2. *Take up His yoke and learn from
Him- Matt. 11:28-30. *Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the
Sabbath."So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."- Mark 2:27-28. *For this reason the
Jews were persecuting Jesus, because He was doing these things on the Sabbath. But He
answered them, "My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working."- John 5:16-17.
*God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. "Stop fighting--and
know that I am God, exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth- Psa. 46:1, 10. *Give
attention to public reading of Scripture, teaching, and exhortation- 1 Tim. 4:13.

Lesson 3 Commands Pertaining To Our Relationship To People

Point 3: The right Teaching Points:

1. Commands Pertaining To Our Relationship To People

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**See individual Command Studies Below.

Right side of tablet- Represents

commandments concerning our relationship to
other people.

Point 3a: Children Honor and Obey Teaching Points:

Your Parents. 1. Children are to honor and obey their parents.

*The Command: Honor your father and mother- Ex. 20:12; Deut. 5:16; Eph. 6:1-4. *Jesus
Addresses False Swearing to Avoid Responsibility to Aging Parents- Matt. 15:4-6. *Rich Young
Ruler- Matt. 19:19; Luke 18:18-27. *Parable of the Two Sons- Matt. 21:28-32. *Jesus teaches us
to honor our parents- Mark 7:9-13. *Jesus was obedient to his parents- Luke 2:51
*Laws Concerning Honoring Parents- Exo. 21:15-17; Lev. 19:3, 32. *Do Not Forsake Your
Father and Mother's Teachings- Prov. 1:8. *A Fool Rejects His Father's Discipline- Prov. 15:5.
Parents and child- Children obey and honor *It Is A Sin To Steal From Your Father and Mother- Prov. 28:24. *My son, keep your father's
your parents so that you will live long on the commands and do not forsake your mother's teaching- Pro. 6:20. *It Is Wrong to Curse a
earth. Father or Mother- Prov. 20:20; 30:17. *Children Obey Your Parents in All Things- Col. 3:20.

Point 3b: Do Not Murder. Teaching Points:

1. Do not murder.
2. Jesus matured this command to include the angry, murderous
attitudes we might hold against people.

*The Command: You shall not murder- Ex. 20:13; Deut. 5:17. *Cain Kills Abel- Gen. 4; Heb.
11:4; Jude (v.11); 1 John 3:10-15. *Old Testament law was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a
tooth- Lev. 24:17-22. *Saul Seeks to Kill David- 1 Sam. 18-31. *David Spares Saul's Life- 1
Sam. 24; 26. *David Has Uriah Killed, and Takes His Wife As His Own- 2 Sam. 11-12. *Jezebel
and King Ahab Have Naboth Killed to Gain His Vineyard- 1 Kings 21. *Jeremiah Prophecies in
the Lord's Court- Jer. 26 (v.12-15). *Paul Murders Christians- Acts 7:54-8:3.
Dead person, machete, and line through
the circle- Do not kill people. Scriptures
*A murderer cannot take refuge at God’s altar - Exo. 21:14. *God Requires Life-blood for
Murder; Man Made in God's Image And Therefore Special- Gen. 9:5-6; Deut. 5:17. *Bloodshed
defiles the land- Num. 35:16-34 (v.33-34). * If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief
or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not
be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name- 1 Pet. 4:15-16. *Laws Concerning Those
*Jesus extended murderous attitudes to the anger Who Lie in Wait to Kill- Deut. 19:11-13; Psa. 10:8-11; Prov. 1:11-12. *Do Not Murder, and Do
that burns in our hearts against others. Jesus Not Be Angry with Your Brother, Be Reconciled- Matt. 5:21-26. *Law Is Summed Up By
wants us to sacrificially forgive as He does. Loving Neighbor as Yourself- Rom. 13:9-10. *Law Was Made For the Murderers, Adulterers,
etc.- 1 Tim. 1:9-11. *Whoever Hates Brother is a Murderer- 1 John 3:12-15.

Point 3c: Do Not Commit Adultery. Teaching Points:

1. Do not commit adultery.
2. Jesus matured this law to include men with other women, and
adultery committed in the lusts of our heart. (In the OT days men
could have more than one wife. It was not considered adultery to have sexual
relations with another woman unless the woman was already married to
someone else. Jesus matures the law so that now men commit adultery if they
Man with many wives; man in bar with have sexual relations outside of their marriage partner.)
other women, line through circle- Do not
commit adultery.
*The Command: Do Not Commit Adultery- Ex. 20:14; Deut. 5:18. *Do not have relations with
Notes: your neighbor's wife- Lev. 18:20; 20:10. *Instructions concerning a wife's unfaithfulness- Num.
Matt. 19:9 says, “And I tell you, whoever 5:12-31. *David and Bathsheba- 2 Sam. 11-12. *False Acc usation of Adultery, Joseph and

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 46

divorces his wife, except for sexual Potiphar's Wife- Gen. 39:1-23. *Seeking For Wisdom, Walking the Path of the Wise, Avoiding
immorality, and marries another,commits the Path of the Adulterous- Proverbs 2; 5:3-23; 6:20-35; 7. *Jesus Forgives the Sin of a Harlot-
adultery.” The word used here for sexual John 8:1-11. * Instructions Concerning Widows- 1 Cor. 7:8-9.
immorality is the Greek word, porneia. It is Scriptures
the word from which we get pornography. *Adultery Problem in the Days of the Prophets- Jer. 5:6-9; 29:22-23. *Jesus Says That Everyone
Who Lusts After a Woman in Their Heart Has Committed Adultery [Note that Jesus matures the
Because this word is used, Jesus’ command
OT Law by now including men as those who can commit adultery by even their thoughts]- Matt.
not only refers to sex outside of marriage, 5:27-32. *Jesus Said Whoever Divorces His Wife And Marries Another Woman Commits
but also to any other type of sexual Adultery Against Her; And If She Herself Divorces Her Husband And Marries Another Man,
immorality. In addition, scholars believe She Is Committing Adultery- Mark 10:11-12. *God Hates Divorce- Mal. 2:16; Divorce Given
this word has some time inclusiveness to it- Only Because of Hardness of Heart- Matt. 19:3-9. *Marriage is to be held in honor among all,
even referring back to the time before a the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge- Heb. 13:4.
spouse is married. There are many cases *Instructions For Those Married to An Unbeliever- 1 Cor. 7:12-15; 1 Pet. 3:1-6. *Instructions
where women are being abused physically or For Those Separated- 1 Cor. 7:10-11. *If Husband Dies And Wife Is Joined To Another, She Is
verbally. And the question arises about Not Committing Adultery, But If He Is Alive And She Is Joined To Another, She Commits
divorce or separation in these cases- for the Adultery- Rom. 7:2-3. *Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male
protection of life. In 1 Cor. 7:12-15, Paul prostitutes nor homosexual offenders, will inherit the kingdom of God- 1 Cor. 6:9-10.
says that all things should be done for peace. *Immorality Or Any Impurity Or Greed Must Not Even Be Named Among You- Eph. 5:3.
*Know How To Possess His Own Vessel In Sanctification And Honor, Not In Lustful Passion,
The Lord Is The Avenger- 1 Thess. 4:1-8.

Point 3d: Do Not Steal Teaching Points:

1. Do not steal.
2. We are to work so that we have something to give to those in

*The Command: Ex. 20:15; Deut. 5:19. *Jesus Clears Thieves From Temple- Matt. 21:12-13.
*Judas Was A Thief- John 12:1-8. *A Samaritan Helps a Victim of Robbery: The Good
Samaritan- Luke 10:25-42.*Parable Of Door, The Thief Comes Only To Steal And Kill And
Destroy; I Came That They May Have Life, And Have It Abundantly- John 10:1-18. *Two
Thieves Crucified By Jesus- Matt. 27:28-44; Luke 23:32-43. *Jesus condemns the Scribes for
devouring widow's houses- Mark 12:40.
*Laws of Restitution For A Thief- Lev. 6:1-7; 19:11, 13. *Laws Concerning Kidnapping- Deut.
24:7. *Using False Measures, Cheating People- Deut. 25:13-16; Prov. 11:1; Micah 6:10-16.
Man running with bag, line through the
*Oppression of Poor, Taking Their Houses or Things- Job 20:15-22; Amos 8:4-7; Ez. 22:29.
circle - Do not steal. *Stealing Comes From the Heart- Matt. 15:19; Hos. 4:1-2. *He Who Steals Must Steal No
Longer; Labor So That He Will Have Something To Share With One Who Have Need- Eph.
4:28. *People Rob God of Tithes and Offerings- Mal. 3:8-10. *Make Sure That None Of You
Suffers As A Murderer, Or Thief...but If Anyone Suffers As A Christian, He Is Not To Be
Ashamed - 1 Pet. 4:15-16. *You who preach do not steal, do you steal?- Rom. 2:20-24.
*Summed up in the command to love one another as yourself- Rom. 13:8.

Point 3e: Do Not Bear False Witness. Teaching Points:

1. Do not bear false witness.
2. In the OT, those who bore false witness were to suffer the fate
they desired of the person they were accusing.
3. We must be careful not to bear false witness by jumping to the
wrong conclusions; or by projecting sins on others based on our
own conclusions and experiences rather than seeking the truth
People giving false witness concerning in each situation.
others, line through circle - Do not bear false 4. We must also be careful not to bear false witness in order to
witness. Bearing false witness may occur in protect a guilty person, thereby showing favoritism.
several different ways . It may be deliberate. It
may be the result of coming to the wrong
conclusions or misunderstandings about Stories
someone. It may occur when someone *The Command: You shall not bear false witness- Ex. 20:16; Deut. 5:20. *Do not spread false
exaggerates facts which are true out of anger. It reports. Do not be a malicious witness. do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd, and do
may occur when someone personally feels not show favoritism- Exo. 23:1-3. *'Do not steal. "'Do not lie. "'Do not deceive one another. Do
threatened that their own sins might be exposed, not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the LORD- Lev.
or when someone is trying to protect someone 19:11-12. *People Falsely Accuse God- Deut. 1:27-28. *People falsely accuse Moses and
else. And it may occur by projecting our own life Aaron- Exo. 16:3. *Ahab and Jezebel Hire False Witnesses- 1 King 21.*False Witnesses Against

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 47

experiences on someone else thinking they are the Those Rebuilding Jerusalem's Walls- Ezra 4. *The Deception of Sanballat, Tobiah- Neh. 6.
same as we are. Whatever the case, when these *Jesus teaches: Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds
things are presented to others as fact, the result is of evil against you because of Him- Matt. 5:11-12. *False Witness at Jesus' Trial- Matt. 26:57-
false witness. God desires that we are truthful 75; Matt. 27:41-42. *False Witness Against Stephen- Acts 6:8-15. *Jesus Accused of Casting
with one another and that we judge one another Out Demons By Satan- Matt. 12:22-32. *Paul Falsely Accused- Acts 24. *Diotrephes Uses
fairly. Malicious Words- 3 John. *Ananias and Sapphira’s Lie- Acts 5:1-9.

*You Shall Not Pervert The Justice Due To Your Needy Brother In His Dispute- Exo. 23:6-8.
*You Shall Not Go About As A Slanderer Among Your People, I Am The LORD- Lev. 19:16.
*Proper Justice In The Case of False Witnessing- Deut. 19:15-21. *Secret Slander Punished-
Psa. 101:5-7; Zech 8:16-17. *Teachings Against Slander- Prov. 10:18; 11:13; Eph. 4:31.
*Remaining God's Servants in the Midst of False Accusations- 2 Cor. 6. *Keep Honest
Conversation So In the Things You Are Slandered, They May Glorify God When He Returns- 1
Pet. 2:19-20. *Who will dwell on God's holy hill?-Psa. 15:2-3. *Prophets address the issue of
deceit among people- Jer. 8:3-8. *P ut off falsehood and speak truthfully with one another, we
are members of each other- Eph. 4:25; 31-32. *Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off
your old self- Col. 3:9-10.

Point 3f: Do Not Covet. Teaching Points:

1. Do not covet.
2. Coveting extends to jobs, relationships, education, children, and
material things.

*The Command: You Shall Not Covet- Exo. 20:17; Deut. 5:21. *Eve Covets Fruit- Gen. 3. *The
Fall Of Jericho, Do Not Covet Things Under the Ban- Josh. 6 (v.18-19). *Coveting In Days Of
Prophets, They Covet Fields And Then Seize Them, And Houses, And Take Them Away. They
Rob A Man And His House, A Man And His Inheritance- Mic. 2:1-2. *Achan's Sin- Josh. 7.
Person wishing he had what his neighbor *Paul Provides For His Own Ministry; Good Example of Proper Ministry Focus- Acts 20:17-
had- Do not covet. In addition to possessions, 38 (v. 33-35). *Parable of a Rich Fool- Luke 12:15-21. *God Will Provide For Our Needs- Luke
covetousness might include spiritual gifts, jobs, 12:22-40.
talents, social standing, relationships, physical
appearance, situation in life, etc. Scriptures
*For The Love Of Money Is A Root Of All Sorts Of Evil, some have left the faith- 1 Tim. 6:10-
Biblical Words: 12. *Be Satisfied With What You Have- Heb. 13:5. *Proper Perspective of Life and Money- 1
+Awah- means to desire greatly or earnestly, Tim. 6:3-21; 1 Pet. 5:2. *Proverbs on Coveting and Gain- Prov. 21:26; 22:16; 23:4-5; 30:8-9;
another person’s possessions, relationships, Ecc. 4:8. Prophets Speak Against Coveting- Isa. 56:11; 57:17; Mic. 2:2. *"For from the least of
position, or circumstances. them even to the greatest of them, Everyone is greedy for gain, and the prophet and the priest
+epithumeo - used most often with the notion of deal falsely- Jer. 6:13; 8:10. *Dishonest Gain With Bloodshed- Ez. 22:12-13. *What Will It Profit
lusting after. It carries the connotation of fixing A Man If He Gains The Whole World And Forfeits His Soul- Matt. 16:26. *Covetousness
your eyes or desires upon something and Comes From Within The Heart- Mark 7:21-22. *Do Not Associate With So-Called Brother Who
carrying out the means of getting it. Covets- 1 Cor. 5:9-13; 6:10. *Set Your Mind On Things Above, Not On Things On The Earth-
+orego- means to stretch yourself to attain. Col. 3:2. *You Lust And Do Not Have; So You Commit Murder. You Are Envious And Cannot
+Pleonexia- is the basic desire to have more than Obtain; So You Fight And Quarrel- James 4:1-2. *Characteristic Of False Prophets- 2 Pet. 2:1-
you do, or to desire what others have. 3. *Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, God is with
+Philarguros- means to love money. us always- Heb. 13.5. *No One Can Serve Two Gods- Matt. 619-14. *Don’t Worry, God
+zeloo- has the basic meaning of covet, but with KnowsWhat We Need- Matt. 6:25-34.
the underlying presence of jealousy.

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Unit 5 Illustration: The Two Kingdoms

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Simplified Drawing for Unit 5

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Unit 2 The Two Kingdoms

General Description
Illustration 5 is a visual picture of the two Kingdoms present and active on
the earth: The Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Light.

The Kingdom of Darkness (physical birth) is characterized in following

▪This Kingdom is present all over the world.
▪All people are physically born into this kingdom.
▪Satan is god of this Kingdom (Satan is pictured at the top of the world).
▪Some people’s hearts are dark because they have not been cleansed of their
sins through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
▪People in this kingdom are slaves to sin as they are still living sinful
lifestyles (immoral, drunkenness, greed, corruption, tribalism, selfishness,
abusive, disobedient to God).
▪People in this kingdom are blind to Truth of the Gospel. They are following false religions.
▪People in this kingdom are destined for Hell after they die (pictured at the bottom of the page). All of those who have
not believed in Jesus will be thrown into the Lake of Fire at the Final Judgment (see Unit 12, Lesson 2). They will
spend eternity in torment.

The Kingdom of Light (spiritual birth, sometimes called, “born again” or “re-birth”) is represented in the picture in the
following ways:
▪This Kingdom is present all over the world, in the hearts of believers.
▪People have been born spiritually into this Kingdom through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
▪Jesus is Lord of this Kingdom.
▪The people in this kingdom now have clear eyes to see, and a clean heart by the Holy Spirit’s work in their life.
▪People in this kingdom are no longer slaves to sin, immorality, abusive speech, destructive lifestyles, to false religions,
or driven by prejudice. Believers still sin, but they are not routinely sinning.
▪People in this kingdom are all members of a spiritual family through Abraham. This fact unites all believers together
across racial, tribal, ethnic, national, social-economical, gender, age, or any other human category.
▪God has reconciled those in this kingdom to Himself and made provision for them to be reconciled to one another
through Jesus’ sacrifice.
▪People in this kingdom will go to be with Jesus when they die. They will have eternal life in Heaven (See Unit 12,
Lesson 1).

Approaches to Teaching this Unit:

1. Simple overview approach. Use the general description above to teach the overall picture of this Unit.
2. Topical Approach. Teach on the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness separately.
3. Detail Approach. The more in-depth approach. Study the scope of Scriptures from each individual picture
and subject listed in the General Description above.
4. Evangelistic Approach. To teach this Unit evangelically you might want to teach this lesson after Unit 1 and 2
(on God’s creation) and prior to Unit 6 (Jesus is the Answer). Once you have established God’s creation and
His overall sovereignty you can begin to discuss the Garden of Eden and the fall of mankind. Then you can
discuss the fact that we are all born into the Kingdom of Darkness and we need sp iritual re-birth to enter the
Kingdom of light.
5. Mature Believer Approach.
a. Living in God’s Ways and Identifying Things that entangle us. Focus on teaching
believers how to walk in God’s ways. You might want to teach this unit prior to Units 9 and

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10 (on spiritual warfare, and walking on God’s path). Paul wrote the churches often, saying,
“Do not walk as the Gentiles walk, or the way you use to walk, i.e. in immorality,
drunkenness, greed, evil doing, but walk in the ways that are pleasing to God.” As you teach
on the characteristics of each Kingdom followers of Jesus can begin to identify what areas of
their lives need to come under the Lordship of Christ. They may realize their lives may
reflect the wrong Kingdom.
b. Identifying the most difficult things to o vercome: Three of the most difficult things to
overcome as believers are 1. Weeding out syncretistic practices and pagan customs and
beliefs in our lives; and 2. Loving and forgiving others who have hurt us. These are two
areas which run deep in people’s hearts. You can use these two issues to introduce this Unit.
It will help believers see where they need to grow spiritually. 3. Old destructive habits.
1. Cultural Identity (a strong loyalty and identity to where they have grown up and
what they have been taught). When one becomes a believer there are most always
teachings, customs, or traditions in the culture which need to be tested with the
Bible. This may require doing things in life quite differently from how they have in
the past.
2. Getting past bitterness or unforgiveness due to the sins of others, or tribalism and
prejudice passed down from one generation to another. Not only is immorality and
false religion part of the Kingdom of Darkness, but also tribalism, revenge,
bitterness, and unforgiveness. These things run deep inside of people’s hearts and
cause all kinds of disunity and wickedness. Paul always encouraged believers to be
growing in their love for one another. Loving and forgiving others is a life-long
growth process. Maturity comes when we are able to truly love and forgive one
another as He has done for us. It is a challenge to truly live in the Kingdom of Light,
in the newness of life. The Bible says, “We have been buried with Him in baptism,
and we are raised to walk in newness of life!”

Additional Teachings:
Special Considerations on teaching about New Birth, being Born-Again, or Re-birth in various cultures.
Take note that many tribal and even eastern religions teach a re-birth of some type. But their teachings are quite
different than those found in the Bible. Tribal or animistic religions teach re-birth as the transfer from the physical
world to the spiritual world after one dies, that is from a physical body to a spirit body. Eastern religions, on the other
hand, teach that the re-birth is reincarnation (the cycle of coming back to earth as another person, animal, or creature,
over and over again, eventually working one’s way up to the superior being called Brahma, or nirvana). Both of these
views are not found in the Bible, they are the product of false religions. The Bible teaches us that Spiritual re-birth only
takes place when place our faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives while we are still alive physically.

Special Considerations about teaching on Two Kingdoms in various cultures.

Another point to emphasize is although there are two kingdoms in this world, they are not equal kingdoms. Tribal
religions focus on the battling of the “good spirits,” and the “evil spirits.” Because people fear the spirits, people are
always trying to appease these spirits to benefit themselves in some way, or to counter-curse a curse placed on them by
the use of sorcery. According to this belief system, all of the spirits are basically seen on the same plane of power. We
know from the Bible these spirits, whether good or bad, are demons seeking to enslave people to fear and serve them
rather than God. So this is not what we mean by the two kingdoms. Note that both “good and bad” spirits are active in
the Kingdom of Darkness. And that these good and bad spirits are all demons (“angels of light”).

Eastern religions teach that there is a balance between the forces of good and evil, the light and the dark, or the positive
and the negative (ying, yang). Their belief system is based on the belief that God is a force. We know from the Bible,
God is a personal God, and that His attributes are characterized by righteousness and love. The Bible teaches us that
evil is the result of disobeying God and His ways, and following gods of ones own making.

At times the kingdom of darkness may seem to outweigh the Kingdom of Light. But the fact is sin, death, and Satan
reign in the hearts of many people. And yet, we learn the wisdom of obedience, how to walk by faith and trust God,
and the meaning of living a holy life by living in moral contrast to the Kingdom of Darkness. The Bible says our

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 52

witness of Jesus shines even brighter when we are oppressed by the circumstances surrounding us. God is still
sovereign over creation, and has given people a free will to either chose to follow Him or to follow the flesh and Satan.
He has not forced people to follow Him.

The Kingdom of Light is greater than the Kingdom of Darkness. These Kingdoms are not equal. At the end of time,
Satan’s Kingdom will be thrown in the Lake of Fire and God’s Kingdom will be glorified. Until then we are to reach
out to those in the Kingdom of Darkness and bring them into the Kingdom of Light. In the midst of difficulty we can
learn to be more like God and grow stronger in our faith and service to Him.

Objectives for Unit 5

1. To help people discern between the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Light.
2. To help people identify the Kingdom in which they are living.
3. To use this unit evangelically, setting the people up for the next unit on Jesus.
4. To teach that the Kingdom of Light is more powerful than the Kingdom of Darkness, and not equal to it.
5. To teach the difference between a pagan culture’s or religion’s definition of re-birth and a Biblical one.
6. To encourage believers to walk in the ways of the Lord.

Related Units
Unit 1: Satan was casted out of heaven for wanting to be worshipped like God. Now he is at work along with fallen angels to blind
people from seeing the truth of the Gospel and to lead people into destruction.
Unit 6: Those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior have entered into the Kingdom of Light. They are also now part of
Abraham’s spiritual family, thus uniting people across tribal, national, economical, ethnic, gender, and time lines.
Unit 7: Those who have entered the Kingdom of Light through Jesus have been reconciled to God and to each other.
Unit 8: Satan leads people into false religions.
Unit 9: Jesus has been raised above all powers, authorities, and dominions. For those who believe in Him, He raises them to be
seated with Him above all of these powers. Through Jesus we have victory in spiritual battles.
Unit 10: Going down destructive paths is characteristic of those still living in the Kingdom of Darkness.
Unit 12: At the end of time all of those people associated with the Kingdom of Darkness, as well as the evil spirits and Satan, will be
thrown into the Lake of Fire.

Lesson 1 The Kingdom of Darkness

Pictures and Description Teaching Points, Bible Stories, and Scriptures

Teaching Points:
Point 1: Review God’s Sovereign 1. Review God’s Sovereignty over all things seen and unseen (Unit
Reign over creation. 1).
2. Introduce the concept of the whole world consisting of only two
Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Light.
3. Begin teaching about the Kingdom of Darkness because it is the
one into which we are all born physically.

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Throne- God is sovereign over all His creation.
All things have been placed under Jesus’ authority.
He is over all powers and dominions on earth and
in the heavens.

Point 1b: Satan is god of this world. Teaching Points:

1. Review Unit 1- Satan and the spirit world.
1. Satan is god of this world, but limited in power and still under
God’s ultimate authority. Satan is ruler over the Kingdom of
2. The eternal fire was prepared for Satan, his angels, and those
who do not believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Satan- Satan is god of this world. He rules over
the Kingdom of Darkness. But his powers are Stories
limited, as he is a created spirit being. God is *Satan shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and offers them in temptation- Matt. 4:1-11.
allowing him to have certain influence in the world. Scriptures
But at the end of time he will be thrown into the *Satan Is God Of This World- 2 Cor. 4:4. *The Ruler Of This World Will Be Casted Out- John
Lake of Fire with all of those who follow him. 12:31. *Ruler Of This World Has Nothing To Do With Jesus- John 14:30. *The Ruler Of This
World Has Been Judged- John 16:11. *The Prince of the Power of the Air works in the
disobedient- Eph. 2:2. *The Whole World Lies In The Power Of The Evil One- 1 John 5:19.
**See Scriptures from Unit 1 under Satan. * For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but
cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment- 2 Pet. 2:4.
*"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire
which has been prepared for the devil and his angels- Matt. 25:41.

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Point 1c: People in this Kingdom Teaching Points:
walk in darkness. 1. Everyone has been born physically born into the Kingdom of
3. Their eyes are blinded to the Truth of the Gospel.
4. Satan is at work in the lives of the disobedient.
5. They live their lives in the lusts of the flesh, the pride of life, and
the lusts of the eyes.
6. They have no real power over the spirits that tempt and oppress
7. They follow false religions.
People with dark hearts, blinded eyes, 8. They are often in conflicts with other people, and exhibit prejudice
demon beside them- represents those who are and favoritism, but may also try to live “good lives” thinking it will
still living in the Kingdom of Darkness. Everyone help them in the afterlife.
is physically born into this kingdom when they are
physically born. Satan has blinded their eyes to 9. Their ultimate destiny is the Lake of Fire, along with Satan and
the Truth of the Gospel; They are still living in the demons.
their sins; there may be tribalism, violence,
immorality, and greed in their lives. These things People Are Born Physically Into This Kingdom
characterize their lives. They do not have any real Stories
power over the spirits/demons that oppress them. *Nicodemus Learns How To Be Born Again- John 3.
The people in the Kingdom of Darkness and the
demons are both destined for the Lake of Fire at Scriptures
the end of time. *People loved the darkness rather than the light, they do not come to the light so that their deeds
cannot be shown- John 3:19-20. *For You Were Formerly Darkness-- Eph. 5:1-21 (v.8-9).

People's Hearts and Minds Are Darkened By Sin

*And you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you previously walked according to this
worldly age, according to the ruler of the atmospheric domain, the spirit now working in the
disobedient. We all previously lived among them in our fleshly desires, carrying out the inclinations
of our flesh and thoughts, and by nature we were children under wrath… -Eph. 2:1-3. *…The
Gentiles are darkened in their understanding, because of the ignorance in them, and the hardness of
their hearts. They are callous, gave themselves over to promiscuity for the practice of every kind of
impurity, with a desire for more and more.- Eph. 4:17-32. *The One Who Practices Sin Is Of The
Devil- 1 John 3:8. . *Kingdom Of Darkness Is Characterized By Hatred, Malice, Envy, and
Disobedience- Titus 3:3. *The one who hates his brother is in the darkness, no light in him.
Darkness has blinded his eyes- 1 John 2:8-11. *Hostility Toward God- Lev. 26 (v.21); Rom. 8:7;
Col. 1:21. *Some People Are Hostile And Prevent The Gospel From Being Spread- 1 Thess. 2:13-

People's Eyes Are Blinded To The Truth Of The Gospel

*god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving so that they cannot see Jesus- 2 Cor.
Point 1d: People in the Kingdom People's Destiny Will Be The Lake Of Fire
have the Lake of Fire as their eternal Stories
destiny. *Parable Of The Rich Man And Lazarus- Luke 16:19-31. *Jesus Heals A Centurion's Servant-
Matt. 8:5-13. *Parables Of The Wheat And The Tares- Matt. 13:24-51. *Parable Of The King Who
Gave A Wedding Feast- Matt. 22:1-14. *Parable Of The Fig Tree- Matt. 24:32-51. *Parable Of
The Ten Virgins- Matt. 25:1-13. *The Parable of Talents- Matt. 25:14-30. *The Difference Between
the Sheep and the Goats- Matt. 25:31-46. *Jesus Challenges The Pharisees- Luke 13:17-35.
*Satan's Destiny Is The Lake Of Fire- Rev. 20:10.*Those Not In The Book Of Life Will Be
Thrown Into Lake Of Fire- Rev. 20:10-15.
Fire- The Lake of fire is the destiny of those who Scriptures
*the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to keep the unrighteous under
reject Jesus as Lord and Savior.
punishment until the day of judgment…2 Pet. 2:9-10. *It Is Appointed for people to die once
--and after this - judgment- Heb. 9:27. * For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but
cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment- 2 Pet. 2:4.
*"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire
which has been prepared for the devil and his angels- Matt. 25:41.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 55

Lesson 2 The Kingdom of Light

Point 2: God reigns over all creation, Teaching Points:

and in the hearts of those who live in 1. God reigns over all creation, and in the hearts of those who live in
the Kingdom of Light. the Kingdom of Light.
2. People are born spiritually into this Kingdom when they accept
Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This decision takes place when
they are alive physically on the earth.

Throne- God is sovereign over all His creation.

All things have been placed under Jesus’ authority.
He is over all powers and dominions on earth and
in the heavens.

Point 2a: People in the Kingdom of Teaching Points:

Light, put off their old self. 1. When someone believes in Jesus as Lord and Savior, They are
transferred from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of
2. The Holy Spirit regenerates/cleanses them of their sins.
3. Their eyes are no longer blinded by Satan to the truth of the
4. They are continually forsaking their former ways, and living in the
newness of life God gives them.
5. Their future after death is life in Heaven with Jesus.
6. They become part of Abraham’s family and are joined together
spiritually in this family with believers all over the world.
People with clear hearts, no blinders on 7. Being part of a larger family of faith is very important for those
their eyes- represents those who have been born who live in communities where becoming a Christian may cause
again spiritually through faith in Jesus as their Lord them to be out-casted or persecuted.
and Savior. Their eyes have been opened to the 8. Being part of a family of faith is also important in places where
Truth of the Gospel; Their hearts have been there have been a lot of tribal, racial, ethnic, or other types of
cleansed from sin through Jesus’ death, and the violence. This is an encouragement for the uniting together of
regeneration of the Holy Spirit. They have become
members of Abraham’s spiritual family and no Christians across racial and tribal barriers.
longer supposed to be living in destructive
lifestyles. They are reconciled to God and to We are transferred from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light—born
people. Jesus has power over demons who again spiritually.
oppress them. Christians are destined for Heaven Stories
when they die. *Nicodemus Learns How To Be Born Again- John 3. *John The Baptist Bears Witness To Jesus
As The Light- John 1. *Paul's Testimony To King Agrippa- Acts 26. *Jesus' Mission To Bring
Point 2b: People in the Kingdom of People From Darkness Into Light- John 12:36-50. *Peter's Sermon And 3,000 People Who Accept
Light have Heaven as their eternal Jesus As Lord And Savior- Acts 2. *A Jailer Comes To Know Jesus- Acts 16. *Paul's Mission As
Related To King Agrippa: To Open Their Eyes So That They May Turn From Darkness To Light
destiny. And From The Dominion Of Satan To God, In Order That They May Receive Forgiveness Of
Sins And An Inheritance Among Those Who Have Been Sanctified By Faith In Me- Acts 26
(v.18). *Paul's Testimony- Gal. 1:13-24.
*He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son
He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.- Col. 1:13-14. *But you are A
chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you
Crowd of people in Heaven from all tribes, may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
all wearing white robes- Heaven is the destiny Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people…- 1 Pet. 2:9-10. *The Darkness Is

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 56

of those who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Passing Away And The True Light Is Shining- 1 John 2:8 (spiritual); Gen. 1:2-3 (Physical); For
The people in heaven are the great cloud of God, Who Said, "Light Shall Shine Out Of Darkness," Is The One Who Has Shone In Our Hearts
witnesses spoken of in Hebrews 12:1-3 (Christians To Give The Light Of The Knowledge Of The Glory Of God In The Face Of Christ- 2Cor. 4:6.
who have already died). They are spiritual *The People Who Were Sitting In Darkness Saw A Great Light, And To Those Who Were Sitting
children of Abraham—that is, those who have In The Land And Shadow Of Death, Upon Them A Light Dawned. Jesus preached about a new
accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We all Kingdom- Matt. 4:14-17. *Jesus is the Light of the World, the one following Him does not walk in
become members of Abraham’s family when we darkness- John 8:12. *While You Have The Light, Believe In The Light, So That You May
believe in Jesus. Become Sons Of Light- John 12:36.
Scriptures Continued:
Take off former manner of life, live to be like Jesus.
*Repent and turn to God, and do works worthy of repentance- Acts 26:20. *You took off your former way of life, the old man that is corrupted by
deceitful desires; you are being renewed in the spirit of your minds; you put on the new man, the one created according to God’s likeness in
righteousness and purity of the truth….put off lying; be angry and do not sin; do not steal, no rotten talk should come from your mouth, don’t grieve the
Holy Spirit…All bitterness, anger, and wrath, insult, and slander must be removed from you , along with all wickedness. Be kind and compassionate to
one another, forgive, be imitators of God; walk in love; the fruit of righteousness is goodness, righteousness, and truth, discerning what is pleasing to the
Lord…Don’t participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but expose them….-Eph. 4:17-5:14. *If we walk in the light, we have fellowship with one
another- 1 John 1:7. *The one who loves his brother walks in the light- 1 John 2:5-11. *The fruit of the Spirit in our lives is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control- Gal. 5:22-26.

People Are Now Abraham's Descendants

*Paul Teaches Us We Are Descendants Of Abraham Through Faith- Gal. 3:1-18; Rom. 4. *God's Promise To Abraham- Gen. 12:1-3; 15:4-6. *God
Gives Help To The Descendants Of Abraham- Heb. 2:16. *We Are Fellow Citizens With God's People, Built On The Same Foundation, Built For A
Holy Dwelling Of God- Eph. 2:18-22. *One Faith, One Lord, One Baptism, One God And Father Of All- Eph. 4:4-5. *Cloud of witnesses (people of
faith who have died) surrounding the righteous; But keep your eyes on Jesus not them- Heb. 12:1-3.

People Now Have Power Over The Spirits Through Jesus

*Spiritual Warfare- Eph. 6:10-18. *Jesus Came To Destroy Works Of Satan- 1 John 3:8. *Jesus Is Raised Above All Powers- Eph. 1:20-23. *Jesus
Raises Us Up With Him- Eph. 2:1-7. **See Unit 9 on growing spiritually and spiritual warfare.

