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Simulation of short-term post-fire vegetation

recovery by integration of LANDFIRE data
products, DNBR data and LANDIS modeling

Y. Q. Wang , Y. Zhou , J. Yang , H. S. He , Z. Zhu & D. Ohlen

To cite this article: Y. Q. Wang , Y. Zhou , J. Yang , H. S. He , Z. Zhu & D. Ohlen (2009)
Simulation of short-term post-fire vegetation recovery by integration of LANDFIRE data products,
DNBR data and LANDIS modeling, Annals of GIS, 15:1, 47-59, DOI: 10.1080/19475680903271083

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Annals of GIS
Vol. 15, No. 1, June 2009, 47–59

Simulation of short-term post-fire vegetation recovery by integration of LANDFIRE data

products, DNBR data and LANDIS modeling
Y.Q. Wanga*, Y. Zhoua, J. Yangb, H.S. Heb, Z. Zhuc# and D. Ohlenc
Department of Natural Resources Science, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA; bSchool of Natural Resources, University of
Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA; cUSGS/National Center for EROS, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
(Received 1 January 2009; final version received 30 May 2009)

This study developed an approach to simulate short-term post-fire vegetation recovery by integration of LANDFIRE
data products, the differenced normalized burn ratio (DNBR) data, and LANDISv4.0a modeling. Combination of
DNBR and LANDFIRE data products provided information on burn severity, pre-fire existing vegetation types,
vegetation composition and structure, and the biophysical gradients that affect the distribution of ecosystem compo-
nents. Such critical information established the initial states for LANDIS parameterization and simulation modeling.
We tested the simulation at the Sanford Fire site, which is within the Dixie National Forest in Utah state and has
31,579 hectares of burned forested land by a 2002 wildfire. The simulation was at 30-meter cell size, at one-year time
interval, and at 10-year duration. The results indicated that integration of LANDFIRE data products, DNBR data, and
LANDISv4.0a modeling provided the necessary data sets and modeling mechanism for updating vegetation maps
affected by wildfires.
Keywords: wildfire; LANDFIRE; DNBR; post-fire vegetation recovery; LANDISv4.0a simulation; Sanford Fire site

1. Introduction Increasing frequency and extent of wildfires demands a

Wildfires are a growing natural hazard in the United States significant amount of resources for wildfire management. A
and around the world. Although as a natural process wild- variety of programs has been established for wildfire
fire can be beneficial to ecosystem functions, direct fire research, management, and education. LANDFIRE, for
impacts and secondary effects, such as erosion, landslides, example, is a multi-agency effort to produce consistent
introduction of invasive species, and changes in water qual- and comprehensive maps and data describing vegetation
ity, are often disastrous. Pattern, severity, and timing of composition and structure, surface and canopy fuel charac-
wildfires affect significantly the successional changes of teristics, historical fire regimes, and ecosystem status across
vegetation. Understanding the effects of fire impacts and the United States (Rollins and Frame 2006). In LANDFIRE
the pathway of vegetation recovery are critical for commu- project, vegetation is mapped using predictive landscape
nity actions on resource management planning, land use models based on extensive field reference data, satellite
decision, treatment procedure, habitat restoration, and on imagery, biophysical gradient layers, and classification
studies of ecological and economic complexities in associa- and regression trees. LANDFIRE system and the data pro-
tion with wildfires. ducts can help identify the extent, severity, and location of
Remote sensing data and geospatial modeling have been wildfire threats to the nation’s communities and ecosystems
employed in monitoring of wildfires, assessing active fire (GAO 2006). A challenge that any data production in such a
characteristics and analyzing post-fire effects (Fraser and Li capacity needs to consider is the updating issues in order to
2002, Lentile et al. 2005), in measuring forest structure and reflect the effects of landscape-altering events such as wild-
fuel loads (Skowronski et al. 2007) and in estimating fuel fires that occurred after the acquisition of remote sensing
moisture for prediction of fire behavior (Dasgupta et al. data and from which the vegetation maps were developed.
2007, Hao and Qiu 2007). Multi-temporal remote sensing For example, the Sanford Fire occurred in June 2002 and
data have been employed for assessing fire severity (Brewer burned a large area of forest lands. The prototype
et al. 2005, Wimberly and Reilly 2007, Miller and Thode LANDFIRE data products were developed in 2005 based
2007) and for simulating post-fire spectral response to burn on Landsat thematic mapper (TM) images acquired in 2000.
severity (De Santis et al. 2009). As the employed Landsat data did not reflect the major

Current Address: USGS, Reston, VA, USA
*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1947-5683 print/ISSN 1947-5691 online

