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Assignment Brief

BA (Hons.) International Business & Finance

Academic Year 2018-19
Module Information:
Qualification: BA (Hons.) International Business & Finance

Module Code & Title: BAIBF 10021Applied Business Research

Assignment Title: Individual Report

Component Weighting: 30%

Date of Issue:04-04-2019 Due date:11-04-2019, 5 PM

To be filled by the student:

Student ID:

Date of Submission:

*All work must be submitted on or before the due date. If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Mitigating
Circumstance Form must be submitted.

Has an extension been approved? Yes No

If yes, please provide the new submission date ….…/.…./……., and affix appropriate evidence.

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Agreed Mark: Refer: Yes / No

General Guidelines
1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
previous page as your cover sheet and be sure to fill the details correctly.
2. This entire brief should be attached in first before you start answering.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using word processing software.
4. All the assignments should print in A4 sized paper, and make sure to only use one side
5. Allow 1” margin on each side of the paper. But on the left side you will need to leave room for
6. Ensure that your assignment is stapled or secured together in a binder of some sort and send
the Softcopy of your final document to
7. The submission of your work assessment should be organized and clearly structured.
Word Processing Rules
1. Use a font type that will make easy for your examiner to read. The font size should be 12
point, and should be in the style of Times New Roman.
2. Use 1.5-line word-processing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style.
4. Use footer function on the word processor to insert Your Student ID, Name, Subject, Module
code, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached
for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help edit your
6. Ensure that your printer’s output is of a good quality and that you have enough ink to print
your entire assignment.
Important Points:
1. Check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
2. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
3. Don’t leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature will not be
accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
4. A printed version of the assignment needs to be submitted physically along with
ansoftcopymailed to the email mentioned above on or before the stated deadline.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness,
you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will
then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
8. Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you properly
reference them in your text and any bibliography, otherwise you may be guilty of plagiarism.

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management
Statement of Originality and Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it
as my own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to
copy another’s work.
1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.
2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the University of the West of Scotland.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my
own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes my agreement
on it.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not
attached to the attached.

Student’s Signature: Date:

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management

Prepare a research proposal for the project topic chosen by you. The proposal should comprise of

1. Title
2. Introduction
- Problem statement
- Rationale of the problem
- Academic and practical significance of the research
- Research objectives
3. Literature review
4. Research methodologies
- Sources and types of data
- Data collection instruments
- Sampling plan
- Data Analysis techniques
5. Expected contributions from the study

Total word Limit: 2500

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management


Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management
Indigenous peoples and resource exploitation 1Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is the process
of identifying and managing the social impacts of industrial projects. It can also be applied to
policies, plans and programs. SIA is used to predict and mitigate negative impacts and to
identify opportunities to increase benefits for local communities and the wider society. At the
heart of SIA's principles and practices is the inclusion of the mentioned communities and
other parties in the process. SIA should inform decision-making by government and
companies from the early stages of a project. Equally important is the role of SIA in the
continuous management of social issues throughout the project cycle up to deactivation and
closure. As such, the social management plan derived from an SIA is extremely important.
SIA is also an essential basis for community deals and in free, prior and informed (FPIC)
consent procedures conducted with local communities before the start of industrial
development projects. This research examines the basic principles of SIA and SIA
requirements of internationally selected instruments. It also considers some of the key
challenges for implementing SIA in practice and provides some recommendations for future

The Social Impact Assessment (SIA) was developed in the 1970s as a complement to the
Impact Assessment of the Environment. Guidelines for SIA have been developed, for
example, by the World Bank and the International Association for Impact Assessment
(IAIA). SIA are assessments of the potential impact that may have activity in the host
societies, regions and communities. An effective SIA optimizes actions to calculate the
potential social consequences. SIA's main goal is to bring a more stable and equitable
biophysical and human environment. An SIA is a risk management tool that informs and
encourages timely decisions on projects. SIA can affect the design of the project and improve
the quality of decision-making. Communities engaged or identified by the SIA process also

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management
benefit from a number of ways that are vitally discussed in this document. There are a
number of SIA specific activities and principles. The chief among them is that the
considerations of equality must be a key element of SIA and development planning. The
document then describes what should be a comprehensive SIA process in its entirety and ends
by describing different methods for forecasting future impacts. This is important for any SIA
practitioner and is at the heart of any SIA process. Care should be taken to ensure the quality
of the methods and data, and to provide critical review. This includes the investigation of
possible social impacts under the terms of the foreseen conditions without the actions
(baseline) and the conditions provided for with the anticipated effects and impacts.

