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WOMAN: Good evening. King’s Restaurant.
MAN: Good evening. I’m ………………………………………….. I understand you have …………………..

WOMAN: Oh yes.

MAN: I’d like to find out a few more ……………………., if I may.

WOMAN: Yes, of course. Can I take your name?

MAN: It’s Peter Chin.

WOMAN: Okay Peter. Well, if you want to …………………… and then if we’re both still interested, we could arrange
for you to ………………………………………………….

MAN: Great, thanks. I’m afraid I …………………………………. for the job but

WOMAN: That’s no problem at all. What would you like to know?

MAN: Well, um, what ……………………………….. is it — ………………………………?

WOMAN: It’s …………………………………………………………... Q1
MAN: Oh right, fine.

WOMAN: And ……………………………………………………...

MAN: That’d be good. And ………………………………………………………………. would it be?

WOMAN: Well, we’re really only ……………………………………………………………...
MAN: So ……………………………………?

WOMAN: ……………….actually, so it would …………………………………………………….. a week.

MAN: That’d be fine. It …………………………………………………………………..
WOMAN: Are you ………………………………………?

MAN: Yes. ……………………………………………………………………...

WOMAN: Oh, right.
MAN: Um, and because I’m ……………………………………………… would I need a ……………………………….?
WOMAN: Yes you would. Just ……………………………………………………………………. it.

MAN: That wouldn’t be a problem, if I were to get the job. Um,


WOMAN: Well, we have ………………………………………. — the one we’re ……….. for is

in ……………………. Q2
MAN: I don’t know that. …………………………………………………… it please?
WOMAN: It’s ……………………………………… Road.

MAN: Got that. Thanks. Is it ………………………………………………….?

WOMAN: Yes. The nearest one would probably be just …………………………………………. Q3
MAN: Oh yes, I know it. That’d be fine for me. And ……………………………………………………?

WOMAN: We’re
………………………………………………………………………………... Q4

MAN: That’s very good. …………………………………………………………………….

WOMAN: We feel it’s ……………………… and we also …………………………………..
MAN: Really?

WOMAN: Well, we give you ……………………………………, so you eat well.

MAN: Right, better than hostel food!

WOMAN: We certainly hope so! And we also …………………….. for working on

…………………………………… Q5

MAN: Oh, that’s a really ……………………………………, isn’t it?

WOMAN: Yes, we think so. And then because of ……………………. of getting …………………., if you’re
MAN: Oh, that’s good to know.
WOMAN: Well, we’d certainly be interested in …………………………………….., if you’re still interested?
MAN: Oh yes, certainly. Could I just also ask ………………………….. you’re ………………………….?

WOMAN: Well, for this particular job we ………………………………., which you obviously do have! Q7
MAN: Thanks.
WOMAN: And you must be able to………………………………………., you know. Q8

MAN: Well, I hope I’d…

WOMAN: So, ……………………………………………………………………..? We’re actually quite quiet tonight?
MAN: Sorry, I …………………………………………………………... Or …………………………….., I’m afraid.
…………………………………….. — that’d be ……………………………………………….. Q9
WOMAN: Fine, ………………………………..?
MAN: Yes, fine. Would ………………………………….. be okay?

WOMAN: Good. I ……………………………………………………….. you.

MAN: Oh, by the way, ………………………………………………….?
WOMAN: Oh yes, of course, sorry. My name is Samira ……………………………………………. Q10
MAN: Can you spell that, please?

WOMAN: …………………………………………...

MAN: Okay, I’ve got that. Thanks very much.

WOMAN: Look forward to seeing you…

ANDREW: Now we go to Jane who is going to tell us about what’s happening………………………………………..
JANE: Right, thanks Andrew, and now on to what’s new, and do we really need yet another
…………………………….in Bradcaster? Well, most of you probably know ………………….. — the
………………….of a Danish sports goods company that opened …………………………-it’s attracted a lot of
……………………, and so the …………… has now ……………to ………………………………………………. in the
area. It’s going to be in the ……………………….. to the …….. of Bradcaster, so that will be …………….. for all of you
who’ve found the ………………. shop in the ………. of the ………. hard to get to. I was invited to
……………………… and I can ……………….. you, this is the ultimate in ………………... The whole place has been
given …………………………………….. with the company’s …………………………. of ……… and
……………….. The …………………………….. have ……………………………… as well as ………………….., and
on …………………….. there’s ………………………………………….. You’ll find all the ………………….. as well as
some less well-known ones. If the haven’t got exactly ………………………………………. they promise to get it for you
……............ Unlike ………………………., where it can ………………………………………………. They cover all the
…………………………, including ……………………………… and ………………., but they particularly .....................

