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CryptoCurrencyPuzzles – @PuzzlesCrypto – 02/062019

Hexagons or cubes? Do you see the link? You might wanna google it!
Specific rules:
- Fill the grid with blue and dark gray hexagons/cubes.
- More than two hexagons/cubes of the same colour next to or above/below each
other is not allowed.
- Each row and column has an equal number of blue and dark gray
- This puzzle has exactly one solution, which can be found using logic alone and
no guesses are ever required. If you think you've found another solution, then
please double check the rules first.

Send your solution to
(.pdf, .png or .jpg format).

If you’d like to help with translations (Dutch English) or with some English sentence structures on this page, please contact me.
Thank you!

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