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Term 2 Reading Planner

Unit purpose & For students to use the reciprocal comprehension strategies including predicting, summarising, questioning and clarifying to help
Summary: achieve the relevant Essential Learning Standards.

By using scaffolded discussion techniques that build on the strategies good readers use to understand text, students will be
introduced to the fab four strategies known as predicting summarising, questioning and clarifying. These strategies will be
incorporated into each modelled or shared reading session whilst focusing on the purpose, structure, language and
comprehension of fiction texts. Students will be encouraged to use what they have learnt about these strategies in their
independent reading time, as well as during guided reading sessions.

Unit length: 5 weeks (Term 2 weeks 2-6) 2x 1hr sessions + 20 minutes guided reading per week
Learning outcomes: • Students will be able to use clues from students’ knowledge of text structure to predict what happens next in a narrative.
• Students will be able to formulate questions to help guide and monitor reading to make sure the text makes sense.
• Students will be able to summarise a fiction text to help construct an overall understanding of what they are reading.
• Students will be able to use clarifying strategies to help maintain meaning when they read and help monitor problems,
misunderstandings and the meaning of new and unfamiliar words.
• Students will be able to use all of the fab four strategies (Predicting, questioning, summarising and clarifying) to assist
them with comprehending a fictional text.

Prior knowledge All students have had varying levels of prior learning with fictional texts including: the structure, language features and the
and learning prior author’s purpose. Prior to grade 5/6 students may have been familiarised with some or all of the fab four comprehension
to this unit: strategies, yet they have not been explicitly taught through reciprocal teaching strategies in the past.
Links to other Our focus for our Educational Research Projects [ERP] this term is: Nourishment. One of our big ideas under this topic includes:
curriculum areas: ‘How we and others can nourish Indigenous health and culture’
Learning intentions:

• Investigate how celebrating similarities and differences can strengthen communities(VCHPEP114)

• Investigate the role of preventive health in promoting and maintaining health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and
their communities (VCHPEP112)
During this unit students will apply their knowledge of summarising to create a google slide outlining what they know about the
background of Indigenous Australian’s, the Stolen Generation and The Gap, as well as, some strategies to help close The Gap.
Incorporation of • Students will use their Chromebook’s to access the weekly reading journal template assigned to them on Google
ICT Classroom.
• Students will have access to the links of the digital texts’ if they would like to revisit them.
• Reading A to Z (RAZ) an online program will be used during guided reading sessions where appropriate.
• Students will create a Google slide in response to the information they have been given about Indigenous Australians.
Assessment: Formative Summative
• Students will complete journal entries (3 per week) • Pre-assessment: Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark
• Discussions during sessions Assessment Systems [BAS]
• Weekly guided reading sessions with teacher • Post-assessment: Fountas & Pinnell BAS
• Teacher observations
Week 1 • Pre-testing of focus students
Learning sequence: Week 2- Session 1
Essential reading We are learning to understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of formality.
standard- Victorian
Learning Intention I am learning to use clues from my knowledge of text structure to predict what happens next in a narrative.

Reciprocal teaching Predicting

Lesson overview 29/04
Shared reading
• Share today’s learning intention with students
• Ask students to describe what makes informational texts different from fiction, particularly narratives. Ask partners to
brainstorm what they already know about narratives and their structure- write structure dot points on board
• Talk to students about when good readers “text walk” (or flip through a text before reading)- they use their knowledge of
structure and text features to help them think what the text will be about
• Have students “text walk” and make predictions from image, heading & first two paragraphs
• Read text- have students identify the structural features they can see in this piece of text (orientation,
• Have students predict what happens in the text next focusing on text structure (climax, falling action, resolution) What is the
writer suggesting might happen)
Journal Entry
- Students note down in their journal entry their prediction of what happens in the text/what the text is about using their
background knowledge of structure

Reflection and check in with focus children

Resources Digital copy of text Penguin Island, Whiteboard, Smart TV

Additional Learning Scaffolded reading journal template and key chain with sentence starters and prompts.
Learning sequence: Week 2- Session 2
Essential reading We are learning to understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of formality.
Learning Intention Use clues from my knowledge of text structure to predict what happens next in a narrative.