People's Destiny Will Be To Live With Jesus In Heaven

*Jesus Is Preparing A Place For Us To Live With Him- John 14:1-4. *If Our Earthly Tent Is Torn Down, We Have A Building From God In Heaven- 2
Cor. 5:1-9. *Our citizenship is in Heaven- Philip. 3:18-21. *Do Not Grieve Like The World, We Will Live With Jesus Forever- 1 Thess. 4:13-18. *The
Parable Of The Rich Man And Lazarus- Luke 16:19-31. *Faith Of Believers In A Future Home, City, Heaven- Heb. 11:8-10; 14-16. *Paul Testifies Of
His Desire To Depart And Be With Jesus - Philip. 1:19-30. *The Holy City Of Jerusalem- Rev. 21-22.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 57

Unit 6 Illustration: Jesus is the Answer

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Simplified Drawing for Unit 6

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 59

Unit 6 Jesus is the Answer

General Description
Illustration 6 is a visual picture of the witness of who Jesus is
throughout Scripture, and how we can come to know and serve Jesus
personally. But this unit may be used in several different ways to
educate believers or to use as an evangelistic tool. Listed below are
some different approaches you may want to use to teach this Unit. There
are three columns in this drawing. The order of pictures start at the top
left side of the page, going straight down, then starting at the top of the
middle column, going straight down, and then over to the final column
on the top right, and going down to the last picture- bottom right. The
pictures are as follows: 1. The first Adam brought sin and death.
The second Adam, life and peace; 2. God gave us the Law to
show us what was pleasing to God. But also, the Law has shown us
how we have sinned, and that we are all imprisoned in sin. This
leads us to realize we need a Savior. 3. Jesus was both the sacrifice
for our sins and the Great High Priest who interceded for us. Also
use the picture of Jesus sitting on the throne to talk about the OT
prophecies related to the coming of a priest/king/prophet. 4. Jesus was
both God and man. 5. Jesus is the Good Shepherd- the only way to
God. 6. Jesus came to heal broken hearts and set captives free.
Since He created us, He is able to heal us of the deepest hurts, and
cleanse us from the darkest sins. 7. When Jesus died for our sins, He
defeated sin, death, and Satan. 8. Jesus is Lord. This picture shows us how we are to accept Jesus as Lord of our
lives. 9. He makes us a new creation. He created the world, and now He is re-creating us spiritually. 10. We have
become part of Abraham’s family. We are united together across the world, across languages, ages, genders, tribes,
nationality, and people groups. 11. He is the vine, we are the branches. This picture is used to teach how we are to
abide in Jesus and grow as believers. 12. Jesus will return one day in the clouds. All eyes will see Him. Use this
teaching to warn against anyone claiming to be Jesus here on the earth.

Approaches to Teaching this Unit:

This unit may be taught all at once, but it is best taught over time with lots of review.
1. Simple overview approach. Use the general description above to teach the overall picture of this Unit.
2. Topical Approach. Take each of the major parts of this study and teach them separately over time. This is the
more in-depth approach to teaching.
a. Life’s Key Questions Approach: This is a good way to introduce the study. After mentioning these
questions, you can begin teaching the lessons.
i. Why there evil and suffering in the world? (Point 1a and 1b)
ii. Who can heal broken hearts and set people free from bondage? (Point 2d)
iii. What is the answer to tribalism? (Point 3d)
iv. How is sin, death, and Satan defeated? (Point 3a)
b. Who is Jesus Approach? [Who does the Bible say Jesus is, and then how would we use these teachings to
identify false teachers and false prophets who may claim to be Jesus. You may want to use this approach if
you are helping believers understand the ways the Bible presents Jesus or if you are teaching unbelievers
about Jesus.]
i. Jesus is the second Adam. The first Adam brought sin and death. The second Adam brought life and
peace (point 1a).
ii. Jesus is both the perfect sacrifice for sin and the perfect Great High Priest (point 2a). He was the
fulfillment of OT prophecy. He was Prophet, Priest, and King/Messiah.
iii. Jesus was both God and man (point 2b).

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iv. Jesus is the Good Shepherd: the only way to know God personally (point 2c).
v. Jesus can heal broken hearts and set captives free (point 2d).
vi. Jesus came to break the power of Satan, sin, and death (point 3a).
vii. Jesus is both Lord and Savior (point 3b ). He was in the linage of David. He is the One who would sit
on the throne forever. This section also includes references to how Jesus showed us who He was, i.e.
His power over nature, His power over the spirit world, His power over illness, and his power over
death, fulfillment of OT prophecy.
viii. All physical things were created through Jesus, and we become a new creation through our faith in
ix. Jesus unites us all together in one spiritual family (point 3d).
x. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. He is returning one day in the clouds (point 4b).
3. Detail Approach. Study and teach each of the individual lessons in detail.
4. Evangelistic Approach.
a. Man’s Predicament: sin, death, Satan, and separation from God (points 1a; 1b).
b. God’s Solution (points 2a; 2b; 2c; 2d).
c. New Birth: Faith in Jesus brings new life (points 3a; 3b; 3c; 3d).
d. Abiding in Jesus: Abide in Jesus and Fulfill the Great Commission (points 4a; 4b).
5. Mature Believer Approach. Focus on how to nurture your relationship to Jesus (Points 4a & b), or by studying
each of the different pictures of Jesus in the Bible. You will increase your understanding of how Jesus is the
answer to all of life’s difficulties.
a. How to Abide in Jesus Approach. This one focuses only on Lesson 4 (Focus on Points 4a and 4b). You
can measure the maturity of your congregation by observing how many of your people do the following
things. Leaders should be continually encouraging believers to be growing in each of these areas listed
i. By personal time in the Word of God.
ii. By personal time in prayer.
iii. By corporate worship, small group Bible Study, and discipleship.
iv. By corporate exercising your spiritual gifts in your church through various ministries.
v. By sharing your faith with others outside of the church through personal evangelism or missions.
vi. We are to do these things until Jesus returns.
b. Current Issues Approach. It is always important to relate current events, life situations, hardships, and
needs to your studies so that your congregation can see how the truths of God nurture, comfort, and give
them hope and peace in all of life’s circumstances. Matching life applications to each picture is important as
you teach others this unit.
c. Pictures of Jesus Approach. Study each of the pictures of Jesus presented in this study. It will increase
believers’ understanding of Biblical teachings and help to increase their faith during difficult times.

Objectives for Unit 6

1. To help us understand why there is suffering, evil, and death in the world and God’s answer to these issues.
2. To help us understand the role and the purpose of the Law and how the Law leads us to a relationship with
3. To help us understand the completeness of Jesus’ sacrifice to atone for our sins and His work as High Priest to
bring us into relationship with God.
4. To identify Jesus as the face (image) of the invisible God and the exact representation of His Nature who came
to earth in the form of man.
5. To understand Jesus is the only way to Heaven and He keeps those who are truly His for all eternity.
6. To understand how Jesus fulfills OT prophecy of a coming Messiah who would heal broken hearts and set
captives free.
7. To help us understand Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan, sin, and death.
8. To teach us Jesus’ relationship to believers should be as both Lord and Savior.
9. To teach us we are new creations, no longer living in the ways of the world.
10. To teach us that we are all part of the same family in Jesus, so we should no longer participate in the tribalism,
prejudice, and ethnic divisiveness of the world.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 61

11. To teach us how to remain connected to Jesus and always growing to be more like Him both individually and
in the body of Christ.
12. To teach us to be evangelists and disciples in the Great Commission and to anticipate the Lord’s return.

Related Units
Unit 1: Jesus is part of the Trinity.
Unit 3: God communicates with us through His Son.
Unit 8: False Religions pervert the teachings concerning Jesus’ deity.
Unit 5: Through Jesus we enter the Kingdom of Light.
Unit 7: Jesus is our example of love and sacrifice to bring people in a restored relationship with God and with other people.
Unit 9: Jesus is the one who gives us victory in spiritual warfare. He is raised above all powers, dominions, and authorities. He is
our Shepherd, and the one who disciplines us. Sometimes we suffer for the sins of others, just as Jesus suffered for our sins.
Unit 12: Jesus is returning to earth one day to deal out retribution to those remaining in the Kingdom of Darkness, and salvation to
those who follow Him as Lord and Savior.

Lesson 1 Sin, Death, Satan, and Separation from God

Pictures and Description Teaching Points, Bible Stories, and Scriptures

Point 1a: First Adam brings Teaching Points:

death and the Second Adam 1. Sin is disobedience to God.
brings life 2. Sin separates us from God.
3. Sin brings death.
4. Sin came into the world when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God in
the Garden of Eden.
5. We have also disobeyed God.
6. Jesus came as the second Adam, who brings forgiveness and life.

*The Story of Adam and Eve- Gen. 3. * the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one's
lifestyle—1 John 2:15-17. *”For I desire loyalty and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than
burnt offerings. But they, like Adam, have violated the covenant; there they have betrayed Me- Hosea
6:6-7. *Job says, “Have I covered my transgressions as others do by hiding my guilt in my heart”- Job
Black Heart and White Heart- Black 31:33-34.
heart- a heart full of sin. Adam brought
physical death and separation from God to Scriptures
us when he disobeyed God’s command. *The Heart Of Man is Evil From youth- Gen. 8:21. *All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory-
We have all disobeyed God and we have Rom. 3:23. *The wages of sin is death- Rom. 6:23. *The first Adam brought sin and death- 1 Cor.
hearts full of sin. The white heart- is a 15:21-22,45-49; Rom. 5:14-21. *What Is Sin?- Gal. 5:19-21; Exo. 20:1-17. *Sin Separates Us From
God- Isa. 59:1-8. *We Are Conceived In Sin- Psa. 51:5. *Lusts Give Birth To Sin In Us- James 1:15.
cleansed or regenerated heart. Jesus is
known as the second Adam. The first *God made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us that we might become righteous before God- 2
Cor. 5:21. *The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; the one who
Adam brought sin and death, the second
Adam brought forgiveness and life. practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for
Righteousness - this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil- 1 John 3:7-8.

Point 1b: The Law Brought Teaching Points:

knowledge of sin, and led us to 1. The Law is Spiritual, good, and Holy. It reflects God’s moral
realize we need a Savior. character.
2. God gave the people of Israel the Law, after He delivered them from
slavery. He delivered them first, then He told them how to live

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 62

righteous lives before Him (Salvation is first, then we live to please
3. In the New Testament the Law is known as the Law of Sin and
Death because it reveals to us that we have sinned, and our sin brings
death to us.
4. What the Law could not do (make us righteous before God), God did
in sending His Son, Jesus Christ to die for us as a sin offering so that
we can be made righteous before God.
5. The Law is our tutor to help us realize we need Jesus as our Lord
and Savior.
6. Jesus died for us so that the requirements of the Law would be
Tablets with the Ten accomplished in us who now walk according to the Spirit and not the
Commandments/prison and cross- flesh. (see Romans 8:3-9).
God gave us the moral laws (see Unit 4) 7. Jesus did not come to do away with the Law, but came to mature it.
so that we would know how to live lives in 8. The Law was only a shadow of better things to come.
harmony with Him and other people. 9. The Law could never make people perfect by the yearly sacrifices.
These laws did not save us or make us 10. The Sacrificial Laws were a reminder of sin each year.
clean, but they showed us what was
**Review Unit 4 on God’s Commandments where needed.
pleasing to God, and that we were sinners.
Jail- Sin separates us from a holy God
and imprisons all of us under a sentence of Stories
*Jesus comes to mature or fulfill the Law- Matt. 5:17-18.
death. Cross- But, God has provided a
way of deliverance or salvation through
faith in Jesus. The Law is our tutor to Scriptures
bring us to Jesus. *The Law is spiritual and good- Rom. 7:14-16. *There is now no condemnation for those who are in
Note: The Law has never been able to Christ Jesus, because the Spirit’s law of life in Christ Jesus has set you free form the law of sin and
make anyone righteous before God. It has death- Rom. 8:1-2. *What the law could not do since it was limited by the flesh, God did. He
only pointed out our sin, and condemned condemned sin the flesh by sending His own Son in flesh like ours under sin’s domain, and as a sin
us as sinners worthy of death before a offering, in order that the law’s requirement would be accomplished in us who do not walk according
Holy God. But, the Bible says that God to the flesh but according to the Spirit- Rom. 8:3-9. *Our relationship with Jesus is not gained through
has made a way for those who truly want the Law; We are all imprisoned by the Law under sin; the Law is our tutor to Jesus- Gal. 3. *No one
to be righteous before God. What the will be justified through the Law; God’s righteousness is revealed through the Law; the Law makes
Law could not do, God did in sending His everyone accountable to God- Rom. 3:19-21; Gal. 2:16; Gal. 5:4. *We are saved through faith, the Law
Son, Jesus, to be a sin offering for our brings wrath- Rom. 4:14-16. *We are not under the Law, but under grace…but we cannot keep
sins in order that we might be forgiven and sinning- Rom. 6:14-23. *The Law is holy, but it tempts people to sin- Rom. 7. *The power of sin is the
then live righteous lives before Him. Law- 1 Cor. 15:56. *One who breaks one commandment, breaks them all- James 2:10. *The Law is
written in our hearts- Rom. 2. *Jesus has set us free from the Law of Sin and Death- Rom. 8:2. *Now
that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, "THE RIGHTEOUS MAN SHALL
LIVE BY FAITH- Gal. 3:11. *Since the law has only a shadow of the good things to come, and not
the actual form of those realities, it can never perfect the worshipers by the same sacrifices they
continually offer year after year. Otherwise, wouldn’t they have stopped being offered, since the
worshipers, once purified, would no longer have any consciousness of sins? But in the sacrifices there
is a reminder of sins every year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins-
Heb. 10:1-4.

Lesson 2 God’s Solution

Point 2a: God’s Solution to Sin- Teaching Points:

Jesus is both the perfect 1. God’s Solution to Sin- Jesus is both the perfect sacrifice for our sins
sacrifice for our sins and the and the Perfect Great High Priest making atonement for our sins.
Perfect Great High Priest 2. We learned in Unit 4 about the religious sacrifices offered to God for
Making atonement for our sins. the forgiveness of sins.
The Picture may also be used to 3. We learned in Unit 1 how Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb of God.
teach Jesus as Prophet, Priest, 4. The religious sacrifices had to be offered each year, and were limited
and King. because they could not continually take away the sins of the people.
5. We also learned Jesus fulfilled the religious sacrifices when He died
once for all, on the cross for our sins.
6. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice because He was without sin and His

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 63

sacrifice was for all time.
7. In the Old Testament days the high priest offered up the sacrifices
for the sins of the people.
8. These high priests had to first offer a sacrifice for their own sins,
before they could be clean to offer in behalf of the people.
9. Jesus was without sin, so He is the Perfect High Priest.
10. When Jesus was raised from the dead, He ascended into Heaven to
offer His own blood as the satisfaction for our sins.
11. Jesus was the fulfillment of OT prophecy saying that a descendent of
David was coming who would sit as king on the Throne of David
Sacrifice and High Priest- Jesus was forever.
both the perfect sacrifice and the Perfect 12. Jesus was the Messiah. The Savior, the Anointed One, Lord.
High Priest who entered Heaven and
offered His own blood as atonement for Stories
our sins. *Jesus' Last Supper- Matt. 26:17-30. *Jesus' Death And Resurrection- John 19-20; Luke 22; Matt. 28.
*The Suffering Servant- Isa. 53. *Gabriel Gives Daniel Insight about the atonement of the Messiah-
Daniel 9 (v. 24-27: Note That Historically This Time Period Marks The Year Jesus Was Crucified).
*Jesus As Our High Priest And Sacrifice- Heb. 7:23-28; Heb. 9-10. *A priest like Melchizedek- Psa.
110:4/Heb. 5:5-6 *For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, righteous for the unrighteous, that He
might bring you to God- 1 Pet. 3:18-20. *Jesus died for us so that we might live for God - Rom. 6:10-
13. *The blood of Jesus cleanses our consciences from dead works to serve the Living God- Heb.
9:13-14; Num. 19.
Jesus as King/Messiah
*Raising of the fallen booth of David- Micah 5:1-4; *Isaiah 7:10-17; *God with us, Immanuel- Isa. 9:1-
7. *Messianic vision- Isa. 32:1-8; Deut 18:18f w/Acts 3:22f; Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:5; 5:5; 2 Pet. 1:17;
Psa. 110:1ff w/Matt. 22:44; Acts 2:34; Heb. 5:6, 10; 6:20; 7”11,15,21; Psa. 118:22f w/Matt. 21:42; Acts
4:11; 1 Pet. 2:7. *The Righteous King- Isa.55:3,4; everlasting covenant with David- Jer. 23:5,6. *Would
sit on the Throne of David forever- Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1:32-33; His Throne is forever- Psa. 145:13; Heb.
Jesus as Prophet
*Jesus said (referring to himself), “A prophet is not without honor in his own hometown- Matt. 13:57.
*Crowds identified Jesus as a prophet- Matt. 21:46. *Jesus was spoken of as a prophet- John 6:14;
7:40. *Fulfillment of Scripture, Deut 18:15; Acts 3:22. *Jesus pronounces woes on cities- Matt. 11:20-

Point 2b: How was Jesus able Teaching Points:

to be without sin? He was both 1. Jesus was both God and man.
God and man. 2. Jesus is the Image of the invisible God.
3. Jesus is radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His
4. Jesus was the Word of God become flesh.
5. Everyone who confesses Jesus has come in the flesh is from God.
Everyone who has not confess Jesus is not from God.
6. Jesus said He and the Father are One. He identified Himself with the
Name, “I AM.” This is the name God told Moses.

*An Angel Announces To Mary That She Will Give Birth To The Savior- Luke 1. *Jesus Refers To
God and man- The only one who could Himself As “I Am”- John 8:58; Exo. 3:14. *Jesus Makes Himself Equal To God- John 5:18-27.
possibly come to help people in their *Peter’s Confession- Matt. 16:15-17. *God calls Him His Son- Matt. 17:5. *Jesus On Trial Before the
predicament of sin, was God coming to High Priest- Matt. 26:57-65. *Thomas' Confession- John 20:28. *The Great Commission- Matt. 28:19-
earth as man. The Old Testament writers 20.
predicted it; Jesus’ works, words, and
disciples bore witness of who He was; and Scriptures
believers across the years have bore *For A Child Will Be Born To Us, A Son Will Be Given To Us; And His Name Will Be Called
witness to Him. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince Of Peace- Isa. 9:6. *The Lord Our
Righteousness- Jer. 23:5-6. *Immanuel, God With Us- Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:23. *Jesus Is God, The Word
Theological Terms: Became Flesh; Creator- John 1:1-14. *Jesus says His Works Testifies as To Who He Is; and He
Incarnation- The coming of Jesus to States, “The Father and I are One”- John 10:24-42. *Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen
earth as man, i.e. God in the flesh. We the Father”- John 14:6-13. *He is in our midst when we pray in His Name- Matt. 18:19-20.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 64

explain the incarnation as two natures *He dwells in believers- Col. 1:27. *All of fullness of Deity dwells in Him- Col. 2:8-10. *Jesus Is The
(divine and human) in one person. We Image Of The Invisible God; And He Created All Things For His Use (all Thrones, Powers, Etc)- Col.
must understand the incarnation in light of 1:15-20. *He Is The Radiance Of His Glory And The Exact Representation Of His Nature- Heb. 1:1-
at least two passages of Scripture: 14. *God Calls Him God- Rev. 1:17; 22:13. *We Shall Call on the Name of the Lord- Psa. 116:4; 1
Philippians 2:7, “He emptied Himself by Cor. 1:2. *Jesus Is Called God And Savior- Titus 2:13. *Everyone who confesses Jesus has come in
assuming the form of a slave, taking on the the flesh is from God. Everyone who does not confess Jesus is not from God- 1 John 4:2-3. *Who,
likeness of men.” And Colossians 2:9, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own
“For in Him the entire fullness of God’s advantage. Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men.
nature dwells bodily.” And when He had come as a man in His external form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to
the point of death- even death on a cross- Philip. 2:6-7.
Note: Muslims say that there are three The virgin conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit- *Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a
parts of God: God, His Spirit; and His sign: the virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel- Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:23. *The birth of
Word….and the Bible says, the Word Jesus Christ came about this way: After His mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, it was
became flesh! discovered before they came together that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit- Matt. 1:18. *…what
has been conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit- Matt. 1:20. *But he did not know her intimately until
she gave birth to a son. And he named Him Jesus- Matt. 1:25. *The angel appears to Mary and tells
her she is going to conceive a son, His name will be Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son
of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David- Luke 1:27-33. *Mary
asked how can this be, and the angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of
the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the holy One to be born will be called the Son of God-
Luke 1:34-35. *When the time of the completion came, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born
under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons- Gal. 4:4.

Point 2c: Jesus is the only way Teaching Points:

to know God. 1. A personal relationship with Jesus is the only way to know God.
2. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the
Father except through Him.
3. There is no other name given under Heaven by which we can be
4. Jesus is the Good Shepherd and His sheep follow only Him.
5. Jesus is the door of the sheep.
6. Jesus cares for His sheep. No one can snatch them out of God’s

*Jesus is the Good Shepherd- John 10. *Ezekiel describes good and bad shepherds of Israel- Ez. 34.
*Peter's Defense For Sharing The Gospel: Jesus Is The Only Way To Heaven- Acts 4:1-12 (V. 12).
Shepherd- In John 10, Jesus uses the Scriptures
image of a Shepherd to teach about His *There is no other name given among men by which we can be saved- Acts 4:12. *If anyone has
relationship to His people (the sheep). preached a different gospel, let him be accursed- Gal. 1:1-12. *Need for personal belief in Jesus in
There are two aspects of His relationship order to be saved- John 1:10-13; 3:36. *Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the
that He draws from this imagery. One is Father, except through Him- John 14:6. *the Shepherd of Israel- Isa. 37:22ff.
the exclusive relationship we are to have
with Him. There is only one way to God,
and only one sheepfold. He is the way to
God. The second way Jesus uses this
imagery is to compare how He protects
and cares for His people like a good
shepherd does his sheep.

Point 2d: Jesus can heal broken Teaching Points:

hearts and set captives free 1. Jesus can heal broken hearts and He sets captives free.
(Jesus). 2. He created us, so He is able to heal the very deep hurts of the heart.
3. Jesus sets captives free (the oppressed); and sets free those who are
under the heavy burden of sin and guilt.

*Prophecy concerning Jesus, he will bring good news to the afflicted, bind up wounds of
brokenhearted, proclaim freedom to captives and prisoners- Isa. 61:1-3; Matt. 11:1-5; Luke 4:14-27;
8:1. *Prophecy concerning Jesus, A bruised reed He will not break- Isa. 42:3. Paul’s testimony- Acts
9; Gal. 1:11-2:10; Acts 26:12-23.

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*He restores my soul- Psa. 23. *Ultimate healing is in Heaven, no more pain, crying, mourning- Isa.
25:8; Rev. 21:4.
Broken Heart/Captives- heart with
band aide- Sin brings hostility between
people and between people and God. We
are hurt by our own sin, and we are hurt
by the sins of others. Ultimately sin brings
death and destruction to our lives. But,
Jesus is able to heal broken hearts because
He is the one who has made human hearts.
Hands in chains- captives, or prisoners.
Those who are captive or in prison
(spiritually) can be set free from their sin
and sin’s eternal consequences through
Jesus. Jesus can forgive the worst of
sinners. He forgave Paul, who was killing
believers . He gave Paul a ministry and a
new purpose for his life.

Lesson 3 Faith in Jesus Brings New Life

Point 3a: Jesus came to break Teaching Points:

the power of Satan and death. 1. Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan and deliver us from the
power of death.
2. Jesus came in fulfillment of the prophecy given to Eve, that One
would be coming to crush Satan’s head.
3. Jesus’ death on the cross disarmed spirit’s powers.
4. God raised Jesus from the dead, and placed Him over all powers,
dominions, and authorities in Heaven and on the earth.
5. Just as Jesus was raised from the dead, one day we too will be raised
to eternal life.

*First prophecy about Jesus, one would be coming who would crush Satan’s head- Gen. 3:14-15.
*Satan's Destiny Is The Lake Of Fire- Rev. 20:10. *Jesus Has Power Over Demons- Matt. 8:16; 9:32-
38; 17:14-21; Mark 7:26-30; Luke 4:33-41. *Jesus Heals A Man With A Legion Of Demons- Mark 5:1-

Snake with Line Through It- Scriptures

*God revealed to Adam and Even that one *God’s power is great toward those who believe in Him- Eph. 1:19; 2:6. *Jesus came to destroy the
day her offspring (Jesus) would crush works of the devil- 1 John 3:8. *His death disarmed the spirits’ powers- Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14-15.
Satan’s head. *Jesus Is Raised Above All Powers On Earth And In The Heavens - Eph. 1:20-23; 2:6-7. *Who Is At
*When Jesus died on the cross and rose The Right Hand Of God, Having Gone Into Heaven, After Angels And Authorities And Powers Had
from the dead, He defeated Satan, sin, and Been Subjected To Him- 1 Pet. 3:22. *Jesus’ Power Over Death- Rom. 5:12-21. *Jesus Holds the
death. Keys of Death and Hades- Rev. 1:18. *Jesus Came To Defeat Death- 1 John 3:5; 1 Cor. 15:24-28.
*Jesus is now seated far above all rulers *The Importance Of Jesus' Resurrection- 1 Cor. 15. *The God of peace will soon crush Satan under
and authorities. It is through Jesus that we your feet- Rom. 16:20.
can be victorious in spiritual oppression
from the enemy. *In the western world, this is one aspect of Jesus’ work on the cross that is left out. It is very
*One day, He will raise us from the dead important to include this point especially in places where animism has been the major belief system.
to live with Him.

Point 3b: How does one enter Teaching Points:

into relationship with God? By
believing in Jesus as one’s Lord How Does Someone enter into a personal relationship with God and be
and Savior. forgiven of their sins?
1. This relationship with God is a gift through God’s grace.
2. We accept this gift through our faith (trust or belief) in Jesus and His
work on the cross for our sins. Jesus is our Savior.
3. We must confess Jesus as Lord. We must now follow Jesus as Lord of

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 66

our daily life by confessing our sins to God, and by turning away from
sin to walk in a new way of life.
4. Salvation is not gained by our own works or by following the law
(Eph. 2:8-9).
5. Salvation consists of three aspects:
6. Justification takes place when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. It
was achieved through the work of Jesus on the Cross when He died for our sins on the
cross, and the work of the Holy Spirit in regenerating us and cleansing our hearts of sin; and
God-forgiving our sins.
7. Sanctification is the living of our lives under the Lordship of Jesus,
Lord/Savior- Lord and Savior are following His ways and teachings. Sanctification is our response to the work of
personal titles, and refer to the personal the Holy Spirit in our lives, convicting us of sin, righteousness, and judgment; and through
relationship He has with those who have the time we spend hearing, reading, and studying the Word of God in corporate worship,
placed their faith in Him. Knowing that small group Bible study, fellowship among believers, and personal time in reading the Word
Jesus died for our sins should bring us to of God.
a point of repentance as we begin to live 8. Glorification is the final Great Salvation given to us by God when we
our lives under His Lordship. die and go to Heaven. We are saved from God’s wrath, and from eternal separation
from God and eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire, which is reserved for all of those who
have rejected God and the Lord Jesus.

1. Entering into Relationship with God: Believe.

*Salvation is through God’s grace and our faith, not of works so that we cannot boast- Eph. 2:8-9. *If
you confess and believe- Rom. 10:9-10. *The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in
himself. The one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the
testimony that God has given about His Son. And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life,
and this life is in His Son. The one who has the Son has life. The one who doesn’t have the Son of
How do we come to know Jesus
God does not have life-1 John 5:10-12 .
personally as Lord and Savior?

1. We must believe in Jesus. *Jesus showed us who He was through the things He did.
Jesus alone is the only way to Jesus Has Power Over Nature:
know God and live in fellowship Stories
with Him. Jesus came to die for *Jesus' Role In Creation- John 1:1-18. *Jesus Stills A Storm- Matt. 8:23-27. *Jesus Feeds The 5,000-
our sins. To the right are some Matt. 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15. *Jesus Walks On Water- Matt. 14:22-33;
of the things Jesus did to show Mark 6:45-52; John 6:16-21. *The Fish With Money For Taxes- Matt. 17:24-27. *Turning Water Into
us who He was. He showed us Wine- John 2:1-12. *Jesus' Fishing Miracles- Luke 5:1-11; John 21:1-14.
who He was through what he did
and by how He fulfilled OT *Jesus Has Power Over Spirits:
prophecy concerning the coming Stories
of a Messiah. *Delivering a synagogue demoniac- Mark 1:23-28; Luke 4:31-36. *Healing a blind and dumb demoniac-
Matt. 12:22; Luke 11:14; see also Matt. 9:32-33. *Healing the Gadarene demoniac- Matt. 8:28-34; Mark
Additional Teachings: 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39. *Delivering a demon possessed boy- Matt. 17:14-18; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:38-
42. *God has placed Him over all dominions, powers, and authorities in heaven and on earth- Eph.
What about children who die before 1:18-23.
they have come to know Jesus?
Age of accountability- Many scholars *Jesus Has Power Over Illness:
believe children become accountable to Stories
God only at an age where they can choose *Jesus Heals A Leper; Centurion’s Servant; Peter's Mother-in Law; Sick People- Matt. 8:1-17; Mark
right from wrong. Here are some 1:21-34; 40-45; Luke 5:12-16; 7:1; 4:38-40. *Jesus Heals Paralytic- Matt. 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-
Scriptures supporting this teaching: 26. *Jesus Heals Hemorrhaging Woman- Matt. 9:20-22; Mark 5:24-34; Luke 8:40-48. *Jesus Heals
*Young people under 20 years old and Someone Deaf and With a Speech Difficulty- Mark 7:31-37. *Jesus Heals a Blind Man- John 9:1-41.
children of the Exodus are allowed to enter *Isaiah prophesies about a Coming Savior who brought total wholeness to people, this was a
the Promised Land- Deut. 1:39; Num. testimony of who He was when He was on earth- Isa. 53:4-5.
*Jesus said the Kingdom of God belongs
to little children- Matt. 18:1-14.
*Jesus Has Power Over Death:
*A Scripture teaching about a child born Stories
of a woman reaching the age of *Jesus Raises The Ruler's Daughter- Matt. 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:49-56. *Jesus Raises
accountability, knowing good from evil. Widow's Son- Luke 7:11-17. *Jesus Raises Lazarus From The Dead- John 11:1-12:11. *Jesus
Addresses Peter After His Resurrection- John 21:14-25. *Jesus Address Religious Leaders About The
Resurrection- Matt. 22:23-33. *Jesus Raised Himself From The Dead- John 2:19-21. *The

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 67

What about people who have never Resurrection Was Physical, He Was Not Resurrected As A Spirit- John 20:24-29. *Jesus Appears To
heard the Gospel? Will God save them The Twelve: Luke 24. *Jesus Is The Bread Of Heaven, giving eternal life - John 14-17.
in the end?
This is a hard question to answer. But *Jesus showed us who He was through fulfilled prophecy.
there are several things we can observe in OT Prophecies about Jesus
the Scriptures which might shed some light *Born of a woman’s seed- Gen. 3:15/Gal. 4:4; *The seed of Abraham- Gen. 12:2-3/Matt. 1:1; Gal.
on this question. All Salvation is through 3:16; *from the tribe of Judah- Gen. 49:10; Luke 3:33; *Would sit on the Throne of David forever-
Jesus. And we are not the ones who can Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1:32-33; His Throne is forever- Psa. 145:13; Heb. 1:8. *Daniel predicts the time of his
really answer this question. coming- Dan. 9:25/Luke 2:1-2; Gal. 4:4; *Born of a virgin- Isa. 7:14; Luke 1:26-27; 30-31; *Born in
Bethlehem- Micah 5:2/Luke 2:4-7; *His time in Egypt- Hosea 11:1/Matt. 2:14-15; *Someone crying in
But, we do know that: the wilderness declaring his coming- Isaiah 40:3-5; Malachi 3:1/Luke 7:24,27; *Came to heal the broken
*Jesus already knows the hearts of hearted and set captives free- Isaiah 61:1-2/Luke 4:18-19; *Rejected by the Jews- Isa. 53:3/John 1:1; *A
entire towns…whether or not they will priest like Melchizedek- Psa. 110:4/Heb. 5:5-6; *Enters Jerusalem on a donkey- Zech. 9:9/Mark
accept or reject Him- "Woe to you, 11:7,9,11; *Betrayed for money- Zech. 11:11-12/Matt. 26:15; 27:5-7; *Silent to accusations - Isa.
Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if 53:7/Mark 15:4-5; *Rejected and beaten by men- Isa. 50:6; Psa. 22:7-8/Rom. 5:6,8; Luke 23:35;
the miracles had occurred in Tyre and *Sacrifice- Isa. 53:5; Rom. 5:6,8; *Crucified with transgressors- Isa. 53:12/Mark 15:27,28;
Sidon which occurred in you, they would *Description of crucifixion- Zech. 12:10; Psa. 22; *Resurrection- Psa. 16:10; 49:15; 68:18/Mark 16:19.
have repented long ago in sackcloth and *Psalms of prophecy about Jesus quoted in the NT- Psa. 8, 22, 34:21; 41:10; 45; 69; 72.
ashes. "Nevertheless I say to you, it will be
more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the
day of judgment than for you. "And you,
Capernaum, will not be exalted to heaven,
will you? You will descend to Hades; for if
the miracles had occurred in Sodom which
occurred in you, it would have remained to
this day. "Nevertheless I say to you that it
will be more tolerable for the land of
Sodom in the day of judgment, than for
you." At that time Jesus said, "I praise
You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
that You have hidden these things from the
wise and intelligent and have revealed them
to infants- Matt. 11:21-26.

*All revelations of Truth are in Jesus’

hands- "All things have been handed over
to Me by My Father; and no one knows
the Son except the Father; nor does
anyone know the Father except the Son,
and anyone to whom the Son wills to
reveal Him- Matt. 11:27.

*God sends dreams and visions to

those who are truly seeking Him.
Since God knows those who truly seek
Him, He is able to bring witnesses to
them, Bibles to them, and dreams to
them- See Paul’s vision of the man of
Macedonia in Acts 16:9-40; the story of
Cornelius in Acts 10; and the story of the
Spirit telling Philip to go on a desert road 2. Confess Your Sins to God and He Will Forgive You
and there he meets an Ethiopian eunuch- Stories
Acts 8:26-40. *Jesus Has the Power and Authority to Forgive Sins- Matt. 9:1-8; Luke 5:17-26; Mark 2:1-12. *The
Lord's Prayer- Matt. 6:1-15; Mark 11:25-26. *David's Confessional Psalm- Psa. 51. *A Psalm About
God’s Forgiveness - Psa. 32:5-6.
*If We Confess Our Sins, He will forgive them- 1 John 1:9. *He has forgiven all of our sins- Col. 2:13-
15. *Don’t conceal sins, but confess and forsake them- Prov. 28:13. *Salvation Is Through God's
2. Confess your sins to God Grace, Not Works- Eph. 2:8-9. *Our Goodness Is As Filthy Rags To God- Isa. 64:6.
and He will forgive you. We
must understand that Jesus died
for our sins, so that we might be 3. Confess Jesus as Lord
reconciled to God. In response Stories
we must truly repent of our sins, *Paul's Conversion- Acts 9; and 26; 1 Tim. 1. *Conversion Is Like A Child- Matt. 18:1-14. *Peter's
and ask Jesus to forgive us. Sermon On Pentecost- Acts 2. *Many Rulers Confess Jesus- John 12:42-50. *Thomas' Confession-
John 20:26-29. *Paul tells the people to repent and turn to God, and do works worthy of repentance-

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 68

Acts 26:20.
3. Confess Jesus as Lord. Scriptures
We must now follow Him as *If we confess with our mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in Him, we will be saved- Rom. 10:9-10.
Lord of our lives. This is an on- *Testimony From Thessalonica: They Turned To God From Idols To Serve A Living And True God -
going process until we die. We 1 Thess. 1:8-10. *Every Knee Will Bow In Allegiance- Isa. 45:16-25; Rom. 14:11-12; Philip. 2:8-11.
call this process, Santification. *When we confess Jesus, He confesses us before God; if we deny Jesus, he also denies us before
God- Matt. 10:32-33. *Be holy as He is holy- 1 Pet. 1:18-23.