© 2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/19475680903271083
48 Y.Q. Wang et al.

landscape-altering wildfire that occurred between data original design of 10 years to 1 year. Those features make
acquisition and vegetation mapping efforts, updating of LANDIS a candidate model for simulation of short-term
vegetation data for wildfire-impacted areas becomes neces- post-fire vegetation recovery.
sary. Instead of repeating vegetation mapping procedures A critical challenge toward spatially explicit simulation
using a new set of Landsat data, short-term post-fire vegeta- of short-term post-fire vegetation recovery is data prepara-
tion recovery simulation that focuses on fire-impacted area tion for establishment of initial conditions. Those include
only is one of the possible and preferred approaches to pre-fire vegetation status, impacted areas and burn severity,
address the updating requests. topographic locations, and biophysical conditions in an
Different models, such as vegetation dynamic develop- individual spatial unit. One of the critical LANDFIRE data
ment tool (VDDT), tool for exploratory landscape scenario products is the existing vegetation type (EVT). The EVT
analyses, forest vegetation simulator (FVS), and landscape data represent distribution of terrestrial ecological system
succession model, have been developed and employed for classification developed by the NatureServe (Comer et al.
simulation of long-term forest succession and landscape 2003). A terrestrial ecological system is defined as a group
dynamics (Klenner et al. 2000, Hann and Bunnell 2001, of plant community types (associations) that tend to co-
Hemstrom et al. 2001, Beukema et al. 2003, Merzenich occur within landscapes with similar ecological processes,
et al. 2003, Swanson et al. 2003, Keane et al. 2004). substrates, and/or environmental gradients. LANDFIRE
VDDT provides a non-spatial modeling framework for project mapped EVTs using decision tree models, field
examining the effects of various disturbance agents and reference data, Landsat imagery data, digital elevation
management actions on vegetation change over long time model data, and biophysical gradient data. The EVT pro-
period. VDDT allows successional pathways to be defined ducts included EVT, vegetation canopy cover, and vegeta-
by users and assumes that the landscape is to be stratified tion height. LANDFIRE Biogradients are the data layers
into units with similar successional pathways. Stratification that describe biophysical gradients that affect the distribu-
is based on potential vegetation types, which identifies a tion of ecosystem components across landscapes. The indir-
distinct biophysical setting that supports a unique and stable ect gradients include slope, aspect, and elevation and the
climax plant community under a constant climate regime. direct gradients include temperature and humidity.
VDDT can team up with the tool for exploratory landscape Functional gradients describe the response of vegetation to
scenario analyses, which is a spatially explicit model, for direct and indirect gradients and include productivity,
simulation of vegetative succession, natural disturbances, respiration, and transpiration. Therefore, the Biogradients
and management activities. FVS is an individual-tree, data can be employed to define environmental parameters
distance-independent forest stand projection model. The for post-fire vegetation recovery simulation.
model simulates tree growth and mortality of a chosen Burn severity map is a key factor to quantify fire
stand, using characteristics such as species, diameter, impacts on vegetation and soil (White et al. 1996, van
height, crown length, and relative size. Key outputs are Wagtendonk et al. 2004, De Santis and Chuvieco 2007)
produced at the individual tree and stand level. FVS is and to provide baseline information for monitoring restora-
able to simulate complex stands composed of many species tion and recovery (Brewer et al. 2005). Differenced normal-
and many ages. However, FVS may not be suitable to ized burn ratio (DNBR) is a continuous index developed
simulate post-fire recovery, which involves spatially con- from pre- and post-fire Landsat imageries to measure burn
tiguous processes such as seed dispersal. severities. The NBR is defined by Equation (1) and the
LANDIS is a spatially explicit landscape model that is DNBR is defined by Equation (2).
designed to simulate forest change over large spatial and
temporal (101–103 years) scales with flexible spatial resolu- TM Band 4  TM Band 7
tions (He and Mladenoff 1999, Mladenoff and He 1999). NBR ¼ (1)
TM Band 4 þ TM Band 7
LANDIS can simulate natural and anthropogenic distur-
bances and their interactions with adequate mechanistic
realism and can simulate species-level forest succession in DNBR ¼ NBRpre fire  NBRpost fire
combination with disturbances and management practices.
LANDIS modeling assumes that detailed, individual tree The DNBR data set yields a burn severity with possible
information and within-stand processes can be simplified, values ranging between -2000 and +2000. DNBR can team
allowing large-scale questions about spatial pattern, species up with on-site estimation of composite burn index (CBI)
distribution, and disturbances to be adequately addressed. for impact measurements.
LANDIS can take remote sensing-derived thematic data as We envisioned that the combination of LANDFIRE data
input, and the output is compatible with most GIS software products and the DNBR data would establish initial states
for spatial analysis (He et al. 2004, Sturtevant et al. 2004). and create parameters for spatially explicit and ecological
An improvement in LANDISv4.0a (Syphard et al. 2007) process-based simulation of short-term post-fire vegetation
shortened the time interval of the simulation from the recovery. The specific modeling interests of this study were
Annals of GIS 49