Reciprocal teaching Predicting

Lesson overview 02/05
Shared reading
• Revise learning intention with students
• Revise structure of a narrative
• Revise what clues can be used to assist in making predictions (text walk, cover, title, author, illustrator, table of contents,
illustration, context clues)
• In pairs have students use these prompts to make predictions about today’s narrative. I think this will be about…
I think … will happen… because
• Read text to students (ensure to pause to allow time for predictions as you go)
• In pairs then have students use highlighters to highlight the structural features in the text that they can find
• Share back as a group
Journal Entry
Before completing have students note down in their journal entry their prediction of what happens in the text/what the text is
about using their background knowledge of structure.

Reflection and check in with focus children

Resources (Lost) Digital copy and hard copy with partner, Whiteboard, Smart TV

Additional Learning Scaffolded reading journal template and key chain with sentence starters and prompts.
Learning sequence: Week 3- Session 1

Essential reading Navigate and read imaginative, informative and persuasive texts by interpreting structural features, including tables of content,
standard glossaries, chapters, headings and subheadings and applying appropriate text processing strategies, including monitoring meaning,
skimming and scanning.
Learning Intention I can formulate questions to help guide and monitor my reading to make sure the text makes sense.

Reciprocal teaching Questioning

Lesson overview 07/05
Modelled Reading
• Explain to students that good readers ask questions throughout the reading process
• Before reading the text discuss the four types of questions you are going to model. On the board draw a four door chart with
these headings: Quiz questions, Wonders, Thinking questions and author questions.
- Quiz questions: who, what, when, where, why and how. They require students to go back to the text and find an answer
directly in the text or infer an answer using text clues or background knowledge.
- Wonders: good readers wonder before and during the text by pausing and saying “I wonder…” about the text
-Thinking questions: these begin with “why do you think” or “how did you? and require the students to make an inference
to answer
-Author questions: good readers think about the author's purpose and craft. They ask why did the author? And what is the
author's purpose?
• Read the text and as you go, model your thinking aloud and tell students how you are constructing your questions
based on the text. “I think I will ask …. here, because I am thinking…
• Also record some of your questions into their categories on the chart (at least one of each)
• Guide for Questions when reading:

o Ask “I wonder” questions before reading- base wonderings on heading, title and skimming the text.
o Ask I wonder questions throughout reading
o Formulate questions about the setting, characters, problems, events resolution & themes
o Ask thinking questions about the setting characters’ actions or the author's choices in words and story line
o Ask text dependant questions: what examples does the author include? Why did the author use the word?


Journal Entry
During reading have students formulate the four types of questions using a four door chart.

Reflection and check in with focus children

Resources Ballet on a board digital copy, Whiteboard, Smart TV

Additional Learning Scaffolded reading journal template and key chain with sentence starters and prompts.
Learning sequence: Week 3- Session 2

Essential reading Navigate and read imaginative, informative and persuasive texts by interpreting structural features, including tables of content,
standard glossaries, chapters, headings and subheadings and applying appropriate text processing strategies, including monitoring meaning,
skimming and scanning.
Learning Intention I can formulate questions to help guide and monitor my reading to make sure the text makes sense.

Reciprocal teaching Questioning

Lesson overview 09/05
Shared reading
• Bring writing books and something to write with
• Revise the learning intention
• Revise WHY good readers ask themselves questions when reading
• Revise the four types of questions (Quiz questions, Wonders, Thinking questions and author questions) and note the main
points on the board
• Read the first 4 paragraphs and as a class formulate some different types of questions and record them on the board in a
four door chart
• Read the remaining text, pause and allow students in pairs to record any questions they came up with
• Have students share their questions to the class allowing other students to answer them and clarify meaning


Journal Entry
During reading have students formulate the four types of questions using a four door chart.