Pont 3c: We are a new Teaching Points:

creation. 1. When we become a believer God makes us a new creation. Old
things have passed away, new things have come.
2. Being a new creation is both a gift and a responsibility. We become a
new creation because the Holy Spirit regenerates us (cleanses us
from our sin). And we must also behave as a new creation by
following God’s ways.
3. Baptism is a picture of the death to the old self and the rising to new

We Become a New Creation

*The Story of Nicodemus- John 3.
*If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have
Creator/New Creation- The Apostle come.- 2 Cor. 5:17; see also Gal. 6:15; Rev. 21:5. *For we are His creation-created in Christ Jesus for
John identifies Jesus as the one through good works- Eph. 2:10; David-create in me a clean heart- Psa. 51:10; Prophecy concerning a new heart
whom all things were created. Jesus is and new spirit as both a gift and a responsibility- Eze. 11:19; 18:31; 36:26. *Buried with Him in
also the one through whom we are made baptism, raised to walk in newness of life- Rom. 6:4-14. *Repent and turn to God, and do works
into a new spiritual creation. This new worthy of repentance- Acts 26:20. *The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is
creation is pictured in baptism. Baptism is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The
a picture of dying to ourselves and being Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil- 1 John 3:7-8.
raised to walk in newness of life. It is
important for believers to remember to put
aside their former sinful ways and to walk
as new creations in Christ. If someone
does not live a new life, it is questionable
whether or not they actually have come to
faith in Jesus. Righteousness- We Baptism pictures our new life in Jesus, it does not save us:
learned at the beginning of this Unit that Stories
Jesus has made a way for us to be *The Great Commission- Matt. 28:16-20. *Jesus is Baptized- Matt. 3; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 3:1-16.
righteous before God. This righteousness *Philip Baptized The Ethiopian Eunuch- Acts 8: 26-40. *Peter Baptizes Cornelius- Acts 10. *Lydia is
is BOTH something we receive from God Baptized- Acts 16:9-15. *Jailer is Saved (Believing Is Saving, Not Baptism)- Acts 16:16-40. *Apollos is
and something we live and do. Mighty In The Scriptures, But Was Not Baptized Until Later (Already Saved)- Acts 18:24-28. *Thief
On Cross Not Baptized, But With Jesus in Paradise- Luke 23:43.
*Paul’s teachings on baptism- Rom. 6.

Point 3d: We have become part Teaching Points:

of one family in Christ. We are 1. God promised Abraham he would have descendents greater than the
Abraham’s offspring. We must number of the stars, and across national barriers.
live in unity with other believers. 2. When we become a believer, we become part of God’s family—and
part of the faith lineage of Abraham (Abraham’s offspring).
3. This is important to us in two ways: it unites believers across all
ethnic, tribal, racial, national, socio-economic, and gender
differences-hopefully bringing peace and stability. And it helps us
connect with a spiritual family, as the decision to follow Jesus in many
cultures means persecution, prejudice, and casting out.
4. Being part of God’s family means that we must seek to live in peace
with one another, forgive each other, and love each other as Jesus
has forgiven and loved us.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 69

5. We must live in this peaceful relationship with one purpose, one
heart, and one mind as far as it depends upon us.

Moon and Stars- When we accept *Abraham's Descendants Will Be Like The Stars In The Sky, More Than He Can Count- Gen. 15:5-6.
Jesus as Lord and Savior, we become part *Jesus shares the Gospel with a Samaritan woman- John 4:1-30. *Jesus’ High Priestly prayer, let us be
of Abraham’s spiritual family. This family One as He and the Father are One, and that God’s love will be in them- John 17 (see vs. 21, 23, 26).
relationship extends beyond tribal,
national, ethnical, gender, and age Scriptures
boundaries, to form a reconciled and *Paul Teaches Us We Are Descendants Of Abraham Through Faith- Gal. 3:6-9; 27-29 Rom. 4. *God
loving family in Jesus all across the world. Gives Help To The Descendants Of Abraham- Heb. 2:16. *Jesus’ Death Broke Down Every Wall of
It is important that we connect with other Separation Between All Peoples; as we all unite together, He is building a holy dwelling place- Eph.
believers and not still live in tribalism, or 2:11-22. *Jesus commands us to love one another, all people will know we are His disciples if we love
other forms of prejudice. In Jesus there is one another- John 13:34-35.*Be devoted to one another, give preference to one another in honor, do
no difference between Jew and Gentile, not be haughty- Rom. 12:10, 16; Gal. 5:13; *Show tolerance for one another in love- Eph. 4:2.
slave and free, male or female. Everyone Instructions for loving God and each other- 1 John 3-4. *Instructions for making relationships right-
is on an equal plane. We are to live in Matt. 18; Luke 15:1-11. *Be at peace as far as it depends on you- Rom. 12:18.
peace with one another. And we are to
love and forgive one another as Jesus has
loved and forgiven us.

Lesson 4 Abide in Jesus and Fulfill the Great Commission

Point 4a: We must stay Teaching Points:

connected to Jesus and grow in 1. We must stay connected to Jesus and grow in our relationship with
our relationship with Him. Him.
2. We stay connected to Jesus by spending personal time reading,
studying, and meditating on God’s Word. (Personal/private time).
3. We stay connected to Jesus through daily prayer. (Personal/private
4. We stay connected to Jesus through corporate Bible study and
worship with fellow believers. (Corporate time).
5. We stay connected to Jesus by using our spiritual gifts. (Corporate
6. We stay connected to Jesus by sharing our faith with others and
discipling them to be followers of Jesus. (Corporate time).

**For individual studies on the Christian disciplines, see Units 3 for prayer; Units 9 and 10
on staying on God’s Path; Unit 11 on Stewardship in the church; and Unit 12 a summary on
Vine and Branches/church body- what we are to be doing until Jesus’ Return.
Vine and branches- Our personal
connection to Jesus. Jesus said, “I
am the vine, you are the branches.” We
must abide in Jesus in order to please Him
and grow in our relationship with Him. We
abide in Him through our own personal
time in His Word and in prayer.
Stories and Scriptures

*We abide in Jesus by personal time Our Personal Connection to Jesus

in His Word. By Personal Time in the Word of God
*Abiding in Jesus, Through His Word- John 15:1-16. *Man shall not live by bread alone- Deut. 8:1-6.
*Jesus is the Bread of Life- John 6:22-58. *Study to show yourself approved of God, rightly dividing
the Word of Truth- 2 Tim. 2:15. *Build yourselves up- Jude 1:20.

*We abide in Jesus through prayer. By Personal Time in Prayer

*Be devoted to prayer- Rom. 12:12; Col. 4:2. *Pray at all times- Eph. 6:18. *Jesus’ instructions on
private prayer; The Lord’s Prayer- Matt. 6:5-15. **See Units 3 and 9 on prayer.

People making up church walls- Our Corporate Relationship to Jesus

Our corporate connection to
Jesus. Jesus is head of the church. The

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 70

people are His body. We abide in Him by
through public worship and Bible study,
serving Him with our gifts -causing the
body to grow, and through sharing the
Gospel with others.

*We abide in Jesus through

corporate Bible Study and Worship. By CorporateTime in Worship and Bible Study
*Do not forsake assembling together- Heb. 10:25. The early believers met for study and prayer as hey
began the first churches- Acts 1:12-26; 2:42.
*We abide in Jesus through using
our spiritual gifts. By Exercising your spiritual gifts and talents in the church
*God gives spiritual gifts- 1 Cor. 12; *Use spiritual gifts to equip the body for ministry and grow the
body into maturity- Eph. 4:11-13. *Press on to maturity in teachings and righteousness- Heb. 5:12-6:1.
**See Unit 11 for the stewardship of the spiritual gifts.
*We abide in Jesus through sharing
our faith and discipling others. By Sharing your faith and discipling others
*The Great Commission- Matt. 28:18-22. *See the book of Acts for examples of witnessing and
discipleship. **See Unit 7, 9, and 11 on witnessing and discipleship.
Point 4b: We are to fulfill the Teaching Points:
Great Commission and live 1. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
godly lives until Jesus returns. 2. Jesus will return again someday, in the clouds. (Important especially in places
where people on earth claim to be Jesus, such as in Africa)
3. Until He returns, we are to share our faith, and make disciples across
the world.
4. **See Unit 12 on what we are to be doing until Jesus’ return.

Jesus is Returning
*Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you, and I will come again- John 14:1-3; 17:24. *Like lightening
striking from the east and west, so will be Jesus’ return- Matt. 24:24-31; Luke 17:20-37. *Jesus returns
to earth- Rev. 19; & 22.
Evangelize and Disciple until He returns
*The Great Commission- Matt. 28:19-22. *The Coming of the Holy Spirit for boldness in witness-
Acts 1:8.
Early Christian Examples:
*The Gospel is Preached in Judea and Samaria- Acts 8-9:31. *The Gospel Goes to the Gentile World
through Peter- Acts 9:32-11:18. *The Holy Spirit says to set apart Paul and Barnabas for mission
work- Acts 13. *Paul’s First Missionary Journey to the Gentiles- Acts 11:19-15:35. *Paul’s Second
Missionary Journey (Asia Minor, Greece, Rome)- Acts 15:36-18:22. *Paul’s Third Missionary
Journey- Acts 18:23-23:22.
Jesus on horse coming toward *…And To Wait For His Son From Heaven, Who Rescues Us From The Wrath To Come- 1 Thess
earth- Jesus is the alpha and the omega. 1:8-10. *Jesus will return just as he left, in the clouds- Acts 1:9-11. *For the Lord Himself will descend
He is returning one day to defeat those in from heaven with a shout, Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the
the Kingdom of Darkness, Satan, and the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, Therefore comfort one another with these words- 1 Thess. 4:16-18.
host of demons. And He is bringing *Jesus will not return until the Man of Lawlessness is revealed- 2 Thess. 2. *So Christ also, having
ultimate salvation to those who have been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to
accepted Him as Lord and Savior. Until sin, to those who eagerly await Him- Heb. 9:28. *Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not
this time, we are to be actively involved in appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will
bringing others into the Kingdom of Light see Him just as He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is
through our Gospel witness and our pure- `1 John 3:2-3.
teachings. We must be about the work of Evangelize and Disciple until He returns
the Kingdom by carrying out the Great *Be ready in season and out of season to share the Gospel- 2 Tim. 4:2.

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Unit 7 Illustration: Reconciled to God and People

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Simplified Drawing for Unit 7

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Unit 7 Reconciled to God and People

General Description
Illustration 7 is a visual picture showing Believers living out the
Ministry of Reconciliation in the hostile world of the Kingdom of
Darkness. This ministry was given to believers by Jesus, who desires
for us to tell others about God’s forgiveness (2 Cor. 5:18-21). If you
are a believer in Jesus, you are given the responsibility to be a minister
of reconciliation!
Unbelievers are characterized by hostility toward God, His ways,
believers, and each other. Over to the left of the picture you can see
people who are still living in the Kingdom of Darkness with their fists
raised toward God and each other.
Believers are living in the love of God and His forgiveness. On the
right side of the picture you can see a spiritual picture of a church
building with believers united together forming a holy dwelling for
God (Eph. 2). They have experienced the forgiveness Jesus offers
through His sacrifice and have been reconciled to God and to each
Mindset of Believers. At the top of the page is a picture in a circle,
with little circles going down to the church. These circles represent the
mindset of those who have been spiritually born into the Kingdom of
Light. Believers in Jesus are able to live reconciled lives to God and
each other because of God’s provision of forgiveness.
Understanding the Old Covenant. At the left top of the circle are two pictures representing the OT Laws of sacrifice
and forgiveness. In one of the pictures you see people making animal sacrifices on an altar so that God will forgive
their sins. In the picture to the right of that one, are people sending a goat outside of the city gates. When people placed
their hands on the goat, their sins were symbolically sent to the goat. Then the goat was sent outsid e of the city gates
and into the wilderness to die. By having the community involved together in this sacrifice, it helped the people to send
away the sins of one another and bring peace to the community again. This sacrifice was the only live animal offering
given in the OT. We call it the Scapegoat offering. Sacrifices in the OT were made to remove the offense of the person
and to bring them back into a right relationship with God and with people.
Understanding the New Covenant. On the right side of the circle you see the cross. Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice
for our sins. Because He was without sin, His sacrifice was a perfect sacrifice. During OT days, people had to
continually bring animal sacrifices to God in order to be forgiven. The animal sacrifices were not able to permanently
take away sins. But, Jesus’ sacrifice was the perfect sacrifice. It was for all time so there is no longer a need to keep
coming back each year to offer more sacrifices. Jesus died in our place, for our sins. We can now be forgiven for our
sins by accepting Him as Lord and Savior. Jesus’ death not only broke down the barrier sin had caused between us and
God it also broke down every wall between people. God intends for His people to forgive each other as He has
forgiven us. Remember, Jesus has paid the price not only for your sin, but also for everyone’s sins.
You can see in the picture people walking out of the church into the world. Since Jesus has forgiven us He has
given us the ministry of reconciliation. We are to proclaim to others the forgiveness God offers them and we are to
forgive one another as He has forgiven us. Our witness of the Gospel is authenticated by the degree we are able to live
reconciled lives with each other and with God.
Bringing about healing and forgiveness in relationships. The pictures on the roof of the church building remind us
that there are some other things we can do to help heal hurts among believers. These are the most neglected things in
the church today. It is no wonder that conflicts, divisions, and strife continue even in the church. So in addition to
remembering that Jesus has already paid the price for everyone’s sins, we must also seek to do the following:

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1. Confession of sins. The first thing that brings healing between people is the confession of sins (person
talking). The Bible says to confess our sins to one another, and to go to those who are offended by our actions
so we can be reconciled.
2. Restoration. The second healing action is to restore people who are repentant (the ring-story of the Prodigal
Son). Restoration includes dignity, position, and relationship. All too often, we say we forgive people but we
never restore them. This keeps them in a state of sorrow and sometimes defeat. The Lord wants us to restore
people so that they can be effective for His Kingdom.
3. Restitution. And the third healing action is to give restitution to those we have wronged (money-the story of
Zacheaus). According to OT Laws, restitution was made by returning something taken away and adding 1/5 th of
its value. An offering for restitution was to be made before the Lord and the offended person, at which time
the stolen items and the added value was to be given to them.
Sometimes we need to do a little of each of these things to bring healing in a situation particularly if there is wrong
on both sides of a conflict.
The Ministry of Reconciliation. We have been given the ministry of reconciliation- pictured as believers going out
from the church to witness to others. Jesus said people would know we were His disciples when we had love for one
another. When we are able to fully forgive, restore, and reconcile others in the faith, we have a better understanding of
the sacrifice, love, and forgiveness God has given to us. As a result we are better able to communicate that message to
the world. Our message to the world is authenticated as we live out the love and forgiveness we have experienced from
God in our relationships to other believers.
Approaches to Teaching this Unit:
1. Simple overview approach. Use the general description above to teach the overall picture of this Unit.
2. Topical Approach. Take each of the major parts of this study and teach them separately over time.
a. Contrast Approach. Compare and contrast lessons 1a and 1b with lesson 2a.
b. The Sacrifices and the Community. Study of OT sacrificial laws compared to how they relate to the
subject of forgiveness, restoration, and community. You can study Unit 4, Lesson 1 introduction to the Law
along with this Unit, Lessons 2b and 2c- the sacrifices under the Old Covenant and Jesus’ sacrifice.
c. Ways to Strengthen Churches in Living Reconciled Lives in Community. Study Lesson 3a, b, and c.
3. Detail Approach. The more in-depth approach. Study the scope of Scriptures from each individual picture and
4. Evangelistic Approach. Focus on Lesson 2, the Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Kingdom of Light. Use this
Lesson to introduce the forgiveness God gives to us, and then introduce the way Followers of Jesus are to behave
in the church and community.
5. Mature Believer Approach. Challenging people to love and forgive as Jesus did is the greatest level of mature
teaching we can reach. To the degree that we are able to love and forgive others, we can present an authenticated
message of the love and forgiveness God has offered us through Jesus. It is useful to use the Contrast Approach
listed under the Topical listing above in churches where there are on-going conflicts. If believers are not speaking
to each other, if they are making distinctions among themselves, avoiding one another, talking about others in
negative ways, leaving the room when someone enters they don’t like, they are not acting as truly reconciled
people. Teach on the importance of reconciliation, restoration, confession, and restitution, and then go to Lesson 4
in this Unit and present the materials on the missionary mandate to be ministers of reconciliation in the world.
Some churches opt to hold prayer services encouraging people to forgive each other and pray for emotional

Objectives for Unit 7

1. To identify hostility and enmity as characteristics in the Kingdom of Darkness.
2. To help people see sin against God or against people as the cause of hostility.
3. To give a Biblical understanding of God’s Forgiveness as seen in the Old and New Covenant.
4. To identify the Biblical processes involved in bringing confession, reconciliation, restoration, and healing to
those who have wronged others or who have been wronged.
5. To challenge believers to love and forgive as Jesus did.

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6. To strengthen believers in the ministry of reconciliation.

Related Units
Unit 1: Satan and demons work to cause disunity, unforgiveness, evil suspicion, and strife between believers to hinder others from
seeing the message of the Gospel.
Unit 5: People in the Kingdom of Darkness are caught up in tribalism, prejudice, and other distinctions among people. People in the
Kingdom of Light are living reconciled lives to God and each other as best they can.
Unit 10: Be careful to avoid the path of hatred and violence.
Unit 11: The church is to always be reaching out to those in the Kingdom of Darkness to bring them into the Kingdom of Light as
good stewards of the Gospel.
Unit 12: Grow in your love for one another.

Lesson 1 Hostility and the Kingdom of Darkness

Pictures and Description Teaching Points, Bible Stories, and Scriptures

Point 1a: People in the Kingdom of

Darkness may be hostile toward Teaching Points:
God and His ways, and toward 1. People in the Kingdom of Darkness may be hostile toward God
those who remind them of God’s and His ways.
ways. 2. People in the Kingdom of Darkness may be hostile toward anyone
who reminds them of God and His ways.

Hostile Toward God Or The Righteous

*Nebuchadnezzar's Anger Toward Three Righteous Men- Dan. 3:18-30. *Cain and Abel- Gen.
4:1-16. *Haman's Anger- Esther 3:5-6. *King Herod- Matt. 2:16. *Herodias' Anger Toward John
The Baptist- Mark 6:18-19. *Saul's Former Way Of Life- Acts 26:11. *Pharisees Become Hostile
Toward Jesus- Luke 11:53-54. *Hatred toward Stephen for speaking against the actions of the
Jews-Acts 6:8-7:60.

*The Mind Set On The Flesh Is Hostile Toward God; and not able to be subject to His Law -
Rom. 8:7-14; Col. 1:21. *The one who hates the light, stays away from the light- John 3:20-21. *If
The World Hates and persecutes you, know that it also hated and persecuted Jesus- James 4:4-
5*Who Both Killed The Lord Jesus And The Prophets, And Drove Us Out. They Are Not
Pleasing To God, But Hostile To All Men- 1 Thess. 2:15. *The Wicked Plots Against The
Righteous And Gnashes At Him With His Teeth. The Lord Laughs, His Day Is Coming- Psa.
37:12-29. *You Will Be Hated By All Because Of My Name, endure- Matt. 10:22; Mark 13:13.
*For Consider Him Who Has Endured Such Hostility from Sinners Against Himself, So That You
won’t Grow Weary And Lose Heart- Heb. 12:3. *Do not fear those who are angry at you- Isa.
Two people shouting angrily at God- * 41:10-13.
The people in the Kingdom of Darkness are
angry toward God (and the righteous) because
His laws are against the things they want to do.
They are not willing to subject themselves to
the laws of God. Instead they are living life and
dealing with their own issues as they please.
People in this group are sometimes controlled
by the bitterness, anger, and resentment that the
sins of others or their own sins have brought
them. They may also be led by their own
desires for power, wealth, love, and pleasure.
The Bible says that, “Those who are
according to the flesh set their minds on the

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things of the flesh, but those who are
according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the
mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,
because the mind set on the flesh is hostile
toward God; for it does not subject itself to the
law of God, for it is not even able to do so,
and those who are in the flesh cannot please
God” (Rom. 8:5-8).
Teaching Points:
Point 1b: People in the Kingdom of 1. People in the Kingdom of Darkness are often in continuous
Darkness are often in continuous conflicts with others.
conflicts with other people or 2. Their lives may be characterized by slander, abusive speech,
groups of people. prejudice, tribalism, greed, selfishness, and murderous thoughts
and actions.
3. These actions lead to groups of people turning against someone,
or one group turning against another group.
4. **See the path study in Unit 10.

*Sometimes Jesus Caused Divisions- Luke 12:51-53; John 7:37-53; 9:16; John 10(vs. 19). *Paul
Writes About Divisions In The Church- 1 Cor. 1:11-31; 3:1-9. *Witnessing May Cause Divisions-
Two people fighting- People in the Acts 14:1-7. *James And John Cause Tension Among The Disciples- Mark 10:35-52.
Kingdom of Darkness have certain enmity
between themselves and God, and they also Scriptures
have enmities with each other. This is one of *Now The works of the flesh are obvious sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry,
the things we have discussed in Unit 5- under sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy,
the Kingdom of Darkness. We learned earlier drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar about which I tell you in advance as I told you
that people in the Kingdom of Darkness tend to before that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God.- Gal. 5:19-21.
make distinctions among themselves as to tribe, *And you were once alienated And hostile in Mind because of your evil actions, but now He has
race, ethnicity, nationality, political stand, and reconciled you by his physical body through His death to present you holy, faultless and
sometimes gender. Sometimes people blameless before Him.- Col. 1:21-22. *Mockers inflame a city, but the wise turn away anger-
outwardly show their hostility by fighting, Prov. 29:8. *Everyone Must Be Quick To Hear, Slow To Speak And Slow To Anger- For man’s
killing, rape, and other forms of violence. anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness.- James 1:19-20.
Some people show a cold and quiet anger
toward others, not talking to them or
acknowledging their presence. They talk behind [Notes: With the whole world in this predicament, God provided a means by which people could
people’s backs so that suspicion and be reconciled to God and to one another. The process is called, reconciliation.]
dissention spreads under the surface. One of
the results of this behavior is that people are Definition of Reconciliation
ostracized or stigmatized by individuals and Reconciliation means, to make a relationship right. This change is the bringing together of two
groups. This kind of hostility may become hostile parties to be friends. But reconciliation is both a gift and a responsibility on the human
feudal, and extend even across generations. level. God has already done the work for us, but we must let that work bring peace within the
deepest areas of our hearts. It is interesting that the word for reconcile was not found in any of
The cause of all of strife and hostility is sin. the early pagan religious sources outside of the Bible. Reconciliation is one of the foremost
These things arise between people as they characteristics of the Jesus way. It characterizes the desires of God. Jesus said, "By this all men
break God's laws concerning community either will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). When Jesus
on an individual level or on a community level. commanded us to be reconciled to each other in Matthew 18, He used the strongest word for
When someone sins against someone else, reconcile available in the Greek language. It is even stronger than the word Paul used in Ephesians
enmity and hostility begins between them. If it 2, when he said we were reconciling people to God, and we have been given the ministry of
is not resolved those people become enemies, reconciliation! It is Jesus’ desire that we reconcile people who have sinned against us, just as He
and the root of bitterness extends and spreads has reconciled us through His own death.
its ugly arms to bring others into the fight. In
fact, the Hebrew word for enmity is related to
the word for enemy. Enmity means mistrust,
separation, or discord. People sin against
others for various reasons. They may be
motivated by self-interests, personal gain,
prejudice, vengeance, pleasures, jealousy, envy,
greed, or power. It may even be that they feel
threatened by something about the other
person. Selfishness is at the core of all of these
things. Anger may even lead people to make
negative personal judgments of others or to

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 77

jump to conclusions about others, and then
carry out hurtful actions against them thinking
they are doing what is right and just. But one
thing to remember is that fighting and quarreling
should not be something that characterizes
God’s people.

Lesson 2 Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Kingdom of Light

Point 2a: Believers are joined Teaching Points:

together in one spiritual family, 1. Believers are to live together with a common love, mind, heart,
making a holy dwelling place for and unity to reflect the changed life and mission God gives them.
God. 2. Believers join together across all worldly and human barriers to
create one holy dwelling place for God.
3. Remember Jesus died for everyone’s sins. He already paid the
4. Therefore, believers are to strive to love and forgive one another,
following Jesus’ example. When we love and forgive others, our
witness to the world is made clear.

People joined together to form the walls *Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer that believers would be one- John 17.
of a church- Pictures the unity God desires
among believers. Because sin and even Scriptures
misunderstandings occur between people, unity *Jesus came to reconcile the two (Jews and Gentiles) into one body, and believers are being built
in the body of Christ takes a lot of person work into a holy dwelling for God- Eph. 2:12-22. *John writes on Christian love and unity- 1 John.
and determination. The believers in the picture *Paul writes on relationships in the body- Rom. 14. *Put on heartfelt compassion, kindness,
have forgiven one another just as God has humility, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a
forgiven them for their sins. In the book of complaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so also you must forgive. Above all,
Ephesians, we find that the unity of believers put on love- the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of the Messiah, to which we were also
together form a holy dwelling for God. Their called in one body, control your hearts- Col. 3:12-15. *Fulfill my joy by thinking the same way,
mindset is to love one another as Jesus loved having the same love, sharing the same feelings, focusing on one goal. Do nothing out of rivalry or
them. He laid down his life for people when conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look
they were still enemies with God. The Old out not only for his own interests but also for the interests of others.- Philip. 2:2-4. *Our Bodies
Testament and the New Testament show how Are The Temple- 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19-20. *God And The Lamb (Jesus) Are The Temple In
this forgiveness is achieved. Heaven- Rev. 21:22.

Point 2b: Under the Old Covenant, Teaching Points:

God provided a temporary means 1. Review Religious Laws from Unit 4, as needed. Remember OT
by which forgiveness and Laws not only pertained to the relationship between God and
restoration could take place people, but they also pertained to people’s relationships in the
between people and God; and community. There were Moral Laws; Civil Laws; and Communal
people to people. Laws. All of these concerned relationships.
2. Under the Old Covenant people were to bring animals as
sacrifices to make amends for breaking God’s Laws.
3. Without blood sacrifice there was no forgiveness of sins.
4. The sacrifice had to be without blemish.
5. The sacrifice removed the cause of the offense and made
forgiveness or redemption (to buy back) a reality.
6. Once a sacrifice had been made the person was restored to a
Altar- Under the Old Covenant animals were right relationship with God.
sacrificed on an altar to atone (cover) the sins 7. In cases where people needed forgiveness for their sins against
of people, and to bring them forgiveness from one another restitution to the offended person also had to be
God. This altar is like the one used by the made.
people of Israel when they brought their
8. The Live Scapegoat sacrifice was a picture of forgiveness. In this
sacrifices to God. Forgiveness always required
a blood sacrifice. They called this process of ceremony people symbolically transferred their sins to the goat by
laying their hands on it and then sending it out to the wilderness

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sacrifice, making atonement or making to die.
amends. When the sin or reason for the
offense was removed by the sacrifice, there
was no longer enmity between God and people. Atonement (to Make Amends)
The giving of a pure life for an impure one Stories and Scriptures
shows the difficulty of what sacrifice is. *Moses Makes Atonement For The People- Exo. 32. *Abigail Makes Amends- 1 Sam. 25:18.
Sacrifice is not cheap. Jesus’ sacrifice for our *Atonement Sacrifices- Lev. 1-17; 26:41-43.
sins was not cheap! Sometimes we have to face
the difficulty ourselves as we must sacrifice our Redemption (to Buy Back) Sacrifice
need for vengeance in order to love as Jesus
Stories and Scriptures
loved. We must trust that God is going to bring *Laws Of Redemption- Lev. 25. *O Israel, Hope In The LORD; For With The LORD There Is
justice to every situation in time and we must
Loving-kindness, And With Him Is Abundant Redemption- Psa. 130:7.
do the right thing. Too often we retaliate and a
cycle of vengeance and hatred begins that
easily spreads to others and gets out of control. Biblical Terms to understand:
It can cause great division in churches. Reconcile - to cleanse or purify; to make a relationship right. NT- to change from enmity to
Forgiveness begins as one or both parties of friendship. In the NT, the word apokatallasso is used in Eph. 2:16, concerning the reconciliation of
people lay down their desire for revenge on the Jews and Gentiles into one body. This particular word for reconcile means to reconcile
altar. completely, so as to remove all levels and types of offense so that unity can fully be achieved.

Redeem- means to buy back, or release by paying a ransom.

Atonement- means to make amends for something wrong or to cover.

Forgive- means to send away, to pardon.

Restore- to give back place, dignity, possessions, or relationship. To mend.

Restitution- to make up for something done wrong, to pay back, to make whole, to

People around a goat - Another type of

sacrifice was called the scapegoat sacrifice.
This was the only live sacrifice in the OT. Scapegoat/forgiveness (to Send Away)
P eople in the community would place their Stories and Scriptures
hands on a live goat, symbolically transferring *Scapegoat Offering To Send Away Sins- Lev. 16:7-10 (Azazel).*Sin Offering Is Outside Of The
their sins to the goat. Then they would send Camp- Ex. 29:10-14; Lev. 4:12-21. *Abraham And Isaac, God Provides A Sacrifice (not
the goat outside of the city gate into the mentioned as a scapegoat, but similar)- Gen. 22.
wilderness to die. This was a picture of
sending people’s sins away. The goat was
called, the scapegoat. Forgiveness is both a
covering of sin and a sending away of sin. The
Old Testament sacrifices help us to visually see
how to forgive others. And this visual, live
sacrifice helped communities come together
again after the divisiveness of sin.
Teaching Points:
Point 2c: Under the New Covenant
– through Jesus’ death and 1. Review: Jesus’ death on the cross was the fulfillment of the OT
resurrection, God provided a sacrificial laws.
permanent means of forgiveness 2. Jesus’ sacrifice was perfect and complete for all time and all
and reconciliation. people who follow Him as Lord and Savior.
This Illustration is a spiritual 3. We are to love and forgive as Jesus, since He paid the price for
picture of the ministry of everyone’s sins.
reconciliation that God has given
to believers in this world. When 4. In this way, we grow in maturity and in our ministries.
Jesus died on the cross and rose
from the dead, He broke down Jesus’ Redemption
the walls that sin had created *Jesus came to give His Life A Ransom For Many- Matt. 20:28. *Zacharias' Prophecy- Luke 1:67-
between God and people. Then 80. *Redemption in Jesus’ death - Rom. 3:22-26. *But when the completion of the time came,
He reconciled us to God. This God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, so that
reconciliation is not only we might receive adoption as sons…- Gal. 4:4-7. *For Christ also suffered once for all, the
vertical—between God and us, but righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring you to God- 1 Pet. 3:18-20. *Jesus Is The

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 79

horizontal—between us and other people. Prince Of Peace- Isa. 9:6. *Accounts Of Jesus' Sacrifice- Matt. 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19.
Because God has forgiven our sins and *Teachings On Jesus' Sacrifice- Heb. 7-10. *For He is our Peace, who made both groups one
restored our relationship to Him we are to be (Jews and Gentiles) and tore down the dividing wall of hostility… so then you are no longer
reconciled to people around us by forgiving foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household. -
them as we have been forgiven by God. This is Eph. 2:14 and following.
a great act of love and sacrifice. It pictures the
very love that Jesus has for us. As we Jesus as the Scapegoat
reconcile people around us we are building *Jesus As The Sin Offering Outside Of The Camp- Luke 23; Matt. 24-27; Mark 15; John 19.
God's Kingdom and not our own. It honors *Jesus Also, That He Might Sanctify The People Through His Own Blood, Suffered Outside The
God when we work toward peace in our world. Gate - Heb. 13:11-13.
[Notes: The continuing pattern or nature of hostility can only fully come to rest in relationship to Jesus Christ. The question is how can this take
place? Forgiveness is a difficult task because of the depth of human sin and our need for justice to be done. God has been very merciful to provide
a means of forgiveness to bring healing and peace to people. So when we are faced with very difficult forgiveness issues, the thing we must know
and accept in our hearts is that Jesus has already paid the price. Just as He died for our own sins, He also died for that person or group of people
who have wronged us. What Jesus urges us to do is to forgive and love as He did. Here are some steps toward healing and reconciliation among
believers . Many people ask, do we forgive someone who has not come to us to ask forgiveness? Holding on to unforgiveness is very hard on
people physically and emotionally. And unforgiveness carries vengefulness, hatred, and anger toward others which can affect entire communities.
Reconciliation (coming together as friends again) may not take place though until a person is repentant. Some people have reached out to those who
have hurt them with the love of God. This act of sacrificial love pleases God. Remember Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners!

Lesson 3 Bringing Completeness to Forgiveness and Reconciliation Among People

Point 3a: Confess your sins to one

another and pray so that you will Teaching Points:
be healed. 1. Jesus says we should go to the one who has wronged us, and to go
to the one who has something against us before we worship.
2. One way to bring healing between people is prayer and
3. We should consistently forgive others when they ask us- 70 X 7.
4. Out of obedience to Jesus, we can learn to forgive freely as He
has freely forgiven us. We need to get rid of our, “you owe me,”
attitudes. Jesus already paid the price.
Man talking- *We are ministers of 5. Church disciplinary procedures should also be based on Jesus’
reconciliation, reconciling people to God and way of reconciliation, restoration, and restitution.
to one another.

*This is a picture of one of the things we need Stories

to do to bring healing to those we have hurt. *Story of Joseph- Gen. 37-50. *Jesus Forgives Those Who Kill Him- Luke 23:34. *Stephen
We need to confess our sins to one another. Forgives Those Who Are Stoning Him, “Do Not Hold This To Their Account”- Acts 7 (v. 60).
The Bible says we should go to anyone who *Paul Forgives like Stephen and Jesus, “Do Not Hold This To Their Account”- 2 Tim. 4:16.
*Jesus Forgives a Prostitute- Luke 7:37-50. *Jesus Commands Us To Love As He Does - John
we have offended and to be reconciled to them.
It is interesting that the strongest word for 15:12. Peter asks how often we should forgive others who keep sinning against us- Matt. 18:21-22.
*The Parable of the unjust steward- Matt. 18:23-35.
reconcile in the Bible is used in Eph. where
Paul is discussing how Jesus broke down
EVERY WALL between people so that they
could be reconciled to one another. Being Scriptures
reconciled to God is the easy part. Being *If you are presenting an offering, and remember your brother has something against you, go be
reconciled to people is very complex and reconciled to your brother first - Matt. 5:23-26. *Therefore, Confess Your Sins To One Another,
difficult at times. And Pray So That You May Be Healed- James 5:16. *Jesus has made peace for things in heaven
and on the earth - Col. 1:20-22. *Be At Peace So Long As It Depends On You- Rom. 12:18. *The
*Jesus said we are to forgive even if someone Suffering Servant- Isaiah 53. *Entrust your heart to God when you suffer as a believer- 1 Pet. 3.
repeatedly comes to us to ask forgiveness. *Blessed are you when people persecute you on account of Jesus- Matt. 5:11-12. *Brethren, Even
If Anyone Is Caught In Any Trespass, You Who Are Spiritual, Restore Such A One In A Spirit
*We are to freely give forgiveness as Jesus Of Gentleness; Each One Looking To Yourself, So That You Too Will Not Be Tempted- Gal.
teaches in the Parable of the Unjust Steward. 6:1.
We have received forgiveness freely from
Jesus, so we must freely give forgiveness to

*We are to pray for each other so that healing

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 80

can take place. Sometimes the healing and
ability to fully forgive takes place over time, as
God heals our hearts. We must take care not
to harbor thoughts, resentment, or rehearse
wrongs in our hearts. We must think in our
minds the sending away of people’s sins
instead. Over time, this will help us to forgive.
Teaching Points:
Point 3b: Restoration 1. Restoration is one of the most important steps to complete for
healing to take place in the body of Christ.
2. Restoration includes one’s dignity, one’s position or place, or
one’s relationship with that person.
3. Restoration is based on loving and forgiving as Jesus has loved
and forgiven us. Always leave an open door in your heart for this to
take place.
Ring - When the Prodigal Son returned to his 4. Restoration is contingent upon true repentance.
home, his father gave him a ring. He also put 5. Maturity is shown by receiving and loving the person who returns
sandals on his feet and gave him a robe. All of to us in repentance as the Gracious Father did in the story of the
these things signified restoration. We need to Prodigal Son.
restore people who have sinned against us, and
who have come back for forgiveness. A
Stories and Scriptures
change of lifestyle or actions is generally
*Psalm of Restoration After Sin- Psa. 107. *Joseph Forgives His Brothers- Gen. 45-50.
needed for restoration to take place…as seen in
*Jacob And Esau Reunite- Gen. 32-33. *The Unjust Steward- Matt. 18:23-35. *The Prodigal
repentance and change of lifestyle in the
Son- Luke 15:11-32. *God Promises Restoration To Exiled Sinners- Deut. 30; Jer. 15:16; 27:22;
Prodigal Son story.
29:14. Paul teaches on restoration- 2 Cor. 2:1-11. *Jesus Restores Peter After Peter Betrays Him-
John 21:15-25. *A Psalm Of Restoration- Psa. 126. *Loving As Jesus Did Is Laying Down Our
Restore- to give back place, dignity, Lives For One Another- John 15:13; 1 John 3:16. *Be Like-minded, Live In Peace; And The God
possessions, or relationship. To mend. The Of Love And Peace Will Be With You- 2 Cor.13:11.
tendency of the world is to never restore.

