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Feasibility Analysis for an Agitation System Design

For Use in Outdoor Spirulina Production

Dana Fisk, Senior Design I, October 17, 2015

Flow-Down Approach
Agitating the Spirulina medium consumes the most labor Amount of Medium
Movement Required
hours and manual processing within the whole cultivating
process. Thus, the greatest way to reduce manual labor hours
is to automate the agitation process. Currently, agitation is
provided to the culture by manual stirring using brooms. The Volume of Tank
culture is stirred a total of 2 hours each day, per tank, at time
intervals of 20 minutes and 5 minutes of stir time. A total of
80 hours of work time is consumed each day for the full Volume of Water/Volume
air in tanks
production of a 40-tank Spirulina farm. By implementing an
air-compressor driven agitation system the worker cost for
these labor hours could be replaced by the cost of the agitation Bubble Speed - Air
system. This extra 80 hours a day could lead to an expansion Bubble Size
of the farm since the workers are freed of the agitation labor
process. The comparison between the life of the compressor
system and components and power requirements to the PVC Hole Size
manual agitation cost can be found below in Power
Calculations and Costs.
The comparison between a continuous agitation system and a Number of Holes
discontinuous system is also investigated to see the effects on
Spirulina growth. By running the automated system in cycles
(similar to that of the current manual process) it is possible to
reduce daily power consumption, a scarce commodity in rural PVC Dimensions
Lastly the agitation system must provide even mixture of the
Spirulina medium as to provide proper sunlight to each PVC Design Layout
Spirulina filament (a single spiral Spirulina organism). This is
confirmed by Superficial Gas Velocity calculations.
Air Compressor

Power Requirements

Equipment Sizing and

Formula List
Hydrostatic pressure: P = ρgh (1)
Velocity of a rising bubble 𝑄 = 𝑣𝐴 (2)
Pipes in Parallel Flow Rate: PT = P1= P2=…= Pn (3)
Pressure: QT = Q1+ Q2+…+ Qn
Pipes in Series
Flow Rate: PT = P1+ P2+…+ Pn (4)
Pressure: QT = Q1= Q2=…= Qn

Variable Definitions
ρ is the density of the fluid
g is the acceleration due to gravity
h is the height of the tank in meters
va is the velocity of the air entering the PVC pipe
L is the length of the pipe in meters
di is the inner diameter of the PVC pipe
rb is the radius of the bubble
Q is the flow rate into a single pipe
Ab is the cross-sectional area of a bubble
Ug is the superficial gas velocity
Ub is the bubble velocity
db is the diameter of the bubble (equal to the diameter of the aeration hole in PVC)
 Gravity is that at sea-level and is 9.81 m/s2
 Temperature of the air is at 20°C
 Temperature of the water is at 35°C
 Ideally separated bubble flow for theory calculation
 12 hour agitation period per day
 Cost Power in India (power lines) is 0.07¢/kWh

Fluid Properties
 Density air is 1.177 kg/m3 at 300K (26.85°C)
 Density water is 1000 kg/m3 at 300K
 Density of the medium is equal to the density of water
 PVC pipe roughness is 0.0015 mm
 Dynamic viscosity (µair) of air @ 300K ≈ µair @ 293.15K (20°C)
 µair @ 300K is 1.846 x 10-5 kg/m-s
 Pressure inside the bubble is equal to that outside the bubble for the life of the bubble
 Turbulent flow through the PVC pipe
 Incompressible fluids
 Ideal fluid flow through pipes
 Constant properties throughout pipe and tank
Tank Dimensions
 Depth of tank htank = 25 cm
 Surface area of tank As = 18m2
 Tank length L = 4.5 m
 Tank width W = 4 m
PVC Pipe Dimensions and Properties
 Desired inner pipe diameter di = 0.526 in = 0.0133604 m
 Resulting outer pipe diameter do = 0.840 in = 0.021336 m
 Desired bubble hole diameter di = 1/8 in = 3.175 mm
 40 holes per PVC pipe, equal diameter, equal spacing

