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The following is a list of the classical Chinese formulae in pinyin and English with the
corresponding Three Treasures formula. As one can see, in some cases, there is more
that one Three Treasures formula for one Chinese formula. For example, there are two
versions of the formula Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, i.e. Breaking Clouds for depression and
Tonify Qi and Ease the Muscles for chronic fatigue syndrome.


Pin-Yin Translation Three Treasures Formula
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Pinellia-Atractylodes-Gastrodia Decoction Clear Yang
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang Pinellia-Magnolia Decoction Open The Heart
Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin Dioscorea Separating the Clear Decoction Separate Clear and Turbid
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Tonifying the Centre and Benefiting Qi Decoction Breaking Clouds
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Tonifying the Centre and Benefiting Qi Decoction Tonify Qi and Ease the Muscles
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang Bupleurum Soothing the Liver Decoction Break Into a Smile
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San Moutan-Gardenia Free and Easy Wanderer Powder Freeing the Sun
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Angelica pubescentis-Loranthus Decoction Invigorate the Root
Er Chen Tang Two Old Decoction Limpid Sea
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Glycyrrhiza-Triticum-Ziziphus Decoction Soothe the Shen
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang Decoction for Eliminating Stasis below Stir Field of Elixir
the Diaphragm
Gui Pi Tang Tonifying Spleen Decoction Calm the Shen
Gui Zhi Tang Cinnamon Twig Decoction Children's Herbal Sentinel
Huo Po Xia Ling Tang Agastache-Magnolia-Pinellia-Poria Decoction Drain Fields
Jing Fang Jie Biao Tang Schizonepeta-Ledebouriella Releasing Expel Wind-Cold
the Exterior Decoction
Lian Po Yin Coptis Magnolia Decoction Ease the Muscles
Liu Jun Zi Tang Six Gentlemen Decoction Prosperous Earth
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Gentiana Draining the Liver Decoction Drain Fire
Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan Aucklandia Subduing Qi Pill Buddha's Hand
Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang Glehnia-Ophiopogon Decoction Jade Spring
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San Ginseng-Poria-Atractylodes Powder Central Mansion
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang Perilla-Seed Descending Qi Decoction Clear Qi
Suan Zao Ren Tang Ziziphus Decoction Nourish the Soul
Wen Dang Tang Warming the Gall-Bladder Decoction Clear the Soul
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang Aucklandia-Amomum Six Gentlemen Decoction Soothe the Centre
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Blood Mansion Eliminating Stasis Decoction Red Stirring
Yi Yi Ren Tang Semen Coicis Decoction Clear Channels
Yin Mei Tang Attracting Sleep Decoction Root the Spirit
Yin Qiao San + Sang Ju Yin Lonicera-Forsythia Powder + Mulberry Leaf Expel Wind-Heat
and Chrysanthemum Decoction
You Gui Wan Restoring the Right (Kidney) Pill Strengthen the Root
Yu Ping Feng San + Gui Zhi Tang Jade Windscreen Powder + Cinnamon Twig Decoction Herbal Sentinel-Yang
Yue Ju Wan Ligusticum-Gardenia Pill Release Constraint
Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Anemarrhena-Phellodendron-Rehmannia Pill Water Passages
Zuo Gui Wan Restoring the Left (Kidney) Pill Nourish the Root
The following is a list of the new remedies for which there is no classical antecedent.


Arouse Power Tonify Kidney-Yang, promote the descending of Establish the communication between Heart and
Heart-Qi, resolve Damp-Heat in the Lower Burner, Kidneys in gynaecological problems and sexual
calm the Mind. problems of men and women

Bend Bamboo Nourish Liver-Blood, subdue Liver-Yang Headaches

Benefit the Sinews Resolve Dampness, invigorate Blood, expel Wind- Chronic Painful Obstruction Syndrome (Bi)
Dampness, resolve Phlegm Syndrome

Brighten the Eyes Nourish Liver-Blood, benefit the eyes, subdue Eye problems or chronic headaches from Liver-
Liver-Yang (secondary action) Blood deficiency

