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Sensor stuff:

both white : no prior : random walk

: prior : turn in direction of last black
one white : ideal situation, move straight
both black : no prior : random walk
: prior : turn in direction of last white
This code was written by Eric Heisler (shlonkin)
It is in the public domain, so do what you will with it.

// Here are some parameters that you need to adjust for your setup
// Base speeds are the motor pwm values. Adjust them for desired motor speeds.
#define baseLeftSpeed 17
#define baseRightSpeed 17

// This determines sensitivity in detecting black and white

// measurment is considered white if it is > whiteValue*n/4
// where n is the value below. n should satisfy 0<n<4
// A reasonable value is 3. Fractions are acceptable.
#define leftSensitivity 3
#define rightSensitivity 3

// the pin definitions

#define lmotorpin 1 // PB1 pin 6
#define rmotorpin 0 // PB0 pin 5
#define lsensepin 3 //ADC3 pin 2
#define rsensepin 1 //ADC1 pin 7
#define ledpin 4 //PB4 pin 3

// some behavioral numbers

// these are milisecond values
#define steplength 300
#define smallturn 200
#define bigturn 500
#define memtime 1000

// variables
uint8_t lspd, rspd; // motor speeds
uint16_t lsenseval, rsenseval, lwhiteval, rwhiteval; // sensor values

// just for convenience and simplicity (HIGH is off)

#define ledoff PORTB |= 0b00010000
#define ledon PORTB &= 0b11101111

void setup(){
// setup pins
pinMode(lmotorpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rmotorpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(2, INPUT); // these are the sensor pins, but the analog
pinMode(3, INPUT); // and digital functions use different numbers
pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);
analogWrite(lmotorpin, 0);
analogWrite(rmotorpin, 0);

lspd = baseLeftSpeed;
rspd = baseRightSpeed;
// give a few second pause to set the thing on a white surface
// the LED will flash during this time
lsenseval = 6;

void loop(){
// followEdge() contains an infinite loop, so this loop really isn't necessary

void followEdge(){
// now look for an edge
uint8_t lastMove = 1; //0=straight, 1=left, 2=right
unsigned long moveEndTime = 0; // the millis at which to stop
unsigned long randomBits = micros(); // for a random walk

unsigned long prior = 0; // after edge encounter set to millis + memtime

uint8_t priorDir = 0; //0=left, 1=right, 2=both
uint8_t lastSense = 1; //0=edge, 1=both white, 2=both black
uint8_t i = 0; // iterator

// only read sensors about once every 20ms
// it can be done faster, but this makes motion smoother
// read the value 4 times and average
lsenseval = 0;
rsenseval = 0;
for(i=0; i<4; i++){
lsenseval += analogRead(lsensepin);
rsenseval += analogRead(rsensepin);
// don't divide by 4 because it is used below

// refill the random bits if needed

if(randomBits == 0){ randomBits = micros(); }

// Here is the important part

// There are four possible states: both white, both black, one of each
// The behavior will depend on current and previous states
if((lsenseval > lwhiteval*leftSensitivity) && (rsenseval >
// both white - if prior turn toward black, else random walk
if(lastSense == 2 || millis() < prior){
// turn toward last black or left
if(priorDir == 0){
moveEndTime = millis()+smallturn;
move(0, rspd); // turn left
lastMove = 1;
}else if(priorDir == 1){
moveEndTime = millis()+smallturn;
move(lspd, 0); // turn right
lastMove = 2;
moveEndTime = millis()+bigturn;
move(0, rspd); // turn left a lot
lastMove = 1;
// random walk
if(millis() < moveEndTime){
// just continue moving
moveEndTime = millis()+steplength;
move(lspd, rspd); // go straight
lastMove = 0;
if(randomBits & 1){
moveEndTime = millis()+smallturn;
move(0, rspd); // turn left
lastMove = 1;
moveEndTime = millis()+smallturn;
move(lspd, 0); // turn right
lastMove = 2;
randomBits >>= 1;
lastSense = 1;

}else if((lsenseval > lwhiteval*leftSensitivity) || (rsenseval >

// one white, one black - this is the edge
// just go straight
moveEndTime = millis()+steplength;
move(lspd, rspd); // go straight
lastMove = 0;
lastSense = 0;
prior = millis()+memtime;
if(lsenseval > lwhiteval*leftSensitivity){
// the right one is black
priorDir = 1;
// the left one is black
priorDir = 0;

// both black - if prior turn toward white, else random walk
if(lastSense == 1 || millis() < prior){
// turn toward last white or left
if(priorDir == 0){
moveEndTime = millis()+smallturn;
move(lspd, 0); // turn right
lastMove = 2;
}else if(priorDir == 1){
moveEndTime = millis()+smallturn;
move(0, rspd); // turn left
lastMove = 1;
moveEndTime = millis()+bigturn;
move(lspd, 0); // turn right a lot
lastMove = 2;
// random walk
if(millis() < moveEndTime){
// just continue moving
moveEndTime = millis()+steplength;
move(lspd, rspd); // go straight
lastMove = 0;
if(randomBits & 1){
moveEndTime = millis()+smallturn;
move(0, rspd); // turn left
lastMove = 1;
moveEndTime = millis()+smallturn;
move(lspd, 0); // turn right
lastMove = 2;
randomBits >>= 1;
lastSense = 2;

void move(uint8_t lspeed, uint8_t rspeed){

analogWrite(lmotorpin, lspeed);
analogWrite(rmotorpin, rspeed);

void stop(){
analogWrite(lmotorpin, 0);
analogWrite(rmotorpin, 0);

// stores the average of 16 readings as a white value

void senseInit(){
lwhiteval = 0;
rwhiteval = 0;
for(uint8_t i=0; i<16; i++){
lwhiteval += analogRead(lsensepin);
rwhiteval += analogRead(rsensepin);
lwhiteval >>= 4;
rwhiteval >>= 4;

void flashLED(uint8_t flashes){

if(flashes){ delay(500); }

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