1 psig = 6894.76 Pa
1 gallon = 0.00378541 m3
1 CFM = 28.316847 Lpm
$1.00 = 66.15 Rupee
System Calculations

Hydrostatic Pressure Calculation

For a bubble to exist the pressure of the air inside the bubble must equal to the hydrostatic
pressure at the location of the bubble formation within the tank. Therefore to create a bubble the
air pressure inside the PVC pipe itself must be equal to or greater than that of the hydrostatic
pressure. Ideally, the pressure inside the piping would be greater than that of the hydrostatic
pressure at the pipe’s depth in the tank to prevent water flow into the pipe during operation. The
hydrostatic pressure at the very bottom of the tank can be found using equation 1.
P = ρair ghtank
P = (1000 kg/m3)(9.81 m/s2)(0.25m) = 2452.5 Pa = 0.3557 psig

Figure 1: Picture of PVC diffuser design incorporating three PVC pipes run in parallel. Pipe
setup is for one tank and has been used for algae production in similar tank set-up.
Using the properties of pipe lines in parallel and assuming our system runs on parallel lines, the
pressure at each line is equal. This sets our minimum pressure requirement to be that of the
hydrostatic pressure of one tank (2452.5 Pa or 0.3557 psig). This value sets our capacity
requirement for our air compressor as long as the compressor can meet the flow requirements.
From the calculated pressure requirement a compressor (blower) was selected to both meet the
requirements and be low in cost. A typical blower can output up to 4 psig and is typically used
for aquaculture and small fish ponds.
The Hailea Vortex Blower was selected. The table below shows a range of models that output
different pressures and flow rates. This table is used to select our compressor by finding the right
pressure/flow rate combination by adjusting tanks connected in series and in parallel to the
compressor outlets. Calculations can be found below under Matching a Compressor model to the
Diffuser Set-up.
Pressure Noise
Model Power Flow max. Outlets Dimensions(mm) Price($)
max. max.
VB-125G 125W 250Lpm 0.006MPa 45dB 24 235*179*186 165
VB-185G 185W 300Lpm 0.007MPa 45dB 24 233*199*207
VB-290G 290W 350Lpm 0.009MPa 45dB 24 230*199*215
VB-390G 390W 500Lpm 0.01MPa 45dB 24 230*199*215 225
VB-600G 600W 640Lpm 0.012MPa 45dB 33 230*199*215 255
VB-800G 800W 1000Lpm 0.015MPa 45dB 33 230*199*215 315
VB-1200G 1200W 1350Lpm 0.019MPa 45dB 36 230*199*215 399
VB-2200G 2200W 2100Lpm 0.022MPa 45dB 330*315*450

Table 1: Hailea Vortex Blower models depicting power, maximum flow rate, maximum pressure
drop, maximum noise, outlets provided, compressor dimensions, and price. Highlighted in green
are models used for required flowrate and pressure calculations [4].

*Note: Our flow rate output by the compressor will be decreased by a factor of:
 3 pipes/tank (40 tanks/compressor) = 120 pipes/compressor
If all the pipes and tanks are in parallel the flowrate must be compensated.

Flow Requirements from Researched Sources

To standardize the general flow the water should experience inside of the tank, resources from
algae growth experimentation (both indoor and outdoor) as well as waste water treatment plants
were referenced. The flow rate into the tank can be assumed to be the same as that leaving the
pipe set-up due to conservation of mass (Qin = Qout). The flow rate requirements are normalized
in units of Lpm/gallon (liters per minute/gallon).
Algae Indoor [1]:
Experiment: 12-14 Lpm per 100 L volume
(Conversion: 12-14 Lpm per 26.417 gallons)
12 Lpm Lpm
Minimum Flow: = 0.454 gallon
26.417 gallons

Algae Outdoor [1]:

Experiment: 90 m3/hour per 70 m3 volume
(Conversion: 1500 Lpm per 18492.04 gallons)

