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High Consequence Area (HCA) Identification Procedure # P-192.901a Appendix A OMBER Manual Procedure # P-192.901a *: BP Pipelines, inc. High Consequence Area (HCA) Identification Description: This procedure is used to identify High Consequence Areas (HCAs) for pipeline integrity management. Applies To: All regulated gas pipelines. Frequency: Responsibility Integrity Management Team (IMT) 49 CFR Part 192.903 49 CFR Part 192.905 49 CFR Part 192,907 49 CFR Part 192.9011 Prerequisites: All covered tasks identified in this procedure must be performed by qualified individuals or under the direct supervision of someone who is qualified according to BP’s OQ program. Revision Date/Number 03/31/2008 / 4 Tile of Document P-182,00 Pipaline Irtagrly Management ‘Rubory- HSSE & Integrity Manager ‘Custodian: DOT Team Issuing Dept: HSSE & Integrity Revision Date: 03/91/2008, Conta Ter Ter 2 Page 1 of 12 BP Pipelines, Inc. High Consequence Area (HCA) Identification OM&ER Manual Procedure # P-192.901a A. HCA Program Requirements 1. High Consequence Area Identification Process: (192.905(a)) HCA identification is executed through computer analysis performed within ESRI's ArcMap application. The IMT maintains the master elements utilized for HCA identification: geodatabase (Gas_HCA Data); reference platform (ortho-rectiied aerial photography); ‘dwelling and identified site locations (ArcMap shapefiles); and computer application (New Century Software, Inc., Gas HCA Analyst). Gas_HCA_Data contains pipe spatial centerline, diameter, and MAOP ‘information, This information is maintained current using the data sources described below. The reference platform consists of an ortho-rectified, aerial photographic background that is no greater than three (3) years of age. Aerial photography ‘can be purchased commercially, downloaded from government sites, andior accessed through ‘commercial websites (ex: Google earth). The owelling and identified site shapefiles contain the ‘spatial location and description information for each. (See "Gas HCA Analyst" document) ‘The Bass-Trigon, “HCA Impact Zone Identification Final Report" (Dated September 2004) Identified potential HCA impact zones using three (3) methods: 2. Class Location Analysis (Method 1B) ~ Identifies class 3 or 4 locations that intersect the buffer zone around the pipeline using building count and land usefland cover data. 3. Building Count HCA Analysis (method 28) ~ Identifies areas where the potential impact circle contains 20 or more buildings intended for human occupancy. 4, Gas Corridor Analysis (Identified Site) ~ Captures identified sites that fall within the potential impact circle, using the above noted programs and databases. BP's pipeline system was analyzed utilizing the above described methods of identification. Although three (8) methods were used for the inital evaluation, BP will decide to use elther the Ciass Location Analysis (Method 18) or the Building Count HCA Analysis (Method 28) in conjunction with the Identified Site analysis. The more conservative of the two HCA identification methods will always be ulilized. ‘Class Location Analysis (Method 1B) Receive correct spatial centerline Create 660’ buffer zone ‘Assemble aerial imagery and digitized buildings QC analysis (See P-192.901 | (Quality Assurance) Class determination (Is it a Class 3 or 42) IF*No" — Not an HCA; If*Yes” itis an HCA Import results into database ©PNOPanonn Analyze results 10. Building Count HCA Analysis (Method 28): 11. Receive correct spatial centerline “Tile of Dacument: P-T02,001 Pipaine intogily Management ‘Rathoriy: HSSE & iniegaly Manager GCustodan: DOT Team Testing Dept: HSSE & Integrity Revision Date: 03/21/2008 Contrl Tier. Tier 2 Page 2 of 2

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