Reflection and check in with focus children

Resources Aunty Belinda and Uncle Pete digital copy, whiteboard, smart TV, reading journals

Additional Learning Scaffolded reading journal template and key chain with sentence starters and prompts.
Learning sequence: Week 4- Session 1

Essential reading Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources.
Learning Intention I can summarise a fiction text to help me construct an overall understanding of what I am reading.

Reciprocal teaching Summarising

Lesson overview 13/05
Shared reading
• Break down the learning intention
• Explain to students that Summarising uses various skills- recalling important events & details, sequencing, paraphrasing,
using synonyms.
• Talk about and have students contribute (write main points on the board) the steps of Summarising a fiction text- use text
structure, chapter headings, visuals, tell the events in order and include characters,problem, events and resolution, share
the theme of the story, talk about characters’ feelings, motivations and share text evidence
• Read parts of text and model/think out loud, while pointing or underlining the key points of the text and explain how you
select what's important
• Stop frequently throughout the text to allow students to share verbal summaries
• Have students be involved in naming the steps involved in giving a clear, concise summary
• Hold up 10 fingers & show how to re-read and create a 10 word oral summary of a part. Then have a student come up and
add 10 more fingers for a 20 word oral summary.
• “Two brothers, Martin & Dally. Dally has leukaemia and is mostly stuck in his bedroom. (in this part of the story) Martin
shares how he and their dog Carl go exploring an old railway station and train line nearby.


Journal Entry
Have students write a 20-word summary after reading their own text in their reading journals.

Reflection and check in with focus children

Resources Gilbert’s Ghost Train (Digital copy), whiteboard, smart TV

Additional Learning Scaffolded reading journal template and key chain with sentence starters and prompts
Learning sequence: Week 4- Session 2
Essential reading Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources.
Learning Intention I can summarise a fiction text to help me construct an overall understanding of what I am reading.

Reciprocal teaching Summarising, predicting, questioning

Lesson overview 16/05
Shared reading

• Revise the learning intention
• Revisit the steps of summarising a fiction text (how to be clear and concise)- use text structure, chapter headings, visuals,
tell the events in order and include characters,problem, events and resolution, share the theme of the story, talk about
characters’ feelings, motivations and share text evidence
• Make a prediction before reading the text (remind students that good readers use all four reciprocal reading strategies-not
always in isolation how we have been doing while we learn them)
• Read the text- pausing and taking time for students to offer predictions, formulate questions and while also asking
students to find the key points of the text.
• In pairs, give students a hard copy portion of the text and have them create 20-word summaries. Ask the pairs to write
down and sketch a quick picture of their summaries
• Have students share to the class and sequence themselves in accordingly to the test
Display these prompts to guide the students summaries:
• This part was mostly about…
• This book was about…
• First…
• Next…
• Then…
• Finally…
• The story takes place…
• The main characters are…
• A problem occurs when…
• In the beginning/middle/end...
Journal Entry
During USSR time have students make a prediction about the text before they begin, formulate questions and write a 20-word
summary in their reading journals.

Reflection and check in with focus children

Resources Fun with the Duns (digital copy), portions of the text also cut up for pairs, whiteboard, smart TV

Additional Learning Scaffolded reading journal template and key chain with sentence starters and prompts.
Learning sequence: Week 5- Session 1

Essential reading Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources.
Learning Intention I can use clarifying strategies to help maintain meaning when I read and help monitor problems, misunderstandings and the
meaning of new and unfamiliar words.

