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Symposium 206


(Recent Strategies of Comprehensive Management in Emergency and Traumatology Cases through

Symposium and Application)

Session I ()


1. Basic Consept: Comprehensive management of trauma patients at the scene, during

transfer, and at the emergency department
2. The Recent strategy of pain management and fluid resuscitation in Emergency Cases
3. How to avoid medical malpractice and to keep patient safety in the handling of emergency
cases in the prehospital and intrahospital

Session II (Recent strategy in thoracoabdominal and Urology trauma)


1. Practical thinking in suspected cases of acute abdomen and blunt abdominal trauma in
trauma setting
2. Early management for chest and cardiovascular trauma in primary health care
3. Practical thinking in suspectet case of urology emergency in trauma setting

Session III (Essensial strategy on managing head, spinal, urology trauma


1. Current update of early treatment in traumatic brain injury and elevated intracranial
pressure in emergency setting
2. Spinal cord injury management: Basic and advance
3. Treatment Principle update for open and closed fracture in primary health care


1. Definitif airway management

2. Interpretasi radiologi for fast and quict to make decision in traumatology emergency cases


1. Instrument handling skill for GP: Suturing and knot tying

2. Hoew to make visum at repertum/fracture stabilization and reposition/exercise
rehabilitation for musculoskeletal injury

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