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The process of making Meniran herb extract is done by maceration that produces
Effervescent granules. Effervescent granules are granules or coarse dry powder, containing drugs
and other mixtures, containing material capable of releasing the gas when they are mixed with
water. Reactions that occur on dissolution of effervescent is the reaction between acid and alkali
compounds to produce carbonic gas, carbonic gas can provide a fresh taste to omit the tart taste.
The reaction is like this:
H3C6H5O7.H2O + 3 NaHCO3 Na3C6H5O7 + 4 H2O + 3 CO2
citric acid sodium bicarbonate sodium citrate
H2C4H4O6 + 2 NaHCO3 Na2C4H4O6 + 2 H2O + 2 CO2
sodium-bikarbonat tartaric acid sodium tartrate
To obtain the formula which corresponds to specification, soluble time test and water
content test are conducted. If the results of the test time are less than 1 minute and granule water
content test results are 0.4% - 0.7%., it can be concluded that the formula of Effervescent
granules is in accordance with the specifications.
The test results showed the time-soluble formula to V with the highest ratio of acid and
alkali was the best and the results of water content test toward Meniran herbal Extract
effervescent granules showed that it did not meet specifications, it is presumably because the
water content of the test was not conducted in a room that meets the criteria of 25% relative
humidity. Organoleptic examination result of the production of effervescent granules suggests
that granules produced from herbal extracts Meniran are green, sweet, and smell like melon
which is expected to fulfil the taste of children who will consume it in order to increase their
body resistance.
In order to produce the effervescent granules according to specifications to increase
endurance, it is necessary to test the effect of pressure used in the granule production process
which is done in a room with low RH and temperature and it is required to conduct level test,
LOD, flow time test and density toward effervescent granules that have been made along with
the comparison of acid and alkali ratio.
Keywords: effervescent granules, Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri linn) ¸ endurance
Chapter I

1.1 Background of The Problem

Indonesia is a tropical country, many plants can live easily in various heights above sea
level. The utilization of those plants hasalready existed since the old times, hereditary based on
experience. Along with the changing times, the utilization of the plant is not only based on
experience, but also based on research.

One of the numerous medicinal plants found in Indonesia is Meniran. The existence of a
plant that grows wild in the open air, contains sand on the loose soil, fields, streams, and coast,
resulting in these shrubs are often considered a weed or a parasite who just becomes a dopant.
Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri linn.) is a medicinal plant that Indonesia has long been used for the
treatment of hereditary diseases such as gonorrhea, diuretika, increase appetite, diarrhea, colitis,
hepatitis, jaundice, nyctalopia, thrush, was bitten by a mad dog, rheumatism and gout.
(Mustarichie et al,; 2011).

An example of traditional medicine containing meniran is a dosage form used to raise the
immune system (immunomodulator). It is because the benefits of flavonoids found in
Meniran. Dosage which is currently available is in the form of a syrup and the capsule that can
be consumed by adults, teenagers and children.

Commonly, children are really difficult to drink a drug or a supplement in maintaining their body
endurance. But research that ever been used commonly produce dosage forms of syrup and
capsules as immunomodulator that often do not suit on children’s tastes to be consumed. To
improve compliance in taking the medicine, then we make an effervescent granule, with a hope
that children will be interested in, and bubbles that will be more attractive. In addition, this
dosage form has interesting color, smell and taste.

Based on it, then our group will make a breakthrough research in a dosage form of
effervescent granule to complete researches which are already conducted before.
1.2. Restrictions on the issue

In order to be more focused in the discussion, then this research is limited to:

1. Review the analysis aspects of content elements in Meniran leaf extract

2. Shape the initial research in the laboratory to test the feasibility of effervescent granule
product of Meniran leaf extract.

1.3. Formulation of the problem

Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem in this research are:

a. to determine the ratio of the concentration of the acid and alkali which can cause a perfect

b. to know how higher content of acid and alkali in the effervescent granule will affect the
amount of froth that arises when dissolving process is done

1.4. Research purposes

This research was aimed to create a different form of food preparation made from meniran herb
extract which is effervescent granule which is favored by children.

1.5. the benefits of the research results of the study are expected to be used as one of the efforts
in the development of additional food preparations of herba meniran in the form of effervescent
granule. And this research will provide the expected benefits to :

World Education and pharmaceutical industry

a. Motivate other students to grow a research culture which is appropriate and economical by
utilizing the natural resources existing in Indonsia environment.

b. Assist the development of new material which has not done previously.


