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Directions: Read the sentences below. Encircle the two things being compared. Then tell whether the comparison is a
simile or a metaphor. Write your answer on the line.
____________1. There was once a man who was as poor as a rat.
____________2. Feeding his children was a pain in his neck.
____________3. He had many children. They were hungry as sharks.
____________4. A child appeared in his vision. He was like an angel in disguise.
____________5. The lady’s hair was red as blood.
____________6. The girl beside the rivulet was beautiful like Helen of Troy.
____________7. Her voice echoed through the forest like a thunderstorm.
____________8. She ran like lightning.
____________9. The forest was a labyrinth with many twists and turns.
____________10. The wonderful hair was a treasure chest to the family.

XI.Directions: Read each sentences carefully. Write on the line C if the italicized word is connotative. Write D if it is
________11. The big tree at the corner of the street is the home of some birds.
________12. The house beside the tree is a home to the Reyes family for thirty years.
________13. The side of the fence of the house near the tree is painted green.
________14. The fence was painted by a family relative from the side of Mr. Reyes.
________15. Yesterday, a house near the home of the Reyes family caught fire.
________16. The neighbors were on fire when they heard about it.
________17. They were alarmed because they saw black smoke.
________18. The barangay captain saw to it that firemen were around.
________19. The fire was put under control after thirty minutes.
________20. The barangay captain told everyone to control his or her temper.

Similes and Metaphors:

Can you tell the difference between a simile and a metaphor? An easy way to remember how to tell the difference is
to think of the word “similar” when you think of similes. Similes use the word like or as to describe things because
they are saying that the subject is like or as something. In other words, the subject is similar to something else.
Metaphors say the subject is something else.

For example: Jill is like a diamond in the rough. (Simile)

Jill is a jewel. (Metaphor)

In the sentences below, write the word “simile” or “metaphor” after the sentence. Circle the word that lets you
know if it is a simile or a metaphor.

That dot is as big as a horse!

Jenny is as quiet as a mouse.
That man is over the hill.
Steve turned as white as a ghost when his father caught him!
That car is a boat!
Her singing sounds like a cat dying.
His shoes are skis! It’s as hot as an oven in here.
My room is a hazardous zone! She is as sharp as a tack.
See if you can create a simile and a metaphor of your own:
Connotation- A word’s emotional meaning; suggestions and associations that are connected to a word. Words can
be positive, negative, or neutral. Words can also connote specific feelings or emotions.
Ex: The eerie fog hovered in front of the abandoned house. What words in the sentence above do you believe
create connotation? What connotation is created?

The eerie fog hovered in front of the abandoned house.

The words eerie, hovered, and abandoned all create connotation in the sentence above.
•Eerie creates a negative and creepy feeling
•Hovered creates a negative feeling. It also makes you think that the fog lingering somewhere it is not wanted.
•Abandoned creates a negative feeling. It also connotes or suggests the idea of being unwanted or left behind,
which is negative.

The denotative meaning of economical and cheap both mean to “save money.”
BUT, the connotative meaning of economical is positive. It connotes being careful with one’s money.
The connotative meaning of cheap is negative. It connotes being stingy or miserly similar to Ebenezer Scrooge.

* Connotation can help to create mood and tone in a text!

•Choosing positive or negative words can help an author convey the tone in his or her message.
•Connotative words can help to create the proper mood in a story. A happy, depressing, lonely, spooky, eerie, or
creepy mood can be conveyed with the correct word choice.

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