that (1) spatial resolution of the simulation modeling should returning fire to its natural role in the ecosystem and stimu-
be at 30-meter cell size in order to match LANDFIRE lating aspen suckering. Strong winds, low humidity, and
vegetation data products; (2) a preferred time interval was increased temperatures at the time moved the prescribed
one year in order to reflect dynamics of vegetation recovery; burns outside their containment areas. On 8 June 2002, the
and (3) the simulation duration should be about 10 years two prescribed burns joined, fueled by strong winds, and the
with an assumption that a remapping effort could take place fire was then referred to as the Sanford Fire. The total
in a 10-year cycle. We focused the simulation on fire- amount of land within the perimeter of the Sanford Fire
impacted areas only. and the two prescribed burns was 31,579 hectares. The fire
impact assessment indicated that the vegetation types
affected included 41% sagebrush, 32% mixed conifer, 8%
2. Methods pinyon/juniper, 7% spruce/fir, 4% aspen, and 4% mountain
mahogany. Within the site, about 10% (2995 hectares)
2.1. Data preparation
burned at high severity, 35% (10,996 hectares) burned
2.1.1. Study area with moderate severity, 5% (1584 hectares) burned at low
The Sanford Fire site is within the Dixie National Forest severity, and 50% (15,720 hectares) was left unburned
close to the Cedar City of the Utah state (Figure 1). The (Upper Sevier River Community Watershed Project 2002).
Sanford Fire resulted from escapes of two prescribed A comparison of pre- and post-fire Landsat images illus-
Adams Head Burn in south and the Sanford Burn in north. trates the affected areas and fire impacts on vegetation
The prescribed burns were ignited in April and May 2002, (Figure 1).
respectively, for the purpose of reducing accumulated fuels, We selected the Sanford Fire site for following reasons.
keeping pinyon/juniper from expanding further into sage- (1) It is situated within the Central Utah Valley region where
brush/grasslands, maintaining vegetation at different ages, LANDFIRE prototype data products (Zone 16) were

Figure 1. The Sanford Fire site is located in southern section of the Central Utah Valley (Zone 16) of the LANDFIRE prototype data
products. A comparison of pre- and post-fire Landsat TM reflectance images illustrates the affected areas and fire impacts on vegetation.
50 Y.Q. Wang et al.

completed. (2) The LANDFIRE prototype vegetation data prototype data to develop the land-type parameters that are
were developed based on Landsat TM data acquired in 2000 required for LANDIS simulation modeling. We derived the
and the fire occurred in 2002. Therefore the LANDFIRE DNBR data (Figure 2c) by the reflectance from pre-fire (21
data products did not reflect the damaged vegetation by the June 2000) and post-fire (14 June 2003) Landsat TM data.
Sanford Fire. (3) Burned areas were large enough with The DNBR suggested that, in general, a threshold existed
diversified vegetation communities and different severity between about -100 and +150 DNBR units that marked an
of fire impacts. approximate breakpoint between burned and unburned
areas. We considered the areas with DNBR values below
this threshold as unburned. Within the burned area,
2.1.2. Pre-fire EVT and DNBR data increased DNBR values would correspond to increased
We referred the LANDFIRE prototype data products as the burn severity on the ground.
pre-fire data as those were developed based on Landsat data
2 years prior to the Sanford Fire. We extracted spatial dis-
tribution of pre-fire EVT (Figure 2a), vegetation height and 2.1.3. Ground verification
percent canopy cover for fire-impacted areas, and identified LANDFIRE project scientists visited the Sanford Fire site in
the ecosystem types (Table 1). We extracted the 2003, one year after the fire, and conducted onsite estima-
Biogradients data (Figure 2b) from the LANDFIRE tions of the CBI for selected plots. CBI provided an index to

Figure 2. The EVT data (a) and DEM (b) provided pre-fire ecosystem data and environmental setting for the Sanford Fire site. The DNBR
data (c) provided scales of burn severity on each pixel location as estimated measurements of fire impacts.
Annals of GIS 51

Table 1. Pre-fire EVT within the Sanford Fire site.