…………………………….and they claim to ………………………………………………… in the country. As well as

that, ………………………. of …………………………. is ……………………………….., including the ………………

from the States — if you can’t find what you want here, it doesn’t exist!

The shop will be ……………………………. ……………….. and if you ………………………………. then you’ll have
the chance to …………………………………………………….. Paul King, who’s coming along to …………………….,
and he ………………………………………………………. to ………………………. who want to…………….. and

Then there will be a whole range of ……………………………………………………There will be ………………. for

local …………………………… for …………………………………., and also ……………………………… open to all.
Just ……………………………………………………………………………………….. to …………………….. of Paul
King’s DVD ‘Spring Tips’, while ………………………. to ………………………………. gets ………………………..
of the Bradcaster Gym. …………………….. will receive …………………………………….. with details of all
Bradcaster fixtures in the coming year.

One of …………………………………………………. is ……………………………….-a ………………………. Of

your cardiac fitness and …………………….., actually ………………………………… by …………………... This
would ………………………………………………… but is …………………………………… for this month only.
There are only ………………………………………………… available for this, so to …………………………………..
In addition, if you ………………………… you get lots more …………………………… including the chance ………
…………………… at special open evenings.

TEACHER: Before we start, Spiros and Hiroko, thanks for coming in today to talk about your …………………………
and congratulations to you both in doing so well in your first semester exams! I’d like to ………………… the ……… of
the ………………………………………………… courseyou did here last year before ……………………………….
course. Spiros, if I could start with you, ……………………………………………. have now proved to be particularly
valuable to you?

SPIROS: I think that having to do ……………………………….. really helped me. For example, ………………………..
in our ……………………………………., when it was …………….. to …………………………….. I felt quite ………..
Of course, I was still …………… but because ………………………… before, I knew ……………………. Also, I know
I was ……………………… and I had ……………………………………. In fact, I think that in relation to some of the
other people in my group, I did quite a good job because …………………………… was ……………………….........Q21

What about you, Hiroko?

HIROKO: Mmm, that’s interesting. In my group, I was really surprised by the way the ………………………………they
just ……………………………………………………..! Can you believe that? They ……………………………………or
………………………………………….. with …………………….. — and I remember that these things were really
stressed to us in the course here.

TEACHER: So, how did you ……………………………………., Hiroko?

HIROKO: Well, to speak frankly, I …………………………. too! At the time, it was ………………… to do it this way,
but actually when I had finished, I ………………………………………………………………. I didn’t …………………
about the ………………… at all.
SPIROS: That’s a pity. You know, although I was ………………………………………….. I am ………………… with
………………………………….. right now in the ……………………….-during …………………………….. I’ve not
said anything in our …………………………………………. Not a word.

HIROKO: Really, Spiros? Why’s that? Do the other students talk too much?

SPIROS: It’s partly that, but it’s mostly because I have ………………………………………….. Their …………………..
is so…………………………..— It’s not the style we were used to during the course. They use so many colloquialisms,
they’re ……………………….. and sometimes there seems to be ………………………………………. Also, they are
very ………………………………………., so because they ……………………………………, they can let each other

HIROKO: You’re right, Spiros, I’ve experienced that too.


HIROKO: For most of this semester, I’ve said absolutely ………………………….. But recently, I’ve been trying to
……………………….. and I …………………….., and I’ve noticed an interesting thing, I’ve noticed that if they thought
……………………………………., then ……………………. they actually ………………………………….., and then it
was much easier for me …………………………………………….

SPIROS: That’s great, Hiroko! I hope that ……………………………………….. — I’ll have to work hard to find
some interesting points. …………………………………………..?

HIROKO: I think that one thing that helped me with this was ………………... I’ve had to do so much reading this
semester just to help me ……………………………………….. At first I …………………………… what the …………..
were talking about, so I had to turn …………………………………….. Every night I read ………………., using the lists
……………………….. that were given, and I ……………………………………. At breakfast, I
…………………………again. This …………. has helped me to …………………… in ………………, and it’s also
given me ………………… to ………………………...