Introduction to Muthoot Mahila Mitra

Background Muthoot Fincorp Limited

A subsidiary of Muthoot Pappachan Group is a financial company that supplies the financial
needs of retail clients and institutions. It is registered in the Reserve Bank of India as a non-
financial non-bank financial enterprise

Muthoot Fincorp Limited focuses on providing a variety of financial services through their
network of 2,300 branches across India. It has a diverse mix of consumer loan product
offerings. Muthoot Fincorp designed the Muthoot Mahila Mitra program in April 2010 with
the emphasis on providing microfinance services to female entrepreneurs. Mr. Muthoot
Fincorp, Mr. Muthoot Fincorp offered a gold loan and other loan offering in April 2010,
including investment products, insurance and advisory services. . It caters for the financial
needs of unpaid. Under Muthoot Mahila Mitra program, Muthoot Fincorp offers loans to
economically active women for any declared legal end use, such as business expansion,
working capital needs, raw material purchases, animal purchases, marriage, education and
debt consolidation. Muthoot Mahila Mitra's lending norms are based on members' profiles,
their cash flow, income stability, repayment capacity, business models and group guarantees.
Emphasis is placed on understanding the borrowers' weekly and monthly income, family
income, household income, other expenses and the resulting installment affordability.

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management
Muthoot Presence

Muthoot is becoming one of the main players in the microfinance space, which currently
operates in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Muthoot Mahila Mitra is present in 22
districts with 80 operational offices.

Operational Methodology

Muthoot Mahila Mitra follows the Joint Liability Group microfinance model. Clients are
organized in groups of 5 to 10 women and each person has a common responsibility for the
other members of the group. Clients are seven weekly convincement's where they repay loan
payments and discuss other challenges or concerns regarding members or products and
services provided by Muthoot Mahila Mitra


Muthoot Mahila Mitra has reached 2.95 lakh borrowers as on March 31st , 2012 with 100%
women clients. The portfolio outstanding as on March 31st, 2012 was INR 179 Crore with a
repayment rate of 99.80%.

Introduction to Sthreejyothi Training Programme


In collaboration with ACCION1 International, Muthoot Fincorp Muthoot Mahila Mitra

provides financial literacy and entrepreneurship development trainings to select its customers.
Under this program, women are trained in business and entrepreneurial learning. It was
launched by Muthoot Pappachan Group under Corporate Social Responsibility within the
framework of cooperation with ACCION Dialogue Business. This is one of the unique
features of Muthoot Microfinance Initiative. The program is known as "Sthreejyoti" and
starts in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The Sthreejyothi training program plays
interactive games and role-plays to address real-life problems. The workshops are more
participatory and realistic than the textbook, thus helping people with low formal education to
effectively study and apply them in their business activities.

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management
Training modules offered are as follows:
 Self-Management for women

 Communication and promotion of business

 Leadership skills

 Feasibility of client’s business

 The Entrepreneur and The Management

 Savings and Investment

 Idea to business

 Cash Management

 Debt Management

In March 2010, Muthoot and ACCION signed an agreement to develop, develop and deliver
the Sthreejyothi program for 3 years. Under this partnership, ACCION's mission is to provide
all training modules, train the Muthoot team, and also monitor the program.

Participants, after successfully completing the program, also confirmed Sthreejyothi's team
and will receive assistance such as the marketing of the market and the name of the products.
Sthreejyothi is close to 5,000 women a year in the first year of activity and is estimated at
16,000 in the second year. ACCION continues to monitor corporate associations to ensure
success. Given ACCION's performance, Muthoot also works with many other NGOs to
organize sports in the making of soap, candles, fabrication, fenyl production, paper bags, etc.
As part of this program, Muthoot has also worked with NABARD2 and other non-
governmental organizations to provide the program and use their experience to communicate.