Code Existing vegetation type from LANDFIRE prototype data Abbreviation
2011 Rocky Mountain Aspen Forest and Woodland RMA
2016 Colorado Plateau Pinyon–Juniper Woodland and Shrubland CPP
2049 Rocky Mountain Foothill Limber Pine–Juniper Woodland RMF
2051 Rocky Mountain Montane Dry–Mesic Mixed Conifer RMD
Forest and Woodland
2052 Rocky Mountain Montane Mesic Mixed Conifer RMM
Forest and Woodland
2054 Southern Rocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine Woodland SRM
2055 Rocky Mountain Subalpine Dry–Mesic Spruce–Fir RMS
Forest and Woodland
2061 Inter-Mountain Basins Aspen-Mixed Conifer IMA
Forest and Woodland
2159 Rocky Mountain Montane Riparian Systems RMR
2208 Abies concolor Forest Alliance ACF
2064 Colorado Plateau Mixed Low Sagebrush Shrubland CPM
2086 Rocky Mountain Lower Montane-Foothill Shrubland RML
2125 Inter-Mountain Basins Montane Sagebrush Steppe IMM
2217 Quercus gambelii Shrubland Alliance QGS
2220 Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana Shrubland Alliance ATS

represent the magnitude of fire effects. Through the numeric We employed a Trimble® GeoXT Global Positioning
scale between 0.0 and 3.0 CBI described about how much a System unit for navigation to the selected CBI plot sites that
fire had altered the biophysical conditions of a site. The CBI were previously examined in 2003. We recorded locations
plots data provided reliable references to connect field mea- of field transects and points of interests on both Landsat and
surements with remote sensing-derived DNBR data. We DNBR data so that the burn severity and recovery status
conducted field verification at the Sanford Fire site in could be evaluated (Figure 3). We paid special attentions to
September 2005 to observe status of vegetation recovery locations with apparent signs of past burns for references.
three years after the fire and to examine the relationship We documented the status of vegetation recovery in com-
between burn severity, fire age, and post-fire vegetation parison with estimations from previous field observations
recovery. (Table 2) by georeferenced field photographs.

Table 2. Examples of pre-fire EVT, DNBR, CBI, and field observations for selected referencing plot sites.
Plot ID Characteristics of pre-fire EVT DNBR CBI Observed recovery after 3 years
T-B Colorado Plateau Pinyon–Juniper Woodland and 369 2.61 65% vegetation cover predominantly herbaceous
Shrubland. Forest canopy >20 and <30%; canopy species
height (10, 25 meters)
51 Colorado Plateau Pinyon–Juniper Woodland and -18 0.74 50–60% vegetation cover, predominantly herbaceous
Shrubland. Forest canopy >0 and <10%; canopy species. Pinyon–Juniper survived; Resprout of
height (0, 5 meters) quicken aspens
90 Colorado Plateau Pinyon–Juniper Woodland and 497 2.75 Less than 50% vegetation cover, 10% grasses, 30%
Shrubland. Forest canopy >40 and <50%; Canopy mixed shrubs predominantly herbaceous species;
Height (10, 25 meters) no evidence of recovery of Mountain Mahogany
that dominated plot area before fire
66 Rocky Mountain Montane Mesic-Mixed Conifer 996 2.79 50% vegetation cover, predominantly herbaceous
Forest and Woodland. Forest canopy >50 and species, dense resprout of aspen; no evidence of fir
<60%; canopy height (10, 25 meters) or coniferous recovery
32 Colorado Plateau-Mixed Low Sagebrush Shrubland. 193 2.72 60–70% vegetation cover, predominantly herbaceous
Shrub canopy >30% and <40%; shrub height (0, species
0.5 meters)
86 Rocky Mountain Subalpine Dry–Mesic Spruce–Fir 1099 2.92 40–50% vegetation cover, predominantly herbaceous
Forest and Woodland. Forest canopy >30 and species, dense resprout of aspen
40%; forest height (10, 25 meters)
86B Rocky Mountain Subalpine Dry–Mesic Spruce–Fir 401 1.42 40% vegetation cover, predominantly herbaceous
Forest and Woodland. Forest canopy >40 and species; sign of conifer seeding; resprout of aspen
50%; forest height (10, 25 meters)
52 Y.Q. Wang et al.

Figure 3. An example of plot locations displayed on top of the post-fire Landsat TM image and DNBR map.

