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Death’s Deal

I walked up the narrow stairs and opened the entrance to the Library. I
greeted the librarian and walked down to my favourite section of the library,
the Fantasy section. As I walked in between two large and long book
shelves, I could recognise some books that I’ve read before.But my feet
suddenly stopped as my eyes gazed towards an unfamiliar, old-looking
book that I have never seen before. Dust shimmered the light as I grabbed
the book off the shelf. I went to the nearest couch, I flipped the musty book
open and read the first page. The word, “Death.” was written at the top of
the page. “Death, specifically the Embodiment of Death, is a Deity who has
control over death. He has the power to bring anyone straight to hell or
bring them back from the dead. It is said that if anyone could find his seal of
Death, he shall grant the person one wish.” I flipped the next page and
found an old-looking paper with the picture of a skull. I took the paper and
found the words, “I can grant you one wish.” written behind it. I examined
the paper and flipped the following pages but everything else was empty.
The following pages didn’t have anything written on it. I took the old-looking
piece of parchment and placed the book back on the shelf I found it. I
thought about the words written on the back of the paper. I kept thinking
about what my wish would be if this was real. The first thing that came to
my mind was him. The kindest, sweetest and most talented person I’ve
ever met. “I wished Evan was mine.” I said out loud accidently. I gasped
and my cheeks turned cherry-red. Luckily, no one was around. I placed the
paper in my pocket and went around the library to read more books.

It was getting dark, the grandfather clock in the library rang its chimes
as the hands struck 6 pm and the sun has gone down. I hurried out of the
library since it was already late. The weather was cold, the breezy air blew
towards my face, my hands shivered as I tried to hold my phone still and
my legs were shaking as the freezing wind kept blowing at me. Then, the
streetlights went out. The freezing wind grew stronger. I used my phone’s
flashlight to look around but the moment I turned the light on, it went out
completely. I tried to look around for a safe place to stay but I couldn’t see
anything. Then, he appeared. A huge shadowy figure came out of the
shadows. He held what looked like a gigantic scythe. The figure was
wearing a hood so I couldn’t see his face clearly but I knew right away who
he was. “Hello young child, I’m here to grant you a wish.”
“Death…” My insides got colder, I could sense the coldness and sorrow
emitted by the deity in front of me. I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to
believe that Deities and Gods and Magical creatures, that all of them
“So, you wish for true Love, don’t you? I can grant you that wish.But in
exchange for the soul of your brother.” I was silent for a moment, thinking
about the deal. I kept thinking about the reward and how everything I ever
wanted can finally come true. Without thinking about the conditions, I said...
“Deal.” Death handed me a knife coloured with blood with ghosts . Then, he
snapped his fingers and disappeared into a vortex. I broke down on my
knees and started shedding tears. I couldn’t believe that I made a deal with
Death to make Evan love me in exchange for my brother’s life. The fact that
I made the deal without hesitating made me want to kill myself, How could I
be so selfish?
My phone started ringing. I took my phone and wiped my tears away. It was
a call from Evan. I picked him up and said, “Hey, what’s up?”
“Where are you!? You’re brother just called saying that you’ve been gone
for six hours!”
“Sorry, I’m on my way home now. Thanks for calling.”
“Hey, you okay? You sound like you just witnessed someone’s death. Is
everything all right?” His voice was so comforting, I wanted to tell him
everything but… I don’t want him to know that I like him.
“It’s nothing. It’s just, what would you do if you want something but you’ll
have to exchange it for something you love and you want that something so
badly?” I waited, hoping he could help me on what to do.
“Well, I guess if it’s something I really want then I’ll do anything to get it, no
matter what!” I wiped off the remaining tears on my eyes and made my

My Brother gave me a hug when he saw me enter through the front

door. “There you are! I was worried sick! I thought you were missing, don’t
you know what time it is?” I giggled a bit.
“I’m sorry about worrying you, Anthony. You want a drink? I’m feeling kinda
“yeah sure, make the same old chocolate milkshake that I love for me.
Make sure you get home early next time.”
I stepped into the kitchen, grabbed a tall
cup and made his milkshake. Then I took the powdered sleeping drug that I
bought on the way home from my bag. I opened the bag of the powdered
sleeping drug but hesitated to pour them on the milkshake.
“Hey you done making the drinks?” My brother walked in. I poured the bag
accidently from the shock of my brother entering the Kitchen.
“Yup, here it is.”
He slurped down the drink and yawned.
“Man, I feel kinda drowzy now. I guess I’ll head to bed early. Night.”
My brother left the kitchen and tears started to roll down my cheeks again.

I kept thinking to myself, “I’ll do anything to get what I want.” over and over
again but the tears just couldn’t stop. It was like my eyes became an
endless waterfall. “I’ll do anything to get what I want.” I thought again. I
finally wiped my tears off and took the knife that Death gave me. I went up
the stairs and turned the metal door knob of my brother’s room to see if he
was already sleeping. There he was, lying on his bed, clueless that his
sister was about to murder him. I pushed the door slowly and tiptoed closer
to my brother. The air around me started feeling cold, the knife started
glowing and I could hear screams of people suffering. Ghosts started
coming out of the knife and surrounded me. As I got even closer to my
brother, I pointed the knife at him and held it up. Even more tears started
falling down. I started counting to three. One… Two… Thr-
“ABIGAIL WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?” Someone barged in to
my brother’s room.
“Evan? How did you get in here and why?” I dropped the knife.
TO KILL YOUR BROTHER?” He looked terrified as he saw the ghosts
around me and the knife I was holding pointed at my brother’s chest.
“I- I- I can explain! I- accidently made a deal with Death. He said he could
grant me my wish in exchange for my brother’s soul…”
went silent and broke down in tears.
“Abigail… You should have never accepted Death’s deal because it would
have been a waste.” He stepped closer towards me and lifted my chin. I
opened my eyes as something soft pressed against my lips. “I already do
Love you.”
I couldn’t stop crying loudly. Evan held me tightly in his arms as I cried
about how I was about to kill the only Family I had and that it would have
gone to waste.

The knife started moving and the air got even colder.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” A familiar voice shouted. “YOU’RE
FOR TRUE LOVE!” Death appeared, enraged. “IF I CAN’T HAVE WHAT I
fingers and the love of my life started fading like a ghost.
“W-what’s going on? I can’t feel my body! I can’t see! SOMEONE HELP
ME!” I begged Death to stop as Evan’s body started becoming invisible.
“You’re next, Girl!” He snapped his fingers again and the same thing
started happening to me too.
I wanted to shout back but I couldn’t feel my body anymore. I couldn’t move
a single muscle. All I could see was Darkness. Parts of my body started
fading until the only part of me left was my head. I could still hear Death
talking. The last words I heard before I was gone from this world were,
“Now, time to mold your memories a bit. It’s too early for you to find out
about me. I’ll see you soon, Anthony.”

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