Muthoot Mahila Mitra has gone more than regular mutual understanding, it seeks to enable
or tanks or enhance a variety of skills to learn. Sthreejyothi instruction program (16), three
women over the lakes states namely Karnataka in India, Karnataka and Tamilnadu. And
promote action by those skilled in the fish's "Orange" to stress. It follows from the doctrine of
the program begins to customization matter before the council, which leads to a unique
experience. During that women entrepreneurs are increasingly enrolling in the program

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management
business acumen. There is no program classroom, not participatory, innovative learn-to-
business, and also best practices for mentoring, conducted by Sthreejyothi from it.

Use of the method used to choose a set of system, process and analyze data to identify
information about the topic and the subject. And that the validity of reliability, and the results
of data collected in translation. This gives the researcher language used for this method of
treatment. We are talking about the design of the policy research council. Similarly, the study
speaks to the people, and also the accumulation of data analysis methods such as those used
in the study. This seeks in part to the accumulation of data and study design experience to
design and reactions to the research questions. Furthermore, the statistics tries to learn from
the financial matters of the respondents. Experimental descriptive and quantitative analysis
methods are used for memory recall and labor. And, as indicated by Brannick Roche (1996),
is generally research design and basic design of the process of making the decision is
influenced by all, and it often happens that two of each group make a decision. Indeed, they
are related to each other choices. Rock and Brannick (1996), as well as reintegration »search
process gives an array of safety to ensure a stable role with all of the

Research tool

Data collection tool: Keeping in mind the various stakeholders in the study, INTELLECASH
used following data collection tools:

a) Structured Interview/ Questionnaire schedule ( for clients)

b) Structured Questionnaire ( other stakeholders)

c) Secondary sources namely reports, new letters, case studies, brochures, pamphlets etc.

d) Focused Group Discussion (FGD).

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management
The study combined the application of both quantitative and qualitative tools including
questionnaire on different indicators addressed to beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
Qualitative information was collected through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), to
understand the present situations of the members. The Social impact assessment study
includes the processes of analyzing and monitoring the intended and unintended social
consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions (policies, programme,
plans, projects) and any social change processes invoked by those interventions .The subject
matter of the impact is MMM and Sthreejyothi Programme in three states of India namely
Kerala, Karnataka and Tamilnadu - specifically to assess the extent to which these
programmes have benefited the target group. , The study has used client recall technique to
measure members’ pre-intervention status other".

The sample was divided into smaller group of trained and non-trained clients based on
members' shared attributes or characteristics like geography, present loan cycle etc. A
random sample from each stratum was taken in a number proportional to the stratum's size
when compared to the population.

Research Questions

The key research questions addressed during the study include:

1. Sthreejyothi training programme benefits

2. MMM products and services

3. Change in business income

4. Change in savings, health, and insurance and food habits of the household

5. Change in self-perception, leadership skills etc.

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management
Sampling Design

A multi-stage sampling design with cluster based sampling was used. Sample of 360
members were selected in different geographical location, rural/urban presence, and trained
& non-trained, on random basis. Under each state, about 2-6 clusters with at least 30- clients,
which included both trained and non-trained members per cluster were selected, it was
decided to cover 50% of sample from trained and 50% non-trained. The sample was spread
across the clusters (10 rural and 19 urban) in 41 districts of 3 states. The survey was designed
to cover the respondents, who have availed loan(s) from MMM and also Sthreejyothi
participants. The traceable samples of trained members and non-trained members were
interviewed through structured questionnaires to seek information on the change in the
household income, savings, meals, health facilities etc.

Data Analysis

The quantitative data of sample households was analyzed to find out percentages, averages
and frequencies for various indicators. The results were analyzed and compared across
trained v/s non-trained. Further, the quantitative results were supplemented and validated by
qualitative aspects like FGDs and field interactions with clients. 6. Findings and Analysis
This section of the report discusses about the study findings and analyses each indicator in
detail. Entire section is broadly divided into two sub-sections; the first section describes the
respondent profile in terms of Age, social, housing and poverty status, while the second
section of the report discusses the impact analysis, namely family income, savings pattern,
children’ education & vaccination and overall well-being of the family.

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management
A good social responsibility will increase the public interest as well as social foot print. It
also minimizes the level of risk arising from the public, making it possible for the more
accountability towards the public.

Mohammed Narshil p
BAIBF 10019
Strategic Financial Management

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