2.2. Parameterization for LANDIS simulation with disturbances. Heterogeneity of vegetation, distur-
In LANDIS simulation a landscape is divided into equal- bance, and management activities can be modeled at multi-
sized individual cells. Each cell resides on a certain land ple hierarchical levels from the landscape to the cell. For
type and a disturbance regime type. Each cell is considered vegetation heterogeneity, LANDIS stratifies the heteroge-
to include a unique list of species and their associated age neous landscape into land types, which are generated from
cohorts. The species/age cohort information varies with GIS layers of climate, soil, or terrain attributes (slope,
establishment, succession, and seed dispersal and interacts aspect, and landscape position). Land types capture the
Annals of GIS 53

highest level (coarse grain) of spatial heterogeneity caused aspects of northwest and southeast in defining the land type
by various environmental controls. Within a land type, a combined with the topographic moisture gradient.
suite of ecological conditions that results in similar species Elevation is another factor that defines a land type as spatial
establishment patterns is assumed, but the stochastic pro- distributions of tree species that are associated with varia-
cesses such as seed dispersal can result in intermediate-level tions of elevation ranges. We used the pre-fire EVT and the
(fine grain, within land type) heterogeneity of a species DEM data from the LANDFIRE prototype data products to
distribution. Succession, competition, and probabilistic obtain distributions of vegetation species in different eleva-
establishment may result in heterogeneity of species pre- tions. We calculated the areas in number of pixels repre-
sence and age cohorts even among cells that were initially sented by the EVT data within fire-impacted areas. By
identical. Disturbance heterogeneity refers to various referencing the calculated number of pixels from the EVT
regimes a disturbance may have on the simulated landscape. data we divided the Sanford Fire site into the four most
LANDIS stratifies the heterogeneous disturbance regimes influential elevation categories on vegetation distributions,
using disturbance regime maps. For example, fire regimes i.e. <2450, 2450–2700, 2700–2900, and >2900 meters. We
are characterized by ignition frequency and fire cycle (mean then combined those features to create the land-type attri-
fire return interval) in a fire regime map (Yang et al. 2004). bute file. As the slope and aspects affect mostly the areas on
Within-regime heterogeneity is further simulated by a sto- hill slopes rather than the bottomlands and ridges, we
chastic process of each disturbance regime, and cell-level applied the slope and aspects to the hill slopes only. The
heterogeneity is simulated through an interaction of distur- final 16 land types are illustrated in Figure 4.
bance and vegetation in cells. A species establishment coefficient is a number ranging
LANDIS assumes that detailed, individual tree informa- from 0 to 1 that expresses the species’ relative ability to
tion and within-stand processes can be simplified, allowing grow on different land types. Coefficients are differentiated
large-scale questions such as spatial pattern, species distri- based on relative responses of species to soil moisture,
bution, and disturbances to be adequately addressed. climate, and nutrients. Reported studies estimated species
Vegetation succession at each cell is a competitive process establishment coefficients from published summaries of
driven by species life history attributes, such as longevity, species characteristics (Burns and Honkala 1990,
age of sexual maturity, shade tolerance class, fire tolerance Sutherland et al. 2000) and from studies of community
class, maximum age of vegetative reproduction and sprout- composition in present-day and pre-settlement forests
ing, sprouting probability, and effective and maximum (Cowell 1995, Wimberly 2004). As information about pre-
seeding distance. In contrast to tracking individual trees fire vegetation composition within different land types
(Botkin et al. 1972, Botkin 1993, Urban et al. 1993) could be extracted from EVT data, it would be efficient
LANDIS tracks the presence and absence of species age and effective to estimate establishment coefficients in each
cohorts. Therefore, succession dynamics is simplified and land type based on the existence of species from the pre-fire
simulated as birth, growth, and death processes acting on EVT. We obtained the percentage of vegetation species
species age cohorts. During a single LANDIS iteration, within defined land types based on EVT and calculated the
birth, death, and growth routines are performed on species occurrence frequencies by number of pixels for the main
age cohorts and random background mortality is simulated. vegetation species within each of the 16 land types. We then
Parameterization for LANDISv4.0a includes three obtained the ratio between the pixels of each vegetation
major steps: (1) development of a land-type map and the species within each land type and the total pixels of that
species establishment coefficients for each land type, (2) vegetation species, and the ratio between the pixels of each
development of a species vital attribute table, and (3) estab- vegetation species within each land type and the total pixels
lishment of initial states for a simulation. of that land type. By multiplication of the two ratios, we
derived the establishment coefficients for the 18 main vege-
tation species for each of the 16 land types.
2.2.1. Land-type attribute and establishment coefficients
Land-type attributes encapsulate environmental variations
and can be created from abiotic data sources such as climate, 2.2.2. Species vital attributes
soil, geology, and topography. We employed LANDFIRE Species vital attributes include longevity, mature age, shade
biogradients data and adopted the method by Wimberly tolerance, fire tolerance, effective seeding distance, maximum
(2004) to express the topographic moisture gradient. We seeding distance, vegetation propagation probability, and max-
classified the landscape into three categories of bottom- imum sprouting age. We derived the attributes for the simu-
lands, hill-slopes, and ridges. Bottomlands are distributed lated species from the Silvics of North America (Burns and
on flat terrain adjacent to major streams that include hydric Honkala 1990) and Plant Database (NRCS 2009). We defined
and mesic sites in the study area. Hill slopes are areas with the effective seed dispersal ranges as 50 meters for gravity-
intermediate moist on hill sides. Ridges are the driest areas dispersed species, 100 meters for large wind-dispersed winged
and on the gently sloping uplands. We considered two slope seeds, 150 meters for small wind-dispersed winged seeds, and
54 Y.Q. Wang et al.