2.1 Meniran Plant Meniran Plant Systematics

2.1.1 according to Levita, 2008

Plant Meniran (Phyllantus niruri l.) has systematics as follows

Division: Spermatophyta

Sub Division: Dicotyledoneae:

Ordo : Euphorbiales

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Genus: Phyllantus

Species: Phyllanthus niruri Linn

2.1.2 the morphology of Meniran Plants (Phyllantus niruri l.)

Meniran grows wild in humid and rocky places, such as along the channel, the bushes, and the land
between the grasses. This plant can be found in lowland areas up to an altitude of 1,000 m above sea
level. Meniran is terna, seasonal, growing upright, 30-50 cm high, in branches. It has pale green stems, a
single leaf with interval layout. The leaves are round elongated, obtuse tip, rounded base, mottled
appearance underneath the surface of the Glans, the rim average is about 7 mm length, green coloured.
In a plant there are male female flowers. The male flowers are out in the axil of the leaves, while female
flowers are out in the top of the leaf axil. The fruit is cubic, round, smooth, with diameter 2-2.5 mm. Its
seeds are small, hard, kidney-shaped, chocolate-colored (Hutapea and Syamsyuhidayat, 1991).

2.1.3 Regional Distribution and Habitat

Meniran grows wildly on flat land and in the mountains. This plant grows wild in the open on the loose,
sandy soil in the fields, the River Bank and at the beach, even grow wild around the grounds of the
house. The plant is widespread nearly to any tropical or subtropical climates such as India, China,
Malaysia, the Philippines, and Australia (Dalimarta, 2000). Its spread throughout Indonesia is identified
with the names given by different areas to mention Meniran. In Sumatra,it is known as sidukung,
dudukung anak, ba’me tano. In Sulawesi it is known with the name bolobungo. In Maluku, it is known
gosau ma dungi, gosau ma dongi roriha, belalang babiji. (Kardinan and Kusuma, 2004).

2.1.4 the chemical content Flavonoid
Flavonoids are compound dissolving in water that can be extracted with ethanol 70% and there is
still a layer of water after having beaten with petroleum ether. Flavonoids are phenolic
compounds thus their color change when they are added to alkali or ammonia. Flavonoids are
commonly found in plants that are generally tied to sugar as glycosides and aglikon. Flavonoids
which are combinations of glycosides are contained in all vascular plants. Several derivatives of
flavonoids found in high level plants and are only found on certain organs of plants such as root,
stem, leaf, flower, seed, and bark. These compounds are commonly found in plants that are red,
purple, blue, or yellow. (Harborne, 1987). The level of flavonoids contained in Meniran is 1,556
(% b/b). Lignan

Lignan is widespread in plants. It is found in wood, leaves, exudate, resin, and other plant parts.
(Robbinson, 1995). Tannins

Tannins are scattered in every stemmed plant, usually in the specific plants such as leaves, fruit,
root, stem. (Tjay and Raharja, 1991). Alkaloids

Alkaloids in leaves or fresh fruit usually has bitter taste on the tongue and it has strong
physiological effects of strong towards. (Harborne, 1987). Saponins

Saponins can work as an antimicrobial. Solubile in water and ethanol but insoluble in ether
(Robbinson, 1995).

2.1.5 classification of meniran

meniran species commonly used for treatment are only two species which are green and red
meniran. For medication, phyllanthus niruri l. ( meniran green ) is more dominantly used
compared to phyllanthus urinaria l. ( meniran red ). ( taylor, 2003 ). There are morphological
differences between green and red meniran. Green Meniran has pale green or dark green stems.
The fruit is lubricous; flatt-rounded. The anthers of mature green meniran would break
longitudinally, while red meniran has red brown stems. Its fruit is rough textured, round. The
anthers of mature red meniran would break transversely ( soedibyo, 1998; soerjani et al. 1987).

2.1.6 Benefits of Meniran

Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) is a medicinal plant that Indonesia has long used orally for the
treatment of various diseases such as diuretic, expectorant and menstruation treatment. In
addition, Meniran is also used for the treatment of sembab (swelling), boost the immune system,
infection and urinary tract, gonorrhea, increase appetite, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease,
conjunctivity, hepatitis, jaundice, nyctalopia, thrush, rabies, nyctalopia, rheumatism and gout
(Hutapea and Syamsuhidayat, 1991).

2.1.7 Meniran As Immunomodulator

Researches said that Meniran has the imunomodulator activity. Imunomodulator helps make the
immune system more active in carrying out its functions, strengthening the immune system of
the body (imunostimulator) or suppressing excessive immune system reactions
(imunosuppressan). Thus, immunity or durability of the body can always be optimimal so that
our body always stays healthy when it is attacked by viruses, bacteria and other microbes. As the
imunomodulator, Meniran not merely helps improve the immune system, but also suppress the
immune system from being superfluous.

