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On “Changing Paradigms” by Ken Robinson.

School is important, that is the reason why it should keep evolving, changing the

paradigms as Ken Robinson explains.

Doctor Robinson exposes an argument about how the educational system that

predominates today was conceived during the epoch of enlightenment and industrial

revolution, and how the ideas envisage in that time permeate the scholar system and forge

it at their image. This model of standardization of aptitudes and knowledge helped develop

the society, as it reflects the necessities of the time and helped people to develop and

advance, setting the principles, as a kind of training for the people to insert themselves to

the working model of fabrics and industrial facilities, thanks to this “hidden curriculum”

acquired by the paradigm of the time.

Nevertheless it become useless and even dangerous to continue to implement the status

quo in the education system, as the time has change, not only the ideas and the

knowledge, but the technological society we live on and the constant flow of information

we receive from external sources collides with this antique model, and is creating

problems as the ADHD “epidemic” Ken Robinson exposes.

I agree whit the ideas of doctor Robinson, the education system has to change in order to

avoid this fractures with modern society. We no longer live on the same economic and

cultural circumstances. We should renovate the paradigm as we adopt new technologies

and methods like internet and smartphones, and the changes implemented in the

reforming of education should avoid the standardization formats, opting instead for

innovative solutions, freedom of thinking and cultivating the different abilities and talents of

different individuals, trying to avoid teaching a negative hidden curriculum, creating in the

process, more prepared individuals for the challenges of modern society.

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