1500 Lpm Lpm

Flow: = 0.08112 gallon
18492.04 gallons

Waste Water Treatment [5]:

Requirements: 25-35 CFM per 1000 ft3 volume (by standards)
(Conversion: 707.92 Lpm - 991.09 Lpm for 7489.52 gallons)

707.92Lpm Lpm
Minimum Flow: = 0.0946 gallon
7489.52 gallons

If 20 pairs of tanks were connected in parallel off the compressor, as to conform to the
compressor outlet constraint of 24 outlets, a new pressure requirement can be calculated. The
new flow rate requirement will also change. See figure 2 for reference.

Set-up: 20 pair x 2 tank/pair

Tank 1 Tank 21


Tank 2 Tank 22

Tank 20 Tank 40

Figure 2: Left: Tanks systems connected to the compressor with 20 “pairs” of tanks (20 tanks in
parallel) and each pair connects two tanks in series. Right: One tank with three PVC diffuser
pipes in parallel. This tank-setup will change the original pressure requirement for the system to
0.3557 psig for 40 tanks in parallel to 2 x 0.3557 psig = 0.7114 psig for 20 pairs in parallel.
Matching a Compressor model to the Diffuser Set-up:
System 20 pairs x 2 tanks/pair:
Pressure Requirements
Pressure required to form a bubble:
Prequired = 2 x (0.3557 psig) = 0.7114 psig
From the pressure requirement above the blower model VB-125G was selected. This model has a
flow rate of 250 Lpm. Calculate the flow in one tank.
250 Lpm Lpm
Flow in one tank: = 12.50 tank
20 tanks

Calculate the normalized flow:

Tank Volume = 25cm x 18 m2 = 4.5 m3 = 1188 gallons/tank
12.50 Lpm
Flow: = 0.01502 gallon
1188 gallons

Compared to the outdoor experiment flow and the wastewater treatment flow requirements this
set falls short by roughly 6 times the flowrate. To increase the flowrate create less tanks in
parallel and add more tanks in series. This approach was taken to fit the PVC diffuser design to a
proper connection to the compressor for 40 tanks. The results from this calculation show that the
blower model VB-800G with a max flow rate of 1000 Lpm and a max pressure of 0.015 MPa
(2.175 psig) will satisfy the flow requirements if a 10 pair x 4 tank design is chosen. This would
result in required total system pressure of 1.4228 psig and a normalized flow rate 0.08412
System 10 pairs x 4 tanks/pair:
Pressure required to form a bubble:
Prequired = 4 x (0.3557 psig) = 1.4228 psig
From the pressure requirement above the blower model VB-800G was selected. This model has a
flow rate of 1000 CFM or 28316.85 Lpm. Calculate the flow in one tank.
1000 Lpm Lpm
Flow in one tank: = 100 tank
10 tanks

Calculate the normalized flow:

Tank Volume = 25cm x 18 m2 = 4.5 m3 = 1188 gallons/tank
100 Lpm
Flow: = 0.08412 gallon
1188 gallons
Set-up: 10 pair x 2 tank/pair

Tank 1 Tank 11 Tank 21 Tank 31

Tank 2 Tank 12 Tank 22 Tank 32

Tank 10 Tank 20 Tank 30 Tank 40

Figure 3: Tanks systems connected to the compressor with 10 “pairs” of tanks (10 tanks in
parallel) and each pair connects 4 tanks in series. A total of 40 tanks.