2.2 immunomodulator

immunomodulator is natural or synthetic material that will help our body regulate or normalize
the immune system. Immunomodulator helps improve the immune system or stopping immune
systems from being overly active. But, it does not improve the immune system like
immunostimulan. ( baratawidjaja, 2002 ).

2.3 Taking Extracts using Maceration

Maceration, means soaking, is the most appropriate process where smooth medicinal plants
powder is possible to be soaked in solvent so soluble substances will dissolve. The process of
maceration is as follows: Put 10 section simplisia, add 75 part extractor, close and leave it for 5
days shielded from light with occasional stirring, do evaporation by heating until it becomes
thick extract, heat it up again until powder extract is created. (Ansel, 1989).

2.4 Wet Granulation Process

Wet granulation process is getting powder or powder mixture wet using binding agent, and sift it
with particular mesh sieve to obtain the desired granule size. Different stages of other methods
are material which is made wet, wet sifting, and drying. A solvent that is added should not be
exaggerated because the masses that is formed should only be moist not wet like pasta.
Furthermore, the process of drying and checking moisture content in granule (LOD) is
conducted. (Pratiwi, 2008).

2.5 granule effervescent

effervescent granule is dry or coarse granule that is dry containing a medicine and another
mixture, containing material which is able to release gas when it is mixed with water ( ansel,
1989 ). A reaction which occurs in effervescent dissolving is a reaction between an acid
compound to produce carbonate gas, carbonate gas karbonatformed can provide a sense of fresh,
so the bitter taste can be covered by the presence of co2 and sweetener ( juniawan, 2004 ). The
reaction is as follows:

H3C6H5O7.H2O + 3 NaHCO3 Na3C6H5O7 + 4 H2O + 3 CO2

citric acid sodium bicarbonate sodium citrate

H2C4H4O6 + 2 NaHCO3 Na2C4H4O6 + 2 H2O + 2 CO2

sodium-bikarbonat tartaric acid sodium tartrate

Figure 1. Reaction acid-base in effervescent ( ansel, preparation 1989 )

2.6 Effervescent Granule Profits

according Pratiwi, 2008 the profit of Effervescent Granule are:

1. producing a delicacy and fresh taste due to the presence of carbonate that help improve the
taste of certain medicines.
2. short time preparation of the solution.

3. Containing an appropriate dose of the medicine.

4. easier to use.

5. can be used for children or people who have difficulty swallowing tablets or capsules
Chapter iii Materials and methods

3.1 materials and equipments

3.1.1 a material

the material used in this study was the whole parts of fresh Meniran herb (Phyllanthus niruri
Linn) obtained randomly. Meniran plants were dried and then blended to form a powder. Then
soaked with ethanol until extracts from Meniran were obtained. Dry Meniran Extracts were
mixed with ingredients in the formula, those are Lactose (as dilluent), LHPC LH 11 (as
disintegrant), PVP 30 (as a binder), CMC Na (as a suspending agent), Nipagin (as a
preservative), FDC Apple Green (as corigen coloris), Fructose (as a moister), Essen Melon
Powder (as corigen odoris), Saccharum Pulveratum (as a sweetener), citric acid, acid Tartrate
and sodium bicarbonate to create effervescent granule.

3.1.2 equipment:

tools used in this research are: analytic balance, a blender, a washbasin, strain cloth, oven, 20
mesh sifters, mortars and stamfer, loaves, moisture balance.

3.2 Methodology

3.2.1 the making of Meniran powder

Meniran was taken randomly. Fresh Meniran was dried to avoid sunlight for 3 days. Dry
Meniran Plant was then mashed using a blender to make dry Meniran powder.

3.2.2 Maceration

Maceration process was done as follows: put 10 section of simplisia, add 75 parts of extractor, it
was then closed and left on for 5 days covered from light accompanied by occasional stirring,
evaporation was done again by heating to form thick extract, it was heat up again afterwards
until powder extract was retrieved.


3.2.3. the formulation

The formulation in this research is the researcher’s innovation. The concentration of each
formula can be seen in table 1 and the amount of each ingredient can be seen in table 2.