*All suffering can be redemptive. Sometimes,

we suffer for the sins of others. Sometimes we
suffer for our own mistakes. Both of these
types of suffering can be redemptive. Learning
from our mistakes is redemptive. And giving
people time to learn from their mistakes is also
redemptive. We should always leave an open
door for people to return. Our love is perfected
as we forgive and love others out of our
obedience to Christ. In all of these things we
learn to be more like Jesus.

Point 3c: Restitution Teaching Points:

1. Restitution is the act of making amends for the wrongs committed
against someone else.
2. In the Old Testament, restitution to the person wronged was
made during the atonement sacrifice before God. The guilty
person brought both a sacrifice, and the item stolen plus one fifth
of its value to give to the wronged person. The fact that a
Money- In the story of Zacheaus, Jesus
comes to Zacheaus’ house. Zacheaus believes
sacrifice to God had to be given at the same time shows that
in Jesus, and wants to give back money to the sinning against others is also sinning against God.
people he has wronged. We call this making 3. God showed us in the giving of the restitution laws that making
restitution. amends for wrong doing is something we need to do.

Restitution- to make up for something done Stories

wrong, to pay back. To make whole, to *The Story of Zacheus- Luke 19. *Paul Gives John Mark Another Chance In Ministry- Acts
recompense. 15:37-39; 2 Tim. 4:11. Old Testament Laws of restitution- Ex. 21:34; and Ex. 22.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 81

Lesson 4 The Ministry of Reconciliation and the Great Commission

Point 4: We are given the Ministry

of Reconciliation to share with the Teaching Points:
world. 1. God has given us the Ministry of Reconciliation.
2. In order to be the most effective in this ministry, we must live out
this ministry in our personal relationships.
3. When we live a reconciled life to God and each other, it
authenticates our witness to the world.

Believers walking out into the world- *Jesus Breaks Down Every Wall Of Separation Between People And God, He is Our Peace- Ep h.
Picture of people living out the Ministry of 2:14-22. *By This All Men Will Know That You Are My Disciples, If You Have Love For One
Reconciliation to the world. Jesus gave us the Another- John 13:35. * Great Multitude From Every Nation, Tribes, Peoples, Tongues, Standing
Great Commission just before He ascended Before The Throne And Before The Lamb- Rev. 7:9-10. *God reconciled us to Himself, gave us
into Heaven. He told us to go into all the world the Ministry of Reconciliation, we are His ambassadors- - 2 Cor. 5:18-21. *We were reconciled
and make disciples, teaching them everything while we were enemies, how much more we shall be saved by His life -Rom. 5:10-11.
He taught them. But the Gospel is not only
words, it is action. Jesus told us to love others
as He has loved us. We are to forgive and
reconcile, to restore and heal relationships just
as has done for us. The Gospel can be
hindered by not living a reconciled life to
others, just as our worship is hindered when
there is no reconciliation between people in the
body of Christ.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 82

Unit 8 Illustration: How To Identify False Religions

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Simplified Drawing for Unit 8

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 84

Unit 8 How to Identify False Religion

General Description of the Picture:

Illustration 8 is a visual guide to help us discern false religions. False
religions are born when people reject God’s General Revelation of
Himself through creation (Romans 1; illustrated in the column on the
left); or when people reject His Special Revelation (teachings in the
Bible; illustrated in the column on the right) revealed through the Bible,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

There are different kinds of false religions:

1. There are those who have created their own whole system of gods
to worship and fear. Religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Baha’i
Faith, and animistic religions are some examples.
2. There are groups that add another set of teachings and another book
they consider more authoritative to the Bible. These other books do not
accurately support the teachings in the Bible. Examples include: Islam
(the Koran) and Mormonism (the Book of Mormon, and others).
3. There are groups which appear to be followers of Jesus, but who
have added either their own teachings or strange interpretations to the
Bible. They may also have their own literature. Examples include:
Jehovah Witnesses; and self-proclaimed prophets.
4. Syncretistic groups, who mix together elements or rituals from their own trad itional religions to the Bible. This tends
to occur between animistic religions and major established religions such as Islam and Followers of Jesus.
5. Those who teach that all religions point to the same god.
6. There are those who do not believe in any god (Atheists and Agnostics).

Description of this illustration The column on the left shows the progression of a society which has turned to false
gods by rejecting God’s General Revelation through creation. The column on the right contains general false teachings
as a result of rejecting or not knowing God’s Special Revelation given through the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus
(See Unit 3). Learning these general characteristics of false religions will help people know and identify false religions
from all sources.

Sometimes the spread of false religions discourage followers of Jesus when they look at all of the wealth funding some
of these other religious efforts in the community. But keep in mind Satan’s temptation of Jesus. When Satan tempted
Jesus in the wilderness, he took Jesus to a high mountain and showed him all of the kingdoms of the world. He told
Jesus if he would bow down and worship him all of these kingdoms would be his. From the story in Matt. 4, we know
that Jesus did not bow down to Satan. Jesus’ kingdom was to enter a different way, not one supplied by the riches of
wealth from the world and not one that drew the great multitudes. The world is often drawn by outward signs and
wealth. If we are not careful the church may also be driven to think success lies in the building of big buildings, when
the real building of the church is discipleship and the Gospel witness.

False religions do attract people. Jesus said, “Where the carcass lies, the vultures gather,” when he was speaking of the
lure of false prophets. The Bible says also that even the people of God may be tempted to be led astray by the trickery
of false religions. So we must teach the truth, and reach out to others with what God provides to us. One of the best
things the church abroad can do is to be sure it is discipling every member of the church, including men, women, and
children. Use this guide to teach others to identify false religions in your area.

Approaches to Teaching this Unit:

1. Simple overview approach. Teach the information presented in the general overview above, while drawing the
pictures. Consider the types of false religions in your country to add into this study.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 85

2. Topical Approach. Take each of the major sections of this study and teach them separately over time. Use the
Scripture references and stories included in the study guide. You may want to start with some of the dominant false
religions of your country. As you teach each of the boxes in the study, apply Biblical responses to the false
3. Detail Approach. The more in-depth approach. Study the scope of Scriptures from each individual picture and
4. Evangelistic Approach. It is always good to start with God’s revelation through creation since it applies to all
people everywhere. And then read Romans 1:18 and following, discussing the first column’s teachings on the left
side of the picture.
5. Mature Believer Approach. It is important to teach these components of false religions to help strengthen the
faith of believers and to help them discern the difference between what is false and what is true.

Unit 8 Objectives:
1. To teach believers to recognize the characteristics and teachings of false religion.
2. To recognize how idol worship is destructive.
3. To build a firm foundation of Biblical teachings so that believers do not fall away from the faith.
4. To provide a teaching tool for leaders, parents, and kids to teach each other as they memorize the pictures and
Scripture teachings included in this unit.

Related Units
Unit 1 and 2: God has revealed Himself through nature. Satan works in the world to cause people to worship and serve Him. He
introduces false teachings, rituals, and wants people to live in fear of the spirits.
Unit 3: God has revealed specific teachings about Himself through the Word, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Unit 4: We cannot worship or serve any gods beside the one true God.
Unit 8: False Religions twist the teachings concerning Jesus and His deity.
Unit 5: People in the Kingdom of Darkness are caught up in tribalism, violence, immorality, serving their own pleasures.
Unit 9: Successful Spiritual Warfare depends upon the spiritual growth of the believer.
Unit 10: Customs and traditions of any country need to be tested against the Word of God.
Unit 12: Anti-Christs and those who follow them will be thrown into the Lake of Fire at the end of time.

Lesson 1 Characteristics of Those Who Reject God’s General Revelation

Pictures and Description Teaching Points, Bible Stories, and Scriptures

Teaching Points:
Point 1: People turn to false 1. False religions begin when people reject God’s general revelation and
religion because they reject make idols for themselves.
God’s general revelation of 2. God reveals His existence through the good He brings to our lives and
Himself through creation. the joy He puts in our hearts (Acts 14:15-17).
3. God reveals His glory through the heavens (Psa. 19:1-6).
4. God reveals His righteousness and justice through creation (Psa.
5. God reveals His care for creation through the seasons of the year
(Psa. 104).
6. Romans 1:18-21 says, “For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 86

godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth,
Line through people and the since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to
world- False religions begin with a them. From the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and
rejection of God’s general revelation to divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what He has made. As a
people in their hearts, and in the world. result, people are without excuse.”

*God reveals Himself through nature- Rom. 1:18-21; God reveals His existence through good and joy-
Acts 14:15-17; God reveals His glory through the heavens- Psa. 19:1-6; God reveals His righteous and
justice through nature- Psa. 36:6; God reveals His care through the seasons of the year- Psa. 104.
*God’s law in written in the heart- Rom. 7:22.

Left column- Sequence of

Consequences from rejecting God’s
general revelation, based on Romans 1.

Point 1a: When people reject Teaching Points:

God’s revelation through His 1. When people reject God’s general revelation, they make gods of their
creation, they make their own own.
gods. 2. The gods they make resemble something from God’s creation rather
than God Himself. Examples include: animals, people, insects, trees,
spiritual beings, or a combination of these things.
3. Romans 1:22-23 says, “Claiming to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the
glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man, birds, four-footed animals, an
4. Some forms of idol worship are more subtle. Examples may include
movie stars, singers or musical bands, materialism, relationships, rulers
Box 2: idols- Some resemble or authority figures.
people, some demonic creatures, 5. Witchcraft is part of idol worship. God has forbidden believers to
some animals or other created imitate or practice witchcraft of any kind.
things – if people reject what God has 6. Idolaters seek after what they will eat, wear, and drink. But believers
revealed about Himself in creation, they in Jesus seek first God’s kingship and righteousness. They trust God to
turn to idols of their own making. The provide these things. God takes are of us (Matt. 6:25-34).
worship of idols also leads to witchcraft. 7. God has established festivals celebrating His work in the world. The
People often place fetishes (a plant, Sun And Moon Were Created As Signs For Festivals And Days And
statue, or some object said to ward off
evil spirits) in or around their homes to
Years- Gen. 1:14.
protect them from evil spirits and the 8. But people create festivals and rituals as part of their idol worship.
spells of others. Charms are objects 9. See Additional Biblical Teachings on witchcraft at the end of this Unit.
worn around the neck or wrist as a
means of protection from the spirits. Stories
None of these practices are pleasing to *Rules Concerning Idols and Entering the Promised Land- Exodus 34:11-17. *God Punishes Israel For
God. Faith is diverted from God to an Idolatry- Deut. 32. *King Ahaz went to the gods of other nations because of their military success. But
object. they became the downfall of him and all Israel- 2 Chr. 28:23. *The People Reject God As Their King,
Just As They Go After Idols- 1 Sam. 8 (v.8). *Israel taken into exile because of their idol worship; Israel
Forbidden practices associated with tries to serve both God and idols- 2 Kings 17. *Idols were a snare to Gideon even after his great defeat
the worship of foreign gods: of the Midianites- Judges 8: 26-27 (see Judges 6-8 for the story). *Dagon's statue overturns in the
Witchcraft- the practice of consulting presence of the Ark of the Covenant-1 Sam. 5:3-5. *Nebuchadnezzar Sets Himself Up As God (ruler
spirits, and manipulating spirits through worship)- Dan. 6. *King Manasseh turns against the Lord, sacrifices to idols- 2 Chr. 33:15.*God is Lord
the use of sacrifices, herbal mixtures, or of Mountains and Valleys- 1 Kings 20 (v.28). *Paul and Barnabas Mistaken for Zeus and Hermes- Acts
by ingesting drugs, and by reciting 14:8-24 (vs.15-18). *King Jehoshaphat Takes Pride in the Ways of the Lord, Does Away with idols and
incantations. Also includes the belief of high places- 2 Chr. 17. *King Solomon Builds a Temple for the Name of the Lord, but not for an image
power in symbols and objects. that represents Him- 2 Chr. 6:5,6,7,10. *King Josiah Did Away With Idol Worship- 2 Kings 22-23. *Paul
Divination- the practice of consulting Recognizes the spirituality of those who worship idols, but He preaches about the one True God- Acts
spirits, witchdoctors, or sorcerers to 17:14-34. *Idol Worship Accompanied By Witchcraft- 2 Kings 21; Nahum 3:1-19. *God's Command
gain information about the present or the Concerning Witchcraft- Deut. 18:9-18; Exo. 22:18. Continued below
future. Divination includes observing
objects, innards of humans or animals,
or natural disasters or events to
determine a course of action or to gain
information. Types include: Astrology-
belief that the movement of the planets

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 87

and stars affect our lives here on the
earth. Necromancy- consulting the dead
through a medium; Haruspicy- the study
of entrails of animals, livers as a means
of divination; Omens- earthquakes,
heavenly phnomena, storms, etc. which
are said to be a sign of something
coming. Pyromancy- the observance of
fire; Hydromancy- divination by water;
Cleromancy- casting of lots or rocks.
Continuing Scriptural Study for idolatry

Feasts And Rituals Represent False Religion: *Idolaters Those Who Sat To Eat, Drink, Play- 1 Cor. 10:7; Compare with Exo. 32:5-6.
*Aaron sins against God by proclaiming a feast for Golden Calf- Ex. 32. *Israel sins against God by joining in sexual immorality and sacrifices to the
gods of Moab- Num. 25:1-9. *King Jeroboam Sins against God by beginning a Feast for the Two Gold Calves He Sets Up To Worship-1 Kings

*Do Not Imitate The Practices Of The Nations- Exo. 34:11-17.*Idol Worship Is A Snare Or Trap- Deut. 7:16, 25-26. *God shows the seriousness
of idol worship and the worship of the stars, sun, and moon- Deut. 17:2-3. *Customs of the People are Delusion, Idols the Work of a Craftsman,
Must Be Carried Because They Cannot Walk; Foolish People Make Idols, God is the True God- Jer. 10:3-10; 12-15; 51:17-19; Isa. 44:10-20; Hos.
13:2. *False gods Will Perish From The Earth- Jer. 10:11, 15. *Idols, cannot answer our prayers - Isa. 46:5-11. *All Gods Will Bow To The Lord-
P sa. 97:7. *Worshiping the works of your own hands is foolish, But the LORD is in His holy temple; let everyone on earth be silent in His presence-
Hab. 2:18-20. *Those Who Make Idols Will Be Like Them- Psa. 115: 4-8. *Sorrow Will Increase For Those Who Go To Other Gods- Psa. 16:4.
*Provokes God- Jer. 11:17; 32:29. *Sinful people say they are going to continue on after the customs of their ancestors, kings, government officials,
etc- Jer. 44 (see also 2 Kings 17:40-41; and Rev. 8:20-21). *Witchcraft/Sorcery, Idolatry Is A Deed Of The Flesh- Gal. 5:20. *Do not worry about
your life…what you will eat, or what you will wear…for the idolaters seek these things. Your heavenly father knows you need these things. Seek His
kingdom and righteousness first- Matt. 6:25-34.

Instructions for believers concerning pagan festivals:

*God is the One who established festivals (but they must be honoring to Him), The Sun And Moon Were Created As Signs For Festivals And Days
And Years- Gen. 1:14. *Peter Exhorts Christians Not To Participate in idol worship, but to expect to be slandered by those who do- 1 Pet. 4:3-5.
*Israel Begins Own Feasts Based On What God Has Done In History- Deut. 6:10-25; Exo 12; 13:1-22; Matt. 26:17-30; 1 Cor. 11:23-34. *Paul
Addresses the Issue For Believers- 1 Cor. 8-10. *God judges the Church at Pergamum for sexual immorality and eating meat sacrificed to idols-
Rev. 2:14. *God judges the Church at Thyatira for sexual immorality and eating meat sacrificed to idols - Rev. 2:20. Two Notable Celebrations
Which Honored God: *King Hezekiah and the Passover Celebration- 2 Chr. 30. *King Josiah and the Passover Celebration- 2 Kings 23; 2 Chr.

Important Additional Biblical Teachings on Witchcraft:

Bible Stories which show Witchcraft is not for Christians to use.

Simon the Magician wanted to buy these powers, but he was called an enemy of righteousness- Acts 8:9-24. People of Ephesus burned their magic
books- Acts 19:11-20. Spirit of divination casted out a of girl- Acts 16:16-24. Paul rebukes Bar-Jesus a magician- Acts 13:6-12. In the OT, a witch
or sorcerer was to be put to death- Ex. 22:18.

Bible stories which show that God's power is greater than that of the spirits.
God can cause the power of shamans to fail- Isa. 44:24-28. *God will bring judgment and sorceries and spells cannot thwart it- Isa. 47:9. Gideon
Tears Down Baal Altar- Judges 6:25-32. Joseph's ability to interpret dreams- Gen 41:8-36. The story of Moses and the court magicians - Ex. 9:11
(See all of the plagues: Ex. 7:14-11. The Plagues were Against Egypt's gods-Ex. 12:12; Num. 33:4. Daniel's ability to tell and interpret dreams was
ten times better than that of the court magicians- Dan. 1:20; 2. Jesus casts out demons- Luke 11:15-23. King Ahaz moves from god to god thinking
they will help him- 2 Chr. 28:9-27. Simon the Magician Thinks He Can Buy the Power of the Holy Spirit- Acts 8:9-25. Barnabas and Paul Confront a
Jewish False Prophet- Acts 13:6ff.

How is witchcraft characterized in the Bible?

Witchcraft is as the sin of rebellion. 1 Sam. 15:23. It is coupled with idolatry, and prostitution. 2 Chr. 33:6; 2 Kings 9:22. It is a work of the flesh.
Gal. 5:20. Those who practice it will be thrown into the lake of fire. Rev. 21:8.

What power do we have over spirits?

Jesus came to break the power of Satan. 1 John 3:8. Jesus died to disarm powers. Colossians 2:15. Jesus is seated above all powers. Ephesians 1:20
He has seated us with Him and gives us p ower through Him. Ephesians 2:6. We must not directly address demons. Jude 9-10; 2 Pet. 2:9-22. But call
on Jesus to bind them and cast them out.

Teaching Points:

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 88

Point 1b: God gives them over 1. God gives idol worshippers over to sexual immorality so that their
to sexual immorality so that bodies are dishonored among them.
2. Romans 1:24-32 says, “Therefore God delivered them over in the cravings of their
hearts to sexual impurity, so that their bodies were degraded among themselves. They
exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served something created instead of
the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. ..For even their females exchanged natural sexual
intercourse for what is unnatural. The males in the same way also left natural sexual
intercourse with females and were inflamed in their lust for one another. Males committed
their bodies are dishonored. shameless acts with males and received in their own persons the appropriate penalty for their
3. Idolatry is linked to spiritual adultery, and all forms of sexual
Box 3: Woman on bed, with man Stories
*Sodom and Gomorrah- Gen. 18-19:29. *Judah and The Temple Prostitute- Gen. 38. *Elijah and the
leaning over her/extra marital Contest With Baal (god of fertility)- 1 Kings 18:20-46. *Immorality denounced by Ezekiel- Eze. 22:9-11.
relations - God then gives them over to *Israelites Joined Themselves to Baal of Peor-Num. 25:1-9. *Idolatry Characterized as Harlotry With
sexual immorality so that their bodies are Nations- Eze. 16; 23; Isa. 57. *All of the gifts, beauty, gold, clothing, incense, bread, etc that God gave
dishonored among them. to Israel, they used for the worship of foreign gods- Eze. 16. *The People Continually Play the Harlot-
Hosea 4. *Judah “casts” God behind their backs to follow idols; Male Prostitutes in Judah- 1 Kings 14
(see vs 9 and 22-24). *Asa Removes Male Prostitutes and Idols From the Land- 1 Kings 15:8-24. *The
Prophet Ezekiel Speaks Against Licentiousness- Eze. 23. *The Great Harlot of Revelations- Rev. 17.
*Incest in Corinthian Church- 1 Cor 5:1. *Do not associate with any Christian brother who is an idolater-
1 Cor. 5:10-13. *Father and Son to the Same Girl- Amos 2:7. *Idol Worship Is Spiritual Adultery With
Stone And Wood-Jer 3:9; Jer 5:7-8. *God Gave Them Over To Lusts- Rom. 1:24-32. *List Of Sexual
Sins With Idolatry-1 Cor.6:9. *Homosexuality And Sex With Animals Is Abomination To God- Lev.
18:22-24. *Sexual Immorality With Neighbor's Wife, Daughter-in-law, Sister, all linked with idolatry-
Ezekiel 22:9-11. *What Happens To All The False Gods In The End- Jer. 10:10-15.
*Other related Scriptures- Ex. 32:6, 25 (compare with 1 Cor. 10:7-11); Num. 25:1-3; 1 Kings 14:24;
15:12; Amos 2:8.

Teaching Points:
Point 1c: Then God gives 1. God gives idolaters over to a depraved mind to do all sorts of evil.
them over to a depraved mind 2. Romans 1:28-32 says, “And because they did not think it worthwhile to have God in
to do all sorts of evil. their knowledge, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally wrong.
They are filled with all unrighteousness, evil, greed, and wickedness. They are full of envy,
murder, disputes, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, arrogant,
proud, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy,
unloving, and unmerciful. Although they know full well God’s just sentence-that those who
practice such things deserve to die-t hey not only do the, but even applaud others who
practice them.”
Box 4: Killing; abusing women or
people; slander; or addictions such Stories and Scriptures under various topics
as drinking; sex, or drugs- Then *Scriptures listing numerous depravities along with witchcraft, exhortations for believers to put on
God gives them over to a depraved mind Christ's likeness: Eph. 2:2; Col. 3:5-6; 1 Pet. 4:1-3; Eph. 4:17-32; Gal. 5:19-22; Col. 2:6-8.
to do all sorts of evil. Witchcraft:*Israel's King Manasseh Involved in Witchcraft-2 Kings 21:1-18 (v.6). *The Israelites
secretly practice abominations- participates in Witchcraft- 2 Kings 17 (v.9). *God Condemns Nineveh
for Witchcraft- Nahum 3:1-19 (v.4). *King Saul Disobeys: Rebellion is Like the sin of Divination- 1 Sam.
15:1-23 (v.23). *Those Who Practice the Magical Arts are Thrown Into Lake of Fire- Rev. 21:8.
Drunkenness: *Drunk of Wine of Harlotries- Rev. 17; 18:3; Jer. 51:7. *Aaron Declares a Feast for the
Golden Calf- Ex. 32. *Drinking And Handwriting on Wall- Dan. 5. *Wine Is A Mocker- Prov. 20:1.
*Description Of Drunkard- Prov. 23:29-35. Murder: *Ahab and Jezebel plot to kill Naboth- 1 Kings
21. *Pharaoh- Ex. 1. *The Levite and the Concubine- Judges 19. *Witchcraft/Sorcery, Idolatry Is A
Deed Of The Flesh- Gal. 5:20. : *Molech- Lev. 18:21. *People Among You Who Slander, or Accept
Bribes To Shed Blood- Eze. 22:9, 13. *Murder Of Innocent, Valley Of Slaughter- Jer. 19:4ff. *The
Righteous Perish To Be Taken Away From Evil- Isa. 57. Works of the flesh- Gal. 5:19-22. *Love of
money is the root of all evil- 1 Tim. 6:10.

Point 1d: As a result, people Teaching Points:

tend to believe good works in 1. As a result of the destructiveness in society, people tend to believe
the community will help them good works will help them in the afterlife. (Note this does not follow the
in the afterlife. regression of society listed in Romans 1, but is a common characteristic of
pagan beliefs.)

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 89

2. Many false religions have a works based salvation.
3. This particular box is also to be taught along with the next column
concerning Special revelation, since it has to do with specific teachings
on salvation.

Box 5: One family caring for Stories and Scriptures

another in the community- People *Abraham, Righteousness Comes Through Faith- Gen. 15; Gal. 3:6-29; Rom. 4:3-*We Cannot Earn Our
see the bad things happening in their Way To Heaven- Eph. 2:8-9. *Everyone Has Sinned- Rom. 3:23. *Salvation Is The Free Gift Of God
world so they think if they can do good Through Jesus- Rom. 6:23. *If Salvation And Righteousness Could Be Earned Thru The Law, Christ
in their community they will have a good Died Needlessly- Gal.2:16-21. *Our righteousness is as filthy rags- Isa. 63:6.25; James 2:23-26.
afterlife. They do not realize that sin has
separated them from a Holy God’s Note: most false religions have teachings concerning good works and the attainment of good in the
presence. Good works do not erase sin. afterlife, or even the attainment of godhood by their good deeds.

Point 1e: False religions may Teaching Points:

have eclectic or syncretistic 1. False religions may have eclectic or syncretistic elements of other
elements of other religions religions mixed in (even with those who follow Jesus!).
mixed in (even with those who 2. False religions tend to have even self-contradictory teachings.
follow Jesus).
*Israelites Practice Idolatry In Egypt in-spite of their knowledge of God, God Decides to Deliver them
out of slavery anyway to show who He is- Ez. 20:6-10. *Israel doubts God and Moses, and they make A
Golden Calf- Ex. 32. *Foreign kings hold unto their own gods and try to serve Israel’s God at the same
time while they are in Samaria; the people follow this example and in so doing, disobey God- 2 Kings
17:27-41. *Jacob Gets Rid Of Foreign Gods - Gen. 35. *Stephen's Defense, Israel worshipped idols in
Box 6: An idol representing false the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt - Acts 7:41-43. *Foreign Wives Lead Solomon Astray- 1
Kings 11:1-11. *Joshua's tells the people to put away the gods they have served in the past, even the
religion, a Bible representing the
ones their ancestors worshipped long ago. Now he charges them to serve the One True God who lead
Christian faith (but may represent them out of slavery- Joshua 24:14-29. *Ezekiel's Trip To The Temple Full Of Idolatry- Eze. 8-9. *People
any belief added to it)- People tend have idols set up in their hearts- Eze. 14. *Hosea Takes A Harlot Wife as a picture of Israel’s idolatry-
to mix their folk traditions and beliefs Hosea.
with other religions. But, Paul praised the
Thessalonians for turning away from
idols to serve the living and true God.
*Idolatry Is A Label For All That Is Anti-Christian- Col 3:5-7. *Guard yourselves from idols- 1 John
Examples include: the Catholic church-
worship of saints, use of shrines, rituals 5:21. *Believers Turn From Idols To God- 1 Thess. 1:9. *Believers burn their magic books- Acts 19:19.
*Churches in the book of Revelations are judged for idolatry practices- Rev. 2:12-29. *Do Not Add Or
not contained in the Bible for casting out
Take Away From God's Commands- Deut. 12:32.
demons; and Protestant churches who
use herbal formulas with incantations
(like a Psalm) to try to manipulate God
to answer their prayers, who use the
Bible as a magical book; those who still
seek witchdoctors advice and help with
illnesses or spirits; who still practice
pagan rituals for burial or birth rites.

Lesson 2 Characteristics of Those Who Reject God’s Special Revelation

Point 2: This column pictures Teaching Points:

characteristics of those who 1. This column presents the general beliefs of those who reject God’s
reject God’s Special Special Revelation through the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and through
Revelation (through the Bible, Jesus (including the last two boxes in the left column).
the Holy Spirit, and Jesus). 2. These false teachings stem from the twisting of major Biblical
doctrines such as: the deity of Christ, Jesus as the only way to
salvation; salvation by grace- through faith; how revelation is given-the
Bible, Jesus, Holy Spirit; and the Bible as the only source of ultimate

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 90

Right column: Bible, Holy Spirit,
and Jesus, all with line through
them- False religions reject special
revelation given through the Bible, the
Holy Spirit; and Jesus. Special
revelations are teachings found in the

Point 2a: Anti-Christs arise all Teaching Points:

through time teaching Jesus is 1. Jesus says false teachers are like wolves in sheep’s clothing. We will
not the Christ and other false know them by their fruit.
teachings. 2. Anti-Christs arise all through time teaching Jesus is not the Christ and
other false teachings.
3. In the last days one major anti-Christ will appear to deceive the whole
4. The one who denies Jesus is a liar and an anti-Christ.
5. If anyone appears claiming to be Jesus do not believe them. Jesus will
be returning to earth in the clouds for all to see.
Box 2: Black sheep- False religions
are largely the work of anti-Christs, false Scriptures
teachers, and false prophets. There are *False teachers are wolves in sheep’s clothing- Matt. 7:15-16. *Men will not put up with sound doctrine.
many anti-Christs since the beginning of Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what
time. The one big sheep in the picture is their itching ears want to hear- 2 Tim. 4:2-3. *People Will Come Even From Within The Church To
the main anti-Christ about whom Paul Draw Disciples After Themselves- Acts 20:28-31; Gal. 2:4. *Jesus Tells of Antichrists and False
and other NT writers warn us. Jesus also Prophets: "Then If Anyone Says To You, 'Behold, Here Is The Christ,' Or 'There He Is,' Do Not
warned of false teachers and false Believe Him. "For False Chrisms And False Prophets Will Arise And Will Show Great Signs And
prophets. He said you would know Wonders, So As To Mislead, If Possible, Even The Elect. "Behold, I Have Told You In Advance. "So
them by their fruits, and referred to them If They Say To You, 'Behold, He Is In The Wilderness,' Do Not Go Out, Or, 'Behold, He Is In The
as wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matt. Inner Rooms,' Do Not Believe Them. "For Just As The Lightning Comes From The East And Flashes
7:15-16). He spoke of how easily they Even To The West, So Will The Coming Of The Son Of Man Be- Matt. 24:1-27; Mark 13; Luke 21.
gain followers when he said, “Where the *Simon The Magician, The Great Power Of God-Acts 8:5-12. *Prince Of Tyre Sets Himself Up As
carcass lies, the vultures gather.” God- Eze. 28. *There Will Be False Prophets Among You- 2 Pet. 2:1-3. *One Who Denies Jesus Is a
Liar and Antichrist- 1 John 2:19-23; 1 John 4:2-6. *Many deceivers have gone out in the world- 2 John
1:7-10. *The Antichrist- 2 Thess. 2:3-11. *Antichrist Will Be Thrown Into Lake of Fire- Rev. 19-20.
*For characteristics of false teachers- 1 Tim. 6:5-10 (Compare with 1 Cor. 4:11-13; matt. 6:24: Matt.
19:23-24); Philp. 3:17-19.

Point 2b: Some false religions Teaching Points:

are begun and sustained by 1. False religions and false teachings or strange religious rituals may be
demonic appearances and introduced to individuals by demons appearing to people (maybe in
teachings of demons. their dreams).
2. Demons may appear as angels of light to deceive people into believing
and practicing false religions.
3. Test the teachings of the spirits, to see if the are of God.

*Demons Teach False Doctrines- 1 Tim. 4:1. *A spirit appears to Eliphaz in his sleep, gives wrong
information for Job- Job 4:12-21. *If An Angel Preaches a Different Gospel, Let Him Be Accursed- Gal.
Box 3 Angel of “light” appearing 1:6-12; 2 Cor. 11:1-4. *Test The Spirits To Know If They Are From God; One That Confess Jesus Has
to a man- False religions, teachings, or Come is From God; The One Not Confessing Jesus, Is Not From God- 1 John 4:1-6. *Satan often
rituals may be revealed to people through disguises himself as an angel of light- 2 Cor. 11:14. False teachers- 2 Tim. 4:3-4; Loved darkness, not the
“angels of light.” These demons appear truth- 2 Thess. 2:9-12.
to people and teach them false teachings

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 91

so that people will serve and fear them
instead of God. Examples include:
Mohammed- Islam; Joseph Smith-
Mormons, and many tribal religions.

Point 2c: False religions Teaching Points:

center around one of the 1. False religions center around one of the following teachings
following teachings concerning deity: the rejection of the deity of Christ; the belief in the
concerning deity: the godhood of man; no belief in God at all; or the belief in many gods.

Stories and Scriptures

*Nebuchadnezzar Sets Himself Up as God- Dan. 6. *Peter's Defense, Jesus is the Only Way- Acts 4:1-
12. *Jesus is on trial for blasphemy- Matt. 26-27; Luke 22-23. *Stephen's Trial, Pharisees reject the
Truth- Acts 7. *Jesus Returns- Rev. 19:13-21. *Jesus Is The Way, Truth, and Life- John 14:6. *Jesus is
rejection of the deity of the Only Way To God- Acts 4:12. *Do Not Blaspheme the Spirit- Matt. 12:31-32. *Paul Addresses The
People of Colossae about following people who hold to the traditions of men or self-made religion- Col.
Christ; the belief in the
2:20-23. *The one who does not confess the coming of Jesus in the flesh is the anti-Christ- 2 John 7-11.
godhood of man; no belief
in God at all; or the belief
in many gods. Other distortions of the nature of Jesus:
-those who deny the divine nature of Jesus.
-those who deny the humanity of Jesus.
Box 4: Man on throne, line -those who divide his person into two separate persons.
through circle with Jesus in -those who say his nature switches back and forth.
middle - False teaching that Jesus was
not God or that people can become
gods. Along with this perversion of
belief may be the belief in many gods, or
the belief there is no God. Eastern
religions may teach that man can
reach godhood by meditation, and
good deeds.

Point 2d: False religions may Teaching Points:

use the Bible plus another 1. False religions may use the Bible plus another “inspired” book.
inspired book.”
*Salvation Only Through Jesus- Acts 4:12. *Do Not Add To His Words Or He Will Reprove You, And
You Will Be Proved A Liar- Prov. 30:6. *You Shall Not Add To The Word Which I Am Commanding
You, Nor Take Away From It, That You May Keep The Commandments Of The LORD Your God
Which I Command You- Deut. 4:2. *If Anyone Adds To or takes away from the Book Of Revelation,
God Will Remove him from partaking of the tree of life in Heaven- Rev. 22: 18-19. *Do Not Adulterate
the Word of God- 2 Cor. 4:1-7. *…Like Newborn infants, desire the unadulterated spiritual milk, so that
you may grow by it in your salvation- 1 Pet. 2:1-3. Handle Accurately the Word of God- 2 Tim. 2:15. *If
anyone does not remain in the teaching about Christ, but goes beyond it, they do not have God. The one
Box 5: The Bible plus another who remains in that teaching, this one has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does
not bring this teaching, do not allow him in your house- 2 John 7-11.
book- Many false religions use the Bible
plus another holy book. All groups
Notes: Do Not Adulterate the Word of God- 2 Cor. 4:1-7.
teaching about Jesus may not truly be
Adulterate means to mix with something else. In Scripture, idolatry is considered spiritual adultery
Bible based or authentic. You must test
their teachings with the whole of God’s against God. The command here in 2 Cor. Is not to commit adultery against God’s Truth by mixing
God’s Word with pagan religions or philosophical thought.
Word. Paul even said that false disciples
come into our churches to pull people
away from the Truth. Examples include:
Islam, Jehovah Witnesses, and **See also Unit 3, 9, and 10 on the Word of God.
Point 2e: False religions may
teach there are many paths to Teaching Points:
God. 1. False religions may teach there are many paths to God.