Figure 4. Land-type data developed by integrations of topographic moisture gradients, slope aspects, and elevations.

200 meters for small plumed seeds (Sutherland et al. 2000, 2.2.3. Species composition map
Wimberly 2004). For wind-dispersed seeds, we assumed the The species composition map consists of species and their
maximum dispersal distances as doubled the effective disper- age classes. There are different ways to create species com-
sal distance. For seeds with animal or bird dispersal vectors, position map (He et al. 1998). In this study we referenced
we assumed the maximum dispersal distance to be 3000 the canopy height from the LANDFIRE life-form data and
meters. We added the annual grass category in final species the descriptions of the vegetation characteristics from the
attribute table (Table 3) to reflect the fact of significant recov- NRCS Plant Database to derive age information and gener-
ery of annual grass species immediately after a wildfire. ated the species composition map.

Table 3. Species vital attribute table for the main vegetation species in the study area.
Pinus edulis 600 25 1 2 50 3000 0 0 0.5
Juniperus osteosperma 600 30 1 2 50 3000 0 0 0.5
Pinus contorta 200 8 1 2 100 3000 0.5 8 0.3
Picea engelmannii 600 40 4 2 100 200 0 0 0.5
Populus tremuloides 85 3 1 5 200 3000 1 1 0.1
Pinus ponderosa 450 15 1 5 50 3000 0 0 0.3
Pseudotsuga menziesii 500 14 2 3 100 3000 0 0 0.3
Abies lasiocarpa 250 20 4 2 100 3000 0 0 0.2
Abies concolor 350 40 4 5 100 200 0 0 0.3
Juniperus scopulorum 300 20 1 2 50 3000 0 0 0.2
Quercus gambelii 120 6 1 5 50 3000 1 1 0.1
Pinus flexilis 600 30 1 2 30 3000 0 0 0.5
Cercocarpus montanus 54 10 3 5 100 200 1 1 0.1
Artemisia tridentata 45 2 1 5 30 60 0 0 0.1
Chrysothamnus nauseosus 35 4 1 2 150 300 1 1 0.1
Artemisia nova 45 2 1 2 50 100 0.2 1 0.1
Amelanchier utahensis 20 3 3 5 50 3000 1 1 0.1
Annual grass 20 1 3 1 200 3000 1 2 0.00005
Note: LONG, maximum longevity (years); MATURE, age of reproductive maturity (years)’ SHADE, shade tolerance (1: least shade tolerant, 5: most shade
tolerant); FIRE, fire tolerance (1: least fire tolerant, 5: most fire tolerant); EFFD, effective seeding distance (meters); MAXD, maximum seedling distance (meters);
VEG_P, vegetation propagation coefficient; SP_AG, maximum age of vegetative propagation; RCLS_COEFF, reclassification coefficient (0–1).
Annals of GIS 55