Table 1 the levels of Ingredients in the Formula

the levels in the %

The material
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Ekstrak Meniran 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Laktosa 38,17 36,42 34,67 32,92 31,17
LHPC LH 11 4 4 4 4 4
PVP 30 3 3 3 3 3
CMC Na 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Nipagin 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02
FDC Apple Green 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Essen Melon Powder 1 1 1 1 1
Saccharum Pulveratum 38,15 36,4 34,65 32,9 31,15
Fructose QS QS QS QS QS
( 15 ml) ( 15 ml) ( 15 ml) ( 15 ml) ( 15 ml)

Phase ekstern
Asam Sitrat 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Asam Tartrat 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Natrium Bikarbonat 10 12,5 15 17,5 20


F 1 comparison of acid and alkali 20%

F 2 a comparison of acid and alkali 25%

F 3 comparison of acid and alkali 30%

F 4 a comparison of acid and alkali 35%

F 5 comparison of acid and alkali 40%

One Formula totaling 10 sachets. One sachet contains 5 grams. Formula for each material (1
packet = 5 g) dissolved in 1 glass of water.

Table 2

number of ingredients in a Formula

levels in mg
The material F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Ekstrak Meniran 25 25 25 25 25
Laktosa 1.908,5 1.821 1.733,5 1.646 1.558,5
LHPC LH 11 200 200 200 200 200
PVP 30 150 150 150 150 150
CMC Na 25 25 25 25 25
Nipagin 9 9 9 9 9
FDC Apple Green 25 25 25 25 25
(15ml) (15ml) (15ml) (15ml) (15ml)
Essen Melon Powder 50 50 50 50 50
Saccharum Pulveratum 1.907,5 1.820 1.732,5 1.645 1.557,5

Phase ekstern
Asam Sitrat 100 125 150 175 200
Asam Tartrat 100 125 150 175 200
Natrium Bikarbonat 500 625 750 875 1.000

3.2.4 the process of granulation

Granulation is a process which convert powder particles into bubbles in the well-arranged form
called granule. Granules obtained have sticky power and a good flow character. The Granule size
is usually in the range between 4-12 sieve. However granule of various sieve hole size can be
made depending on the purpose. Good granule has homogeneous shape and color, has a good
flow, has a narrow particle size distribution and contains pollen shaped components, indicates a
satisfactory mechanical cohesiveness and is not too dry and is easily destroyed in the water.

3.3 research methodology

3.3.1 place and time of the research

The research which aimed at making an Effervescent Granule from Meniran extract was
conducted in Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory 2 Theresiana, on August 20, 2013.

3.3.2. Plan of the research

this research used descriptive methods to know whether soluble time and the water level can be
influenced by the difference in the comparison of acid and alkali.

1. preparation

create or prepare effervescent granule formula of meniran extract and calculate and seek for
needs of materials to be used

2. implementation

It consisted of 4 activities:

1). set up tools needed

2). Extraction process of Meniran which would be used

3). Mixing the ingredients of the materials used and granulation until effervescent granule is

4). physical Quality test of granule dosage form

3. the final stage

analyze data that will be made from physical Quality test of effervescent granule which consists
of soluble test time and water level test.

3.3.3 definition of operational variables and physical quality test definition of operational variable in this research is “physical quality test of effervescent
granule dosage form from meniran extracts” consisting of soluble time test and water level test.
1. Definition of operational variable: the soluble time test

purpose: to know how long granule dosage form dissolves in water.

Tools: stopwatch

Definition of operational variable: the water level test

purpose: to find out content of water by comparing the weight of effervescent granule dosage
form before and after warming

tools: moisture balance Specifications of soluble test of time

According to Said, 2005, how to test soluble time is as follows:

1 packet of effervescent granule on a glass of water (200 ml) is dissolved then observe and
calculate the duration of preparation that dissolves in water until the particles are invisible or
dissolve completely. A good effervescent granule dissolves less than 1 minute. Do it three times. Water level test

According to Apriyantono, et al, 1989, water level test of effervescent granule is as follows:
10 g of effervescent Granule of Meniran extracts is put it into the oven at a temperature of 105 °
C, then enter exicator for 1 hour. Afterwards, calculate the water level. According to Fausett, 2000, the specification of granule water content is 0.4%-0.7%.

3.3.4 Data Analysis

In this research data analysis is done through comparing the result of soluble time and water
level of effervescent granule with specifications already mentioned above. In order to state that
soluble time is in accordance with the specifications, the granule soluble time should not be more
than 1 minute and on water level test, the water level of granule should be 0.4%-0.7%.


4.1 analysis of the quality of the ingredients

Meniran Leaves used are all the leaves in a tree and the green ones. Meniran leaves are
determinated randomly. The leaves are separated from the stem and dried then finely grinded and
sifted with in 40 mesh sieves. The process of grinding the leaves may affect extraction.
According to Ketaren and Suastawa (1994), the power of extraction gets increasing along with
the materials which gets smaller in size because the contact between the material and the solvent
is the osmosis process which runs slowly.

