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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela ProfEd – Assessment and Evaluation of Learning

Poblacion II, Malinta, Valenzuela City


Part I:
 Test – an instrument designed to measure any characteristic, quality, ability, knowledge or skill.
 Measurement – process of quantifying the degree to which someone/something possesses a given trait.
 Assessment – process of gathering and organizing quantitative or qualitative data into an interpretable form to have a
basis for decision- making. Pre- requisite to evaluation.
 Evaluation – process of systematic interpretation, analysis, judgment of the worth of organized data as basis for decision- making.
 Traditional Assessment – pen-and-paper objective test.
 Alternative Assessment – performance test, projects, portfolios, journals, and the like.
 Authentic Assessment – use of assessment methods that simulate true-to-life situations. This could be objective
tests that reflect real- life situations or alternative methods parallel to our experiences.
Purposes of Classroom Assessment
1. Assessment for Learning
 A. Placement
 B. Formative
 C. Diagnostic
2. Assessment of Learning (summative assessment)
3. Assessment as Learning*
Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students
(developed by the American Federation of Teachers National Council on Measurement in Education; National Education Association)
Principle 1. Clear and Appropriate Learning Targets
--- Knowledge, reasoning, skills, products, affective/disposition
Principle 2. Appropriate Methods
Modes of Assessment (traditional, performance, portfolio)
Principle 3. Balanced
Principle 4. Validity
What is validity?
--- Ways in Establishing Validity
a. Face Validity c. Criterion- related Validity (concurrent and predictive)
b. Content Validity d. Construct Validity (convergent and divergent)
Principle 5. Reliability
What is reliability?
--- Methods:
a. Test-Retest d. Split Half
b. Equivalent Forms e. Kuder- Richardson
c. Test-Retest with Equivalent Forms
Principle 6. Fairness
Principle 7. Practicality and Efficiency
a. Teacher Familiarity d. Ease of Scoring
b. Time required e. Ease of Interpretation
c. Complexity of the Administration f. Cost
Principle 8. Assessment should be a continuous process
Principle 9. Authenticity
Principle 10. Communication
Principle 11. Positive Consequences
Principle 12. Ethics
A. Reasons for Using
B. Types (demonstration- type, creation- type)
C. Methods (written- open ended, behavior- based, interview- based, product- based, portfolio- based)
D. How to Assess (7 Criteria in Selecting a Good Performance Assessment Task)
A. Reasons for Using
B. Principles (content, learning, equity)
C. Types (working, show, documentary)
D. Steps
Developing RUBRICS
What is Rubric?
*Similarity of Rubric with Checklist and Rating Scale
 Types (Holistic and Analytic)
 Important Elements (competency to be tested, performance task, evaluative criteria and indicators,
performance levels, qualitative and quantitative descriptions of each performance level)
 Guidelines
Part II: What is a Test?
A. Purposes/Uses of Test
--- instructional uses
--- guidance uses
--- administrative uses

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela ProfEd – Assessment and Evaluation of Learning
Poblacion II, Malinta, Valenzuela City

B. Classifications of Tests
1. Standardized (ability tests, aptitude tests)
2. Teacher-made
A. Objective type (limited response type such as multiple choice, alternative response, matching type AND free response/supply
type such as short answer and completion tests)
B. Essay type (restricted, extended)
* OTHER Classifications of Tests
Item Analysis
1. Arrange the test scores from highest to lowest.
2. Selection of the criterion group.
3. For each item, count the number of examinees in the UG who have correct responses. Do the same for the LG.
4. Solve for the difficulty index of each item.
--- Scale:
Below 0.25 – item is very difficult
0.25 – 0.75 – item is of average difficulty
Above 0.75 – item is easy
5. Solve for the discrimination index of each item.
--- Scale:
 0.40 and above – very good item
 0.30 to 0.39 – reasonably good item, can be improved
 0.20 to 0.29 – marginal item, should be improved
 Below 0.20 – poor item, to be rejected or revised
Assessment of Affective and Non-cognitive Learning Outcomes
* social attitudes, scientific attitude, academic self- concept, interests, appreciations, and adjustments.
Affective Assessment Procedures/Tools
A. Observational Techniques
1. anecdotal records
2. peer appraisal
3. self- report techniques
4. attitude scales (rating scale, semantic differential scale, likert scale)
B. Personality Assessments
*Interests, Values, and Attitudes
1. Nonprojective Tests (personality inventories, creativity tests, interest inventories)
2. Projective Tests
Stages in the Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument
General and Specific Suggestions for Writing Assessment Tasks and Test Items
A. Major
 1. Validity
 2. Reliability
B. Minor
 1. Administrability  3. Interpretability
 2. Scoreability  4. Economy
Factors Influencing the Validity of an Assessment Instrument
1. unclear directions
2. reading vocabulary and sentence structure are too difficult
3. ambiguity
4. inadequate time limits
5. overemphasis of easy-to-assess aspects of domain at the expense of important but hard-to-assess aspects
6. test items inappropriate for the outcomes being measured
7. poorly constructed test items
8. test is too short
9. improper arrangement of items
10. identifiable pattern of answers
Improving Test Reliability
1. test length
2. spread of scores
3. item difficulty
4. item discrimination
5. time limits
Level or Scales of Measurement
 1. Nominal
 2. Ordinal
 3. Interval
 4. Ratio

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela ProfEd – Assessment and Evaluation of Learning
Poblacion II, Malinta, Valenzuela City

Shapes, Distributions and Dispersion of Data

A. Symmetrically- shaped test score distributions
 1. bell- shaped curve (normal distribution)
 2. rectangular distribution
 3. U- shaped curve
B. Skewed Distributions
 1. Positively-skewed (mean>median>mode)
 2. Negatively-skewed (mode>median>mean)
C. Unimodal, Bimodal, Multimodal
D. Width and Location of Score Distributions
E. Kurtosis Curves
 1. leptokurtic
 2. mesokurtic
 3. platykurtic
Descriptive Statistics
1. Measures of Central Tendency
 A. Mean
 B. Median
 C. Mode
2. Measures of Variability
 A. Range
 B. Standard Deviation
 C. Quartile Deviation or Semi-inter quartile Range
3. Measures of Relationship
 A. Pearson-r
 B. Spearman-rho
4. Measures of Relative Position
 A. Percentile ranks
 B. Standard scores
 C. Stanine scores
 D. T-scores
How to compute Mean for:
 A. Ungrouped data
 B. Grouped data
How to compute median for:
 A. Ungrouped data
 B. Grouped data
How to compute mode for:
 A. Ungrouped data
 B. Grouped data
*Interpretations of the Measures of Central Tendency
How to compute:
 A. Range
 B. SD for ungrouped data
 C. SD for grouped data
 D. QD
*Interpretations for SD and QD
Interpreting Test Scores
Types of Scores:
 1. percentiles
 2. z- scores
 3. stanines
 4. T- score
Giving Grades
1. absolute standards grading/ task- referenced grading
2. relative standards grading/ group- referenced grading
Student Progress Reporting Methods
1. Letter grades
2. Number/ percentage grades
3. Two- category grades
4. Checklist and rating scales
5. Narrative report
 Guiding Principles for Effective Grading
 Conducting Parent-Teacher Conferences

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