Stories and Scriptures

*The Religious People of Athens- Acts 17:15-34. *Way That Seems Right, But End Is Death- Prov.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 92

14:12. *Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through
Him- John 14:6. *There is no other name under heaven by which someone can be saved other than
Jesus- Acts 4:12. *Teachings in John 10 on Jesus as the door of the sheep- John 10.

Box 6: Throne with many paths-

Some false religions teach there are many
paths to the same God. Examples
include: Baha’i Faith or Hinduism.

Additional Teachings
The Pitfalls of the Prosperity Gospel.
The Prosperity Gospel movement began after World War II and made popular by Oral Roberts in the 1950’s. The
movement is based on Mal. 3:10; Deut. 8:18; John 10:10; and 3 John 2:4. Prosperity Theology teaches that God
provides material gains to those He favors. The Positive Confession of Faith movement is similar as is the sowing
“seeds of faith” in tithes and offerings, and then expecting God to pour out a return. Other popular aspects of this
movement are the Power of Positive Thinking teachings, and the Name it, Claim it teachings.

However, consider also the following Scriptures from the whole of the Bible:
1 Tim. 6:5-10; 1 Cor. 4:11-13; 2 Pet. 2:1-3; Matt. 6:24; Matt. 19:23-24; and Philip. 3:17-19.

Here are some of the teachers who are part of this movement:
Charles Capps -
The tongue can kill or release.
Faith is a seed planted by speaking.

Osteen and Hagin-

Say it- positive or negative.
Do it- according to your action, you receive.
Receive it- plug into the storehouse of heaven. Faith is the plug.
Tell others so they will believe.

Kenneth Copeland-
See or visualize
Stake your Scriptural claim
Speak it into existence

Cho- the Law of Incubation

Have a clear goal
Set a mental picture of it

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 93

Incubate it into existence
Speak it into existence

Additional Teachings:
The percentages of religions in the world (approximate).
Use the information below to show the people in your chu rch the approximate percentages of followers of these major
world religions.
Christianity- 33%
Islam 21%
Non-Religious 16%
Hindu- 14%
Tribal 6%
Chinese Traditional 6%
Sikhism less than 1%
Judaism less than 1%

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 94

Unit 9 Illustration:
Personal Spiritual Growth and Spiritual Warfare

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 95

Simplified Drawing for Unit 9

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 96

Unit 9 Personal Spiritual Growth and Spiritual Warfare

General Description
Illustration 9 is a picture showing the elements needed for spiritual
growth and how they strengthen us for spiritual battles. The central
picture on the page is of a man wearing armor, walking on the path of
God’s ways. The things he is wearing are the symbolic components of
growing spiritually. They are not items of power in themselves. They are
all elements of our faith and walk with God, which we need to nurture
through Bible study and prayer. These items include:
1. The helmet of salvation.
2. The breastplate of righteousness.
3. The belt of Truth.
4. Special battle shoes (for sharing the Gospel).
5. The Sword of the Spirit (a Bible).
6. The shield of faith.

Behind him is the trash heap where he discards the things in his life
which are not pleasing to God. Discarding the things in our lives which
keep us from following God whole-heartedly is the key to spiritual
warfare. If the deeds of darkness in our own lives have not been thrown
out we will not grow spiritually strong enough to face spiritual battles

The man is walking on the straight path and avoiding the paths of destruction (see Unit 10). He is growing everyday
to be more and more like Jesus in character.

The throne reminds us of the Lordship of Christ in the believer’s heart and his dependence on Jesus to help him
through spiritual battles.

The Holy Spirit and the Principles we live by. As we walk on the path, we need to focus on the things which should
guide our words and actions. Jesus said the greatest things which should guide our life are the two Greatest
Commandments: to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves (the commandments are pictured in the upper right
corner of the picture). The second guide for our life is the Holy Spirit. He guides us, strengthens us, and comforts us
(the Holy Spirit is guiding the man on the path).

The world enters spiritual battles differently than believers do, especially in places where animistic religions prevail. In
such places spiritual battles are faced by controlling the spirits through ritual, sacrifice, consulting a witchdoctor, and
incantations. As you can see this is quite different than calling on Jesus, growing spiritually, and discarding the deeds
of darkness to fight spiritual battles.

As we are journeying through life there will be several different types of things which will come along and test our
faith and which help us to grow stronger:
1. Demonic spirits will try to oppress us and discourage us (mentally, emotionally, through strife, suspicions, and
sometimes physically), portrayed in the picture as demons shooting at the people.
2. Suffering like Jesus did- represented by the cross on the man’s back. We may experience suffering due to the sins of
others and through the rejection of others as we seek to follow the Lord.
3. Times of discipline the Lord brings to our lives- shown by the Shepherd and the straying sheep. God disciplines
those He loves.
4. There are general hardships and difficulties that come to all of us in life. Because of difficulties in our lives we
need to pray for each other (shown by the people standing with him along the path praying). See teachings on prayer

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 97

in this Unit.

Approaches to Teaching this Unit:

1. Simple overview approach. Use the general description above to teach the overall picture of this Unit. It is
advised later to go back and teach on individual parts.
2. Topical Approach. Topics could include: Doing away with the deeds of darkness; Putting on the Armor of Light;
the Shield of Faith; the Sword of the Spirit; the Belt of Truth; the Helmut of Salvation; Gospel Shoes on the feet;
Prayer; God’s Discipline; Suffering like Jesus; The Leading of the Holy Spirit; Spiritual Growth; the Two Greatest
3. Detail Approach. The more in-depth approach. Study the entire scope of Scriptures from each individual picture
and subject.
4. Evangelistic Approach. Emphasize the difference in how believers engage in spiritual warfare and how the world
engages in spiritual battles.
5. Mature Believer Approach. Use the unit for special topics such as Suffering; Discipline; Discarding Old Habits;
or subjects listed under the topical approach.

Objectives for Unit 9

1. To teach the truth that spiritual warfare is most successful when we are growing in our relationship to Christ.
2. The first step to successful spiritual warfare is discarding the deeds of darkness in our own lives, i.e. things
which entangle us, and things which are not pleasing to God.
3. To teach that Jesus is the one who has power over the powers of this world.
4. To teach all of the components of spiritual growth—truth, righteousness, all aspects of salvation, the Word of
God, and sharing the Gospel.
5. To teach how God strengthens us and helps us to grow through prayer, sufferings, and discipline.
6. To help us remember to keep our focus on obeying God and following the convictions of the Spirit in our

Related Units
Unit 1: Satan and his spirit followers seek to oppress people so that they are unproductive in their Christian lives.
Unit 4: We must keep God’s commands, summed up with love God and love our neighbor.
Unit 5: We must recognize that the real battle in life is against the Kingdom of Darkness and Satan, not against individuals who are
blinded by Satan. We must show them the way to the Kingdom of Light.
Unit 6: Sometimes we suffer for the sins of others just as Jesus did. We can help others come to know about His salvation.
Unit 10: Growing spiritually and engaging in Spiritual Warfare is the means by which we are able to stay on the straight path and
avoid the paths of destruction.
Unit 12: We must remain steadfast till Jesus returns. At that time Jesus will do away with everyone remaining in the Kingdom of

Lesson 1 Spiritual Growth and Successful Spiritual Warfare

Point 1: Spiritual Growth Teaching Points:

Begins when we lay aside 1. The way false religions teach you to engage in spiritual battles is very
destructive and ungodly different from the way the Bible does. [Ritual (pagan) vs. spiritual
entanglements. growth (Christian).]
2. God is the one who is ultimately over all the spiritual warfare taking
place in the world. We must rely upon Him to help us in times of battle.
3. Our first step to spiritual warfare is laying aside deeds of darkness
(idolatry, sexual impurity, quarreling, jealousy, drunkenness, bitterness, slander, anger,
unforgiveness, wickedness, stealing, lying, abusive speech, etc.), and then seeking to
grow spiritually in our relationship with God.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 98

*Thessalonians Turn From Idols To Serve Living God- 1 Thess. 1:9. *Paul And Barnabas In Lystra
Encourage People To Turn From Idols To Serve God- Acts 14:6-19 (v.15). *Paul Confronts Galatians For
Turning Back To Enslaving Things- Gal. 4: 8-11.
Trash Heap- Spiritual growth
begins when we lay aside the deeds Scriptures
of darkness, and begin to live for *Discard the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk with decency, as in the daylight:
God in holiness, righteousness, and not in carousing and drunkenness; not in sexual impurity and promiscuity; not in quarreling and jealousy. But
truth. See also Unit 10, trash heap. put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no plans to satisfy the fleshly desires.- Rom. 13:12-14. *Do Not
Participate In The Unfruitful Deeds Of Darkness, But Instead Even Expose Them- Eph. 5:11-13. *Throw off
all the transgressions you have committed, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.- Eze. 18:31-32.
*You took off your former way of life, the old man that is corrupted by deceitful desires; you are being
renewed in the spirit of your minds…since you put away lying, speak truth to one another; be angry but do
not let the sun go down on your anger; Do not steal; let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth;
put aside bitterness; anger; wrath; insult; and slander; and wickedness; be kind, compassionate, forgiving-
Eph. 4:22-32; Col. 3:8-15.

Lesson 2 The Components of Spiritual Growth and Warfare

Point 2a: Grow in the Teaching Points:

Knowledge and Conviction 1. Knowing and growing in the Truth of the Word of God is essential to
of the Truth. living a life pleasing to God.
2. Have an undivided mind.
3. Put away falsehood. Speak the truth in love.
4. Deceit and Lies have their origin in Satan.

*David instructs his son, Solomon, Kings Need To Walk In The Truth- 1 Kings 2:1-4. *Jesus Said I Am
The Way, The Truth, And The Life- John 14:6. *John hears about Gaius’ faithfulness to the Truth, and his
Belt- Belt of Truth. *The Word of walking in the Truth- 3 John 3-4. *Those following idols have exchanged the truth of God for a lie- Rom.
God is the source of our Truth and 1:25.
beliefs. The belt holds the rest of
our garments together.
*God’s Word is Truth- John 17:17. *Grace and truth came through Jesus- John 1:17. *Worship God in
*Christians should be truthful in the
dealings in the world. They should spirit and Truth- John 4:23. *Teach Me Your Way, O LORD; I Will live by Truth; Give me an undivided
mind to fear your name. Psa. 86:11. *The Sum Of Your Word Is Truth, And Every One Of Your Righteous
have nothing to do with ethical
Ordinances Is Everlasting.- Psa. 119:160. *Some people will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn
corruption or lying. All things,
aside to myths. Instead be sober in all things…fulfill your ministry- 2 Tim. 4:4-5. *Teach the Word of
beliefs, culture, and traditions need to
Truth- 2 Tim. 2:15. *Speak the truth in love- Eph. 4:15. *If We Say That We Have Fellowship With Him
be tested with the Word of God. Tie
And Walk In The Darkness, We are lying and are not practicing the truth. But if we walk in the light…we
in with Unit 3 and Unit 10-testing
have fellowship with one another- 1 John 1:6-7.
everything with the Truth.
Point 2b: Grow in Teaching Points:
Righteousness. 1. Righteousness and Justice are from the same Hebrew word.
2. Righteousness as a breastplate covers the vital areas of our lives and
protects us from destructive paths.
3. God wants us to render just judgments not based on favoritism or
personal gain.
4. We need to stand for what is right and just in the sight of God and man.
5. Righteousness is both a gift (we are clothed with His righteousness 2 Cor.
5:21), and a personal responsibility in how we choose to live our lives (1
Vest- Breastplate of Righteousness. John 1:6-7).
*God’s righteousness is placed on 6. We are to seek His righteousness first in our lives, and not worry about
us when we believe in Jesus. *It is what we have or don’t have.
also our responsibility to live 7. Righteousness consists of all that is good, pure, and just.
righteously in the world. We should
avoid the path of addictions and Stories
immorality; ethical corruption; *Abraham’s faith was accredited as righteousness- Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:3; James 2:23. *Jesus teaches on false
laziness and neglect; and violence righteousness- Matt. 5:17-20; Matt. 23; Luke 11:39-54. *An OT view of righteousness (some still applies to
and hatred (See Unit 10). us)- Lev. 19. *Just judgments- 2 Chr. 19:8-10. Jesus is our Righteousness- Jer. 23:6; 1 John 2:1; Rom. 5:19.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 99

*The Righteousness That Comes By Faith- Rom. 10. *Do Not Be mismatched with unbelievers. What
partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness - 2 Cor. 6:14-18. *Righteousness not gained
through the Law, but through faith in Christ- Philip. 3:8-11. *The righteous will live by faith- Rom. 1:17; Heb.
10:38; Gal. 3:11. *Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness - Matt. 5:6. *Seek First God’s
Kingship and His righteousness - Matt. 6:33. *The OT law shows us what is just in God’s eyes- Rom. 7:12.
*Think on the things that are just and pure- Phil. 4:8.
Point 2c: Grow in the Teaching Points:
Sharing of the Gospel. 1. Jesus came preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God (the
kingship of God).
2. The Good News of Salvation is the message concerning Jesus’ death,
burial, and resurrection.
3. Christians are to spread both the Good News of the Kingdom of God,
and the Good News of Salvation as Jesus commanded us in the Great
Commission (preach my Gospel, make disciples…teaching them to observe everything
I have commanded you, i.e. salvation and discipleship) .

Boots- Feet shod with the *Jesus S ends Out 70 Witnesses- Luke 10:1-20. *The Book Of Acts. *Paul preaches what has been revealed
preparation of sharing the Gospel. through the prophets, but does not teach anything more- Acts 26:22.
The two feet in the picture can help Scriptures
us remember that there are really two *You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the outermost parts of the world- Acts 1:8.
parts to the Good News about Jesus. *The Great Commission – Matt. 28:19-20. *They Shared the Good News Everyday- Acts 5:42. *Do Not
*One boot is the Good News of the Preach Beyond What Has Been Given To Us- Acts 26:22-23. *No Need For Eloquence Or Superior
Kingdom of God. Jesus preached Knowledge- 1Cor. 2:1-2. *Paul Preached That The People Should Repent, Turn To God, and Prove Their
this Good News when He began His Repentance By Deeds - Acts 10:39-43; 26:19-20. *Preach The Word; Be Ready In Season And Out Of
public ministry and told us to carry it Season; Reprove, Rebuke, Exhort, With Great Patience And Instruction…- 2 Tim. 4:1-5. *For We Do Not
out in the Great Commission— Preach Ourselves But Christ Jesus As Lord, And Ourselves As Your Bond-servants For Jesus' Sake…- 2
“teaching them all I have commanded Cor. 4:5-6. *But Just As We Have Been Approved By God To Be Entrusted With The Gospel, So We
you.” Speak, Not As Pleasing Men, But God Who Examines Our Hearts. For We Never Came With Flattering
Speech, As You Know, Nor With A Pretext For Greed -- God Is Witness-- Nor Did We Seek Glory From
*The Second boot is the Good Men…- 1 Thess. 2:4-7. . *Paul's Approaches To Winning The Lost- 1 Cor. 9:16-27. *The Lord Gives
News of Salvation. This is preaching Strength To Witness And Delivers Us From The Lions Mouth- 2 Tim. 4:17. *The Gospel: Jesus Died For
the death, burial, and resurrection of Our Sins, He Was Buried, He Arose, And He Appeared To Others- 1 Cor. 15:1-5. *Gospel Is Not Man
Jesus -which brought to us the Made, But Given By God- Gal. 1:11-12. *Preach To The Wise And Foolish, To Your Tribe And Others-
forgiveness of sins and a restored Rom. 1:14-16.
relationship to God. Tie in with Unit
11—stewardship of the Gospel.
Point 2d: Grow in your Teaching Points:
Faith in God. 1. Our faith in God acts as a shield against the emotional, physical, and
spiritual attacks of the enemy.
2. Faith is believing that God is going to do what He promised eve n if the
outward signs do not give us any hint that those promises are going to be

*People Of Great Faith: Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak,
Samson, etc- Heb. 11. *The Lord Helps Asa Against A Multitude- 2 Chr. 14 & 15 (14:11-12; all of 15).
Shield- The Shield of Faith, by *Joshua And Caleb Believe God- Num. 14. *Jesus Teaches About Hindrances To Faith- Matt. 6:25-34;
which we put out the flaming arrows Luke 12:27-30. *Abraham's Faith, offering Issac- Gen. 22; Heb. 11:17-19. *Jesus Appears To Thomas-
of Satan. Satan shoots arrows of John 20. *Hezekiah's Faith- 2 Kings 18:5-8. *David And Goliath- 1 Sam. 17. *Shadrach, Meshach and
doubt, discouragement, depression, Abed-nego- Dan. 3.
and feelings of hopelessness toward Scriptures
us. We can guard our thoughts by *I Would Have Despaired Unless I Had Believed That I Would See The Goodness Of The LORD In The
placing faith in God regardless of our Land Of The Living. Wait For The LORD; Be Strong And Let Your Heart Take Courage; Yes, Wait For
circumstances. See Heb. 11. The LORD- Psa. 27:13-14. *Trust In The LORD With All Your Heart And Do Not Lean On Your Own
Understanding. In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him, And He Will Make Your Paths Straight- Prov. 3:5-6.
*Woe To Those Who Go Down To Egypt For Help and who depend on horse! They trust in the number of
chariots and in the great strength of charioteers. They do not look to the Holy One of Israel and they do not
seek the Lord’s help- Isa. 31:1. *We personally had a death sentence within ourselves so that we would not
trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead- 2 Cor. 1:9-10. *Though He Slay Me, I Will Hope In
Him- Job 13:15. *Those Who Trust In The LORD Are like Mount Zion, Which Cannot Be shaken; it
remains forever- Psa. 125:1. *Do Not Fear Those Who Kill The Body- Matt. 10:28-33. *We show our faith

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by what we do for the brothers, for strangers, and for co-workers in the Kingdom- 3 John 5-8. *Look, his
ego is inflated; he is without integrity. But the righteous one will live by his faith.- Hab. 2:4.
Point 2e: Put on the Teaching Points:
Helmut of Salvation, 1. There are three aspects of salvation: Justification, Sanctification, and
Growing more and more Glorification.
like Jesus in everything you 2. Justification takes place when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
do and say. He puts us in a right relationship with God, forgiving and sending our sins
3. Sanctification is the process of growing in the knowledge and ways of
God once we have accept Jesus as Lord and Savior until we die.
4. Glorification takes place when we die and are received into Heaven to
reign with Jesus. It is the final salvation from sin and death unto eternal
Helmet- Helmet of Salvation. Stories
Three aspects of Salvation: *Jesus Teaches On Salvation (Nicodemus; the Samaritan Woman; Four witnesses to Jesus; Bread of Life)-
*Justification- the cleansing of our John 3-7. *The Rich Young Ruler- Matt. 19:16-22; Mark 10:23-31; Luke 18:18-30.
hearts before God when we become
believers. *Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior- Rom. 10:9-10. *Put on the Hope Of Salvation, God has destined us for
*Sanctification- being set apart for
obtaining salvation through Jesus.- 1 Thess. 5:8-11. *Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so
God, becoming more and more like
the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life. For God loved
Jesus in everything we do and say.
the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish
*Glorification- our future salvation
but have eternal life - John 3:14-16. *There is salvation in no one else- Acts 4:12. *Work out your salvation
and glorified relationship with God in
with fear and trembling (sanctification)- Philip. 2:12. *Salvation belongs to our God- Rev. 7:10. *Justification
through Jesus- Rom. 4:25. *No one justified by the law- Gal. 2:16.
Point 2f: Grow in the Teaching Points:
Knowledge of the Word of 1. Just as we need physical food each day we also need spiritual food to
God. nourish us each day. God’s Word feeds us spiritually as we read and
study it.
2. The Bible is the only offensive spiritual weapon listed in Ephesians 6.
3. We are to use the Wo rd of God to keep us strong when facing

Bible- Sword of the Spirit. The one *The Temptation Of Jesus- Matt.41-11. *Paul Confronts Peter About Teaching Wrong Doctrine- Gal.2.
offensive weapon of the believer. *The Bereans Examine The Scriptures- Acts 17:10-13. *Jesus' Return- Rev. 1:12- 2:20; 19:15-21. *The
*The Word of God is living and Church At Pergamum- Rev. 2:12-17.*The Psalm writer’s testimony about God’s Word- Psa. 119.
active. Scriptures
*Spending time in the Word each *God let the Israelites go hungry to test them in His ways, and so that they might come to realize they need
day gives us spiritual nourishment. spiritual food each day from God’s Word- Deut. 8:1-4. *…Like Newborn infants, desire the unadulterated
*Jesus used the Word to fight the spiritual milk, so that you may grow by it in your salvation- 1 Pet. 2:1-3. *For The Word Of God Is Living
temptations of Satan. and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword - Heb. 4:12. *All Scripture Is Inspired By God And
*Tie in with Unit 3, testing everything Profitable For Teaching, For Rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness- 2 Tim. 3:16-17.
with the Word of God. *Proclaim the Word; persist in it whether convenient or not; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great
patience and teaching. For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to
their own desires, will accumulate teachers for themselves, and will turn aside to myths- 2 Tim. 4:2-5.
*Therefore ridding yourselves of all moral filth and evil excess, humbly receive the implanted word, which is
able to save you. But be doers of the Word and not merely hearers- James 1:21-22. *Treasure God’s word
in your heart so that you will not sin against Him- Psa. 119:11. *God’s Word is a lamp for our feet- Psa.

Lesson 3 Things That Strengthen or Hinder Our Growth

Point 3a: Realize our Teaching Points:

personal battles are against 1. When hardships come we can allow them to strengthen us spiritually, or
the spiritual forces of we can respond in ways that hinder our growth.
darkness. 2. Paul experienced many social and physical difficulties including rejection,
physical violence, physical hunger, false testimonies, slanderous reports,
and various punishments. In all of these things, He exhibited Christian
character, stayed focused on his ministry, and stayed in the Word of God.

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*Jesus fights against Satan’s temptations using God’s Word- Matt. 4:1-11. *David strengthens himself in the
Lord when people rise up against him– 1 Sam. 30 (v.6); evildoers, foes, false witnesses, enemies- Psalm 27.
*David triumphs over his son Absalom when he tries to oust him from the throne and kill him- 2 Sam. 15-19.
*Seeking God’s will in the midst of great difficulty, Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane- Luke 22:39-46.
*Elijah after killing the prophets of Baal- 1 Kings 19 (vs. 9-18). *King Hezekiah prays about Sennacherib’s
letter- Isa. 37:14-38. *Paul’s testimony, “Indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we
would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead- 2 Cor. 1:9-10.
*We are to use the weapons of righteousness, the Word, and the Holy Spirit for difficulties we face such as
Demons with bows and arrows, afflictions, hardships, pressures, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger, dishonor,
man without armor on him, slander, accused of being deceivers - 2 Cor. 6:3-10. *When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You- Psa. 56:3-
shield of faith- Satan seeks to 4. * My soul waits in silence for God only; From Him is my salvation- Psa. 62:1. *The name of the LORD is
discourage believers in their service a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe- Prov. 18:10. *God will be strong through our
and commitment to God- weaknesses, insults, distresses, persecutions, and difficulties- 2 Cor. 12:7-10.
emotionally, spiritually, and
relationally. The person without the
armor lives a defeated Christian life.
Paul lists life difficulties as reasons to
take up spiritual armor.
*Remember King David who had to
live in the wilderness for 14 years
because Saul was jealous of him and
wanted to kill him. David
strengthened himself in the Lord and
showed himself stronger than Saul.
God eventually gave David the
throne. Sometimes it is those who
have been through the long enduring
challenges that God later exalts to
positions of great influence. But we
must remain strong.
Point 3b: Realize those who Teaching Points:
desire to be godly, will be 1. Those who desire to live godly lives will be persecuted by others.
persecuted. 2. As we experience the sufferings of Christ we mature in steadfastness,
faithfulness, trust, in the ability to forgive, and in sanctification.

*The Suffering Servant- Isa. Isa. 42:1-4; 49:1-6 50:4-9; 52:13-53:12. *Daniel and the lion’s den- Dan. 6.
*Paul Suffers For His Witness- Acts 16-40. *Jesus Perfected Through Suffering- Heb. 2:10. *Paul's
Sufferings Listed- 2 Cor. 11:16-33. *The Sufferings of the Apostles, hungry and thirsty, poorly clothed,
roughly treated, homeless, labor, work with our own hands, reviled but bless, persecuted but endure,
slandered but entreat, we are like the world’s garbage, the filth of all things- 1 Cor. 4:8-13. *Paul Writes
Timothy About Suffering and Diligence, share in the sufferings for the Gospel, relying on the power of God-
Cross on the man’s back- All 2 Tim. 1:6-12. *The faith of those suffering before the time of Jesus- Heb. 11. *Remember the earlier days
believers share in the sufferings of when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a hard struggle with sufferings. Sometimes you were
Christ. This makes us more like publicly exposed to taunts and afflictions, and at other times you were companions of those who were
Jesus and helps us to learn treated that way. For you sympathized with the prisoners and accepted with joy the confiscation of your
obed ience. Jesus suffered unjustly as possessions, knowing that you yourselves have a better and enduring possession. So don’t throw away your
we do at times. He was rejected by confidence, which has a great reward- Heb. 10:32-36. *John is on the Island of Patmos for his testimony of
people, religious leaders, and Jesus - Rev. 1:9. *Christians who are now in Heaven- Rev. 6:9; 20:4. *Satan wages war with believers on the
crowds. We may suffer insults, earth, the woman, the child, and the dragon- Rev. 12:1-18.
rejection, false accusations, and even
physical attacks. When we suffer as Scriptures
Jesus did we become more like Him. *Blessed Are you when they insult you and persecute you and falsely say every kind of evil against you
because of Me, be glad and rejoice, your reward in Heaven is great.- Matt. 5:10-12.
*God comforts us in our affliction so that we can comfort others. In difficulties we learn to trust God and
enlist people to pray for us- 2 Cor. 1. *Suffering helps us grow in character- Rom. 5:3-5. *Those who suffer
have ceased from sin; remember Job; those who suffer according to the will of God, entrust yourselves to a
faithful creator- 1 Pet. 4:1-2; 12-19. *a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering
service to God.- John 16:1-2. * Sufferings of this present time not compared to glory hereafter- Rom. 8:17-
18. * Constantly Being Delivered Over To Death For Jesus' Sake, So That The Life Of Jesus Also May Be

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 102

Manifested In Our Mortal Flesh.- 2 Cor. 4:11-12. *Stand firm, don’t be alarmed by your opponents. For To
You It Has Been Granted For Christ's Sake, Not Only To Believe In Him, But Also To Suffer For His Sake-
Philip. 1:27-29. *That I May Know Him And The Power Of His Resurrection And The Fellowship Of His
Sufferings- Philip. 3:10-11. *Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and I am completing in my flesh what is
lacking in Christ’s afflictions for His body, that is the church- Col. 1:24. *About your endurance and faith in
all the persecutions and afflictions you endure. It is a clear evidence of God’s righteous judgments that you
will be counted worthy of God’s kingdom, for which you also are suffering- God will repay those who
afflict you. 2 Thess. 1:4-10. *After You Have Suffered For A Little While, The God Of All Grace, Who
Called You To His Eternal Glory In Christ, Will Himself Perfect, Confirm, Strengthen And Establish You- 1
Pet. 5:10. *For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the
gospel's will save it- Mark 8:35. *For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against
Himself, so that you won’t grow weary and lose heart- Heb. 12:3.
Point 3c: Realize God Teaching Points:
Disciplines us to help us 1. God disciplines those He loves.
grow spiritually. 2. God allows difficulties in our lives to discipline or to strengthen us.
3. Fasting helps us to focus on God and practice self-control when we are
seeking God’s direction or seeking to get rid of destructive habits.

*King David's Child Dies - 2 Sam. 12. *The Lord Teaches Israel About His Discipline- Deut. 11:2-7. *God
May Use Believers in Discipline- 2 Cor. 2; 7:8-16. *God Disciplines Hymenaeus and Alexander- 1 Tim.
Shepherd pulling sheep back
from going the wrong way- The Scriptures
Lord disciplines us because He loves *My Son, Do Not Reject The Discipline Of The LORD Or Loathe His Reproof, For Whom The LORD
us and desires for us to live pure Loves He Reproves, Even As A Father Corrects The Son In Whom He Delights- Prov. 3:11-12. *All
lives. Do not refuse the discipline of Discipline For The Moment Seems Not To Be Joyful, But Sorrowful; Those Trained By It, Yields The
the Lord. Peaceful Fruit Of Righteousness. Therefore, Strengthen The Hands That Are Weak And The Knees That
Are Feeble, And Make Straight Paths For Your Feet, So That The Limb Which Is Lame May Not Be Put
Out Of Joint, But Rather Be Healed- Heb. 12:11-14. *God Tries The Hearts And Minds- Psa. 7:9. *For You
Hate Discipline, And You Cast My Words Behind You- Psa. 50: 17-23. *Reproofs For Discipline Are The
Way Of Life, To Keep You From The Evil Woman, From The Smooth Tongue Of The Adulteress - Prov.
6:23-24. *Whoever Loves Discipline Loves Knowledge, But He Who Hates Reproof Is Stupid- Prov. 12:1.
*Those Whom I Love, I Reprove And Discipline; Therefore Be Zealous And Repent- Rev. 3:19. *Before I
was afflicted, I went astray from His Word- Psa. 119:67.
Point 3d: Realize the Teaching Points:
Necessity of unceasing 1. Prayer is the interpersonal expression of an on-going relationship to God.
prayer. 2. We should not directly address spirits in prayer, but call on Jesus in times
of spiritual oppression.
3. God is glorified when we pray for each other.
4. We are to pray according to the nature and character of God.
5. We are not to pray for selfish desires to be fulfilled.
6. We can pray for the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of people.
Soldiers on the side of road- 7. Examples in Scripture include praying for the Gospel to spread, for
These soldiers are praying and boldness in preaching the Gospel, for believers to grow in their knowledge
fasting for the man on the road. of God, for believers to love each other, and for believers to be steadfast
Prayer should be part of our lives in their walks with God.
each day. When we go through 8. See Unit 3 on How God Communicates With us through prayer.
difficult times we need to enlist
others to pray for us. In this way
God receives greater glory when He Stories
answers us. We can also fast for *The Lord Teaches Us To Pray- Matt. 6:5-15. *Jesus’ prayer for God’s will to be done In Garden Of
others in the Kingdom of Darkness, Gethsemane- Matt. 26:36-56. *David Prayed Morning, Noon, And Night because of his enemies- Psa. 55:16-
fast for our own personal areas of 17. *Hannah's Prayer For A Child- 1 Sam. 1-2. *Paul's Prayer For His Thorn In The Flesh- 2 Cor. 12:1-10.
needed discipline in the Christian life, *Elijah's Prayer For Rain- 1 Kings 18:42-44. *The Prophets Of Baal Pray Unsuccessfully- 1 Kings 18.
and fast for direction from God *Epaphras, Who Is One Of Your Number, A Bondslave Of Jesus Christ, Sends You His Greetings, Always
concerning a decision to be made. Laboring Earnestly For You In His Prayers, That You May Stand Perfect And Fully Assured In All The Will
Fasting helps us with self-control in Of God. For I Testify For Him That He Has A Deep Concern For You And For Those Who Are In
other areas of our lives. Laodicea And Hierapolis- Col. 4:12-13. *Moses Intercedes for those who made the Golden Calf- Exo. 32
(vs. 11-14). *The Israelites Pray Insincerely, their lives do not reflect devotion to God- Hosea 7:14. *God

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Note: In the Old Testament the word, Sends A Messenger To Cornelius Because Of Prayer- Acts 10. *Daniel Prays When He Needs God's Help
Shemah means, “to hear and and to intercede for the people- Dan. 6 and 9. *God tells Job’s friends to have Job pray for them, then God
respond.” It is used in reference to restores all of Job’s losses- Job 42:8-10. *Hezekiah prays for deliverance so that the nations will know God
God and His hearing of the people’s is God- 2 Kings 19:15-20. *Elijah prays for a child’s life- 1 Kings 17:21-22. *David prayed for Ahithopel’s
prayers. If the people were obedient counsel to be foolish- 2 Sam. 15:31. *Jacob prays for deliverance from his brother- Gen. 32:11. *Parables
God would hear and respond to their told so that we would pray and not lose heart- Luke 18:1-14. *Moses intercedes for those who disobeyed
prayers. But if the people were concerning the Promised Land- Num. 14:17-38. *Moses intercedes, Let the Lord go along in our midst, even
following other gods He would hear though the people are so obstinate, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your own
but not respond because of their possession- Ex. 34:8-9. *Samuel prays for deliverance from the Philistines- 1 Sam. 7:4-5. *But Jesus Himself
sins. Psalm 34 says that God hears Would Often Slip Away To The Wilderness And Pray- Luke 5:16; 6:12.
the prayers of the righteous, but his Scriptures
face is against the wicked. *Do not address the spirits or Satan directly, call on Jesus, who protects us from the evil one- Jude 8-11;
Zech. 3:1-10; 2 Thess 3:3. *God’s power toward those who believe- Eph. 1:18-21. *Bless Those Who Curse
Spiritual Warfare and prayer: You, Pray For Those Who Mistreat You- Luke 6:28. *With All Prayer And Petition Pray At All Times In
*There are no examples in Scriptures The Spirit for all the saints, and for boldness in proclaiming the Gospel- Eph. 6:18-20. *Pray Your Love
of individuals personally addressing May Abound Still More And More In Real Knowledge And All Discernment- , Philip. 1:9-11. *Knowledge
Satan or demons. Instead, believers of His will, all spiritual wisdom and understanding, walk in manner pleasing to Him- Col. 1:9-12. *Pray
call upon Jesus to act on their behalf. without ceasing- 1 Thess. 5:17-28. *For God to count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for
Zech 3:1-10; Jude 8-11; 2 Thess. 3:3. goodness and the work of faith with power- 2 Thess. 1:11-12. *Pray the Word of God will Spread rapidly,
and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men- 2 Thess. 3:1 -3. *Pray without Dissension- 1 Tim.
2:8. *Knowledge of every good thing in you for Christ’s sake- Phm 1:6-7. *Pray for a good conscience,
desire to conduct ourselves honorably in all things- Heb. 13:18. *Do not be anxious, but pray and God’s
peace will guard your hearts- Philp. 4:6-7. *The Spirit intercedes for us- Rom. 8:26-27.