2.2.4. Fire severity classes and the fire regime The simulation results illustrate post-fire change and
In LANDISv4.0a simulation, the fire effect module simu- spatial distribution of vegetation species within the ecosys-
lates which species’ age cohorts are killed on each burned tems in different years (Figure 5). Table 4 summarizes the
pixel. We referenced the DNBR data to establish the initial simulated vegetation responses to fire in different severity
state for the simulation. We considered six classes of fire classes and in percentage areas of the pre-fire ecosystems,
severity as follows: year 0 as the fire impacts, and simulated ecosystems 10
years after the fire. For example, areas of herbaceous cate-
(1) No fire (DNBR value <100) gory increased at different fire severity classes 10 years after
(2) Severity class 1 (DNBR value 100–250) the fire. The areas with higher level of fire severity show
(3) Severity class 2 (DNBR value 250–400) more significant increase of herbaceous vegetation than that
(4) Severity class 3 (DNBR value 400–550) at the areas of ‘no-fire’ category. The ecosystems that
(5) Severity class 4 (DNBR value 550–700), and include the aspen species, e.g. the Rocky Mountain Aspen
(6) Severity class 5 (DNBR value >700). Forest and Woodland (RMA) and Abies concolor Forest
Alliance (ACF) showed the similar recovery trends as the
Given that the DNBR data-defined burn severity classes herbaceous category, in particular for the higher burn sever-
at a pixel level, we treated each pixel as a fire regime and set ity classes. For the ecosystems of Colorado Plateau Pinyon–
the mean fire size as the pixel size and the standard devia- Juniper Woodland and Shrubland (CPP) and Rocky
tion of fire size as 0. In doing so, we were able to simulate Mountain Subalpine Dry–Mesic Spruce–Fir Forest and
the fire perimeter and severity as those defined by the Woodland (RMS), the recoveries are slower than those
DNBR data. ecosystems with aspen species. The higher the fire severity,
the slower the recovery would be in percentage of areas.
Figure 6 illustrates the simulated age cohorts of quicken
2.3. LANDISv4.0a simulation aspen as an example at the species level. High fire tolerance
and resprout capability allow aspens to recover quickly in
To simplify the simulation we combined two ecosystems of
the succession process. Aspen would have a good recovery
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana Shrubland Alliance
in the land types such as southeast facing hill slopes.
(Table 1, code 2220) and Inter-Mountain Basins Montane
Species fire tolerance and species establishment are
Sagebrush Steppe (Table 1, code 2125) into Colorado
main drivers for post-fire species responses. The simulated
Plateau Mixed Low Sagebrush Shrubland (Table 1, code
results reflect the change of age cohorts in the ecosystems.
2064) for the reason that these ecosystems share similar
For example, the simulated RMA shows increases in area
main sagebrush species. With added herbaceous category
after the fire, which reflects the resprout of aspen species in
(HBR) to reflect the post-fire growth of annual grass spe-
the RMA ecosystem. The higher level the fire severity
cies, the final simulation included 14 ecosystems as shown
classes, the more significant the increase in RMA with
in the ‘Results’ section.
time. The increase in areas is gradually reduced through
The simulation starts at year 0, i.e. the time right after
time with the age cohorts changing within the RMA areas.
the fire occurred. Then the simulation proceeds at one-year
For the other ecosystems such as CPP and RMS, the
interval, as year (i) represents the simulated vegetation
changes are slow for the 10-year simulation. Changes of
recovery at the ith year after the fire (i ¼ 1, 2, . . ., 10). We
ecosystems are negligible for the no-fire areas in 10 years.
assumed that no new fire occurs in the 10-year simulation
time period within any burned cell.
4. Conclusion and discussion
The combination of LANDFIRE data products, the DNBR
3. Results data, and LANDISv4.0a modeling demonstrated a promis-
A post-fire summary by the Dixie National Forest suggested ing approach in simulation of short-term post-fire vegeta-
that sagebrush would likely become re-established through tion recovery. LANDFIRE data products, such as EVT, life-
seeds that are already present in the soil. Aspen was present form and the biogradients data, played a unique role in
throughout the burned area as ‘pure stands’ or interspersed defining the land type, species establishment coefficients,
with conifers. Although the fire killed many aspen trees, it and species attribute table. Pre-fire EVT provided an effi-
also enhanced aspen reproduction as the fire stimulated the cient and effective data source to estimate establishment
growth of suckers from the aspen’s extensive root system. In coefficients for each land type based on the existence of
many instances the fire left behind bare mineral soil and the species. DNBR data made the measurements of fire
removed taller plants, which created a suitable condition for severity classes possible. DNBR data, teamed up with
aspen seedlings to take root. Areas of mixed conifers, LANDFIRE data products, defined fire regimes from iden-
spruce fir, and ponderosa pine will take much longer to tified fire impacts. The integration provided critical data to
develop after fires. define and establish initial states for the simulation.
56 Y.Q. Wang et al.

Figure 5. Examples of simulated post-fire vegetation recovery at ecosystem level.