Bright Spirit Liver- and Heart-Qi stagnation and Phlegm Depression and anxiety

Brocade Sinews Liver-Blood deficiency not nourishing the joints Chronic Painful Obstruction Syndrome from
Blood deficiency

Chemo-Support Tonify Qi, nourish Blood and Yin, resolve Side effects of chemotherapy
Dampness, clear Heat, cool Blood

Clear Lustre Expel Wind, clear Heat, cool Blood, resolve Skin diseases from Blood-Heat and Damp-Heat

Clear Metal Clear Heat, clear Heat at Qi and Nutritive Qi Level, Qi or Ying level of an invasion of Wind-Heat
resolve Phlegm

Clear the Root Clear Heat, resolve Dampness from the Lower Prostate problems, chronic prostatitis, benign
Burner, invigorate Blood, resolve Toxic Heat, prostatic hyperplasia. Prevention of prostate
tonify Qi and Yin problems

Expel Toxic Heat Resolve Toxic Heat Bacterial or viral infections. Pustules, acute attack
of genital herpes, acute tonsillitis with purulent
tonsils, infected eczema, acne with large pustules,
sinusitis with purulent nasal discharge.

Glorious Sea Liver-Blood deficiency, Blood Heat, Dampness Skin problems from Liver-Blood deficiency
together with some Blood-Heat or Damp-Heat

Harmonize the Centre Tonify Qi and Yin or Stomach and Spleen, resolve Digestive problems, type II diabetes
Dampness, resolve Phlegm in Middle Burner

Herbal Sentinel - Yin Tonify Lung-Qi and Kidney-Yin, strengthen the Treat the Root of allergic asthma and allergic
Lung’s and Kidney’s Defensive-Qi system rhinitis in people with a tendency to Kidney-Yin

Jade Screen Expel Wind, restore the diffusing of Lung-Qi Treat the Manifestation in allergic rhinitis

Nourish the Root and Nourish Kidney-Yin, expel Wind- Dampness Chronic Painful Obstruction Syndrome in the
Clear Wind middle-aged and elderly with an underlying
Kidney-Yin deficiency

Peaceful Sunset Nourish Kidney-Yin, invigorate Blood, resolve Problems of the elderly.
Phlegm, clear Heat, cool Blood, extinguish interior Prevention in the elderly

Radio-Support Tonify Qi, nourish Blood, nourish Yin, invigorate Treat the side-effects of radiotherapy
Blood, cool Blood

Searching Soul Tonify Kidney-Yang, nourish Liver Blood, Depression

stimulate the Hun, strengthen Will-Power.

Settling the Soul Drain Liver- and Heart-Fire, calm the Mind, open Anxiety, insomnia, manic behaviour
the Mind’s orifices, settle the Hun, resolve Phlegm

Smooth Passage Tonify Spleen-Qi, pacify the Liver, move Qi in the Irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal distension
Lower Burner, harmonize Liver and Spleen, and pain, alternation of constipation and loose
resolve Dampness from the Intestines, move the stools
stools, stop diarrhoea

Welcome Fragrance Expel Wind from the nose, resolve Dampness, Sinusitis, sinus congestion
resolve Toxic Heat, open the nose orifices, tonify
The following Table compares and contrasts the actions of the classical Chinese formulae with
those of the Three Treasures formulae.

Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Clear Yang Tonify Kidney-Yang, nourish Liver-
Resolve Phlegm, extinguish Liver-Wind Resolve Phlegm, extinguish Liver- Wind, Blood, open the Mind’s orifices
subdue Liver-Yang, tonify Kidney-Yang,
nourish Liver-Blood, open the Mind’s orifices

Ban Xia Hou Po Tang Open the Heart Stronger calming the Mind action, more
Restore descending of Stomach- and Lung- Restore descending of Stomach-, Lung- and for depression
Qi, resolve Qi-Phlegm Heart-Qi, resolve Qi- Phlegm

Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin Separate Clear from Turbid Tonify Qi, tonify Kidney- Yang, stop
Promote the separation of clear from Promote the separation of clear from turbid urinary pain
turbid in urinary passages, resolve in urinary passages, resolve Dampness,
Dampness tonify Qi, tonify Kidney- Yang
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Breaking Clouds Tonify Kidney-Yang to strengthen Will-
Tonify and raise Qi Tonify and raise Qi, tonify Kidney- Yang, Power (Zhi), lift mood, treat depression
open the Mind’s orifices

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Tonify Qi and Ease the Muscles Resolves Dampness from the muscles,
Tonify and raise Qi Tonify and raise Qi, resolve Dampness from specific for chronic fatigue syndrome
the muscles

Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang Break into a Smile Calm the Mind, tonify Qi and Yin or
Move Liver-Qi, eliminate stagnation Move Liver-Qi, eliminate stagnation, stop Stomach and Spleen
pain, calm the Mind, tonify Qi and Yin of
Stomach and Spleen

Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San Freeing the Sun Stronger action in calming the Mind
Move Liver-Qi, eliminate stagnation, Move Liver-Qi, eliminate stagnation, nourish
nourish Liver- Blood, tonify Spleen-Qi, Liver-Blood, tonify Spleen-Qi, clear Liver-
clear Liver-Heat Heat
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Invigorate the Root Tonify Spleen-Qi, nourish Blood.
Expel Wind-Dampness from the lower part Expel Wind-Dampness from the lower part Tonification of Kidney-Yang balanced
of the body, tonify Kidney-Yang of the body, tonify Kidney-Yang, tonify by introduction of Yin tonics so that it
Spleen-Qi, nourish Blood can be used also for Painful Obstruction
Syndrome occurring against a
background of Kidney-Yin deficiency

Er Chen Tang Limpid Sea Modified to resolve Phlegm in general

Resolve Damp-Phlegm Resolve Phlegm in general (i.e. Phlegm
associated with Dampness, Cold or Heat)

Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Soothe the Shen More pronounced action in calming the
Tonify Qi and Blood, calm the Shen Tonify Qi and Blood, calm the Shen, lift Shen
depression, calm anxiety

Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang Stir Field of Elixir Stronger action in invigorating Blood,
Invigorate Blood in Lower Burner Invigorate Blood and eliminate stasis in the stop pain in the Lower Burner and
Lower Burner, stop pain Uterus

Gui Pi Tang Calm the Shen More pronounced action in calming the
Tonify Spleen-Qi, nourish Liver-, Spleen- Tonify Spleen-Qi, nourish Liver-, Spleen- and Mind, open the Mind’s orifices, both for
and Heart- Blood, calm the Mind Heart-Blood, calm the Mind, open the anxiety and depression
Mind’s orifices

Gui Zhi Tang Children’s Herbal Sentinel - Tonify Qi

Tonify Nutritive Qi, regulate Defensive Qi, Tonify Nutritive Qi, regulate Defensive Qi, - Resolve Dampness
release the Exterior, expel exterior Wind release the Exterior, resolve Dampness
- Promote digestion

Huo Po Xia Ling Tang Drain Fields Resolve Dampness specifically from the
Drain Dampness Drain Dampness, resolve Dampness from the muscles, tonify Spleen-Qi, treat chronic
muscles, tonify Spleen-Qi fatigue syndrome

Jing Fang Jie Biao Tang Expel Wind-Cold Same action but can treat exterior
Release the Exterior, expel Wind-Cold Release the Exterior, expel Wind-Cold headache more than original formula

Lian Po Yin Ease the Muscles More pronounced action in resolving

Drain Dampness, clear Heat Drain Dampness, clear Heat, resolve Dampness from the muscles, treats
Dampness from the muscles, mildly tonify chronic fatigue syndrome
Continued overleaf
Liu Jun Zi Tang Prosperous Earth Same actions
Tonify Spleen-Qi, mildly resolve Dampness Tonify Spleen-Qi, resolve Dampness

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Drain Fire Drain Heart-Fire

Drain Liver-Fire Drain Liver - and Heart-Fire

Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan Buddha’s Hand More digestive herbs, more herbs to
Restore the descending of Stomach-Qi Restore the descending of Stomach-Qi, move Qi in the Middle Burner
move Qi in the Middle Burner, resolve

Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang Jade Spring Nourish Spleen-Yin

Nourish Stomach- and Lung- Yin Nourish Stomach-, Spleen- and Lung- Yin

Shen Ling Bai Zhu San Central Mansion More pronounced Yin-nourishing action
Tonify Qi and Yin of Stomach and Spleen, Tonify Qi and Yin of Stomach and Spleen,
resolve Dampness resolve Dampness

Sun Zi Jiang Qi Tang Clear Qi - Stronger action in making Qi descend

Restore the descending of Lung-Qi, resolve Restore the descending of Lung-Qi, resolve - Anti-allergy action
Phlegm, tonify Kidney-Yang, strengthen Phlegm, tonify Kidney-Yang, strengthen the
the Kidney’s grasping of Qi Kidney’s grasping of Qi

Suan Zao Ren Tang Nourish the Soul - Stronger action in nourishing Yin
Nourish Liver-Yin, settle the Hun, calm the Nourish Liver-Blood and Liver-Yin, settle the - Stronger action in calming the Spirit
Mind Hun, calm the Mind
- Stronger action in promoting sleep

Wen Dan Tang Clear the Soul Stronger action in calming the Mind
Resolve Phlegm, clear Lung- Heat Resolve Phlegm, clear Lung-Heat, settle the and settling the Po and Hun
Po and Hun, calm the Mind

Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang Soothe the Centre Stronger action in moving Qi and
Tonify Spleen-Qi, resolve Dampness and Tonify Spleen-Qi, resolve Dampness and resolving Dampness (in the Middle
move Qi in the Middle Burner move Qi in the Middle Burner, tonify Burner)
Stomach-Qi and Stomach-Yin

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Red Stirring - Calms the Mind

Invigorate Blood and eliminate stasis in Invigorate Blood and eliminate stasis in the - Opens the Mind’s orifices
the Upper Burner Upper Burner, calm the Mind, open the
Mind’s orifices - Treat depression

Yi Yi Ren Tang Clear Channels - Invigorate Blood

Resolve Dampness, expel Wind-Dampness Resolve Dampness, expel Wind- Dampness
from the Lower Burner, clear Heat from the Lower Burner, clear Heat,
invigorate Blood

Yin Mei Tang Root the Spirit Stronger action in calming the Mind
Nourish Liver-Yin, settle the Hun Nourish Liver-Yin, settle the Hun, calm the and settling the Hun

Yin Qiao San (plus Sang Ju Yin) Expel Wind-Heat Stronger action in treating acute cough
Release the Exterior, expel Wind-Heat, Release the Exterior, expel Wind-Heat, from exterior Wind-Heat
restore the descending of Lung-Qi restore the descending of Lung-Qi

You Gui Wan Strengthen the Root Tonify Yuan Qi

Tonify and warm Kidney-Yang Tonify and warm Kidney-Yang, strengthen
the Will-Power (Zhi)

Yu Ping Feng San Herbal Sentinel – Yang Strengthen the Lung’s and Kidney’s
Consolidate the Exterior, tonify Qi Consolidate the Exterior, tonify Qi, Defensive-Qi systems to treat the Root
strengthen the Lung’s and Kidney’s of allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis
Defensive Qi systems

Yue Ju Wan Release Constraint Stronger action in stimulating the

Move Liver-Qi, eliminate stagnation Move Liver-Qi, eliminate stagnation, movement of the Hun to relieve
stimulate the movement of the Hun depression

Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Water Passages - Stronger action in draining Damp-Heat

Nourish Kidney-Yin, resolve Damp-Heat Nourish Kidney-Yin, resolve Damp- Heat from urinary passages
from the Bladder from the Bladder -Tonify Qi
- Balanced tonification of Kidney-Yin
and Kidney-Yang

Zuo Gui Wan Nourish the Root Stronger moistening action

Nourish Kidney-Yin Nourish Kidney-Yin, moisten

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