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NIM : CAA 118 088



White, delicious, healthy, cheap and crunchy is the five word for yam. Yam
(Pachyrhizus erosus) is a plant that can reach 4-5 m in length, while its roots can
reach 2 m. The trunk spreads and twists, with fine hairs pointing downward. part of
yam is : a) root, the root of the plant includes sealing of single and tuberous fibers,
whitish to brownish, with a depth reaching 10-20 cm or even more; b) The stem of
the short yum is about 1-2 m, the trunk spreads, and twists, has a segment - smooth,
and downward. These plant stems are generally green to brownish in color, and
have new shoots around them; c) The leaves of this plant are pinnate compound
with 3 leaf tillers, stemmed to reach 8-16 cm; d) The flower of this plant is arranged
in bunches that grow on the armpit of the leaves, this flower has a length of 60 cm,
brown hair, and shaped almost like a bell; e) Plant seeds include pods, shaped, flat,
8-13 cm long, hairy, 4-9 grain and these seeds are brownish in color accompanied
by fine fibers.
The process of planting yam there are several stages, the first is hatchery. To
get seeds, yam can be done using two kinds of methods. The first way is to allow a
number of yam plants to grow until they produce pods. These pods that are of
sufficient age will be used as seeds, of course, after being separated from the main
plants. Before use, store the pods in a tightly closed and dry place so that it can last
long. Whereas the second method is by taking seeds from the harvest. Take a good
bulb of bulbs and place the bulbs in a fairly moist location. Wait for the shoots to
grow in the tuber. Re-plant these shoots to produce pods that are seeds for how to
grow yam. The second stage is planting, before planting yam on your land, first
plow the land with hoes and tractors so that the soil becomes more loose and ready
to receive plants. For irrigation or drainage, make a kind of bed with a width of 1
meter and the length according to the existing land. Give the distance between each
bed to taste. For the best results, use compost or manure which is the most ideal
fertilizer for any plant. Soak the yam seeds for several hours, then set aside in one
day. When the small buds have begun to grow on the seeds, the yam seeds are ready
to be planted. Make a small hole and put the seeds into the ground. Giving distance
between seeds must be considered to maintain the growth of the yam. The ideal
depth of hole is between 5 to 7 cm. While the distance between each hole is about
30 cm. After the seeds are inserted, don't forget to close them again with the soil
and water them.
Treatment, yam is a plant that grows in the tropics. That's why this plant can
adapt well to a dry atmosphere. You could say that yam is resistant to drought. But
still, the good and right way to grow yam beans also needs a sufficient amount of
water. Do watering on the plant when you are already dry and need additional water.
Sufficient age to harvest yam is around the age of 4 months or more. The method
is quite easy and simple, namely pulling it out directly after previously digging the
soil. To make it easier you can use a tool like a shovel.
Yam is one of the agricultural products that are also widely used in everyday
life. Usually farmers sell their produce to companies that can process this fruit.
Large companies usually buy bengkuang to make a mixture of lotions, soaps and
more. Usually the price of 1 kg of yam is 10,000 to 15,000. There are also those
sold to ordinary food stalls that are usually for consumption.
Yam is not only eaten as salad or just juice. There are many preparations from
these plants, one of which is Tekwan. The ingredients needed to process it are 1 kg
of mackerel fish, 100 grams of egg white, 100 ml of ice water, 300 grams of sago
flour, to taste salt, to taste flavoring, rayco, 100 grams of black ear mushroom, 200
grams of night sediment, 400 grams of pour, 500 grams of shrimp, 1 teaspoon of
pepper (pepper), enough edible oil, 5 garlic cloves to taste water, to taste onion
leaves, to taste salt, 100 grams of laksa noodles. The steps for making it are Clean
the mackerel fish and the rake of the meat, the results of the fish that have been
dredged / crushed and ready to be stirred, can be stirred by hand if there is no large
mixer machine, stir the fish meat in the mixer, add salt, egg white and ice water
sago peasant a little bit, until it looks smooth, if it's too thick I usually add a little
piece of ice cubes while stirring, add rayco. Now this dough is ready to be made by
a tekwan ball, boil enough water, then make a circle like we make bakso. Then
input the water that has boiled until it floats, it means it's cooked. Do it until it's
finished. And this is the finished Tekwan circle. The next step Heat oil, saute garlic
until fragrant and then add shrimp, pepper, salt. Cook until the shrimp changes
color. Add the yam, mushrooms and the delicious night which has been thrown
away and soaked until cooked. Enter the shrimp head stew water (broth) input into
the tekkwan stew pot and the water so that until boiling, give flavoring ingredients
if you like. Cook until all ingredients are cooked. Ready to be served by adding
chives and fried onions and glass noodles.

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