Lesson 4 Things to Keep in Mind as You Walk on the Path

Teaching Points:
Point 4a: (Review Unit 4- 1. Keeping the Two Great Commandments help us grow spiritually as we
face a variety of life challenges.
2. Greatest command: To love God with all your heart, soul, strength, and
3. Second greatest command: To love your neighbor as yourself.

following God’s two Great Stories

*A Lawyer Asks Jesus, “What Is The Greatest Commandment” Story of Good Samaritan- Luke 10:25-42.
Commands). Love God and
*Jesus Challenges Peter- John 21:17. *Paul's Love For His Countryman- Rom. 9:3. *Jesus Teaches Us To
Love your neighbor as Love Our Enemies, to be mature and perfect in love as God is- Matt. 5:43-44. *Jesus Teaches Us Love For
yourself. Our Brethren- 1 John 3:16-17.
Remembering the Ten *Loving God Is Linked With Obeying Him- 1 John 2:3-6; 5:2-3.. *You Shall Love The LORD Your God
Commandments- The two With All Your Heart And With All Your Soul And With All Your Might.” Teach your children when you sit
greatest laws to remember as we live down, rise up, walk, and lie down, etc - Deut. 6:5-9. *Love your enemies, greet them, this is different than
each day are to love the Lord with all those who do not know God, you have a reward. Be Perfect, As Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect- Matt.
our hearts, souls, minds, and 5:43-48
strength, and to love our neighbor as
Point 4b: (Review Unit 1) Teaching Points:
Walk by the Holy Spirit’s 1. The Spirit of God guides us in making the right choices and decisions in
Leading. life.
2. Do not grieve or quench the Spirit.

*Paul states he does the very thing he does not want to do - Rom. 7:14-25. Walk by the Spirit and you will
The Holy Spirit- Believers must not carry out the desires of the flesh- Gal. 5:16-17. *The fruit of the Spirit- Gal. 5:19-22. *Do not grieve the
follow the leading of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit- Eph. 4:30; 1 Thess. 5:19.
in their lives. We must learn to listen
to His still small voice in our hearts,
rather than the voice of human
desires or Satan. Do not grieve the
Holy Spirit by rejecting His voice.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 104

Unit 10 Illustration:
Walking on God’s Path in the Community

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 105

Simplified Drawing for Unit 10

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 106

Unit 10 Walking on God’s Path in the Community

General Description
Illustration 10 is a visual picture of how to live as a follower of Jesus
and avoid the paths of destructiveness in the Kingdom of Darkness.
God’s throne is at the top of the page reminding us that He is to be
our Lord. The believer’s house pictured at the bottom right corner is
founded on the Word of God. Pure lives begin in relationship to God
in the home and then extend to the world.

The path up the center of the globe is the straight and narrow path
in which we are to walk and please God. On the pathway are
believers from local churches and from across the world. Believers as
a community sharpen each other and help to keep the purity of the
doctrine as they interact and share Bible study together.

The people walking on the straight path are also distributing salt.
The Bible teaches us that we are to be like salt in the world,
preserving God’s ways, and purifying or cleansing impurities.

One way we preserve God’s ways is in how we celebrate our

customs and traditions (pictured in the middle lower right corner of
the globe). Some people tend to think it is more important to
preserve traditions instead of God’s ways. But through-out the Bible
the preservation of God’s ways is foremost. So we must take care in the special events in people’s lives such as birth of
a child, death of a relative, and the coming of age, and marriage, to honor God and His ways. All of these practices
must be brought to Jesus, His Word, and the Holy Spirit to be sure the specific rituals involved are not dishonoring to
God. Other believers along the path, representing the church, also help us determine what is of God and what is not of
God. Churches can start new traditions and customs in relation to those important events in life which are pleasing and
honoring of God.

In the left top corner is a man preaching or prophesying. Regardless of who is teaching things that sound Biblical, all
teachings must be tested with God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus.

The baskets on the people’s heads represent the things that they keep because they are neutral, or they are in line
with God and His ways. For example, when we have a new baby in our family it is a wonderful time of celebration.
But the way we celebrate the birth of a child should not include rituals or sacrifices to spirits. We can keep the idea of
celebrating a birth but we might need to change the way we celebrate it so that it is giving God the glory. As the
believers walk through life they test their own actions, desires, customs, rituals, preachers, etc. with the Word of God,
as seen in their right hands. Anything which is not honoring to God is discarded in the trash heap in the lower left

Another way we preserve God’s ways is by the choices we make each day concerning the paths we take. You will
notice along the narrow path, there are several paths leading away from God. These are destructive pathways leading to
death and are to be avoided by believers. These paths are known as the Path of Enticements or Addictions-
including drunkenness, substance abuse, sexual immorality, pornography, food addictions, people addictions, etc.; the
Path of Violence and Hatred- due to the sins of others, or feudalism passed down for years, tribalism, prejudice.
Men may be more prone toward physical violence, women are more prone toward verbal violence or slander; the
Path of Laziness and Neglect- these are two examples of passive sins; and the Path of Ethical Corruption- lying,
cheating, stealing, love of money, greed, or corrupting God’s Word by false teachings..

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Approaches to Teaching this Unit:
1. Simple overview approach. Use the general description above to teach the overall picture of this Unit. It is
advised later to go back and teach on individual parts.
2. Topical Approach. Take each of the major paths of this study and teach them separately over time. You may also
choose to focus on one aspect of each path which deals with a particular subject in a church or community.
3. Detail Approach. Within each path lesson there are examples to be studied. For example in studying the path of
addictions, there are separate topics to study such as sexual immorality and drunkenness. There are also various
topics in the section on corruption and violence as well.
4. Evangelistic Approach. Focus on helping people to identify the general paths of destruction and help them see
the outcomes of the paths, the reasons why people go down those paths, and the truth of God’s path.
5. Mature Believer Approach.
a. Laymen Approach: Use the study to help believers realize they need to keep both feet on God’s path and
not have one foot on God’s path and one in a destructive path. This unit can also help us to teach about the
need to test everything with the Word of God, holding on to the good and discarding the bad.
b. Leadership Approach:
i. A Leader’s Family Life: Good leaders need to be sure they are nurturing their families in the Word
and in the ways of God. They must not neglect this important area. As leaders are faithful to teach the
Word of God in their own homes, they provide the model of living for their communities. If a leader
only focuses on the community, then the family is bound to suffer.
ii. Forming New Traditions: It is also important for a leader to guide the church into evaluating local
cultural practices and celebrations in order to weed out Satan’s threads of false teachings. As
believers meet together to do this evaluation on needed subjects, testing everything with the Word of
God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus is of vital importance. It takes a lot of courage and vision to start new
customs based on the Word of God. But Followers of Jesus can bring about cultural transformations
which will be pleasing to God and bear witness of His ways. Some cultural practices which may need
to be evaluated are: types of music used to worship God; harvest, illness, the celebration of a birth,
marriage, or the rituals associated with a funeral.
iii. Testing Beliefs with Scripture: The following topics are ones which are commonly in need of
testing with Scripture because of cultural and religious differences: prayer (Unit 3- Lesson 2a; Unit 6-
Lesson 4a; and Unit 9- Lesson 3d), spiritual warfare (Unit 9), purity (Unit 10), husband and wife both
made in the Image of God (Unit 2, Lesson 2), and the role of the husband and wife in marriage (Unit
2, Lesson 2d,e,f); the identification and work of Satan and the spirits (Unit 1- Lesson 3a); and God’s
Sovereignty over all Creation (Unit 1- Lesson 1a and 1b), to name a few.

Objectives for Unit 10

1. To establish the importance of following God’s ways in every area of our lives.
2. To help churches realize the need to establish new celebrations or traditions centered on God and His work.
3. To help identify and characterize destructive habits and paths of life.
4. To help build discernment and integrity in the lives of believers.

Related Units:
Unit 1: Satan and his spirit and human followers weave deceptive beliefs, traditions, and destructive things into society itself.
Unit 2: The purpose of the family is to raise our children to walk in God’s ways.
Unit 3: We should test everything with God’s Special Revelation- the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus.
Unit 4: Keeping God’s commandments should help us avoid wrong paths.
Unit 5: We learn the destructive nature of the kingdom of darkness.
Unit 8: Teachings related to False Religions-we must test customs, traditions, and rituals with God’s Word.
Unit 9: As we grow spiritually, we have the steadfastness to stay on the right path.
Unit 11: We are to be good stewards of what God has given us, not to waste our resources on destructive pleasures.
Unit 12 Destructive paths do not lead to God.

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Lesson 1 Walking in Truth (Expanding Review)

Point 1a: Review (unit 2). Our Teaching Points:

home life is to be base on the
teachings in the Word of God. 1. Review (Unit 2): We are to live godly lives in our homes.
2. Our home life is to be based and grounded on the Word of God.
3. Review (Unit 2): We are to live godly lives in the community.
4. We are to be salt and light, preserving God’s ways and living in
such a way that people see the Light of Christ in us.

Home Life
House with Bible in the foundation- Stories and Scriptures
*The Parable Of The House On The Rock- Matt. 7:24-29. *Believers Accept The Bible As The
Review from Unit 2. The Bible should be the
Word Of God- 1 Thess. 2:13. *Plant the Word Deep In Your Hearts - James 1:21. *Long For
foundation of how we live life in our homes
The Pure Milk Of The Word, Grow In Respect To Salvation- 1 Pet. 2:2. *The Righteous Is Like
and in the world.
A Tree Always Yielding Fruit- - Psa. 1:1-3. *The Righteous Love To Meditate On God’s Word -
Psa. 119:148. *A House is built by wisdom, understanding, and knowledge- Prov. 24:3-4.
Point 1b: Review (unit 2). We are
to live godly lives in the community, Community Life
preserving God’s ways and Stories and Scriptures
teachings. *The Way Of The Righteous Vs The Way Of The Wicked- Psa. 1. *Why Do You Say, “Lord,
Lord,” And Do Not Do What I Say- Luke 6:46-49. *The Highway Of The Upright Is To Depart
From Evil; He Who Watches His Way Preserves His Life- Prov. 16:17. *God Leads Us In Paths
Point 1c: Review (unit 3). We must Of Righteousness- Psa. 23:3. *Bad friends corrupt good morals- 1 Cor. 15:33-34. *God Instructs
test everything with the Word of Us Concerning Which Path To Take- Psa. 50:23. *Happy Are Those Whose Way Is Blameless-
God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Psa. 119:1. *Keep Straight The Path Of Your Feet- Prov. 4:26. *Walk As Jesus Walked- 1 John
2:6. *Walk In Newness Of Life- Rom. 6:4. *Jesus Teaches About The Narrow Gateway- Luke
13:18-30; Matt. 7:13-14. *Walk With The Wise And Become Wise, Those Who Walk With The
Foolish Suffer Harm- Prov. 13:20. *Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk
in it.” And you will turn from idols- Isa. 30:21-26. *Paul used to live according to the traditions of
his ancestors, but God called him to now preach the Gospel- Gal. 1:13-24.

Believers Use God's Word As A Light For Their Path

*King Josiah and the people hear God’s Word for the first time and they repent of their ways- 2
Chr. 34:14-33. *God's Word Is A Light Unto Our Feet And Path- Psa. 119:105. *All Scripture Is
Inspired By God, Profitable For Teaching, Reproof, Correction, and Training In Righteousness-
2 Tim. 3:16-17. *Bible Is Our Guide, As We Meditate Upon Its' Teachings- Psa. 1:2. *Noah Did
All That God Told Him To Do- Gen. 6:22. *The Word of God performs a task in us- 1 Thess.

Woman distributing salt. Basket is on Believers Are To Be Like Salt, Preserving, Flavoring, And Purifying.
her head, Bible in the other hand, Stories
walking on narrow path- Believers walk on *Josiah Becomes King- 2 Kings 22. *Paul In Ephesus- Acts 20:17-38. *Paul Studied The
the narrow path, avoiding the paths which lead Scriptures And Sought God Before Going In To Ministry- Gal. 1-2. *Paul's Ministry Was To
to destruction. Strengthen Every Believer- Col. 1:28. *Have Nothing To Do With Myths- Titus 1:14; 1 Tim. 1:4; 2
Tim. 4:4. *Jesus Teaches On Keeping His Word- John 14:23-24.
The Bible in their right hand is for testing all
beliefs, practices, teachings, preachers, Scriptures
dreams, customs, traditions, and anything else *We Are The Salt Of The Earth- Matt. 5:13. *Have Salt In Yourselves, And Be At Peace With
related to practice and Truth. God’s word is a One Another- Mark 9:49-50; Luke 14:34-35. *Purge Evil From Among You- Deut. 19:18-19;
light for our path keeping us from paths of 22:21-24; 24:7. *You Yourselves Are Full Of Goodness, Filled With All Knowledge And Able
destruction and false teachings. Also To Admonish One Another- Rom. 15:14. *And do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that
Salt: Believers are to be like salt in the world, which is good and acceptable and perfect- Rom. 12:1-2. *Speech should be flavored with salt-
preserving the teachings of the Word by how Col. 4:6. *Salt was used to consecrate all offerings- Lev. 2:13; Ez. 43:24; Ex. 30:35; Ezra 6:9;
they live their lives. Salt was used for various Gen. 19. *Salt was used to seal covenants- Num. 18:19; 2 Chr. 13:5. *God's Loving-kindness
purposes during the Bible times. It was used And Truth Will Continually Preserve Us- Psa. 40:11; 61:7. *Preserve Justice And Do
as a preservative; a wound cleanser; as a Righteousness- Isa. 56:1. *For The Lips Of A Priest Should Preserve Knowledge- Mal. 2:7.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 109

purifier; as a seasoning; it was used to seal a *Being Diligent To Preserve The Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace- Eph. 4:3. *The
covenant; and it was used to consecrate the Advantage Of Knowledge Is That Wisdom Preserves The Lives Of Its Possessors- Ecc. 7:12.
OT offerings. It was a symbol of loyalty and *We are a fragrance of Christ to God among those being saved and among those perishing- 2
endearment. Sometimes people would Cor. 2:14-17.
exchange salt with one another, mixing their salt
together to seal an agreement. In this way the Believers are to be Light to the World
salt could never be separated out again— *Jesus says we are the light of the world- Matt. 5:14-16; Luke 11:3-36. *Paul was a light to the
signifying loyalty to a covenant or agreement. Gentiles- Acts 13:47; 26:18. *Jesus was the Light- John 8:12; 9:1-8; 1:4-18; Matt. 4:16. God is the
light- Psalm 27:1; The Bible is a light to our path- Psa. 119:105; We are to walk in the light- Eph.
Light: Jesus said we are the light of the world. 5:8-16. Witness of the light- John 5:31-47.
The Light is both a witness and a lifestyle of
goodness and walking in God’s ways. Light is
often used to represent knowledge, the new life
in Jesus; the Kingdom of God; purity,
goodness, the Word of God, believers, and
eternal life.

Holding on to what is good: The basket on

their heads is for keeping the things that are
good and in line with God’s ways.

Point 1d: Believers unite together Believers unite together in communities to stand for God’s ways. (See
in communities to stand for God’s Unit 4 on the Law and festivals).

People walking on the straight and

narrow path- Believers are walking on the
narrow path, bearing witness to the world.
They are helping other believers to remain on
the straight paths and discussing together
issues concerning traditions, customs, and
false teachings. Believers can create new
traditions and customs which reflect their faith
in the one True God.

Point 1d: Believers leave behind Believers leave behind the things which entangle them and keep them
the things which entangle them from following Jesus.
and keep them from following Stories
Jesus. *Thessalonians Turn From Idols To Serve Living God- 1 Thess. 1:9. *Paul And Barnabas In
Lystra Encourage People To Turn From Idols To Serve God- Acts 14:6-19 (v.15). *Paul
Confronts Galatians For Turning Back To Enslaving Things- Gal. 4: 8-11.

*The Night Is nearly over, and the daylight is near, so let us discard the deeds of darkness and put
on the armor of light. Let us walk with decency, as in the daylight: not in carousing and
drunkenness; not in sexual impurity and promiscuity; not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the
Trash heap- Place where we leave behind the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no plans to satisfy the fleshly desires.- Rom. 13:12-14. *Do Not
things that entangle us from living pure and Participate In The Unfruitful Deeds Of Darkness, But Instead Even Expose Them- Eph. 5:11-13.
devoted lives to God. These things may *Throw off all the transgressions you have committed, and make yourselves a new heart and a
include false teachings, rituals, traditions, new spirit.- Eze. 18:31-32. *You took off your former way of life, the old man that is corrupted by
customs, idols, drugs, abusive speech or deceitful desires; you are being renewed in the spirit of your minds…since you put away lying,
actions, violence, ethical corruption, or sexual speak truth to one another; be angry but do not let the sun go down on your anger; Do not steal;
immorality to name a few. let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth; put aside bitterness; anger; wrath; insult; and
slander; and wickedness; be kind, compassionate, forgiving- Eph. 4:22-32; Col. 3:8-15. *And do

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 110

not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you
may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect- Rom. 12:1-2.

Lesson 2 Testing Traditions, Customs, and Christian Leaders With the Word of God
(Expanding Review)

Teaching Points:
Point 2a: (Expanding Unit 3 on
testing everything with the Word of 1. Believers need to test the customs and traditions of their
God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) particular culture with the Word of God, Jesus, and the Holy
Test Traditions and Customs with Spirit.
God’s Word. 2. We must not imitate the detestable practices of the nations.
3. We can form new traditions and Christian celebrations which will
honor God.
4. Believers in the community need to connect together in order to
gain support for starting new things (such as Christian funerals,
births, marriages, etc.)
5. Keep in mind some churches mix pagan religious practices with
Christian beliefs. This is unacceptable to God.

Believers Test Customs And Practices With The Word Of God

Stories and Scriptures
*Nadab And Abihu Offer Strange Fire To The Lord- Lev. 10:1-7. *Paul left behind the traditions
of his ancestors to follow Jesus- Gal. 1:13-16. *Paul Discusses Community involvement in pagan
celebrations, conclusion: do not be partakers with demons- I Cor. 8-10 (see 10:14-22). *Joshua
challenges the people to chose whether they will serve the gods of their ancestors, the gods of the
land in which they will be living, or if they will serve the Lord- Josh. 24. *For Everyone Who
Does Evil Hates The Light, And Does Not Come To The Light For Fear That His Deeds Will Be
Exposed. But He Who Practices The Truth Comes To The Light, So That His Deeds May Be
Manifested As Having Been Wrought In God- John 3:20-21. *Demons Teach False Doctrines- 1
Tim. 4:1-8. *Do Not Add To The Commands Or Take Away From Them- Deut. 12:32. *Do Not
Imitate Detestable Practices Of The Nations, God Has Forbidden Us From Doing So - Deut. 18:9-
15. *Flee Idolatry- 1 Cor. 10:14-22.
Various pictures showing customs and
traditions of people (burial, coming of There is a need for testing because not everyone’s heart is fully on the Lord.
age, pagan belief systems) We need to test *King Abijam was not completely devoted to God- 1 Kings 15:1-8 (v.3; see also 1 Kings 11:4
traditions and customs of the land where we about Solomon). *Gideon defeats the Moabites with God’s help, but then he sets up an ephod
live with the Word of God. Satan interweaves and people play the harlot, it is a snare to him- Judges 8:47.
his false teachings and practices into the
customs of the people. We must learn to Festivals Appointed by God
unweave the strands of culture he has put in, *God sets the seasons and times for festivals- Gen. 1:14. *Passover- Num. 28:16-25; Matt. 26:17-
and develop new customs and traditions based 20. *Pentecost (First Fruits Or Weeks)- Deut. 16:9-1. *Trumpets- Num. 29:1-6. *Day Of
on the Word of God. Atonement- Lev. 23:26-32; Heb. 9:1-28. *Tabernacles/Booths- Num. 29:12-40; Lev. 23:33-44;
Neh. 8:13-18; John 7:2. *Dedication- John 10:22-39. *Purim- Esther 9:18-32.

Pagan Festivals:
*Aaron Fashions A Golden Calf- Exo. 32. *Jeroboam sets a pagan festival- 1 Kings 12:31-33.
*Solomon's Wives Lead Him Astray- 1 Kings 11:1-13.

Christian Celebrations:
*Christmas- Matt. 1-2; Luke 2. *Easter/Resurrection Day- Matt. 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-
21; Acts 1:1-11.

The Following May Be Celebrated In A Christian Way: *Marriage. *Birthday. *Funeral.

Point 2b: (Review Unit 3)

Test everything you hear from any Teaching Points:
minister or layman with the Word 1. Believers should test the prophecies, visions, and teachings of
of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. others and themselves with the Word of God, Jesus, and the Holy

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*Paul And Silas Visit Berea- Acts 17:10-14. *Jesus Tells About Himself In The Law And The
Prophets- Luke 24:44-53. *Test For True Prophet/Dreamer- Deut. 13. *The Believers At Ephesus
Test The Words Of Prophets- Rev. 2:1-7. *The Apostles Obeyed God Rather Than Men- Acts
5:28-29. *Things that bear witness of who Jesus was - John 5:18-47. *The Prophet Nathan tests
Man preaching- We must test everything we his own words with that of God’s. He has to go back to David and tell him what God said
hear with the Word of God. Preachers should instead- 1 Chr. 17:1-15. *Paul used to be zealous for his ancestral traditions, but now he is serving
be kept accountable for what they are teaching. God- Gal. 1:14-24. *A spirit appears to Eliphaz in a dream and gives wrong information about
If someone is preaching contrary to the Word Job- Job 4:12-21.
of God we should not be under their
leadership. Scriptures
*No Prophecy Of Scripture Is A Matter Of One's Own Interpretation- 2 Pet. 1:19-21.*Be On
Some Characteristics of False leaders: Her Your Guard So That You Are Not Carried Away By False Teachers and Fall From Your Own
Leaders Pronounce Judgment For A Bribe, Her Steadfastness, But Grow In The Grace And Knowledge of Jesus Christ- 2 Pet. 3:17-18. *The
Priests Instruct For A Price And Her Prophets Prophets Served Us In Their Predictions About Jesus- 1 Pet. 1:10-25. *There Will be False
Divine For Money. Yet They Lean On The Prophets Among You- 2 Pet. 2; 1 John 4:1-3. *See To It That No One Takes You Captive
LORD Saying, "Is Not The LORD In Our Through Philosophy And Empty Deception, According To The Tradition Of Men, According To
Midst?- Micah 3:11-12. *Jesus Teaches About The Elementary Principles Of The World, Rather Than According To Christ. For In Him All The
False Prophets - Matt. 7:15-23; 12:38-42; Luke Fullness Of Deity Dwells In Bodily Form- Col. 2:8-9. *Do Not Let Your Prophets And Diviners
17:20-37. *Ezekiel Speaks Against Prophets Deceive You, And Do Not Listen To The Dreams Which They Dream. 'For They Prophesy
Who Follow And Speak From Their Own Falsely To You In My Name; I Have Not Sent Them,' Declares The LORD- Jer. 29:8-9. *Keep
Spirit, Rather Than God's- Eze. 13. *Jeremiah Your Eye On Those Who Cause Dissensions And Hindrances Contrary To The Teaching Which
Speaks Against Shemaiah The Nehelamite For You Learned, And Turn Away From Them. Such Men Are Slaves, Not Of Our Lord Christ But
False Prophecy- Jer. 29:24-32. *Jesus Teaches Of Their Own Appetites; They Deceive The Hearts Of The Unsuspecting. Be Wise In What Is
Us that False Prophets May Come In Sheep's Good And Innocent In What Is Evil. The God Of Peace Will Soon Crush Satan Under Your
Clothing, But Are Wolves Inside. They Will Be Feet- Rom. 16:17-20. *Do Not Be Carried Away By Varied And Strange Teachings; For It Is
Known By Their Fruits- Matt. 7:15-23. *Jesus Good For The Heart To Be Strengthened By Grace- Heb. 13:9. *Priests have made no distinction
Teaches Us Not To Forsake The between what is holy and profane. They have not taught the difference between the unclean and
Commandments For The Traditions Of Men- the clean. God is profaned among them. As a result, the people have practiced oppression,
Matt. 15:1-9; Mark 7:3-13. *Jeremiah murder, robbery, wronged the poor and needy, and the sojourner- Eze. 22:26-31.
Addresses Superficial Preaching- Jer. 6:13-17.
*Jeremiah Addresses False Dreamers, those
who pervert God’s Word - Jer. 23:25-40; 27:9;
29:8. *Zechariah Speaks Against False
Prophets - Zech. 10:2.

Lesson 3 Avoiding the Paths of Destruction (or the paths of foolishness)

Teaching Points:
Point 3a: Avoid the Path of
Enticement and Addictions. 1. Avoid the Path of Enticement and Addictions.
2. Addictions may include: sexual immorality, pornography,
drunkenness, drug abuse, food addictions/disorders, people
addictions, excessive shopping, habitual stealing, computer games,
and internet.
3. People go down this path when they try to fill a need, comfort a
hurt, or fill a desire in the wrong way.

*How To Avoid The Path Of The Adulterer, it leads to destruction and death- Prov. 1-2; 9.
*Daughters Of Lot With Child- Gen. 19:30-38. *A Lying Spirit Entices Ahab- 1 Kings 22:20-38; 2
People sitting in a bar drinking, several Chr. 18:18-34. Noah’s drunkenness- Gen. 9:18-28.
women with one man, man walking Scriptures
away to prostitute’s house- This *But Each One Is Tempted When He Is Carried Away And Enticed By His Own Lust. Then
represents the Path of Enticement and
Addictions. People on this path engage in When Lust Has Conceived, It Gives Birth To Sin; And When Sin Is Accomplished, It Brings
activities or habits which are addictive and Forth Death- James 1:14-15. *S o As To Live The Rest Of The Time In The Flesh No Longer For
destructive. These things may include gluttony, The Lusts Of Men, But For The Will Of God. Having Pursued A Course Of Sensuality, Lusts,

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 112

alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual immorality Drunkenness, Carousing, Drinking Parties And Abominable Idolatries. In All This, They Are
(pornography, adultery, pre-marital sex, Surprised That You Do Not Run With Them Into The Same Excesses Of Dissipation, And They
homosexuality, etc), addictions to things,
Malign You; But They Will Give Account To Him Who Is Ready To Judge The Living And The
television, computer games or internet, people-
abusive relationships, busy-ness, sports, etc. Dead- 1 Pet. 4:2-5. *Walk In Self-control- Rom. 13:13-14. *Now Flee From Youthful Lusts And
Pursue Righteousness, Faith, Love And Peace, With Those Who Call On The Lord From A Pure
Additional Teaching: Heart- 2 Tim. 2:22. *Be imitators of God, …But sexual immorality and any impurity or greed
All of the destructive paths show a form of should not even be heard of among you, as is proper for saints…For know and recognize this: no
foolishness or ignorance in the hearts of those sexually immoral or impure or greedy person, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the
who follow them. There are three types of
fools the Bible mentions: Kingdom of the Messiah and of God- Eph. 5:1-5. *Woe To Those Who Are Heroes In Drinking
1. 1. Simpletons- those who are without Wine And Valiant Men In Mixing Strong Drink- Isa. 5:22. *Overseers Not To Be Addicted To
maturity or knowledge, ignorant fools. Wine- 1 Tim. 3:3, 8; Titus 1:7. *Do Not Drink Wine Or Strong Drink, Neither You Nor Your Sons
2. 2. Brazen fool- one who is rebellious, willful, With You, When You Come Into The Tent Of Meeting, So That You Will Not Die- Lev. 10:9.
and with knowledge. *Wine Is A Mocker, Strong Drink A Brawler, And Whoever Is Intoxicated By It Is Not Wise-
3. 3. Hardened fool- one is has been a brazen
Prov. 20:1. *Woe To Those Who Rise Early In The Morning That They May Pursue Strong
fool over time, and who is unchanging.
Drink, Who Stay Up Late In The Evening That Wine May Inflame Them! They Do Not Pay
Attention To The Deeds Of The LORD, Nor Do They Consider The Work Of His Hands- Isa.
5:11-12. *The Priest And The Prophet Reel With Strong Drink, They Are Confused By Wine,
They Stagger From Strong Drink; They Reel While Having Visions, They Totter When Rendering
Judgment- Isa. 28:7-9. *Drunkards And Gluttons Become Poor, And Drowsiness Clothes Them
In Rags- Prov. 23:21. *Walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh…the
works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity,
idolatry,…drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar…those who practice such things will not
inherit the kingdom of God.
Point 3b: Avoiding the Path of Teaching Points:
Violence and Hatred. 1. Avoid the path of violence and hatred.
2. Jesus said anger toward one’s brother is like committing murder
in the heart.
3. Men tend toward physical violence; women toward verbal
4. The source of fights is envy and desire for one’s own pleasures.
5. Verbal violence includes: gossip, slander; backbiting; abusive
speech; stigmatizing; cursing; bullying; and false testimony.
6. Violence and hatred is enslaving and takes away from the proper
focus we need to have in the community and in the church.
7. Jesus wants for us to express His love and forgiveness to people

*Parable Of The Ewe Lamb- 2 Sam. 12. *Violence In The Land- Hosea 4. *Saul Became David's
Angry People beating and hurting one Enemy Continually; But David Does Not Kill Saul- 1 Sam. 18:28-29; 1 Sam. 24; 26. *Paul's
another- This path represents the Path of Turning From Violence To Ministry- 1 Tim. 1:12-14; Acts 9:1-2. *Generational Violence- Matt.
Violence and Hatred. While men tend to be 23:31-39. *Violence Against People Of Faith- Heb. 11. *Things That God Hates- Prov. 6:16-19.
physically and verbally abusive, women may *Esau Hates His Brother For Stealing His Birthright; But Is Later Reconciled- Gen. 27, 33. *Ahab
destroy others with their gossip, slander, or Hates A Prophet For Prophesying Evil Of Him- 1 Kings 22:8. *Herodias Gets Angry With John-
belittling speech-possibly more behind the Mark 6:18-29. *Who can abide on God’s holy hill, the one who does not slander his brother or
scenes. do harm to a neighbor- Psa. 15. *Paul fears when he visits Corinth, he will find strife, jealousy,
angry tempers, disputes, slanders, gossip, arrogance, and disturbances- 2 C or. 12:20. *James
In the body of Christ: “Everyone who hates his says the tongue is set on fire by hell, no one can tame it- James 3:6-18.
brother is a murderer; and you know that no
murderer has eternal life abiding in him. We Scriptures
know love by this, that He laid down His life *The source of quarrels and conflict is the desire for one’s own pleasure, and lust. So murder is
for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for committed. Envy brings about fighting and quarreling. Rather humble yourself before God- James
the brethren.” 1 John 3:15-16. 4:1-10. *Whoever slanders his neighbor, him I will destroy. God’s eyes are on the faithful of the
land- Psa. 101:5; 11:5. *He who guards his lips, guards his life- Prov. 13:3. *The tongue is a
Believers are to: “Love our enemies and pray deadly arrow; it speaks with deceit. With his mouth each speaks cordially to his neighbor, but in
for those who persecute us.” Matt. 5:44. his heart he sets a trap for him- Jer. 9:8. *A Man Of Violence Entices His Neighbor And Leads
Him In A Way That Is Not Good- Prov. 16:29-30. *The Violence Of The Wicked Will Drag
Them Away, Because They Refuse To Act With Justice- Prov. 21:7. *By The Word Of Your

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Lips I Have Kept From The Paths Of The Violent - Psa. 17:4-5. *Violent Injustice- Mic. 3:10.
*Thus They Have Repaid Me Evil For Good And Hatred For My Love- Psa. 109:5. *One Who
Hates His Brother Cannot Love God- 1 John 2:9; 4:20. *End Times, Brother Will Betray Brother
Unto Death; Children Will Rise Against Their Parents- Mark 13:12. *Destruction Awaits Those
Who Are Enemies Of The Cross- Philip. 3:18-19. *If Our Enemy Is Hungry, Give Him Food, If
Thirsty, Give Him Something To Drink- Prov. 25:21-22. *Love Your Enemies, Do Good To
Them, Bless Them- Matt. 5:43-48. *Do Not Choose The Path Of Violence- Prov. 3:31. A Hot-
tempered Man Stirs Up Strife, But The Slow To Anger Calms A Dispute- Prov. 15:17-18. *Our
Speech Should Be Seasoned With Salt- Col. 4:6. *Immaturity among believers is evident where
there is strife present, even in the choosing of which leader they follow- 1 Cor. 3:1-17. *Works of
the flesh include: hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions,
factions, envy- Gal. 5:19-21.

Point 3c: Avoiding the Path of Teaching Points:

Laziness and Neglect. 1. Avoid the Path of Laziness and Neglect.
2. Laziness and Neglect are passive sins (as opposed to active sins).
3. Laziness leads to poverty.