Picture 5. picture of dry meniran

B. The Making of dry extract

The making of dry extract is started from extraction process that produces liquid extract being
vaporized to form thick extract. The thick extract is then vaporized becomes dry extract.

The display of dry extract of meniran leaves.

Picture 6. picture of an extract dry meniran

C. The test of Effervescent Granule.

Good granules are granules which are the same in size and granulate shaped. Image 7 shows that
the resulting granules are the same in size and granulate-shaped but their colors are not yet the
same. Visually, the effervescent granule is presented in figure 7

1. Water level test

Water level is one of the important quality parameters for the dried products because it will
determine the durability and products saving power. From the test results it is known that water
content of tablets ranged from 0.60-1,32%. The results show that rising levels of acid and alkali
does not have effect on the water level because effervescent granule must be made at the
appropriate temperature and humidity. Formula 5 has the highest water level, this can also be
affected by a factor that the granules are associated with the surrounding air too long which
makes the granule humid

FI = 1.10%

FII = 0.60%

FIII = 1.05%

FIV = 1.27%

FV = 1,32%

Water can cause the effervescent system to be unstable. The presence of large amounts of water
can activate the effervescent system and can react prematurely (Lieberman et al.,,1989).
Compounds in the form of powder or granule will turn into ions with the presence of water so it
is easy to react. Water causes the tablet to be fluffy and soft. According to Lieberman, et al
(1989), effervescent granule are easy to absorb water and will absorb enough water so that it
triggers the damage if it is not packaged correctly.

Water Level
0 Kadar Air
Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula
1 2 3 4 5
soluble time Test

Soluble time shows how much time required by the granule in a serving size. To be perfectly
dissolved in a particular volume of water. Soluble time of effervescent granule is averagely less
than a minute. Comparison of acid and alkali affects soluble time and affects the amount of the
froth produced.

Formula i: 20 seconds with little froth.

Formula ii: 18 seconds with little froth

formula iii: 15 seconds with pretty froth

formula iv: 12 seconds with many froth

Formula V: 10 seconds with the the most froth and the most best granule color.

The Result of Raw Materials Organoleptic Examination

Organoleptic Examination toward the making of effervescent granule. The examination result is
presented on the table below:

Examination Observation
Organoleptic Brownish-green coarse, bitter taste, specific
Tabel 4.1.1 Meniran Extract Examination

Examination Observation
Organoleptic Granul is green, sweet taste, melon smell.
Tabel 4.1.2 Effervescent Granule Examination

Chapter 5
Conclusion and Suggestion

5.1. Conclusion

Meniran extract effervescent granule is made using wet granulation method. In testing
effervescent granule, it is faound that comparison etween acid and alkali does not influence
granule water level test.

Effervescent granule test really affect soluble time test. Comparison of acid and alkali affect in
the amount of froth produced and the speed of the effervecent granule soluble time.

Compound found in meniran ( phyllantus niruri l. ) is: flavonoid with 2 % concentration ( b / b )

figuera et al. ( 2006 ) gets lignan content from 0.65 to 1.24 % of the dry weight among 4 areas
surveyed. Filantin, hipofilantin, tannin role in raising the immune system and as hepatoprotektor.
The result of the analysis done Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (Balittro) indicates
that meniran contains tannin 0.01 % (Kardinan and Kusuma, 2004). Tannin contains a substance
called astringent, astringent work locally by precipitate blood protein so that bleeding can be
stopped and can be used as a vasoconstrictor. The presence of vasoconstrictor properties enables
it to reduce gastric mucose damage bleeding (wilmana and gan, 2007). Meniran also contains
potassium as much as 827 mg/100 g fresh material (kardinan and kusuma 2004 ). Potassium is
alkali if it reacts with gastric acid where acid-alkali reaction in the stomach occur. Thus, it can
balance pH of gastrict acid so that it is not too acid which eventually can reduce gastric mucose
damage (Mitta, 2008).


It is necessary to do a test on the effect of the pressure used in the process of making the granule
which is done indoor with low temperature and RH. This granule is made as an alternative to
increase body immune system so that it is necessary to test LOD, flow time and density toward
the effervescent granule which has been made by the presence of acid and alkali comparison. In
addition, it is also necesary to do concentration test to find out whether the comparison of acid
and alkali at the highest level affects the efficacy of effervescent granule dosage form.

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