Head Loss through One PVC Pipe with No Holes Present [3]
Head loss due to friction should be accounted for to ensure that the selected compressor is not
underrated in its pressure requirement. Since no estimation for pressure drop along a pipe exists,
in simple form, that includes holes along the length of the pipe, RIT professors were referenced.
It was recommended that an experimental approach be taken to gather pressure drop data along
the pipe length. Since no experimental set-up exists at this time, a calculation of pressure drop
along the length of the pipe is provided to give inside into the frictional properties of PVC pipe
and how they relate to head loss in a pipe flow with air.
The pressure drop along one ½ inch PVC pipe in laminar flow with an input flow rate of 700
CFM (a possible input flow rate) is found to be 0.81 Pa, and 3 x 0.81 Pa = 2.43 Pa per tank. For
40 tanks the total head loss is 97.2 Pa = 0.0141 psig. Compared to the pressure requirements
needed to create the bubbles in the tanks (~1.4228 psig) this pressure is near negligible. Further
calculations with a detailed Excel spreadsheet can be found in Camila_LR_Agitation2.
Figure 4: Graph relating Optical Density (a method to quantify cell/algae growth) with
continuous, half time, and no agitation for a two week period [1].
Figure 4 shows relevant data to the time requirements in agitation the Spirulina medium. Half
time aeration is provides almost equal optical density results as continuous agitation. Using this
knowledge the cost requirements for half time agitation is investigated below.
Superficial Gas Velocity
Check the maximum flow rate to ensure that the culture has proper agitation through
confirmation of superficial gas velocity against researched sources.
Volumetric flow rate entering/ leaving the PVC pipe:
𝑄𝑖𝑛 = 𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 33.33 Lpm
Is the maximum volumetric flow rate determined from compressor specifications and pipe
series/parallel configuration.
Lpm Lpm 1.388x10−5 𝑚3
𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 33.33 = 0.833 =
holes hole 𝑠
40 pipe

𝜋𝑑 2
𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑈𝑔 𝐴𝑏 = 𝑈
4 𝑔
𝜋𝑑𝑝𝑖𝑝𝑒 𝜋(0.0133604m)2
𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑈𝑔 = 𝑈𝑔 = (33.33 Lpm)
4 4
Solve for the superficial gas velocity. Superficial velocity in the PVC pipe:
𝑈𝑔 = 3.96
Solving for the bubble velocity:
𝜋𝑑𝑏2 𝜋(0.003175m)2 1.388𝑥10−5 m3
𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑈𝑔 = 𝑈𝑔 = ( )
4 4 1s

Solve for the superficial gas velocity. Bubble velocity out of the PVC diffuser hole:
𝑈𝑏 = 1.754
This result of for the maximum flow rate. Researched superficial gas velocities used in algae
culturing and growth typically range from 0.01-0.41 m/s [6] [7] for experimental indoor/outdoor
use. This result shows that the chosen compressor well exceeds the flow requirements needed for
proper agitation of the Spirulina medium (Ug=3.96 m/s vs 0.01-0.41 m/s) and will account for
pressure losses due to the holes along the length of the pipe. Our tank design involves a larger
set-up for outdoor use and may vary in this requirement.

Analyzed results
The following calculations are performed for a 12 runtime day, deemed continuous. This result
will be compared to a half-time runtime.
Power Calculations and Costs
Cost of Compressor for Warrantied Life
 Assume a blower lasts for its covered warranty = 1 year (worse case)
1 year
Cost per day $315.00/year (365 days) =$0.863/day≈ 57 Rupees
1 day
Cost per hour $0.863/day (12 hours) = $0.072/hr ≈ 4.76 Rupees

Continuous Aerated Agitation using Electricity Cost from Power Lines

Power required per 40 tanks: Power = 800 W determined from model VB-800G
hrs kWh
Daily KWh: Daily = 800W (12 day) = 9600 Whr = 9.6 day/40 tanks

KWh 0.07¢ ¢ Rupee

Cost per day: Cost = 9.6 ( KWh ) = 0.672 day/40 tanks = ~44.45 day/40 tanks

Rupee Rupee
*Total Agitation Cost per day: 44.45 day/40 tanks + 57 =101.45 Rupees/day
day/40 tanks
Continuous Aerated Agitation using Electricity Cost from Off-Grid Solar + Batteries
The cost analysis above was performed under the assumption that power lines would be
accessible. A calculation for a grid free approach is provided below.