*Lessons From An Ant- Prov. 6:6-11. *A Baker Forgets To Help Joseph- Gen. 40:23. *Paul
Instructs The Thessalonians On Laziness- 2 Thess. 3:10-16. *The Parable Of The Talents- Matt.
25:14-30. Parable Of The Ten Virgins- Matt. 25:1-13. *Neglect Of God's House- Hag. 1:2-15.
*Neglect Of The Gospel- Matt. 22:4-14. *Neglect Of God's Ways- Matt. 23:23-28. *Neglecting
The Needy- Matt. 25:44-46. *Neglect Of Bearing testimony when you see, hear, or experience
something- Lev. 5:1. *Count The Cost Before Building A Building; Consider the battle; and
Someone sleeping long periods of time- consider the cost of following Jesus- Luke 14:28-35. *Paul Instructs The Romans On Diligent
Christian Service- Rom. 12:4-21. *Parable Of The Good Samaritan- Luke 10:25-42.
This represents the path of laziness and
neglect. People can sin against their families
and others not only by active sins such as Scriptures
lying, cheating, destructive speech, or *Laziness Casts Into A Deep Sleep, And An Idle Man Will Suffer Hunger- Prov. 19:15-16. *Poor
immorality, but they may sin by passive ones Is He Who Works With A Negligent Hand, But The Hand Of The Diligent Makes Rich. He Who
such as laziness and neglect. Laziness leads to Gathers In Summer Is A Son Who Acts Wisely, But He Who Sleeps In Harvest Is A Son Who
poverty. Some people may even substitute Acts Shamefully- Prov. 10:4-5. *The Way Of The Lazy Is As A Hedge Of Thorns, But The Path
another good activity at the expense of being Of The Upright Is A Highway- Prov. 15:19. *He Also Who Is Slack In His Work Is Brother To
responsibile. Him Who Destroys- Prov. 18:9. *The Desire Of The Sluggard Puts Him To Death, For His
Biblical Words: Hands Refuse To Work; All Day Long He Is Craving, While The Righteous Gives And Does Not
+ameleo - to be careless, not to care about Hold Back- Prov. 21:25-26. *God Will Not Forget The Work We Have Done For Him- Heb.
something, or regard something as not that 6:10-20. *Do Not Withhold Good From Those To Whom It Is Due, When It Is In Your Power
important. To Do It. Do Not Say To Your Neighbor, "Go, And Come Back, And Tomorrow I Will Give It,"
+paratheoreo- to compare, and to make When You Have It With You- Prov. 3:27-28.
irresponsible decisions which contribute to
major negligence in another area.
+apheidia- extravagance, focusing in one area
to the extreme, causing some neglect in another

Point 3d: Avoiding the Path of Teaching Points:

Ethical Corruption.
1. Avoid the path of ethical corruption.
2. The most common type of corruption in the Bible is the twisting
and misrepresentation of God’s Word or Law (see ancient Israel,
the Prophets, Jesus’ teachings against the Pharisees, and the
warnings of anti-Christs).
3. The love of money is the root of all evil.
4. Deceitfulness, lying, unfaithfulness, and betrayal in relationships
are a form of relational ethical corruption.
5. False judgments, false testimonies, and bribes are a form of
ethical corruption in leadership and the justice system.
People lying to one another, someone

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 114

stealing- This represents the Path of Ethical
6. False weights, false balances, and false representation are
examples of ethical corruption in the business arena.
Biblical words for Corruption:
+Muk- to waste away, to ruin by oppression.
+Shaheth- means to corrupt wisdom, virtue, or 7. Stealing, conning, and cheating people out of money are examples
integrity. of corruption on a more personal level.
+Kapeleuo- to do something for personal gain
(2 Cor. 2:17). 8. We are to live lives full of integrity.
+Phtheiro-to bring into a worst state of being,
to destroy little by little. This word is
sometimes used of the physical body, which is
*The Pharisees defile the Law- Matt. 15:10-20. *Saul compromises God’s Instructions to
slowly being corrupted, aging, and dying. This
him- 1 Sam. 15. *The Serpent questions God’s commands and deceives Eve- Gen. 3. *Jacob
word is also used in 1 Cor. 15:33- which is an
Deceives His Brother- Gen. 27. *Description Of The Path Of Corruption- Prov. 1:10-19.
admonition to stay away from evil people so
*Samson and Delilah- Judges 16. *Just Weights And Balances- Eze. 45:9-12. *David and
that you avoid being corrupted by them. Paul
Bathsheba- 2 Sam. 11-12. *Corruption In Justice- the book of Hab. *Scribes' And Pharisees'
says in Eph. 4:22, that we are corrupted by evil
Inner Corruption- Matt. 23:23-25; Luke 11:44. *Soldiers Are Bribed- Matt. 28:12-13. *Ananias
And Sapphira lie to people and God/false representation- Acts 5. *Pharisees Try To Entangle
+Diaphitheiro- intense form of the word, to
Jesus- Matt. 22:15-46. *Money Changers In The Temple- John 2:14-16. *Judas Betrays Jesus-
utterly, through and through, corrupt. This
Matt. 25-27. *Paul says he has corrupted no one- 2 Cor. 7:2. *Kings, rulers, officials, those in
word is used of false teachers in 1 Tim. leadership become corrupted through a lack of justice and fairness- Prov. 29:4, 12, 14; Pro. 20:8;
6:5. Psa. 99:4.
+Kataphtheiro- means corrupt in mind, a *Daniel charges the king to break away from sinning, and instead exercise righteousness and
reprobate of the faith (used in 2 Tim. 3:6 - mercy in relationship to the people- Dan. 4:27.
Corruption is often referred to in the *Do not adulterate the Word of God- 2 Cor. 4:1-2. *Paul describes men of corrupt minds, and
following ways in Scripture: charges Timothy to use the Word of God to keep one’s mind and actions free from corruption- 2
+the corrupting of God’s Word with false Tim. 3:1-17. *Turn away from those who teach falsely- Rom. 16:17-20; 1 Tim. 6:5; Jude 10. *Evil
teachings or rituals. Men And Impostors Will Proceed From Bad To Worse, Dec eiving And Being Deceived. You,
+the corrupting of our moral standards by evil However, Continue In The Things You Have Learned And Become Convinced Of, Knowing
desires, and by keeping the wrong friends. From Whom You Have Learned Them- 2 Tim. 3:13-14. *Lay Aside The Old Self, Which Is
+the corrupting of our minds and wisdom. Being Corrupted In Accordance With The Lusts Of Deceit, Be Renewed In The Spirit Of Your
+the corruption of rulers, leaders, judges in Mind, Put On The New Self, Laying Aside Falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE Of You
matters of justice and fairness to people. WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, For We Are Members Of One Another- Eph. 4:22-28.*Woe To Those
+the corruption of business practices for Who Call Evil Good, And Good Evil; Who Substitute Darkness For Light And Light For
personal gain. Darkness; Who Substitute Bitter For Sweet And Sweet For Bitter. Who Justify The Wicked For
A Bribe, And Take Away The Rights Of The Ones Who Are In The Right- Isa. 5:20, 23.*The
Heart Is The Place Of Corruption- Matt. 15:19-20. *Minds corrupted- 2 Cor. 11:3. *The Bread Of
Deception Is Sweet, But Afterward It Turns To Gravel- Prov. 20:17. *The Love Of Money Is A
Root Of All Sorts Of Evil- 1 Tim. 6:9-11. *From the least to the greatest, everyone is greedy for
gain. Even the priests deal falsely- Jer. 6:13-17. *We should take care of our bodies and not
corrupt them with bad food, alcohol, drugs, or promiscuity- 1 Cor. 3:17. *Preachers who are
preaching for personal gain- 2 Cor. 2:17. Corruption of justice and righteousness-Leaders who are
protecting their own at various levels- Ecc. 5:8-9 (some translations read differently).

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Unit 11 Illustration: God’s Grace, Our Stewardship

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Simplified Drawing for Unit 11

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 117

Unit 11 God’s Grace, Our Stewardship

General Description
Illustration 11 is a visual picture of God’s providence to us and our
responsibility to be good stewards of what He has entrusted to us.
You will see at the top of the page the Throne of God with the three
persons of the Godhead—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The arrows
coming down from Heaven indicate that God is giving various kinds of
provisions to people. The arrows going back to God indicate that we are
to show gratitude for what God has given to us by being good stewards
of those things.

There are four areas where God provides for us. Two are physical: 1.
God provides for us through nature; and 2. God provides for our family.
Two are spiritual: 1. God gives us spiritual gifts to use to build up the
body of Christ; and 2. God has made us ministers of reconciliation and
has given us the stewardship of the message of the Gospel.

God provides for us through nature. God provides the sun, rain, and
He provides the resources to feed, clothe, and shelter all people. This area
of provision is pictured by the mountains and trees in the background.
We can preserve God’s world by not polluting it and by not being
wasteful of our natural resources. We can also be good stewards in
planning for the future by planting new trees as we cut other trees down. Preserving human life is another way we can
be good stewards of God’s creation. The Bible says shedding innocent blood pollutes the land.

God’s provides for our family. God wants for us to have food, shelter, and clothing. He provides us with jobs,
craftsmanship, talents, or land to produce crops so that we can provide for our family. He wants us to take care of our
houses, making repairs and keeping the house clean so we can be healthy. The house pictured on the left of the page
represents provisions God gives to the family. Inside of the house are several smaller pictures of the ways we are to be
good stewards of those provisions including: food, shelter, and clothing for our family, giving to the poor, saving
money for emergencies and for our children’s education, and giving money to the church. We must be good stewards
by using our provisions wisely, by working hard, by not being wasteful, and by remembering to give of our resources
to the church and to others in need.

The two areas of spiritual provisions are pictured as churches:

God gives us spiritual gifts to develop and use for His Kingdom and glory. On the right side of the picture is a large
church. The small pictures within the church represent the various types of spiritual gifts God gives to believers. These
gifts include: edifying gifts such as preaching, teaching, encouragement, and exhortation; missionary and evangelistic
gifts such as apostleship, evangelism, and sometimes possibly speaking in other languages; administrative gifts; service
gifts; the gift of giving; and healing gifts including spiritual, emotional, and sometimes healing gifts. We need to be
good stewards of God’s gifts by using them and developing them in service to God.

God has given us the Gospel message and the Ministry of Reconciliation. The pictures of small churches in the
mountains represent the mandate for believers to be involved in various ways in the Great Commission. The
Stewardship of the Gospel, or the Ministry of Reconciliation (See Unit 7, Lesson 4; and Unit 9, Lesson 2c) was given to
all believers just before Jesus ascended into heaven. This type of stewardship differs from the others in that this is a
stewardship of a message – the message of the Gospel. Although many places in the world do not have actual buildings
for believers to worship in, we use them in the picture to illustrate church planting and the meeting together of
believers to worship, pray, study, and serve God—wherever that may occur.

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The straight path. In each of the four areas of stewardship listed above, we walk in the ways of God in order to be
good stewards of God’s provisions to us. We must use His provisions and resources in ways that honor Him (pictured
as the straight path leading up to God).

Paths of destruction. At the bottom of the page are the destructive paths presented in Unit 10. Believers, who do not
use God’s resources and provisions in wise and godly ways, are behaving in ways which will only lead toward their
own destruction and loss. Some examples are included later in this Unit, but specific examples are left to you, the
teacher, to supply. Note there is one house falling apart on this path due to negligence and spending money on things
which are extravagant, addictive, or wasteful of God’s provision to the family.

Serving God in the Midst of Difficulties (pictured in the small box at the top left of the picture).
One of the greatest ways Satan works to keep us from being good stewards is to discourage us by the hardships of life
and the workings of the Kingdom of Darkness in the world (pictured by the demons shooting arrows). We are not
alone in going through discouraging times. The Apostle Paul at times also despaired even of his life (2 Cor. 1:4-11).
But he learned several things that helped him remain faithful to God. He learned to trust God with his life (the hand);
He learned to enlist mature Christians to pray for him (the people praying); He learned to use his experiences to comfort
others in the same situations (one person ministering to another); and he learned that God was strong through his
hardships and imperfections (the thorn and the finger). It is required of stewards that they are found faithful.

Approaches to Teaching this Unit:

1. Simple overview approach. Use the general description above to teach the overall picture of this Unit. It is
advised later to go back and teach on individual parts.
2. Topical Approach. Take each of the major parts of this study and teach them separately over time. You may teach
on the Stewardship of Nature; on the Stewardship of the Home; the Stewardship of the Church; or the Stewardship
of the Gospel.
3. Detail Approach. Study the scope of Scriptures from each individual picture and subject.
4. Evangelistic Approach. This unit is primarily for believers. But one can always teach the Gospel message and
challenge unbelievers to be good stewards of God’s creation and to be good stewards of their homes.
5. Mature Believer Approach. This unit is to help sharpen mature believers in the area of stewardship.
a. Encouragement Approach: Begin the study by teaching on the Biblical definition of God’s grace as written
above. Then teach on the topic of encouragement. People often quit serving the Lord as difficult
circumstances and persecution enter their lives. The pictures in the box at the top left of the picture are to be
used to encourage believers to always be about the work of the Lord as good stewards of His grace even in
the midst of great difficulties (Lesson 7). Use these teachings as a starting point to teach on the other areas of
b. Home Stewardship Approach: Another approach would be to teach each of the areas of stewardship with a
look at both the right ways and wrong ways to use God’s provisions to us in the home. You might also want
to connect this with Unit 2, Lesson 2 on the Role of the Family.
c. Walking with God Approach: You might even compare this study with the preceding Unit on Walking on
God’s Path in the Community since the destructive paths affect each area of stewardship.
d. The Church Stewardship Approach: Do a study on the spiritual gifts given to the church. See Lesson 5 on
the Proper use of the gifts in the church.
e. The Church Vision Approach: Teach from the outline presented in the Additional Teachings section at the
end of this Unit on church vision, budget, and becoming a Great Commission Church. Teaching on
stewardship in the home and in the church is vital for the vision and mission of the church to succeed. There
are also some Additional Teaching notes included at the end of Lesson 6 of this Unit which might be helpful
to you. It concerns the regions of the world where the Gospel has not yet been preached.

Objectives for Unit 11

1. To help us understand what it means to be good stewards of God’s gracious gifts and provision to us.
2. To teach how God provides for us through nature, and how we are to take care of nature.
3. To teach how God provides for our families and how to manage our household.
4. To teach how God provides for the church and how we honor one another and the Lord with our gifts.

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5. To teach our responsibility to take the Gospel to the world.
6. To help us avoid pitfalls in how we use our resources.
7. To encourage us during times of difficulty to keep on serving God with our gifts in ministry.

Related Units
Unit 7: We stay fully committed to God’s service as we live in reconciliation with other believers and God.
Unit 8: We must be careful to stay on the straight path, and not follow the paths leading to destruction.
Unit 9: Satan shoots arrows at believers and unbelievers alike. We need to be growing spiritually so we can fight spiritual battles.
Growing spiritually will help us to stay on God’s path.
Unit 12: Until Jesus returns we are to faithfully serve God with the gifts He has given us and preach the Gospel every where we go.

Lesson 1 God’s Grace, Our Gratitude

Point 1: God gives us grace, and we Teaching Points:

show Him gratitude in return. 1. God gives us grace gifts and we show Him gratitude in
2. The Greek word for “grace” is translated by two English
words, gift and gratitude. [see note in side column]
3. Stewardship is the gratitude returned to God for His gifts to
4. God provides for us through nature so we must take care of
the land, animals, crops, trees, water, building materials,
energy sources, and even our own bodies.
5. We must not defile God’s creation by worshipping idols,
breaking God’s covenant, living immorally, or shedding
innocent blood.
6. God provides for us in the home. So we need to be good
stewards by doing our best to provide food, clothing, and
shelter to our family. In addition, we need to save money for
Lines coming from heaven to the earth, and
education and emergencies. We need to give money to the
from the earth back to heaven- The Greek
word for grace has a reciprocal meaning to it. Grace church for use in the Kingdom and share with those in need
means both gift given and the gratitude returned. God around us.
gives us gifts and we return to Him our gratitude by 7. We must not be lazy, wasteful, idolatrous, irresponsible, or
how we use and develop the gifts He has given to us. neglectful with the things God has given to us.
This is our ‘thank you” for all He gives us each day. 8. God provides gifts to build up the church spiritually. We need
There are four basic areas God has given something
to us: nature, the home, the church, and the Gospel.
to use and develop our spiritual gifts to build up the body of
All of these areas require a stewardship on our part. Christ for the work of ministry.
9. God has given us the responsibility to take the Gospel and
everything Jesus taught us to the world. We do this by
starting new churches at home and abroad, by sharing our
faith with our neighbors far and wide, and by discipling
others in the ways of God.

*God cared for the land Israel was going to enter (the Promised Land). His eyes were always
on it- Deut. 11:11-12. *Ezra speaks of God’s grace in keeping a remnant for Himself- Ezra
9:8. *God gives a gift of grace through Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins- Rom. 5:15-21. *For all
things are for your sakes, so that the grace which is spread ing to more and more people may
cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God - 2 Cor. 4:15. *And God is able to
make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may
have an abundance for every good deed - 2 Cor. 9:8. *The LORD gives grace and glory; No
good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly- Psa. 84:11. *The people who
survived the sword Found grace in the wilderness -- Israel, when it went to find its rest- Jer.

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31: 2. *I will pour out …the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me
whom they have pierced - Zech. 12:10. *The Child continued to grow and become strong,
increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him- Luke 2:40. *Since we have gifts
that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them- Rom. 12:6.

Lesson 2 God's Provision Through Nature and Our Stewardship

Point 2: God has provided for us

through nature. Teaching Points:
1. We are to be good stewards of God’s creation.
2. Stewardship of God’s creation includes taking care of:
animals; materials for building and making things; keeping
our water sources clean; caring for our fields and produce
gardens; utilizing energy sources; keeping the land clean.
3. Since we were made in God’s Image, we need to take care of
our bodies, eating properly, getting rest, not engaging in
Mountains, trees, clouds- The first way God sexual immorality, and staying away from harmful substances
provides for us is through His creation. He gives us which destroy our bodies. In Scripture, we are not only to
rain and crops for food and water. He gives us trees care for our own bodies, but also care for others.
to build houses. We must in turn take care of the
things God created. Our stewardship of nature
4. Idol worship, sexual immorality, bloodshed, and breaking
includes the way we treat animals (even those of our God’s covenant, pollute the land.
enemy!); how we use materials from the earth; how
we keep water clean; caring for our crops; conserving Take Care of God's Creation
energy sources; how we use the land; and it even Stories
extends to our own physical bodies. *God's Charge to Adam and Eve- Gen. 1:26-30; 2:15. *God Made People Ruler Over His
Creation- Gen. 1:26. Psa. 8:5-8; 115:16. *Jesus Teaches On God's Provision-Luke 12:22-34;
Matt. 6:25-34. *Barnabas And Paul Are Mistaken As Gods. They Exhort The People To
*We need to take care of our physical bodies. See The God Who Provides Rain, fruit, and gladness For Them. Acts 14:16-17. *Jeremiah
Drugs, alcohol, and wrong eating habits destroy our Relates Why God Has Withheld His Blessings To Israel-because They Did Not Fear The
bodies. In addition, we must know how to live Lord Who Gives Them Harvest And Rain- Jer. 5:19-31 (v.24). *God provided food for
honorable and moral lives, not in sexual immorality. Elijah- 1 Kings 17.
*Interestingly, polluting the land may also occur when *Are There Any Among The Idols Of The Nations Who Give Rain? Or Can The Heavens
we live unrighteous by breaking God’s covenant; Grant Showers? Is It Not You, O LORD Our God? Therefore We Hope In You, For You
worshipping idols; shedding innocent blood; and by Are The One Who Has Done All These Things- Jer. 14:22. *God Provides For Crops And
engaging in sexual immorality. Trees To Bear Fruit-Lev. 26:4-5. *God Provides Grass For The Cattle-Deut. 11:14-15.
*God Provides Food For Those Who Fear Him-Psalm 136:25. *God Provides For Plants,
Animals, People- Psalm 65:9-13; Psalm19; Psalm 104. *God provides food- Psa. 147. *We
must take care of God’s world morally—see Prov. 25:26- polluting the water is compared to
unrighteousness; Isa. 24:4-5-earth is defiled by breaking God’s covenant; and Psalms
106:38- idol worship pollutes the land. *How we are to treat animals- Prov. 12:10; 1 Tim.
5:18; Deut. 22:4; Ex. 23:5; Exo. 20:20; Gen. 9-animals for food.

Take Care of Our Bodies

*Paul Teaches That Our Bodies Are For The Lord- 1 Cor. 3:18-20; 6:11-20. *People Are
Made In God's Image- Gen. 1:26-31. *God provided manna in the wilderness- Neh. 9:15.
*I Will Give Thanks To You, For I Am Fearfully And Wonderfully Made- Psa. 139:14-16.
Do not be with a glutton or drunkard. Both will come to poverty.- Prov. 23:20-21.

Lesson 3 God’s Provision to Our Family and Our Stewardship

Teaching Points:
Point 3: God gives provisions to our 1. We are to be good stewards of God’s provision to us and our
family. families.
2. We should use the resources God gives us to provide shelter,

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 121

food, clothing, as well as medical and educational needs of
our family.
3. God also gives to us so that we can share with the church and
with the poor.
4. God gives to us to take care of us and so that we can share
God’s blessings with others.
5. Jesus considers our care for the poor as also caring for Him.
6. Many Christians use the Old Testament’s 10% of income
standard to determine what percentage they give to God.

House with many items in it- God provides for

our family. The way we use His provisions shows
Family Needs
our gratitude to Him. Stories
*Poverty And The Field Of A Sluggard - Prov. 24:30-34. *Jesus Teaches On God's
Provision For The Family- Matt. 6:25-34. *Abraham's Wealth- Genesis 13; 24:35. *Abraham
Point 3a: We should take care of the Buys A Field And Cave To Bury The Dead- Gen. 23. *Israel Buys Food And Water From
house God has given us. Seir- Deut. 2:1-8. *Achan provided for his family in the wrong way, through idols- Joshua 7.
* But If Anyone Does Not Provide For His Own family, He Has Denied The Faith And Is
Worse Than An Unbeliever- 1 Tim. 5:8. * Attend To Your Own Business so that you will
behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need -1 Thess. 4:11-12. *Through
neglect the roof leaks- Ecc 10:18. *Diligent Hands Will Rule, But Laziness Ends In Slave
Labor- Prov. 12:24. *A Sluggard Does Not Plow In Season; So At Harvest Time He Looks
But Finds Nothing- Prov. 20:4. *Money is protection - Ecc. 7:12. *Do not spend money on
what does not satisfy- Isa. 55:1-3. *parents provide for their children- 2 Cor. 12:14. *Ask
Point 3b: We are to work to provide God for daily food - Matt. 6:11.
food for our families, and thank God for
our daily food.

Giving To The Church

*People Live Well, Church Goes To Ruin- Haggai 1. *Jehoash Restores The Temple- 2
Kings 12; 2 Chr. 24. *King Josiah Restores The Temple- 2 Kings 22; 2 Chr. 34. *Give To
C aesar What Is Caesar’s, And God What Is God's- Matt. 22:17-22. *Ezra Gathers Money
Point 3c: We are to provide clothing for To Rebuild The Temple- Ezra 3; 7-8. *The Disciples Gave According To Their Ability-
our families. Acts 11:29. *All Believers Were Of One Mind And Had All Things In Common- Acts 4:32-
35. *Believers In Macedonia And Achaia Contributed To The Needs Of Poor Believers-
Ro m. 15:25-27; 2 Cor. 8:1-15; 2 Cor. 9:1-13.
*Each One must give as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under pressure, God
loves a cheerful giver- 2 Cor. 9:6-11.
*Avoid the tendency to dress for status.

Point 3d: We need to save money for Giving To The Needy

our children’s education. Stories
*Israel was to care for the needs of the poor among them- Deut. 15:7-11. *Boaz- Ruth 2-3.
*Jesus Teaches To Care For The Hungry, Or Thirsty, Or A Stranger, Or Naked, Or Sick,
Or In Prison, In The Same Way We Would Him- Matt. 25:31-46. *Rules Concerning
Neighbors- Deut. 23:19-25. *God’s fast is to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to free the
oppressed, to divide your bread with the hungry- Isa. 58:4-12. *The Grace of God was upon
the church and each of them gave to those in need - Acts 4:33-37.
Point 3e: We need to save money for Scriptures
*Contributing To The Needs Of The Saints, Practicing Hospitality- Rom. 12:11-13. *But
Whoever Has The World's Goods, And Sees His Brother In Need And Closes His Heart
Against Him, How Does The Love Of God Abide In Him? Little Children, Let Us Not Love
With Word Or With Tongue, But In Deed And Truth- 1 John 3:17-18; James 2:15-16. *Let
Love Of The Brethren Continue. Do Not Neglect To Show Hospitality To Strangers, For By
This Some Have Entertained Angels Without Knowing It. Remember The Prisoners, As
Though In Prison With Them, And Those Who Are Ill-treated, Since You Yourselves Also
Are In The Body- Heb. 13:1-3. *So Then, While We Have Opportunity, Let Us Do Good

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 122

Point 3f: We need to give a portion of To All People, And Especially To Those Who Are Of The Household Of The Faith. Gal.
money to the church (traditionally 6:10.

Point 3g: We need to give to the poor.

Lesson 4 God's Provision To the Church and Our Stewardship

Teaching Points:
Point 4a: The Holy Spirit gives spiritual 1. God gives us grace/spiritual gifts to the church.
gifts to people to use in building up the 2. God gives edifying gifts to the church (preaching, teaching,
body of Christ for the work of ministry. encouragement, exhortation).
3. God gives missionary and evangelistic gifts to the church
(apostleship, evangelism, and *tongues {Given as a witness to
unbelievers. Different churches have different teachings
concerning this topic. All teachings regarding tongues need to be
tested with the whole of Scripture}).
4. God gives administrative gifts to the church.
5. God gives service gifts to the church.
6. God gives the gift of giving to the church.
7. God gives “healing” gifts to the church (may include physical,
emotional, spiritual-Note also, churches have various
interpretations of healing, all need to be tested with the whole of
8. The Spirit gives gifts to the church as He desires.
Church with several items inside- God gives
gifts of ministry and service to those who have Stories and Scriptures
accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. How we
*Paul Teaches On The Use Of Gifts - Rom. 12:6-8. *Now There Are Varieties Of Gifts, But
serve God with those gifts and how we develop them The Same Spirit. And There Are Varieties Of Ministries, And The Same Lord. There Are
is our gift back to God.
Varieties Of Effects, But The Same God Who Works All Things In All Persons. But To
Each One Is Given The Manifestation Of The Spirit For The Common Good... But One
*Spiritual gifts are given to build up the body of
And The Same Spirit Works All These Things, Distributing To Each One Individually Just
Christ for ministry. As He Wills - 1 Cor. 12:4-11.
*At the base of the church is the Word of God. You
may draw the walls with people all together like those
in Unit 7. In the roof, you may display the mindset of Teaching/Preaching/Proclaiming Gifts/Apostleship Gifts
forgiveness for believers and the means of healing Stories
wrongs. These things are essential to the proper *Officials And Levites Teach The People From Town To Town- 2 Chr. 17:7-9. *Ezra
working together of the church body. Devotes Himself To The Lord's Teachings - Ezra 7:10. *Early Christians Were Devoted To
Teaching And P rayer- Acts 5:42. *Men of Cyprus and Cyrene came to Antioch preaching
and many were saved by God’s grace- Acts 11:20-30. *Prophecy Is Used To Encourage
Point 4b: God gives people proclaiming And Instruct- 1 Cor. 14:31. *Tests For True Prophet- Deut. 13; 18:22. *Deborah Prophet
gifts such as teaching, preaching, And Judge- Judges 4. *Miriam The Prophetess- Exo. 15:20. *Huldah The Prophetess- 2
discernment, knowledge, and prophecy Kings 22; 2 Chr. 34. *Anna The Prophetess- Luke 2:36-52. *Philip's Daughters- Acts 21.
to build up the body of Christ for Scriptures
ministry. *Warnings About False Prophets - 2 Peter 2; 1 John 4. *For The Lips Of A Priest Should
Preserve Knowledge- Mal. 2:7. *Preach The Word; Be Ready In Season And Out Of

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 123

Season; Reprove, Rebuke, Exhort, With Great Patience And Instruction. For The Time Will
Come When They Will Not Endure Sound Doctrine; But Wanting To Have Their Ears
Tickled, They Will Accumulate For Themselves Teachers In Accordance To Their Own
Desires, And Will Turn Away Their Ears From The Truth And Will Turn Aside To Myths.
But You, Be Sober In All Things, Endure Hardship, Do The Work Of An Evangelist, Fulfill
Your Ministry- 2 Tim. 4:2-5. *For Our Exhortation Does Not Come From Error Or Impurity
Or By Way Of Deceit; …We Speak, Not As Pleasing Men, But God Who Examines Our
Lips- God gives some people edifying gifts such as Hearts. For We Never Came With Flattering Speech, As You Know, Nor With A Pretext
teaching, preaching, discernment, knowledge, and For Greed-- God Is Witness-- Nor Did We Seek Glory From Men, …We Proclaimed To
prophecy-bringing people back to God’s ways. All You The Gospel Of God. …As You Know How We Were Exhorting And Encouraging
of these gifts must be used with care in presenting And Imploring Each One Of You As A Father Would His Own Children- 1 Thess. 2:3-13.
God’s Truth to the church and the world so that the *Let Not Many Of You Become Teachers, My Brethren, Knowing That As Such We Will
purity of the message is made sure. Incur A Stricter Judgment- James 3:1. *For Though By This Time You Ought To Be
Teachers, You Have Need Again For Someone To Teach You The Elementary Principles Of
Point 4c: God gives people The Oracles Of God, And You Have Come To Need Milk And Not Solid Food. For
Everyone Who Partakes Only Of Milk Is Not Accustomed To The Word Of Righteousness,
apostleship gifts to build God’s For He Is An Infant. But Solid Food Is For The Mature, Who Because Of Practice Have
Kingdom in the world. Their Senses Trained To Discern Good And Evil- Heb. 5:12-14. *And He Gave Some As
Apostles, And Some As Prophets, And Some As Evangelists, And Some As Pastors And
Teachers, For The Equipping Of The Saints For The Work Of Service, To The Building Up
Of The Body Of Christ- Eph. 4:11-12. *Preach With Right Motives- Phil. 1:15-18.

Special Study-Speaking In Tongues:

Tongues Were Evident In Places Where The Gospel Was First Being
*Pentecost (Jews)- Acts 2.
*The Inclusions Of The Gentiles (Gentiles)- Acts 10:45-46; 11:16-18.
*John's Disciples (Only Knew The Baptism Of John)- Acts 19:6.
Boots- Apostleship gifts, evangelism, missionary. *Probable Tongues, But Not Mentioned (Samaritans)- Acts 8:4-8; 14-17.
Salvation Where No Tongues Were Mentioned:
*3,000 Are Saved- Acts 2:41. *People In Jerusalem Who Witnessed A Healing, 2,000 Came
To Christ- Acts 4:4. *Paul's Conversion- Acts 9. *Ethiopian Eunuch- Acts 8:26-40.
*Antioch Where People Were First Called Christians- Acts 11:19-21; 13:1-3. *Lydia And
Her Family- Acts 16:14-15. *Philippian Jailer And Family- Acts 16:29-34. *Jews, God-
fearing Gentiles, Prominent Women From Thessalonica- Acts 17:1-4. *The Noble Bereans-
Acts 17:10-12. *Athens, Mars Hill Speech- Acts 17:32-34. *Initial Believers At Corinth,
Including Crispus, The Synagogue Ruler And His Family- Acts 18:7-8.

Point 4d: God gives the gifts of

encouragement, exhortation, and
Encouraging, Exhorting, And Healing Gifts
different types of healing to build up the Stories
body of Christ for ministry. *Jonathan Encourages David - 1 Sam. 23:16. *Jesus' Prayer For Peter- Luke 22:32. *Instead
Of Giving Money, Peter Calls On God To Heal A Man- Acts 3. *Moses Encourages
Joshua- Deut. 3:21-28. *Barnabas Encourages Believers To Remain Strong-Acts 11:21-24.
*Church Leaders Encourage Believers At Colossae- Col. 4:7-18. *Timothy Is Sent To
Encourage The Thessalonians - 1 Thess. 3:2. *Jesus Encourages Mary- Luke 10:40-42. *Paul
Exhorts Peter- Gal. 2. *Stephen was full of grace and performed many miracles among the
people- Acts 6:8. *Paul Is Confident That The People Are Able To Admonish And Teach
One Another- Rom. 15:14. *Paul and Barnabas Do Not Take Credit For Their Deed Of
Power (Healing Someone), Nor Do They Want The People To Focus On That. Instead,
They Point To God’s Existence Through His Good Deeds of Provision, and The Joy He
One person shaking another person’s hand- Brings To Human Hearts - Acts 14:8-18. *The Good Samaritan- Luke 10.
God gives some people the gift of mercy, Scriptures
encouragement, or exhortation. Encouragement is a *Encourage The Exhausted, And Strengthen The Feeble - Isa. 35:3-6. *Therefore Encourage
comforting and putting courage in people. One Another And Build Up One Another- 1 Thess. 5:11. *We Urge You, Brethren,
Exhortation is urging people forward to walk in Admonish The Unruly, Encourage The Fainthearted, Help The Weak, Be Patient With
God’s ways. He gives some people gifts in healing. Everyone- 1 Thess. 5:14. *Older Women Encourage The Young Women- Titus 2:3-5. *But
Healing may be emotional, spiritual, or physical. Be Encourage One Another… So That None Of You Will Be Hardened By The Deceitfulness
careful of people who fake healings, drawing crowds Of Sin- Heb. 3:13.
to be the center of attention, and who are exploiting
people for money only to expand their popularity,
power, and wealth. The purpose of healing in the
New Testament was to show who Jesus was, not to

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 124

exalt a person.

Point 4e: God gives some people gifts of

giving and administration to build up Gifts of Giving
the body of Christ for ministry. Stories
*Believers In Jerusalem Had Everything In Common- Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35. *The
Generosity Of Antiochian Believers - Acts 11:27-30. *Barnabas Is Generous- Acts 4:36.
*The Macedonian And Achaian Believers Were Generous- Rom. 15:25-28; 2 Cor. 8:1-5.
*Corinthians Were Among The First To Give- 1 Cor. 16:1-3; 2 Cor. 8:9-24. *The Story Of
The Poor Widow- Mark 12:38-44. *Men And Women Give To Build The Tabernacle- Exo.
35:22-29. *Leaders of households and tribes, commanders, and officials all give greatly to
the work of the Lord- 1 Chr. 29:1-9.
Money in box- God gives some people the gift of *For Whoever Gives You A Cup Of Water To Drink Because Of Your Name As Followers
giving. He also gives some people the gift of Of Christ, Truly I Say To You, He Will Not Lose His Reward - Mark 9:41-42.
administration. Note this is not to say that everyone Stories and Scriptures-Administration
should not be giving to the church. *Moses Appoints Leaders- Exo. 18. *Daniel And His Friends Administrators- Dan. 2:49;
3:12. *Administration In The Early Church- 2 Cor. 8. *And God Has Appointed In The
Point 4f: God gives some people the gift Church, First Apostles, Second Prophets, Third Teachers, Then Miracles, Then Gifts Of
Healings, Helps, Administrations, Various Kinds Of Tongues- 1 Cor. 12:28.
of service to build up the body of Christ
for ministry.
*Simon of Cyrene Serves Jesus- Mark 15:21-22. *The Household Of Stephanas Devoted
Themselves To Service- 1 Cor. 16:15-16. *The Church At Thyatira Serves The Lord- Rev.
*Just As The Son Of Man Did Not Come To Be Served, But To Serve, And To Give His
Life A Ransom For Many- Matt. 20:28. *Jesus was one who served among us- Luke 22:26-
Person holding a hammer- God gives some 27. *Let A Man Regard Us In This Manner, As Servants Of Christ And Stewards Of The
people gifts of service or helps. There is a variety of Mysteries Of God. In This Case, Moreover, It Is Required Of Stewards That One Be Found
ways people may serve God with this gift. Trustworthy- 1 Cor. 4:1-2. *Act As Free Men, And Do Not Use Your Freedom As A
Covering For Evil, But Use It As Bondslaves Of God. Honor All People, Love The
Brotherhood, Fear God, Honor The King- 1 Pet. 2:16-17.
Point 4g: God gives some people special
talents in order to serve in specialized Special Talents
areas for the Kingdom. Stories
*Parable Of The Talents - Matt. 25. *God Gives Craftsmanship To People- Exo. 31:1-11.
*Hiram Of Tyre- 1 Kings 7 (v.13).
*As Each One Has Received A Special Gift, Employ It In Serving One Another As Good
Stewards Of The Manifold Grace Of God. Whoever Speaks, Is To Do So As One Who Is
Speaking The Utterances Of God; Whoever Serves Is To Do So As One Who Is Serving By
The Strength Which God Supplies; So That In All Things God May Be Glorified Through
Musical instrument- God gives some people Jesus Christ, To Whom Belongs The Glory And Dominion Forever And Ever. Amen- 1 Pet.
natural skills or talents to use for Him. This may 4:10-11.
include gifts such as craftsmen, technical skills,
music, sewing, cooking, or art.

Lesson 5 The Proper Working of the Gifts in the Church

[Note: no pictures for this lesson. Refer to the church and the gifts above.]

Teaching Points:
1. Spiritual gifts are given to build up the church for ministry, not for someone to lord it over everyone else.
2. God wants us to be faithful in the little things thereby proving ourselves capable of bigger things.
3. We need to allow people to use their spiritual gifts for God.
4. Authority and leadership in the church needs to be carried out with the sole purpose of building up and
not tearing down people.

The Purpose of the gifts is to Build Up One Another for Ministry, not to build up the leadership for power and authority.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 125

*Malachi Speaks of the Abuses in Ministry- Mal. 2:7-17. *Ezekiel Speaks of Abuses In Ministry- Eze. 22:23-31. *Solomon Is Gifted With Wisdom- 1
Kings 3.
*God has given the gifts so that they can build up each believer to maturity and ministry- Eph. 4:11-16. *God Has A Special Plan For Each Of Us-
Psalm 139:14-16. *But One Who Prophesies Speaks To Men For Edification And Exhortation And Consolation - 1 Cor. 14:3, 12. *Therefore
Encourage One Another And Build Up One Another, Just As You Also Are Doing- 1 Thess. 5:11. *We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly,
encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone- 1 Thess. 5:14. *The sickly you have not strengthened, the diseased you have not
healed, the broken you have not bound up, the scattered you have not brought back, nor have you sought for the lost; but with force and with severity
you have dominated them. Evil shepherds did not strengthen the weak, bandage the injured, bring back the strays, or seek the lost, instead they ruled
them with violence, fed themselves rather than the flock, feeding the fat sheep and starving the weak ones- Ezekiel 34:1-31.

