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Name: Winston I.

Arienza Grade&Section: 12 HumSS

Teacher: Jan Dreb C. Deseo Date: February 17, 2019

Reaction Paper: Divergent


Divergent is an amazing and interesting movie. I was captivated with the idea of having these five
factions in the society in order to know your ability and what factions we will suit and to have a
peaceful society. Each faction serves to reflect and uphold a different basic human
characteristics: members of Dauntless are brave and fearless, Abnegation promotes selflessness
and generosity, Amity encourages harmony and togetherness, Candor represents honesty and
trustworthiness while Erudite values intelligence and learning above all.

I like her determination her braveness that she shows that being a divergent is not a threats but
a solution. I like her personality too. Divergent main themes deal with issues all teenagers
experience the realization that the choices we make as young adults will have a far reaching
effect in our lives, the anxiety that arises from breaking away from what our parents think is best
for us, becoming who we truly want to be to achieve our personal goals in life and the ultimate
conclusion that our parents will be there to support us no matter what we decide.

After watching the movie, I began thinking if these faction is existing now what faction do I want
to belong with? Or maybe I want to be a divergent too just like Beatrice, if this faction is exist. I
remember a lines from the movie that “becoming fearless isn’t the point. That’s impossible. It’s
learning how to control you fear and how to be free from it.” So, all in all, the movie was great.

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