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Dimensional tiering

What are “dimensions”?

When you are talking about higher dimensions in dimensional tiering, people are generally talking about
higher-physical dimensions, beyond the traditional 3 spatial ones that we observe in the real world.

Physical Dimensions are axis of movement. They are not higher layers of reality, they are not other
space time continuums, they are additional directions through which individual shapes and entities can
displace themselves in, giving them extra degrees of freedom to move.

With this being known hopefully it helps people differentiate between what is a legitimate extra
dimension, and the many other things that are simply called a “dimension” but are in fact not technically
the same as a Physical dimensions.

Issues with dimensional tiering

1. Mass, Energy and Speed are all scalar quantities, not vector quantities. This means the
magnitude of energy, mass and speed are completely independent of spatial direction,
displacement or any other measurement. Energy and time also happen to be the quantities that
determine power. Both are scalar quantities, making power a scalar quantity also, and
independent of any sort of spatial directions or displacements. Basically this means these are
dimensionless concepts, and as such 100 joules of energy created by a 1 dimensional, 3
dimensional or infinite dimensional being is still just 100 joules of energy no matter where it is
created or by whom. Being a higher dimensional entity does not have anything to do with
power in physics.

A good example of this is that technically you can make a point in a 3 dimensional space that has
100 joules of energy in it, Say it is located at X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0. If you remove an axis to make it a
2 dimensional surface that same energy point is still the exact same 100 joules, at X =0, Y = 0.
Removing yet another axis of movement to make it simply exist at X = 0 still leaves the same
point with the same amount of energy. So as you can see, energy that exists in more
dimensions does not change no matter how many spatial dimensions you add or subtract from
the model.

2. Higher dimensional beings do not inherently have special powers like reality warping, or
existence erasure. They would have to follow the same physics that we do as stated by actual

The only difference would be that higher dimensions would have an extra axis of movement,
which could alter how the physical laws seem to work, such as orbits working differently in a 4D
3. There is no mathematical model that proves a higher dimensional being would inherently have
infinitely more energy, mass or even volume than a lower dimensional one.

The argument that because a 3 dimensional object has a parameter of 0 for the W axis,
compared to a 4 dimensional object having a 1 in the W axis makes the 4 dimensional object
infinitely larger by default is flawed, because when you apply for example the rest of the values
for both you could easily have the 3 dimensional object be
X = 100
Y = 100
Z = 100
And the 4 dimensional object could be
Sure the 4 dimensional object has an extra parameter, but that does not mean its volume is
infinitely larger, and as explained earlier, it has absolutely no relation to energy or mass.
Nothing suggests having extra axis added makes an object have infinitely more size by default.
It’s like saying North is infinitely far away from West, since you can walk infinitely in the
direction of the former and never reach the latter, when this only happens because West is
positioned in another direction relative to North, and you can simply take a step in its direction
and reach it with no problem whatsoever. That doesn’t make North infinitely superior or longer
than West.

A simpler example is I could produce 1000 joules of energy with a punch. I could also easily
model a 2 dimensional object which can also produce 1000 joules of energy. Both are finite and
nothing suggests that the 2 dimensional object should or has to have infinitely less energy than
the 3 dimensional object.

Furthermore we have the formula’s to calculate both the surface volume of a 4 dimensional
sphere and the hyper volume of it, and neither result in an infinite result.

So mathematically we can prove that higher dimensional surface volume and hyper volume are
not infinite in a 4D sphere.

4. Hausdorff Dimensions have nothing to do with Spatio-temporal dimensions, so are irrelevant in

the first place. They simply use fractals and break down shapes into smaller and smaller parts
infinitely utilizing non-integer dimensions to measure “roughness”. Saying that this equates to
higher dimensions being uncountable infinitely greater than lower ones is like saying, the
distance between 1 and 2 is Uncountable Infinite, thus higher dimensions are uncountable
infinitely greater than lower ones. It is a flawed leap in logic, and It has nothing to do with
spatio-temporal dimensions in the first place, and even if it were referring to them then it still
would fall short as proof.
5. The term “dimension” in fiction is thrown around A LOT. It has been used for anything from
physical dimensions on an axis, to alternate space time continuums and even metaphysical
realms or “higher realities/existences”. Realistically the term dimension is often very
inconsistent with its true physical meaning in the real world across fiction and does not lend
itself well to a way in which to gauge the power of all fictional characters.
6. *Note* Of course if a being is stated or shown to have a specific level of power in relation to
being higher dimensional then you would use that in that specific case. But it would be a case
by case thing as opposed to assuming that all higher dimensional beings have that level of
power by default.
What can we use to scale characters?
There is no right answer. Personally I think going on a joule based system from sub human levels like an
ameba, all the way up to infinite joules destroying everything in a Universe no matter its size is a highly
consistent, and for the most part scientifically accurate way to gauge most characters. Beyond that is

I believe that Universe+ level being the destruction of the space time continuum of the entire universe is
fairly consistent across fictions, as well as supported by actual real life physics since we can observe the
existence of space and time and quantify them to some degree at least. This is because most fictions at
least treat the universe similarly to our own in respect to being composed of matter, space-time etc.
This can easily be extended into low multiverse level, multiverse level and multiverse+ level since they
are essentially just larger groups of the traditional models of the Universe in most cases, and logically we
could say being able to destroy infinite universes completely > destroying 2 Universes > destroying 1
Universe. So even without dimensional tiering, all the way up to a multiverse with infinite universes
makes logical sense for a tiering system. Worth noting though is that we can’t fully quantify how much
more energy is needed to jump to destroying the space time of a universe from just the 3D objects
within it, as well we can’t quantify how much energy would be needed to go from destroying one space
time to destroying two at once since it is unknown how much energy is needed to cross from one to the
other and affect them both at once. But we can at least logically say it requires much more to make
those jumps in tier.

Going beyond infinite space times is kind of an area which becomes very obscure and difficult to assess
because it is dealing with purely hypothetical and unquantifiable concepts such as higher planes of
existence, ambiguous levels of infinity and so on. I am entirely open to suggestions on how to tier things
that are clearly beyond standard multiverse+ level. Perhaps, tbh they should simply be classified as far
beyond multiverse+ and just left at that since there is no real way to quantify their power beyond that in
many cases. Either that or try to quantify them on a case by case basis (but then comparing them
becomes an issue.)

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