Everyone Must Be Faithful in the Little Tasks, and then advance to more responsibility
Stories and Scriptures
*The Parable of the Talents- Matt. 25:15-30. *For God Is Not Unjust So As To Forget Your Work And The Love Which You Have Shown Toward
His Name, In Having Ministered And In Still Ministering To The Saints. And We Desire That Each One Of You Show The Same Diligence So As To
Realize The Full Assurance Of Hope Until The End, So That You Will Not Be Sluggish, But Imitators Of Those Who Through Faith And Patience
Inherit The Promises- Heb. 6:10-12. *For I Know Whom I Have Believed And I Am Convinced That He Is Able To Guard What I Have Entrusted
To Him Until That Day. Retain The Standard Of Sound Words Which You Have Heard From Me, In The Faith And Love Which Are In Christ Jesus.
Guard, Through The Holy Spirit Who Dwells In Us, The Treasure Which Has Been Entrusted To You- 2 Tim. 1:8-14.

Everyone Should Allow Others To Use Their Spiritual Gifts.

Stories and Scriptures
*Paul Teaches On The Use Of The Gifts In The Church- 1 Cor. 12:14-31. *Diotrophes- 3 John. *Sowing And Reaping- 1 Cor. 1; 3. *Everyone
should allow others to use their spiritual gifts. If not, there is hurt, and the hurt extends to the entire body- 1 Cor. 12:19-31. *Do not neglect the
spiritual gift within you- 1 Tim. 4:12-16.

Authority and Leadership need to be carried out in the right way.

[Leadership in the church should always strive to base their principles, procedures, and lifestyles on the ways of God. Leadership should do things
which provide edification for all under their care; handle disagreements in a just and loving way; and build up the body instead of tearing it down.]
Stories and Scriptures
*If a ruler listens to lies, all his servants will be wicked- Pro.29:12. *Paul did not come with flattering speech, greed, seeking glory from men. But, he
cared for them as a mother nursing her young or a father imploring his children- 1 Thess. 2:5-12. *Paul’s authority was used to build up and not tear
down. He was the same person whether with them, or absent. It is not he who commends himself that is approved, but whom the Lord approves- 2
Cor. 10:8-18. *It is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy- 1 Cor. 4:2.

Lesson 6 The Stewardship of the Gospel

Teaching Points:
Point 6: God has given us the 1. God has given us a stewardship of a Message, the Gospel.
stewardship of the Gospel. 2. There are two types of “Gospel” in the New Testament. One
is the Good News of Salvation, the other is the Good News of
the Kingdom of God (Kingdom = Lordship).
3. We are to carry out the Great Commission until Jesus returns
(to share the Gospel and make disciples).

The Good News of Salvation

*Philip Goes To Samaria To Preach- Acts 8:5. *Churches Send Out Missionaries- Acts
13:1-3. *Lydia Comes To Know Jesus; Jailer Comes To Know Jesus- Acts 16:14-15.
Churches in the hills- God has entrusted us with *Peter's Sermon- Acts 2. *Jesus' Ascension Into Heaven- Acts 1:1-11. *Day After Day The
the stewardship of the Gospel. As we go about our Early Christians Preached The Gospel- Acts 5:42.
lives we are to share the Gospel with others.
Remember that the Gospel includes both the message *The Great Commission- Matt. 28:19-20. I Will Appoint You As A Covenant To The
of salvation and the Good News of the Lordship of
People, As A Light To The Nations, To Open Blind Eyes, To Brig Out Prisoners From The
Christ. These teachings include all the things that Dungeon And Those Who m Dwell In Darkness From The Prison…- Isa. 42:6-8. *For God
Jesus has taught us. There are some missionaries who
So Loved The World, That He Gave His Only Begotten Son, That Whoever Believes In Him
travel as Paul did, strengthening the churches. Paul’s Shall Not Perish, But Have Eternal Life- John 3:16-21.
goal was to bring everyone to the full maturity of the
statue of Christ.
The Good News of the Kingship of God
*God calls individuals to serve Him. Paul was called Stories

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 126

by God to take the Gospel to the Gentiles. He served *Jesus Instructs the disciples- Matt. 10; Mark 6:1-13; Luke 9. *Philip Preached the Good
God in this way with some connection to the church, News of the Kingdom- Acts 8:12.. *Kingdom Parables- Matt. 13; 20; 25; Mark 4. *Paul
but also on his own. There should be varieties of Persuades People Concerning The Kingdom Of God- Acts 19 (v.8). *The Extent Of
ministries in the world. Some may be started through Preaching The Kingdom- Acts 28.
a church, some through individuals, and some Scriptures
through mission sending agencies or non-profit *The Great Commission…disciples, teaching them all that I command you- Matt. 28:19-20.
organizations. *… They Were Continually Devoting Themselves To The Apostles' Teaching And To
Fellowship, To The Breaking Of Bread And To Prayer- Acts 2:41-42. *From That Time
Jesus Began To Preach And Say, "Repent, For The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand- Matt.
4:17. *Jesus Was Going Throughout All Galilee, Teaching In Their Synagogues And
Proclaiming The Gospel Of The Kingdom- Matt. 4:23. *Whoever Then Annuls One Of The
Least Of These Commandments, And Teaches Others To Do The Same, Shall Be Called
Least In The Kingdom Of Heaven; But Whoever Keeps And Teaches Them, He Shall Be
Called Great In The Kingdom Of Heaven… - Matt. 5:19-20. *But Seek First His Kingdom-
Matt. 6:33. *Not Everyone Who Says To Me, 'Lord, Lord,' Will Enter The Kingdom Of
Heaven, But He Who Does The Will Of My Father Who Is In Heaven - Matt. 7:21-23. *This
Gospel Of The Kingdom Shall Be Preached In The Whole World As A Testimony To All
The Nations, And Then The End Will Come- Matt. 24:14. *So the church throughout all
Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace, being built up and walking in the fear of the Lord and
in the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, and it increased in numbers- Acts 9:31.
Additional Teachings
The Great Commission
Use the following information to teach your people about the need for spreading the Gospel to all regions of the world.
We use the terms, World A, World B, and World C to categorize the places in the world in terms of Gospel penetration.

World A (20%) Do not have any Gospel witness or Scriptures in their language. This area is roughly the middle to
northern Africa, across some parts of the Middle East, India, and SE Asia, China. Predominant religions in these regions
include Animists (traditional religions involving strong belief in spirits); Atheists; Islam/Muslims; Hindus; and
Buddhists). Keep in mind there are some countries where Followers of Jesus are concentrated in one area. But there are
places in their own country where the Gospel has not yet been preached, and groups of people who do not have the
Bible in their own language.
World B (47%) Has had some Gospel witness, missionaries, and has at least portions of Scripture in local languages.
World C (33%) Has growing churches, and there are many Followers of Jesus over large regions of the country. There
is a full Bible in their language.

Every church should be engaged in the Great Commission. Many of the poorest churches are the ones closest to
areas where there is no current gospel witness (World A). At the end of this Unit is a brief guide for setting up a
vision and budget for mission involvement. We encourage your church and its members to be involved in the
Great Commission.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 127

Lesson 6 Review: Staying on the Straight Path in Stewardship

Point 6: Stay on God’s Path. Teaching Points:

1. The narrow path is from Units 9 and 10. We must walk on
God’s path in our homes, the church, and the world.
2. The demons firing arrows is from Unit 9. Satan tries to
distract us by getting our focus off of Jesus.
3. The wide paths of destruction from Unit 10. These paths will
keep us from being good stewards of all God’s gifts to us.

Narrow path leading up to the Throne- A **See Scriptures from Units 9 and 10 for review of this section.
reminder that everything we do in the home,
community, and the church is to be in line with His
ways. We symbolically walk on the straight and
narrow path in our homes, in the church, and in the

Demons firing arrows- Satan tries to

discourage us, to distract us, or to get us
out of focus on what we should be doing to
serve God (See Eph. 6).

People walking down paths of destruction-

Some people have completely left their
responsibilities and are walking down the destructive
paths we studied in Unit 10.

Lesson 7 Serving God in the Midst of Difficulties

Point 7a: When going through hard Teaching Points:

times trust in God. 1. When faced with difficulties remain strong and rise above
your circumstances.
2. During times of difficulty grow in the ability to trust God.
3. During times of difficulty ask close friends and mature
Christians to pray for you.
4. Turn your difficulties into ministry opportunities.
5. Remember God is strong through our weaknesses.
6. Remain servants of God so that your ministry is not
Hand- God’s hand. When going through difficult 7. Be nourished in God’s Word daily for strength and wisdom to
times, we learn to Trust God. Paul despaired of his respond the right way to difficulties.
life, but he learned to trust God who raises the dead.
Point 7b: When going through hard *Paul tells of his sufferings in Asia and how he handled them in a godly way, We are to view
our trials as a benefit to others, since they receive God’s love through us as we emphasize
times remain in God’s Word and ask with them- 2 Cor. 1:8-14. *Paul tells how he pleaded with God to remove his throne in the
people to pray for you. flesh, and how God worked powerfully through his weaknesses- 2 Cor. 12:7-11. *We are to

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 128

remain servants of Christ in the midst of all kinds of afflictions and hardships, including poor
treatment- 2 Cor. 6:3-10. *Trials authenticate our faith to others- 1 Pet. 1:6-7. *Moses
encourages Joshua to take the people into the Promised Land- Deut. 3:21-28. *Paul
encourages believers by sending Timothy, so that the afflictions Paul goes through do not
discourage them from the faith they have in God- 1 Thess. 3:2-13. *We are to enter the
sufferings of Jesus- Heb. 10:34-39. *God’s Word gives us refreshment, guidance, strength,
and wisdom- Psa. 119. *In wilderness experiences, we can find nourishment in God’s
People praying- When we go through difficult Word. Stay to His paths no matter what- Deut. 8:2-4. * Encourage the exhausted, and
times we should ask our close friends and mature strengthen the feeb le because it is God who comes with vengeance and He will make thirsty
believers to pray for us. This will bring glory to God ground into great waters. He will make a highway of holiness, and people will come to Him
as He answers prayer in His timing. with everlasting joy- Isa. 35:3-10.

Point 7c: When going through hard

times, remain servants of God and use
your experiences to minister to others.

One person comforting another person- Just

as God comforts us, we are to comfort others with
this same kind of love. Sometimes difficult
experiences open up for us new ministry

Point 7d: Remember God is strong

through our weaknesses.

Person touching thorn- God can be strong

through our weaknesses. Paul had a “thorn in his
flesh from Satan.” This thorn kept Paul from exalting
himself. Paul listed difficulties, trials, hardships, and
stresses all as weaknesses through which God shows
forth His strength.

Additional teachings:
Becoming a Great Commission Church

1. Formulate a vision. A healthy church should consist of the following components: 1. Corporate Worship; 2.
Small Group Bible Study and leadership/discipleship/theological training; 3. opportunities for Ministry
involvement and leadership in the church and community; and 4. Missions involvement and leadership
across the country and across the world. Each church should adopt plans to be sure their members are growing
in the relationship to Christ in these ways, and have a vision for Great Commission endeavors determined by
the elders and the congregation. Using church members with their various gifts and callings to produce multi-
faceted ministries is vital to the growth of believers and the growth of the Kingdom. A yearly schedule of
events or Bible teachings should be made to help reach these goals. Believers should also be in the Word and
prayer privately as well as corporately on a daily basis.
2. Once a vision for the church has established, the church can set its budget to reflect and support this
vision. The church budget should be set by a team of outstanding leaders in the church. Then this budget
should be approved by the whole congregation. This allows for trust and a sharing in the mission of the

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 129

church. When a church budget is acceptable to the congregation they feel better about giving toward a goal or
vision. This can only have positive effects on the giving nature of the congregation. Budgeting decisions
should be based on biblical models and Kingdom perspective. Avoid the tendency to focus on the local church
only. Funds should be allocated according to the overall vision of the church. Where your treasure is, there
your heart is.
3. A budget may be allocated accordingly: 45% salaries; 15% Facilities; 15% Children, Youth, and Adult
Education; 10% Missions; 5% Worship/Celebration; 5% Office Administration; 5% Congregational Life. Note
these may vary from church to church. Some pastors may opt to have a business or way of income outside of
the church, especially in poor areas. A pastor’s salary may be determined by the estimated average wage of the
congregational members.
4. Practice good stewardship as a church rather than seek outside funding. It is very important for local
indigenous churches to practice good stewardship and giving toward the vision of the church, rather than rely
on outside funding. Outside funding only creates dependencies. And dependencies deprive and weaken local
churches of learning about Biblical stewardship, and growing into maturity in their faith. Funding for the local
church tends to also weaken the desire for sending missionaries because the focus is only on building the local
church. This makes the local church someone else’s mission instead of the church seeing itself as a mission
sender. Keep in mind the story of the widow who gave all she had. What she gave was much bigger in God’s
eyes than the rich people who give a little. Remember also the story of the lame man who wanted money from
Peter and John (Acts 3). Peter said to him, “Silver and gold, I have none. But, what I have, I give to you: In
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazarene, get up and walk!”
5. Make Disciples. Remember Jesus’ Kingdom is about discipling at the local level and in the world. We should
be about the business of bringing people to the maturity of Christ not bringing in large church buildings. Be
careful to follow the mission of the church and not the building of a leader’s personal kingdom.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 130

Unit 12 Illustration: The Future Kingdom

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 131

Simplified Drawing for Unit 12

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 132

Unit 12 The Future Kingdom

General Description
Illustration 12 is a visual picture of Heaven and the Lake of Fire. Since
there are differing interpretations of the end times, we are only going to focus
on the last 2 chapters in the book of Revelation. This time period covers the
Great White Throne Judgment, and the eternal destiny of the wicked and the
righteous (Rev. 20:10-22:21). The book of Revelation was written to
encourage believers who were going through a great deal of persecution on
the earth. The Letters to the Churches found in the first 3 chapters of the
book act as an encouragement for steadfastness and also as a warning not to
fall away from serving God. The message throughout the book is to remain
steadfast in Christ and to remember the future hope we have with God.

This Unit serves as a review of all prior Units. It reminds us as disciples of

our Lord Jesus, to always be about the work of the Kingdom in the midst of
life’s blessings and difficulties.

Top Half of the Picture: the eternal destiny of the Righteous—those who
have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. There are several
names for this place and several interpretations. Below are some of the
common interpretations of the New Jerusalem mentioned in the book of Revelation. (Rev. 20:11-22:21).
Various Interpretations:
1. Literal- there will be a future physical new heavens and new earth, including the New Jerusalem after the 2nd
coming of Christ.
2. Symbolic- the New Jerusalem is merely symbolic of Heaven right now, where God’s Throne is. As you learned
earlier, there are 3 heavens described in the Bible. The first is the immediate atmosphere surrounding the earth.
The second heaven is the vast universe. The third heaven is where God’s Throne is. When people die, they go
to this place to be with Jesus (also called Paradise, or the New Jerusalem). You may find reference to this view
in Gal. 4:26; and Heb. 12:22-23. The Jerusalem above is where the saints are who have died. In Rev. 21:2, it is
this New Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven to earth when Jesus returns.
3. Spiritual- the New Jerusalem is a spiritual picture of the church as the bride of Christ (see Rev. 21:2, 9-27).
The church exists now, but it is also a future reality—something realized all together once we all are in Heaven
(See Scriptures on the marriage supper of the Lamb). There is a spiritual reality behind many of the physical
images found in Scripture. You might say there is an already but not yet fulfillment. The already is physical,
the not yet is spiritual. Here are some examples of the “already, but not yet”: In the Old Testament, the
Tabernacle was a copy of what was to come. Eventually the Temple did take the place of the Tabernacle. But
when we read the NT, we find that the Temple was also a copy of the heavenly (Hebrews). And finally
Revelation 21:22 says, “I did not see a sanctuary in it, because the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its
sanctuary.” In the same way the OT sacrifices are a picture of Jesus’ work both on earth and in Heaven: Jesus
entered the temple in Heaven and was offering His blood as the Great High Priest to atone for our sins. So you
have many pictures of the already, but not yet through-out the Bible which present a spiritual reality to come.

Many people prefer to take a mixed interpretation of the new heavens, the new earth, and the New Jerusalem. In this
way, they recognize all three of the above attempts at understanding the future Kingdom.

Pictured at the top of the page is a scene from Heaven/the New Jerusalem. It is intended to be used to teach the
destiny of those who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. This picture corresponds to the New Heaven and the New Earth
presented at the end of the Book of Revelation, chapters 21-22.

In the center of Heaven is God’s Throne (from Units 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, and 11). God’s Throne is the focal point or

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 133

center of activity and worship. Angels surround the Throne as well as believers from every tribe, nation, ethnicity, and
time period. From the throne flows a river, symbolizing eternal life. The tree of life , from the Garden of Eden, is on
both sides of the river offering healing in its leaves. God is wiping tears from the eyes of a person symbolizing the
healing and freedom from pain, suffering, and death. Beside the throne is the book of life containing the names of
those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. In front of the Throne are crowns given to those
who have faithfully served God through their life. The walls, gates, and personal dwelling places of the city surround
the people. The city is made of gold and fine jewels with gates made out of single pearls. All the people and the angels
are worshipping God.

The small strip of pictures in the middle of the page is a review of the things we have learned in this entire study.
These are things believers should be doing until Jesus’ return.

At the bottom of the page is a picture of the Lake of Fire. This is the place of eternal torment for Satan, the
demons, murderers, and the sexually immoral people—and all who have rejected Jesus as Lord and Savior. Just as the
book of Revelation teaches us to endure to the end, this last unit is an exhortation to remain steadfast followers of the
Lord through-out one’s life. The Lake of Fire is a reminder to us of the need to preach the Gospel to all people. It also
reminds us of God’s final great justice rendered against those who have come against God’s people to harm them.

Approaches to Teaching this Unit:

1. Simple overview approach. Use the general description above to lay out the overall picture of this Unit. It is
advised later to go back and teach on individual parts.
2. Topical Approach. Take each of the major parts of this study and teach them separately over time. Topics would
include: What Will Heaven be like according to the Scriptures? What are we to be doing until Jesus returns? What
are the specific areas of spiritual growth for believers? What will happen to Satan and his followers at the coming
of the Lord Jesus? What does the Bible say about the Lake of Fire? And what rewards will we receive in Heaven?
3. Detail Approach. The more in-depth approach. Study the scope of Scriptures from each individual picture and
4. Evangelistic Approach. Focus on the need for people to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. You might also include
some of the teachings from the Unit on Jesus as the Answer depending on how the Holy Spirit leads you.
5. Mature Believer Approach.
a. Steadfast Study Approach. Focus on teaching Lesson 1 and Lesson 3a and b, Steadfastness to the End and
God’s Rewards to us for remaining faithful.
b. The Whole Picture Approach. Put together all 12 Units into one drawing, allowing your congregation to
see the whole picture.

Objectives for Unit 12

1. To encourage believers to continue serving the Lord in the midst of persecution and difficulties.
2. To show the final defeat and fate of Satan and his demons.
3. To describe what the Bible says Heaven/New Heavens, New Earth/New Jerusalem, will be like.
4. To warn people about the reality of the Lake of Fire, and encourage believers to trust God to one day deal with
their enemies.
5. To encourage believers to carry out the Great Commission until Jesus returns.

Related Units
Unit 1: The destiny of spirit beings.
Unit 2: The work of discipleship must continue.
Unit 3: All teachings concerning the end times need to be tested against Scripture.
Unit 4: We should be striving to obey God because we love Him.
Unit 5: All anti-Christs will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Unit 6: Jesus is returning one day and we will see Him.

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Unit 7: One day we will be fully reconciled to one another and to God.
Unit 8: Satan and his demons, those promoting false religions, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Unit 9: We will continue to grow spiritually until we attain the standard of maturity in Jesus.
Unit 10: Live as New Creations in Christ rather than living in the ways of the Kingdom of Darkness.
Unit 11: We are to be steadfast in our service to God in all areas of stewardship.

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Lesson 1 The Destiny for Those in the Kingdom of Light

Teaching Points:
Point 1: Heaven is the Destiny of those who have
accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 1. Heaven is the destiny of those who have accepted
Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
2. Jesus is preparing a place for us in Heaven.
3. The Throne of God is in the center of Heaven with
multitudes of angels surrounding it.
4. A life-giving river flows from the Throne and the
Tree of Life is on both sides of the river.
5. People from every tribe, nation, language, gender,
and time period are dressed in white robes
worshipping God.
6. The leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of
the nations.
7. Jesus wipes every tear from our eyes. There is no
City with angels, Throne, river, trees, walls- picture of more death, pain, and suffering.
Heaven as described in Rev. 19.

Point 1a: Jesus is preparing a place for us. Description of Heaven/Paradise where Christians go when they
die/ Jesus is preparing a place for us.
*The Rich Man and Lazarus- Luke 16:19-31; The Thief on the cross- Luke
23:43; Believers in Heaven before the Day of the Lord- Rev. 4-5. *For We
Know That If The Earthly Tent Which Is Our House Is Torn Down, We Have
Walls with gates and houses imbedded in it- The Bible says A Building From God, A House Not Made With Hands, Eternal In The
the New Jerusalem is made of gold and precious jewels. Jesus has Heavens. And we Prefer To Be Absent From The Body And To Be At Home
prepared a dwelling place for us. With The Lord- 2 Cor. 5:1-8. *Jesus Is Preparing A Place For Us- John 14:2,
Concerning what happens to people when they die: Jesus told
the thief on the cross, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” Description of the New Heavens and the New Earth, after the
Jesus also told a parable about the Rich Man and Lazarus. In this Great Day of the Lord.
parable Lazarus was in paradise sitting in Abraham’s bosom. The
Rich Man was in a place of torment, begging. After studying these *Worship in Heaven- Rev. 7:9-17. *the New Jerusalem- Rev. 21:9-27.
passages and others, this author concludes when believers die they
go to be with Jesus. We might call this place Paradise, or Heaven-
meaning the same thing. It is also concluded that those who die
without Jesus go to a place of torment we call “Hell.” At the end of
time, when the Great Day of the Lord occurs, there will be the
Great White Throne Judgment. At this judgment people’s final
destiny will be announced. People with their names written in the
Book of Life will enter Heaven. The people with their names not
written in the book will be thrown into the Lake of Fire with Satan
and His demons.

Point 1b: The Throne in the center of Heaven. Point 1c: Multitudes of angels surround the Throne and
praise God and the Lamb (Jesus).

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 136

Angels surrounding Throne- The Bible says multitudes of angels surround
God’s Throne. Rev. 5:11-14; Heb. 12:22.

Throne- Is in the center of the city. See Unit 1. Rev. 21:3, 5;


Point 1d: A Life -giving river flows from the Point 1e: People from every tribe, nation, time period,
Throne, and the Tree of Life grows on both sides gender, ethnicity, etc. will be living in peace with each other
of the river. and will serve and worship God together in Heaven.

River and trees- The river flowing from the Throne of God
represents eternal life and purity. The trees are the Tree of Life
located on both sides of the river in Heaven. The leaves are for the
healing of the nations.
Themes of Living Water Through-out Scripture: Believers in unity- People from every tribe, nation, time period, gender,
*The River and the Tree of Life- Rev. 22:1-5; Gen. 2:9; 3:24. ethnicity, etc. will be at peace with one another and together worship and serve
Compare with Ezekiel 47 where healing water flows from the before God in heaven. Rev. 7:9-10.
Temple. The water gets deeper and deeper as it flows away from
the Temple, symbolic of the living and reproduction of the water
itself without rain. Also compare with Ezekiel 36- the watering of
the cedars of Lebanon with the water from the river. *There Is A
River Whose Streams Make Glad The City Of God, The Holy
Dwelling Places Of The Most High. God Is In The Midst Of Her,
She Will Not Be Moved; God Will Help Her When Morning
Dawns- Psa. 46:4-5. *God Is The Fountain Of Living Waters- Jer.
2:13; 17:13. *The Woman At The Well, Jesus Is Living Water-
John 4:10-15.

Point 1f: Jesus will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more pain, crying, or suffering.

Person crying before the Throne- Jesus will heal us and wipe every tear- Rev. 7:17; 21:4; Isa. 25:8.

Lesson 2 Final Destiny for those in the Kingdom of Darkness

Point 3a: Every knee will bow before Jesus. And Teaching Points:
everyone will stand before God at the Great White 1. On the Great Day of the Lord, God will judge all
Throne Judgment. people at the Great White Throne Judgment.
2. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess
that Jesus is truly the Lord.
3. Anyone’s name not written in the Book of Life will
be thrown along with the devil and his angels into
the Lake of Fire where there will be weeping and

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 137

gnashing of teeth.
4. Names in the Book of Life only include those who
have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. These will
be allowed into Heaven.
5. Don’t put off knowing Jesus as your Savior and
Book beside Throne- The Book of Life. Whoever’s name is in
the Book of Life enters into eternal life with God. All those whose Scriptures
names are not written in it, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
*John tells of the Great White Throne Judgment- Rev. 20:11-15. *The
*Come to know Jesus personally before He returns, before it is too separation of the sheep and the goats- Matt. 25:31-46. *It Is Appointed Unto
late. Men That They Die Once, And After This Comes The Judgment- Heb. 9:27.
*When the Lord Returns, He will Repay With Affliction those who have
Afflicted believers, and deal out retribution to those who do not know God
with Eternal destruction- 2 Thess. 1:3-12 (v. 6). *Who Is Worthy To Open The
Book Of Life- Rev. 5:1-14

Point 3b: Anyone’s name not found in the Book of Teaching Points:
Life will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. 1. Anyone’s name not found in the Book of Life will be
thrown into the Lake of Fire.
2. Those who have rejected Jesus as their Lord and
Savior, Satan, demons, Anti-Christs, murderers,
sorcerers, those who practice witchcraft, and the
sexually immoral will be thrown into the Lake of
Fire for all eternity.
3. People’s souls are eternal. Those in the Lake of Fire
will live in eternal torment.
4. This is evidence of God’s final righteous judgment.

Fire with Satan, demons, and some people- Lake of Fire. Scriptures
This is the final destiny of Satan, the anti-Christs, and those who *Jesus Teaches On The Final Defeat Of Satan- Matt. 25:41. *Jude Teaches
reject Jesus as their Lord and Savior. There is some debate as to About Demon's Destiny- Jude 1:6-7. *Parable Of The Ten Virgins - Matt 25:1-
whether the Lake of Fire refers to the eternal destruction of life, or 13. *Parable Of The Rich Man And Lazarus- Luke 16:19-31. *Jesus And The
an eternal place of torment. Most scholars go with the second Thief- Luke 23:43. *Satan, Demons, Antichrist, Murderers, Sorcerers, Immoral
viewpoint. The “Second Death” term is used in Rev. 20:14. But All Thrown Into The eternal Lake Of Fire- Rev. 20:10-15; 21:8; Rev. 21:8; Matt.
compare this to other Scriptures such as Rev. 14:10-11 which 25:41,46; 2 Thess. 1:8-10. *The Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the
indicates the beast who is thrown into the Lake of Fire is to be night. Some will be saying peace, but they will not escape. Do not sleep as
tormented day and night forever; and Luke 16:19-31 in the story of others sleep, but be alert and live in ways pleasing to God- 1 Thess. 5:1-11.
the Rich Man and Lazarus where the Rich Man is in a place of Called the, “Second Death”- Rev. 20:14. Jesus spoke of places where there
torment while Lazarus is in a place of peace. Jesus also spoke of a would be weeping and gnashing of teeth- Matt. 8:12; 13:42; 13:50; 22:13; 24:51;
place where there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 25:30; Luke 13:28.

Lesson 3 Steadfastness To The End

Point 3a: Remain steadfast in growing spiritually Teaching Points:

and serving the Lord until He returns. 1. Remain steadfast in growing spiritually and serving
the Lord until Jesus returns.
2. Grow in Love for One Another.
3. Grow in the Knowledge of God.
4. Grow in Discernment.
Pictures from previous units (Review of all prior Units): 5. Grow in Purity.
descriptions of all the things we need to be doing until Jesus’ 6. Share your faith and make disciples of the nations.
return. Discipling our families, keeping God’s commandments,
walking on the narrow path, being salt and light, Jesus as Lord in **See points below.
our hearts, Suffering for Jesus, reconciling people to God and
people to people, spiritual warfare, using our gifts to serve the Lord
and one another.

Teachings for Lesson 3a:

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 138

Remaining Steadfast to the end
*Remember the earlier days when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a hard struggle with sufferings. Sometimes you were publically
exposed to taunts and afflictions, and at other times you were companions of those who were treated that way. For you sympathized with the
prisoners and accepted with joy the confiscation of your possessions your confidence, which has a great reward. You need endurance, so that after
you have done God’s will, you may receive what was promised. Do not throw away your confidence which has great reward. He does not delight in
those who shrink back, but delights in those who live by faith- Heb. 10:32-38.*The Lives Of The Faithful Remain Diligent- Heb. 11. *But The One
Who Endures To The End, He Will Be Saved- Matt. 24:13; Rev. 2:10. *Persevere and remain faithful in the midst of persecution and affliction.
God’s Righteous judgment will consider you worthy of the Kingdom of God, for which you are suffering- 2 Thess. 1:3-10 (v.5). *God will not forget
all we do for Him so do not be sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises- Heb. 6:10-12. * But The Spirit
Explicitly Says That In Later Times Some Will Fall Away From The Faith, Paying Attention To Deceitful Spirits And Doctrines Of Demons- 1 Tim.
4:1-2. *Paul shows His faithfulness and servanthood in the midst of false accusations- 2 Cor. 6.

+By Growing in Love for One Another

*Testimonies of Christian love among believers, in churches- - 3 John 1:5-6; Philemon 1:5; 1 Thess. 3:6; 2 Thess. 1:3; Col. 1:4, 8; Eph. 1:15. *You
have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, now love one another deeply, from the heart- 1 Pet.
1:22. *Be patient as a farmer for the coming of the Lord. Do not complain against one another. Remember the outcome for Job. Do not swear- James
5:7-12. *Put aside anger, wrath, malice, slander, abusive speech. There is no distinction between Jew and Gentile, slave and free, but Christ is in all.
Put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Forgive each other. Let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts. We have been called
into One body- Col. 3:5-15. *Paul prays that our love may abound more and more through the knowledge of God- Philp. 1:9-11. *Everyone Who
Hates His Brother Is A Murderer; And You Know That No Murderer Has Eternal Life Abiding In Him. Lay down life for one another- 1 John 3:15-16.
*May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ- 2 Thess. 3:5.

+By Growing in Knowledge of God

*Cornelius- Acts 10:17-33. *Apollos - Acts 18:24-28. *Jesus Explains The Scriptures To The Disciples- Luke 24:27.*Growing In Knowledge- Heb.
5:11-6:2. *A Wise Man Will Hear And Increase In Learning, And A Man Of Understanding Will Acquire Wise Counsel- Prov. 1:5.

+By Growing in Discernment

*Peter Confesses Jesus As The Christ- Matt. 16:13-20. *A Caananite Woman Speaks To Jesus- Matt. 15:21-28. *The Wise Woman Of Tekoa- 2
Sam. 14. *Solomon's Request For Discernment- 1 Kings 3; 4:29-34. Paul prays for the believer’s discernment to grow- Philip. 1:9. Whoever is
discerning walks in the ways of the Lord, the wicked stumble in them- Hos. 14:9. God’s Word brings wisdom, cry for discernment, seek wisdom
from God, and fear of the Lord, then you can discern righteousness and justice- Prov. 2:1-10.

+Like Jesus By Growing in Purity

*Beloved, Now We Are Children Of God, And It Has Not Appeared As Yet What We Will Be. We Know That When He Appears, We Will Be Like
Him, Because We Will See Him Just As He Is. And Everyone Who Has This Hope Fixed On Him Purifies Himself, Just As He Is Pure- 1 John 3:2-3.
*Youth are to be an example of faith by their purity- 1 Tim. 4:12.

+Share the Gospel and make disciples.

*Jesus Gives the Great Commission- Matt. 28:19-20. *God tells the Israelites to diligently teach His ways to their children all through out the days-
Deut. 6. *We Proclaim Him, Admonishing Every Man And Teaching Every Man With All Wisdom, So That We May Present Every Man Complete In
Christ- Col. 1:28-29.

Point 3b: God will judge the quality of our work Teaching Points:
and reward us for all that we do for Him. 1. God will judge the quality of our work for Him.
2. God will reward us for all that we do for Him.
3. The Crown of Righteousness.
4. Reward of Inheritance.
5. Crown of Life.
6. People won to Christ.
7. Crown of Glory.
8. Reward for undergoing persecution for
righteousness sake .
9. Names Written in the Book of Remembrance.
*Reward At Wedding Feast In Heaven- Luke 14:15-24. *Crown Of Life- James
1:12; Rev. 2:10. *Crown Of Glory- 1 Pet. 5:4. *People Won To Christ Are
Crowns- 1 Thess. 2:19; Philip. 4:1. *Crown Of Righteousness- 2 Tim. 4:8.
*Reward Of The Inheritance- Col. 3:23-24. *Reward for undergoing
persecution for righteousness sake- Matt. 5:11-12. *God Will Test the Quality
Of Our Work. If Any Remains, He Will Receive A Reward. If Any Is Burned
Up, He Will Suffer Loss; But He Himself Will Be Saved- 1 Cor. 3:12-15. He

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 139

Who Began A Good Work In You Will Perfect It Until The Day Of Christ
Jesus- Philip. 1:6. *Do not store up treasures on earth, but in Heaven. Where
Crowns beside the Throne- In your treasure there, there your heart will be also- Matt. 6:19-21. *Be steadfast
Heaven we will receive certain and immovable in God’s work, your toil is not in vain- 1 Cor. 15:58. *Book of
remembrance written for those who feared the Lord- Mal. 3:13-18.
rewards. Rewards
mentioned in the Bible include: the
crown of life, the crown of
righteousness, the crown of
glory, rewards for being
persecuted for righteousness sake, rewards for bringing people to
Christ, and a book of remembrance.

*The quality of our service to God will be rewarded.

*The people of Malachi’s day were discouraged from serving the

Lord because the wicked prospered and those who tested God
escaped. But God tells them, in the end there will be a distinction
between the righteous and the wicked. And a book of remembrance
will be written honoring the righteous. They will be His special
possession and He will have compassion on them (Mal. 3:13-18).

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 140

“Therefore, my dear brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always
excelling in the Lord’s work, knowing that our labor in the Lord
is not in vain.”
1 Corinthians 15:58

Theological Discipleship was written to strengthen believers of all ages through a picturesque study of Biblical
doctrine. This guide is a visual summary of many of the major doctrines and spiritual disciplines presented in the
Bible. It presents a Biblical worldview, and so it is useful in establishing a solid Biblical foundation for church leaders,
large congregations, house churches, and families. For the same reason, it helps to weed out syncretism (the mixing of
different religions together) and false teachings. It is not intended to substitute daily Bible reading, but only to provide
a base from which a holistic study of the Scriptures can take place. It is suitable for people of all ages and spiritual
maturity. This manual follows well the Chronological Storying method, as it uses Bible stories to teach doctrines.
These drawings and teachings are useful among all ages and cultures since pictures can be understood by the literate
and the illiterate alike. Note that using pictures and symbolism to represent ones beliefs is common among tribal
groups, and even among those learning languages-whether adults or children.

About the Author:

Tammie Friberg holds a Master’s of Divinity with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
She has written and led Bible studies for Wycliffe Bible Translators at the Summer Institute of Linguistics in
Duncanville, TX, and various other organizations and churches in the Dallas, Ft. Worth, Texas area. Tammie and her
husband, Joe Friberg, are founders and executive directors of Equip Disciples, a non-profit 501 ( c ) 3 discipleship
missions organization. They lead indigenous discipleship and leadership conferences in Costa Rica for the Cabecar
Indians, in Kenya, Rwanda, and DR Congo. Currently this work is in four languages, English, Spanish, Swahili,
Kinyarwanda, and soon to be in Cabecar, Chichewa (Nyanja), French, and Chinese. Tammie and Joe have three
children, Joel, Michael, and Jessica.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Tammie Friberg 141

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