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The aim of this project report is to investigate the manner in which the res gestae
doctrine has been characterised under Common Law, and to trace its development
as an exception to the exclusionary hearsay rule. It also seeks to evaluate the extent
and nature of its import in the provisions of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, and the
manner in which it has been construed by the Indian Judiciary.


 How has res gestae been defined under Common Law and to what extent has
it been utilised as an exception to the hearsay rule?

 Why is a strict interpretation of res gestae problematic and how did the
Common Law courts overcome this difficulty while considering the
relevance of admissible hearsay?

 Has res gestae been effectively codified under the Criminal Justice Act,
2003? What are the implications of this construction?

 How does the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, define res gestae, if at all? What
are the relevant provisions that deal with the transaction of an event and how
are they used as an exception to the hearsay rule?

 How does the formulation of res gestae under this enactment compare with
its evolution under Common Law?

according to its own merit. When it is established that the evidence forms part of the same

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