Reciprocal teaching Clarifying

Lesson overview 20/03
Modelled reading
• Explain today’s learning intention
• Before reading make a list of clarifying strategies the students already know (rereading, reading on, breaking words into
familiar parts [eg. Syllables, prefixes, base words, suffixes), substituting words of similar meaning, looking up the word,
asking a friend) (5 mins)
• Ask the students to follow along as you model the following ways to clarify:
• Pause to clarify a word- “I didn’t get that word … so I (reread, read on, thought of a synonym that makes sense, chopped
the word into parts, sounded it out).”
• Pause to clarify a sentence- “I didn’t get the sentence where it says… so I (reread, read on, said it in my own words,
thought about what I know, visualised, asked a friend).”
• Pause to clarify a part, paragraph or chapter: “I didn’t get the [paragraph, chapter, part] where it says… so I (reread, read
on, visualised, thought about what I know asked a friend).”
• (15 mins)


Journal Entry
During USSR have students write down words, sentences or parts they didn’t understand and then during journal entry time have
them record the strategies they used/could have used to help clarify their understandings.

Reflection and check in with focus children

Resources To be sold by auction (Digital copy), whiteboard, smart TV

Additional Learning Scaffolded reading journal template and key chain with sentence starters and prompts.
Learning sequence: Week 5- Session 2

Essential reading Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources.
Learning Intention I can use all of the fab four strategies (Predicting, questioning, summarising and clarifying) to assist me with comprehending a
fictional text.

Reciprocal teaching Predicting, Questioning, Summarising & Clarifying

Lesson overview 23/05
Shared reading
• Discuss learning intention and briefly revise the ‘fab four’ strategies we have been focusing on the last 4 weeks- use this
poster to prompt discussion (5mins)
• Display text on board and distribute a copy of the text to each student
• Predict- have the students begin by skimming & scanning the text, using the heading, text structure, illustration etc. Have
students turn to a partner & share their predictions.
• Read- Teacher will read the text & have students follow along circling the tricky or interesting words they see & hear
• Reread to clarify- Have students re-read the text to find any other tricky words or sentences to mark & have students
discuss in pairs
• Reread to question- students re-read to ask & answer questions. Have students write their question on their sticky note &
and then underline in the text where the answers are along with any other evidence.
• Reread to summarise- students summarise verbally in pairs. Students will star main ideas, details & favourite parts to
assist with summarising.
• Students that require additional scaffolding during this task can be given the key chain resource to assist with prompting


Journal Entry
During USSR have students write down words, sentences or parts they didn’t understand and then during journal entry time have
them record the strategies they used/could have used to help clarify their understandings.

Reflection and check in with focus children

Resources Stage Fright digital copy and hard copy per student, highlighters/coloured textas, sticky notes

Additional Learning Scaffolded reading journal template and key chain with sentence starters and prompts.
Learning sequence: Week 6- Session 1

Essential reading Essential Learning: We are learning to use our comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse complex text.
standard - summarise what I have read succinctly.
-summarise information from more than one source.
Learning Intention I can summarise what I have read from more than one informational text in a clear and concise manner.

Reciprocal teaching Summarising, clarifying

Lesson overview 28/03
Shared reading
• Discuss with students summarising informational texts- use text structure to summarise main ideas & details, sequence,
causes and effects & problem and solution. Also can use text features such as table of contents, headings and visuals.
• Have students bring their reading journals and rule their page in half.
- Read the Let’s talk the apology text first (use clarifying, predicting & questioning as you go) and have
students summarise the main points of the text on one half of the table.
- Then read the National Sorry Day article (use clarifying, predicting & questioning as you go) and have
students summarise the main points of the text on one half of the table.
• Have students share their main points to a shoulder buddy and then open up the discussion as a class.
• Model the main points from each text as contributed by the students and then as a class come up with a short summary
that incorporates the main points from each text.


Journal Entry
Fab-four of students’ choice.

Reflection and check in with focus children

Resources National Sorry Day and page 1 of
Let’s talk the apology
Additional Learning Scaffolded reading journal template and key chain with sentence starters and prompts.
Week 7 • Post testing of focus students
• Student feedback survey on engagement

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