In model selection, LANDISv4.0a was capable of simu- However, it is difficult to observe changes on slow recovery
lating the dynamics of forest succession, seed dispersal, and species and ecosystems dominated by those species since
fire disturbance at species level and with a one-year time this simulation was limited to 10-year only.
interval. As a spatially explicit landscape model Climatic variations are among influencing factors for
LANDISv4.0a was able to incorporate finer cell data, such post-fire establishment of vegetation. Climatic conditions in
as the 30-meter spatial resolution LANDFIRE and DNBR early years after a wildfire should be critical for short-term
data. post-fire vegetation recovery. Precipitations in summer
In simulation each species responds differently to the months should increase the survival rate of newly grown
levels of fire severity according to the fire tolerance of vegetation. Varying weather cycle may affect the establish-
species and the level of fire severity. For the cells with ment coefficient, given that seed germination depends on
moderate level of fire severity, LANDIS simulation was the patterns of precipitations. The simulated vegetation
able to estimate changes in vegetation structure. Fire toler- recovery would be more appropriate with climate-modified
ance of tree species and fire severity determined the post- establishment coefficients, in particular for short-term
fire canopy gaps in different ecosystems. For example, as simulations.
Pinus ponderosa could survive in a low level of fire sever-
ity; the fire severity would contribute in the simulation to
create canopy gaps in ecosystems with Pinus edulis. The
simulated spatial patterns for ecosystems and species This study was conducted as an Intergovernmental Personal Act
Assignment by the USGS/EROS through which the principal
demonstrated the trends of post-fire variation of vegetation, author conducted his sabbatical research. A great number of people
in particular for quick recovery species such as aspens. assisted in completing this study. In particular we wish to express
Annals of GIS 57

Table 4. The simulated ecosystems in different fire severity levels for the pre-fire, 0-year and 10-year in percentage areas.
Severity Severity Severity Severity Severity
No fire (%) class 1 (%) class 2 (%) class 3 (%) class 4 (%) class 5 (%) Total (%)
Pre-fire 3.34 3.27 3.00 1.94 1.08 0.65 13.28
0 year 3.34 3.27 6.16 4.95 3.26 0.00 20.97
10 years 2.70 3.69 5.29 3.85 2.47 3.13 21.15
Pre-fire 0.45 0.63 0.90 1.10 1.42 2.08 6.57
0 year 0.45 0.63 1.21 1.46 2.16 0.00 5.91
10 years 1.16 2.60 3.71 3.48 3.79 3.64 18.38
Pre-fire 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 years 0.03 3.85 3.65 1.85 0.94 1.39 11.71
Pre-fire 2.32 2.79 3.16 3.02 2.18 1.67 15.13
0 year 2.32 2.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.10
10 years 1.79 2.91 1.25 0.98 0.71 0.93 8.58
Pre-fire 2.53 3.18 3.07 2.41 2.30 4.33 17.81
0 year 2.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.53
10 years 2.53 1.11 0.83 0.57 0.45 0.80 6.29
Pre-fire 0.19 0.24 0.31 0.36 0.58 1.18 2.87
0 year 0.19 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44
10 years 0.76 1.19 0.39 0.32 0.27 0.59 3.52
Pre-fire 9.08 6.74 6.28 2.79 0.83 0.36 26.08
0 year 9.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.08
10 years 9.09 1.30 1.53 0.68 0.17 0.05 12.81
Pre-fire 0.83 0.74 0.69 0.42 0.16 0.07 2.91
0 year 0.83 0.74 0.69 0.42 0.00 0.00 2.68
10 years 0.86 1.08 0.93 0.52 0.06 0.04 3.48
Pre-fire 0.30 0.30 0.47 0.38 0.17 0.06 1.68
0 year 0.30 0.30 0.47 0.38 0.00 0.00 1.45
10 years 0.56 0.56 0.72 0.56 0.01 0.01 2.42
Pre-fire 1.37 0.79 0.60 0.35 0.17 0.14 3.42
0 year 1.37 0.79 0.60 0.35 0.00 0.00 3.11
10 years 1.11 0.56 0.39 0.20 0.01 0.00 2.26
Pre-fire 4.20 1.96 0.25 0.02 0.00 0.00 6.44
0 year 4.20 1.96 0.25 0.02 0.16 0.00 6.60
10 years 4.21 2.02 0.29 0.04 0.15 0.00 6.71
Pre-fire 0.66 0.52 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.27
0 year 0.66 0.52 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.27
10 years 0.66 0.53 0.09 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.29
Pre-fire 0.68 0.34 0.09 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.12
0 year 0.68 0.34 0.09 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.12
10 years 0.59 0.37 0.12 0.03 0.01 0.02 1.12
Pre-fire 0.16 0.18 0.24 0.24 0.14 0.06 1.01
0 year 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16
10 years 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26
Pre-fire 0.20 0.13 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.43
0 year 0.20 10.23 9.64 5.46 3.45 10.61 39.59
10 years 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02
Total (%) 26.30 21.79 19.19 13.08 9.03 10.61 100
58 Y.Q. Wang et al.

Figure 6. Examples of simulated post-fire vegetation recovery at species level for quick aspen age cohorts.

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