SPIROS: But I …………………………………… anyway-I don’t think there’s …………………………… for anything
extra. My ………………………… is ………………., though I’m much ………………………………………than I …..
TEACHER: What else do you think we could ………………… …………………… help with this ………………….?

SPIROS: There’s not really anything because …………………………... I remember we were ………………………… to
read. We didn’t like that but now I realise that …………………………………………..was ………………………….. for
the things I need to read now. Also, in class we ………………………………… do, and we …………………….. of
…………………………………., so the ………………. were ………………………………… on that.

HIROKO: That’s true Spiros, but what we read could …………………………... Sometimes in …………………….. I
……………………… when I had to ……………………… about ………………………… or …………………….,
because I wanted to …………………………………………….., but we ……………………………… about ……….. So,
I think I wasted some time ………………………….. I didn’t need.
TEACHER: But surely …………………………… you were taught ………………………………………... were helpful.

HIROKO: Yes, but …………………………………………, I would have felt much ………………………. on ……….
from my own field. Q30

What do you think Spiros?

SPIROS: I agree; that would have …………………….. too and I would ……………………………………. It was good
though that we could ……………………………….. when we ……………………………………………..

TEACHER: Okay, let’s move on to writing now…

Good afternoon everyone. Well, with some of you about to go out ………………. it’s timely that in this afternoon’s
session I’ll be ………………………. about the reasons why groups of ……………………….. sometimes ………………
from the sea right onto the beach and, most often, die in what are known as ‘mass trandings’.

Unfortunately, this type of event is …………………………………… in some of the ………….. that you’ll be travelling
to, where sometimes ………………………………………, …………………………. However, there are many other
…………………. about the …………….. of mass strandings.

The first is that ………………………… is ……………………. It’s often found that stranded animals were ……......with
large numbers of …………………. For instance, ………………………… is commonly found …………………………..

Since ……………………………………………………….. their ……………. to …………….., this type of …………….

has the potential to be ……………………………! Q32
Another theory is ………………………………….., or ……………... These have also been found to ……………….. the
………………………………………………. Many ………………, as I’m sure you’re aware, …………………………,
or ………………………………. The whale …………………………. in its …………………………………………. but
whether these poisons ………………………………………….. lead to stranding and death, seems to depend upon the
toxin involved.

In 1988, for example, fourteen humpback whales examined after stranding along the beaches of Cape Cod were found to
have been ……………………………………………………. that contained soxitoxin, the same toxin that can be ……….

Alternatively, it has also been suggested that ………………………… strand accidentally by …………………………….
ashore in the …………………… of …………………... In 1995 David Thurston monitored pilot whales that beached
after following squid ashore. However, this idea …………………………………. for the majority of mass strandings
because ………………………….. of the …………………………………. contents reveal that most had not been feeding
as they stranded.

There are also some new theories which ……………………………….. A growing concern is that ………………. in the
…………………………………. ……………… such as those caused by ………………………. are of particular concern
and have been pinpointed as the cause of some strandings of late.

One of these, a mass stranding of ………………………. in the Bahamas coincided closely with ……………. using a
new ……………………………………... There were …………………… that made this stranding stand out as different
from previous strandings. This led researchers to look for ………………….. For one, all the stranded animals were
……………. In addition, the animals were spread out along ……………………………………, whereas it’s more
common for the animals to be found in a group when mass strandings occur.

………………………… is related to ………………………., and suggests that ……………………… cannot …………..

between ……………………………………… and will ………………………………, even to an inevitable death. This is
a particularly interesting theory since the whales that are thought …………………………….. — the toothed whales —
are ………………. that strand the most frequently.

The theory is also supported by ……………………………………………………… in 1994. ………………… of the

……………………… revealed that ………………………………, all the others had been …………. at the time of their

Without one consistent theory however it is very hard for us to do anything about this phenomenon except to …… ……..
where and when we can. ……………………………. have been established around the world to aid in …………………...
and …………………………….. from those that could not be helped. I ………………. John Connor’s Marine Mammals
Ashore as ………………………………………….. if you’re interested in finding out more about …………………., or
establishing one yourself.

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