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Christley Gwyt G.

Cyberbullying is the use of digital technologies with an intent to offend,
humiliate, threaten, harass abuse somebody.

Examples of cyberbullying include: nasty messages online or on the

phone, comments on your posts or posts about you, being excluded
from online groups or forums, embarrassing photos being put online
without your permission, rumours and lies about you on a website,
offensive chat on online gaming, fake online profiles being created with
an intent to defame you.

Cyberbullying has been taking place a lot more in middle and high
schools because of the improvement of technology and increased
usage of social media networks. Something that has not really been
established in these schools are punishments. Do you know if your
middle school or high school had a punishment for this? Exactly. It is
not very common for schools to have cyber bullies suspended. Not
because of it being hard for them to get away with it, but because
schools may not realize how serious of an issue this really is. Middle
schools and high schools should have students who act as bullies on the
internet suspended from school to teach them a lesson on what they
are doing is wrong. Many students have taken their own lives because
of another student saying something harmful to them online, and this
needs to stop. I think that cyber bullies of middle school and high
school ages should be punished because they will finally understand
that what they are doing is wrong.

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