Cost of Solar Power + Batteries for Warrantied Life

kWh kWh
Power = 9.6 day/40 tanks Monthly = 288 month/40 tanks

A Recommended Solar Power System:

 Solar Panel: 9-Panel Astronergy Off-grid, 2.34 kW array size, 318 kWh/month from
system, $7,709.00 [2].
 Battery (optional): 20.544 KWh, 48 VDC, 428 Ah, $2,926.00 [2].

Cost per day/tank (w/ battery): Assume a 25 year life

Systems Cost = $7,709 + $2,926 = $10,635

Cost $10,635 1year 1 month 1 day $ Rupee
= 25 years (12 months) ( 30 days ) (12 hours run-time ) = 0.0985 hour/tank ≈ 6.54 hour/tank

Cost for 40 tanks per day (number of tanks taken into account by solar system capacity):
Rupee Rupees
6.54 hour/tank (12 hours) = 78.48 day

*Total Agitation Cost per day for 40 tanks:

Rupees Rupees Rupees

78.48 + 57 ≈ 135.48
day day day

Comparison between Cost of Labor from Manual Agitation to Continuous Aerated Power Line
Supplied Agitation
Cost of Manual Agitation per day = 512 Rupees
Cost of Continuous Aerated Power Line Agitation per day = 101.45 Rupees
Cost of Continuous Aerated Off-Grid Agitation per day = 135.48 Rupees

For half-time agitation the power cost can simply be dived in half for the power line aerated
system, but would remain the same for the solar powered systems since the unit itself is
purchased not the power per kWh. The cost of the compressor would also stay the same since a
one year life was assumed.
Cost of Half–Time Continuous Aerated Power Line Agitation per day = 79.25 Rupees
Cost of Half–Time Continuous Aerated Off-Grid Agitation per day = 135.48 Rupees
If we assume that the systems will last twice as long since they would be used half as much, the
cost for double-life agitation is calculated:
Cost of Double–Life Continuous Aerated Power Line Agitation per day = 50.73 Rupees
Cost of Double–Life Continuous Aerated Off-Grid Agitation per day = 67.74 Rupees

1. The cost of a continuous aerated agitation system using solar power is 135.48 Rupees per
day for 40 tanks compared to that of 520 Rupees per day spent on manual culture
agitation that is implemented in the current process.
2. The use of an off-grid solar powered electrical supply (including battery costs) seems
feasible for the use of a single 800 W blower running for both 12 hours continuous time
or 6 hours half time.
3. Half-time aeration provide near identical optical density growth as continuous aeration
for a two week time period as shown in figure 4.
4. Head loss through each pipe (with no holes) is small and when added to the total system
pressure requirements. This pressure should be kept in mind when siszing a compressor
but will generally not affect pressure requirement for the 40 tank system size. The system
design currently cover this head loss.
5. Superficial gas velocity is larger than desired to ensure Spirulina filaments are not
damaged. The superficial gas velocity will change when pressure drop, created by the
holes, is accounted for in the pipe. Volumetric flow was assumed at maximum (1000
Lpm) and can be adjusted to compensate for this requirement as well.

Feedback from experts

Reaching out to professors who study in fluid mechanics confirmed that this PVC pipe design
will create flow, and thus agitation inside the tank. Whether this flow is optimized is another
topic for further study.
Professors also helped develop the hydrostatic pressure bubble formation requirement used to
determine the pressure requirements needed to size an appropriate blower model.
Estimated Parts for Agitation Construction (Full Size Tank)
 ½” PVC piping
 PVC connectors/elbows/caps
 PVC glue
 Check Valves
 Hailea Vortex Blower model VB-800G (or air compressor)
 Air hose tubing (possibly self “sinking”/weighted lines)
 Compressor Casing and Supports
 Wiring supplies for compressor power connection

[1] Persoone, Morales, Verlet, DE Pauw. "Air-Lift Pumps and the Effect of Mixing on Algal
Growth." Laboratory for Mariculture, State University of Ghent (1980). Print.



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